
Defines functions feedback.loop

Documented in feedback.loop

feedback.loop = function(io, agg.sectors = FALSE, agg.regions = FALSE, n.loops = 'all'){
  if(!"InputOutput" %in% class(io)) stop('io should be of "InputOutput" class. See ?as.inputoutput')
  # Dealing with aggregating sectors or regions
  if(agg.sectors == TRUE){
    sectors = unique(io$RS_label[,2])
    io = agg.sector(io, sectors, newname = 'all.sectors')
  if(agg.regions == TRUE){
    regions = unique(io$RS_label[,1])
    io = agg.region(io, regions, newname = 'all.regions')
  RS = io$RS_label
  # Checking how many loops to perform
  if(length(n.loops) != 1){stop('n.loops must either be "all" or the number of loops you want performed.')}
  if(class(n.loops) == 'character'){
    if(n.loops == 'all'){n = length(io$X)}
    else{stop('n.loops must either be "all" or the number of loops you want performed.')}
  if(class(n.loops) == 'numeric'){
    if(n.loops > length(io$X)){n = length(io$X)}
    else if(n.loops > 0){n = n.loops}
    else{stop('n.loops must be a value between 0 and length(io$X)')}
  # Grabbing what we need
  Z = io$Z
  # Initiating an output object
  fl = list('loops' = rep(list(NULL), n), 'value' = NULL)
  fl = list('value' = NULL)
  # Starting calculating the feedback loops and feedback values #
  # Taking shortcuts for 1x1 systems
  if(agg.sectors == TRUE & agg.regions == TRUE){
    fl$loops[[1]] = matrix(1)
    fl$value      = io$Z
  } else {
    # We need to set up the equality constraints of one entry per row (n) and one per column (n)
    # And the inequality constraints of being between 0 and 1 for the feedback loop elements (n^2)
    pb = txtProgressBar(0, max = n, style = 3)
    m = length(io$X)
    for(l in 1:n){
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, l)
      vZ = matrix(Z) # Vectorizing Z for optimization
      # Setting up 2n equality constraints
      # first the column constraint
      Ae = matrix(0, nrow = 2*n, ncol = n^2)
      for(i in 1:n){
        # First the column constraints
        j = ((i-1)*n+1):(n*i)
        Ae[i,j] = 1
        # Then the row constraints
        k = seq(0, n*(n-1), by = n)
        k = k + i
        Ae[n+i, k] = 1
      # Now let's add the inequality constraints
      Ae = rbind(Ae, diag(n^2))
      # Setting up RHS
      rhs = rep(1, 2*n + n^2) # 2*n equality constraints, n^2 inequality constraints
      constraint = c(rep('==', 2*n), rep ('<=', n^2))
      # Now for the solution
      opt = lp('max', vZ, Ae, constraint, rhs)
      # Creating a compact loop from the solution
      soln = matrix(opt$solution, ncol = n)
      # Creating a vector of remaining region-sectors to be gathered
      remaining = 2:m
      initial = 1
      to = initial
      subloop = to
      counter = 0
      # Identifying the subloops
      for(i in 1:(m)){
        to = which(soln[tail(subloop, 1), ] != 0)
        subloop = c(subloop, to)
        if(head(subloop, 1) == tail(subloop, 1)){
          counter = counter + 1
          subloop = data.frame(index = subloop, RS = paste(RS[subloop, 1], RS[subloop, 2], sep = ', '))
          fl[[paste0('loop_', l)]][[paste0('subloop_', counter)]] = subloop
          remaining = setdiff(remaining, to)
          subloop = remaining[1]
        } else {
          remaining = setdiff(remaining, to)
      # Saving the value of the identified loop
      fl$value = c(fl$value, opt$objval)
      # Setting up for the next loop
      Z = Z - 10^10 * soln
  class(fl) = 'FeedbackLoop'

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ioanalysis documentation built on Jan. 13, 2021, 5:16 p.m.