
Defines functions ablation.labels ablation report_duplicated_results generateAblation fixDependenciesWithReference ablation_cmdline cat_ablation_license

Documented in ablation ablation_cmdline

.ablation.params.def <- read.table(header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, text="
name            type short long          default               description
iraceResults    p    -l    --log-file    NA                    'Path to the (.Rdata) file created by irace from which the  \"iraceResults\" object will be loaded.'
src             i    -S    --src         1                     'Source configuration ID.'
target          i    -T    --target      NA                    'Target configuration ID. By default the best configuration found by irace.'
ab.params       s    -P    --params      ''                    'Specific parameter names to be used for the ablation (separated with commas). By default use all'
type            s    -t    --type        'full'                'Type of ablation to perform: \"full\" will execute each configuration on all \"--n-instances\" to determine the best-performing one; \"racing\" will apply racing to find the best configurations.'
n_instances     i    -n    --n-instances 1                     'Number of instances used in \"full\" ablation will be n_instances * scenario$firstTest.'
seed            i    ''    --seed        1234567               'Integer value to use as seed for the random number generation.'
ablationLogFile p    -o    --output-file 'log-ablation.Rdata'  'Log file to save the ablation log. If \"\", the results are not saved to a file.'
plot            s    -p    --plot        ''                    'Output filename (.pdf) for the plot. If not given, no plot is created.'
plot_type       s    -O    --plot-type   'mean'                'Type of plot. Supported values are \"mean\" and \"boxplot\".'
old_path        p    ''    --old-path    NA                    'Old path found in the log-file (.Rdata) given as input to be replaced by --new-path.'
new_path        p    ''    --new-path    NA                    'New path to replace the path found in the log-file (.Rdata) given as input.'
execDir         p    -e    --exec-dir    NA                    'Directory where the target runner will be run.'
scenarioFile    p    -s    --scenario    NA                    'Scenario file to override the scenario given in the log-file (.Rdata)'
parallel        i    ''    --parallel    NA                    'Number of calls to targetRunner to execute in parallel. Values 0 or 1 mean no parallelization.'

cat_ablation_license <- function()
  ablation_license <-
# ablation: An implementation in R of Ablation Analysis
# Version: __VERSION__
# Copyright (C) 2020--2022
# Manuel Lopez-Ibanez     <manuel.lopez-ibanez@manchester.ac.uk>
# Leslie Perez Caceres    <leslie.perez.caceres@ulb.ac.be>
# This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
# conditions.  See the GNU General Public License for details. There is NO
  cat(sub("__VERSION__", irace.version, ablation_license, fixed=TRUE))

#' Launch ablation with command-line options.
#' Launch [ablation()] with the same command-line options as the command-line
#' executable (`ablation.exe` in Windows).
#' @param argv (`character()`) \cr The arguments 
#' provided on the R command line as a character vector, e.g., 
#' `c("-i", "irace.Rdata", "--src", 1)`.
#' @details The function reads the parameters given on the command line
#' used to invoke R, launches [ablation()] and possibly [plotAblation()].
#' List of command-line options:
#' ```{r echo=FALSE,comment=NA}
#' cmdline_usage(.ablation.params.def)
#' ```
#' @template ret_ablog
#' @examples
#' # ablation_cmdline("--help")
#' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez
#' @concept running
#' @export
ablation_cmdline <- function(argv = commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE))
  op <- options(width = 9999L) # Do not wrap the output.
  on.exit(options(op), add = TRUE)

  cat ("# installed at: ", system.file(package="irace"), "\n",
       "# called with: ", paste(argv, collapse = " "), "\n", sep = "")
  parser <- CommandArgsParser$new(argv = argv, argsdef = .ablation.params.def)
  if (!is.null(parser$readArg (short = "-h", long = "--help"))) {

  if (!is.null(parser$readArg (short = "-v", long = "--version"))) {

  params <- parser$readAll()
  # TODO: Send the other options to the irace command-line parser so the user
  # can override options in scenario via the command-line.
  if (length(parser$argv) > 0)
    stop("Unknown command-line options: ", paste(parser$argv, collapse = " "))

  if (is.null(params$iraceResults)) {
    irace.error("You must provide the path to the '.Rdata' file that contains the 'iraceResults' object generated by irace.")
  iraceResults <- read_logfile(params$iraceResults)
  if (is.null(params$old_path) != is.null(params$new_path)) {
    irace.error("To update paths you must provide both --old-path and --new-path.")
  } else if (!is.null(params$old_path)) {
    iraceResults$scenario <- scenario_update_paths(iraceResults$scenario, params$old_path, params$new_path)
  if (!is.null(params$scenarioFile)) {
    scenario <- readScenario(params$scenarioFile)
  if (is_null_or_empty_or_na(trim(params$ablationLogFile))) {
    params$ablationLogFile <- NULL
  for (p in c("execDir", "parallel")) {
    if (!is.null(params[[p]])) scenario[[p]] <- params[[p]]
  if (!is.null(params$ablationLogFile))
    params$ablationLogFile <- path_rel2abs(params$ablationLogFile)
  if (!is.null(params$ab.params))
    params$ab.params <- sapply(strsplit(params$ab.params, ",")[[1]], trimws, USE.NAMES=FALSE)

  ablog <- do.call(ablation,
                   args = c(list(iraceResults = iraceResults,
                                 src = params$src, target = params$target,
                                 ab.params = params$ab.params, type = params$type,
                                 n_instances = params$n_instances, seed = params$seed,
                                 ablationLogFile = params$ablationLogFile),
  if (!is.null(params[["plot"]]) || base::interactive()) {
    plotAblation(ablog, pdf.file = params[["plot"]], type = params[["plot_type"]]) 

## This function fixes dependent parameters when a parameter value has been
## changed.
fixDependenciesWithReference <- function(configuration, ref.configuration, parameters)
  # Search parameters that need a value
  changed <- c()
  for (pname in names(which(!parameters[["isFixed"]]))) {
    # If dependent parameter has been activated, set the value of the reference.
    if (is.na(configuration[,pname]) && conditionsSatisfied(parameters, configuration, pname)) {
       if (!is.null(ref.configuration)) {
         configuration[,pname] <- ref.configuration[pname]
       changed <- c(changed, pname)
       # MANUEL: Why do we need to recurse here?
       aux <- fixDependenciesWithReference(configuration=configuration, ref.configuration=ref.configuration, parameters)
       changed <- c(changed, aux$changed)
       configuration <- aux$configuration
  final <- list(configuration=configuration, changed=changed)

## Function that generates the configurations of the ablation path 
## between initial.configuration and final.configuration.
## parameters can be selected by specifying them in para.names.
generateAblation <- function(initial.configuration, final.configuration,
                             parameters, param.names = NULL)
  if (is.null(param.names))
    param.names <- parameters[["names"]]

  # Only change non-fixed
  param.names <- param.names[!parameters[["isFixed"]][param.names]]
  configurations <- NULL
  changed.params <- list()
  for (pname in param.names) {
    # Check if parameter is active.
    if (!conditionsSatisfied(parameters, initial.configuration, pname)) next
    # Check value is different in the initial and final configuration and if
    # so, change the value.
    if (initial.configuration[, pname] == final.configuration[, pname]) next
    new.configuration <- initial.configuration
    new.configuration[, pname]<- final.configuration[,pname]
    # Set newly activated parameters if needed.
    aux <- fixDependenciesWithReference(new.configuration, final.configuration, parameters)
    new.configuration <- aux[["configuration"]] 
    changed.params[[length(changed.params) + 1]] <- c(pname, aux[["changed"]])
    new.configuration[, ".PARENT."] <- initial.configuration$.ID.
    configurations <- rbind.data.frame(configurations, new.configuration) 
  rownames(configurations) <- NULL
  list(configurations=configurations, changed.params=changed.params)

report_duplicated_results <- function(experiments, configurations)
  x <- t(experiments)
  x <- x[duplicated(x) | duplicated(x, fromLast = TRUE), , drop=FALSE]
  if (nrow(x) == 0L) return(NULL) # No duplicates
  dups <- split(rownames(x), apply(x, 1, paste0, collapse=""))
  names(dups) <- NULL
  for (g in dups) {
    cat("Warning: The following configuration produced the same results (the different parameters had not effect):\n")
    print(configurations[configurations$.ID. %in% g, , drop=FALSE])

#' Performs ablation between two configurations (from source to target).
#' @description Ablation is a method for analyzing the differences between two configurations.
#' @template arg_iraceresults
#' @param src,target Source and target configuration IDs. By default, the first configuration ever evaluated (ID 1) is used as `src` and the best configuration found by irace is used as target.
#' @param ab.params Specific parameter names to be used for the ablation. They must be in `parameters$names`. By default, use all parameters.
#' @param type Type of ablation to perform: `"full"` will execute each configuration on all `n_instances` to determine the best-performing one; `"racing"` will apply racing to find the best configurations.
#' @param n_instances (`integer(1)`) Number of instances used in `"full"` ablation will be `n_instances * scenario$firstTest`.
#' @param seed (`integer(1)`) Integer value to use as seed for the random number generation.
#' @param ablationLogFile  (`character(1)`) Log file to save the ablation log. If `NULL`, the results are not saved to a file.
#' @param ... Further arguments to override scenario settings, e.g., `debugLevel`, `parallel`, etc.
#' @references
#' C. Fawcett and H. H. Hoos. Analysing differences between algorithm
#' configurations through ablation. Journal of Heuristics, 22(4):431–458, 2016.
#' @template ret_ablog
#' @seealso [plotAblation()]
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' logfile <- system.file(package="irace", "exdata", "sann.rda")
#' # Execute ablation between the first and the best configuration found by irace.
#' ablog <- ablation(logfile, ablationLogFile = NULL)
#' plotAblation(ablog)
#' # Execute ablation between two selected configurations, and selecting only a
#' # subset of parameters, directly reading the setup from the irace log file.
#' ablog <- ablation(logfile, src = 1, target = 10,
#'                   ab.params = c("temp"), ablationLogFile = NULL)
#' plotAblation(ablog)
#' }
#' @author Leslie Pérez Cáceres and Manuel López-Ibáñez
#' @export
ablation <- function(iraceResults, src = 1L, target = NULL,
                     ab.params = NULL, type = c("full", "racing"),
                     n_instances = 1L, seed = 1234567,
                     ablationLogFile = "log-ablation.Rdata", ...)
  # Input check
  if (missing(iraceResults) || is.null(iraceResults)) 
    stop("You must provide an 'iraceResults' object generated by irace or the path to the '.Rdata' file that contains this object.")

  type <- match.arg(type)
  if (n_instances != 1L && type == "racing")
    stop("'n_instances' has no effect when type == 'racing'")

  if (!is.null(ablationLogFile))
    file.check(ablationLogFile, writeable = TRUE, text = 'logFile')
  save_ablog <- function(complete) {
    ablog <- list(changes = changes,
                  configurations = all_configurations,
                  experiments = results,
                  instances   = instances,
                  scenario    = scenario, 
                  trajectory  = trajectory,
                  best = best.configuration,
                  complete = complete)
    if (!is.null(ablationLogFile)) save(ablog, file = ablationLogFile, version = 2)
  # FIXME: The previous seed needs to be saved and restored at the end.
  # Load the data of the log file
  iraceResults <- read_logfile(iraceResults)
  if (is.null(target)) target <- iraceResults$iterationElites[length(iraceResults$iterationElites)]

  irace.note ("Starting ablation from ", src, " to ", target, "\n# Seed: ", seed, "\n")

  if (src %!in% iraceResults$allConfigurations$.ID.)
    stop("Source configuration ID (", src, ") cannot be found")
  if (target %!in% iraceResults$allConfigurations$.ID.)
    stop("Target configuration ID (", target, ") cannot be found")
  src.configuration <- iraceResults$allConfigurations[src, , drop = FALSE]
  target.configuration <- iraceResults$allConfigurations[target, , drop = FALSE]

  parameters <- iraceResults$parameters
  scenario   <- iraceResults$scenario
  scenario_args <- list(...)
  if (length(scenario_args) > 0L) {
    unknown_scenario_args <- setdiff(names(scenario_args), names(scenario))
    if (length(unknown_scenario_args) > 0L)
      irace.error("Unknown scenario settings given: ", paste0(unknown_scenario_args, collapse=", "))
    scenario <- modifyList(scenario, scenario_args)
  scenario$logFile <- ""
  scenario <- checkScenario (scenario)
  on.exit(stopParallel(), add = TRUE)

  n_instances <- if (type == "racing") length(scenario$instances) else n_instances * scenario$firstTest
  instances <- generateInstances(scenario, n_instances)
  .irace$instancesList <- instances
  # Select the parameters used for ablation
  if (is.null(ab.params)) {
    ab.params <- parameters$names
  } else if (!all(ab.params %in% parameters$names)) {
    irace.error("Some of the parameters provided (", paste0(setdiff(ab.params, parameters$names), collapse=", "),
                ") are not defined in the parameter space.")

  cat("# Source configuration (row number is ID):\n")
  cat("# Target configuration (row number is ID):\n")
  # Select parameters that are different in both configurations
  neq.params <- which(src.configuration[,ab.params] != target.configuration[,ab.params])
  if (length(neq.params) < 1) 
    irace.error("Candidates are equal considering the parameters selected\n")
  param.names <- colnames(src.configuration[,ab.params])[neq.params]
  # FIXME: Do we really need to override the ID?
  src.configuration$.ID. <- best.id <-  1
  best.configuration <- all_configurations <- src.configuration
  # Execute source and target configurations.
  ## FIXME: We may already have these experiments in the logFile!
  experiments <- createExperimentList(configurations = rbind(src.configuration, target.configuration), 
                                      parameters = parameters,
                                      instances = scenario$instances,
                                      instances.ID = instances[, "instance"],
                                      seeds = instances[, "seed"],
                                      scenario = scenario,
                                      bounds = scenario$boundMax)
  # Define variables needed
  trajectory <- 1
  names(trajectory) <- "source"
  # FIXME: changes should only store the changed parameters.
  changes <- list()
  irace.note("Executing source and target configurations on the given instances (", nrow(instances), ")...\n")
  target.output <- execute.experiments(experiments, scenario)
  if (!is.null(scenario$targetEvaluator))
    target.output <- execute.evaluator (experiments, scenario, target.output,
  # Save results
  output <- unlist(lapply(target.output, "[[", "cost")) 
  results <- matrix(NA, ncol = 1, nrow = nrow(instances), 
                    dimnames = list(seq(1,nrow(instances)), 1))
  results[,1] <- output[1:nrow(instances)]
  lastres <- output[(nrow(instances)+1):(2 * nrow(instances))]
  step <- 1
  ablog <- save_ablog(complete = FALSE)
  while (length(param.names) > 1) {
    # Generate ablation configurations
    cat("# Generating configurations (row number is ID):", param.names,"\n")
    ab.aux <- generateAblation(best.configuration, target.configuration, parameters, 
    aconfigurations <- ab.aux$configurations
    if (is.null(aconfigurations)) {
      cat("# Stopping ablation, no parameter change possible.\n")
    ## FIXME: We may already have these configurations in the logFile!
    # New configurations ids
    ## FIXME: These should be generated with respect to the logFile to make
    ## sure we don't have duplicate IDs.
    aconfigurations[,".ID."] <- seq(max(all_configurations$.ID.) + 1,
                                    max(all_configurations$.ID.) + nrow(aconfigurations))
    configurations.print(aconfigurations, metadata = FALSE)
    all_configurations <- rbind(all_configurations, aconfigurations)
    # Set variables for the racing procedure
    if (scenario$capping) {
      # For using capping we must set elite data
      elite.data <- list(experiments = results[,best.configuration$.ID., drop=FALSE])
      race.conf <-  rbind(best.configuration, aconfigurations)
      .irace$next.instance <- nrow(instances) + 1
    } else {
      #LESLIE: for now we apply the non-elitis irace when type=="racing"
      # we should define what is the standard
      elite.data <- NULL
      race.conf <-  aconfigurations
      scenario$elitist <- FALSE
      .irace$next.instance <- 1
    irace.note("Ablation (", type, ") of ", nrow(aconfigurations),
               " configurations on ", nrow(instances), " instances.\n")
    # Force the race to see all instances in "full" mode
    if (type == "full") scenario$firstTest <- nrow(instances)
    race.output <- race(maxExp = nrow(aconfigurations) * nrow(instances),
                        minSurvival = 1,
                        elite.data = elite.data,
                        configurations = race.conf,
                        parameters = parameters,
                        scenario = scenario,
                        elitistNewInstances = 0)	
    results <- merge.matrix (results, race.output$experiments)

    # Save log
    ablog <- save_ablog(complete = FALSE)
    # Get the best configuration based on the criterion of irace
    # MANUEL: Doesn't race.output already give you all this info???
    cranks <- overall.ranks(results[,aconfigurations$.ID.,drop=FALSE], scenario$testType)
    best_id <- which.min(cranks)[1]
    # cand.mean <- colMeans(results[,aconfigurations$.ID.,drop=FALSE], na.rm=TRUE)
    changes[[step]] <- ab.aux$changed.params
    best.change <- changes[[step]][[best_id]]
    trajectory <- c(trajectory, aconfigurations[best_id, ".ID."])
    # Report best
    # FIXME: This ID does not actually match the configuration ID
    # The race already reports the best.
    cat("# Best changed parameters:\n")
    for (i in seq_along(best.change)) {
      cat("#", best.change[i], ":", best.configuration[,best.change[i]], "->",
          aconfigurations[best_id, best.change[i]], "\n")
    best.configuration <- aconfigurations[best_id,,drop=FALSE]
    best.id <- best.configuration$.ID.
    param.names <- param.names[!(param.names %in% best.change)]
    step <- step + 1
  # Add last configuration and its results
  # FIXME: This may be overriding the ID of an existing configuration!!!
  target.configuration$.ID. <- max(all_configurations$.ID.) + 1
  all_configurations <- rbind(all_configurations, target.configuration)
  results <- cbind(results, matrix(lastres, ncol = 1,
                                   dimnames=list(seq(1, nrow(instances)),
  trajectory <- c(trajectory, target.configuration$.ID.)
  # Get the overall best
  cranks <- overall.ranks(results[,trajectory, drop=FALSE], scenario$testType)
  best_id <- which.min(cranks)[1]
  ## FIXME: At this point, the rownames of all_configurations does not match
  ## all_configurations$.ID.  That is confusing and a potential source of
  ## bugs. Instead of fixing it here, we should not generate the discrepancy
  ## ever.
  best.configuration <- all_configurations[trajectory[best_id],,drop=FALSE]
  irace.note("Final best configuration:\n")

  # Check for duplicated results:
  report_duplicated_results(results, all_configurations)

  # LESLIE: If we use racing we can have a matrix of results that is not
  # complete, how should we do the plots?
  # MANUEL: Do not plot anything that was discarded
  save_ablog(complete = TRUE)

ablation.labels <- function(trajectory, configurations)
  configurations <- removeConfigurationsMetaData(configurations[trajectory, , drop = FALSE])
  labels <- names(trajectory)
  last <- configurations[1, , drop = FALSE]
  param.names <- colnames(last)
  for (i in 2:length(trajectory)) {
    current <- configurations[i, , drop = FALSE]
    # select everything that is NOT NA now and was different or NA before.
    select <- !is.na(current) & (is.na(last) | (current != last))
    labels[i] <- paste0(param.names[select], "=", current[, select], collapse = "\n")
    last <- current

#' Create plot from an ablation log
#' @param ablog (`list()`|`character(1)`) Ablation log object returned by [ablation()]. Alternatively, the path to an `.Rdata` file, e.g., `"log-ablation.Rdata"`, from which the object will be loaded.

#' @param pdf.file Output filename.
#' @param pdf.width Width provided to create the pdf file.
#' @param type Type of plot. Supported values are `"mean"` and `"boxplot"`.
#' @param mar Vector with the margins for the ablation plot.
#' @param ylab Label of y-axis.
#' @param ylim Numeric vector of length 2, giving the y coordinates ranges. 
#' @param ... Further graphical parameters may also be supplied as
#'   arguments. See [graphics::plot.default()].
#' @author Leslie Pérez Cáceres and Manuel López-Ibáñez
#' @seealso [ablation()]
#' @examples
#' logfile <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"), "exdata", "log-ablation.Rdata")
#' plotAblation(ablog = logfile)
#' @export
plotAblation <- function (ablog, pdf.file = NULL, pdf.width = 20,
                          type = c("mean", "boxplot"),
                          mar = par("mar"),
                          ylab = "Mean configuration cost", ylim = NULL,
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if (missing(ablog) || is.null(ablog)) {
    irace.error("You must provide an 'ablog' object generated by ablation() or the path to the '.Rdata' file that contains this object.")

  ablog <- read_logfile(ablog, name = "ablog")
  if (!ablog$complete)
    stop("The ablog shows that the ablation procedure did not complete cleanly and only contains partial information")
  if (!is.null(pdf.file)) {
    if (!is.file.extension(pdf.file, ".pdf"))
      pdf.file <- paste0(pdf.file, ".pdf")
    cat("Creating PDF file '", pdf.file, "'\n", sep="")
    pdf(file = pdf.file, width = pdf.width,
        title = paste0("Ablation plot: ", pdf.file))
    on.exit(dev.off(), add = TRUE)
  trajectory <- ablog$trajectory
  configurations <- ablog$configurations
  # Generate labels
  # FIXME: allow overriding these labels.
  labels <- ablation.labels(trajectory, configurations)

  inches_to_lines <- (par("mar") / par("mai"))[1]
  lab.width <- max(strwidth(labels, units = "inches")) * inches_to_lines
  old.par <- par(mar = c(lab.width + 2.1, 4.1, 0.1, 0.1), cex.axis = 1)
  if (!is.null(pdf.file))
    on.exit(par(old.par), add = TRUE)

  experiments <- ablog$experiments
  # FIXME: We could also show the other alternatives at each step not just the
  # one selected. See Leonardo's thesis.
  if (type == "boxplot") {
    bx <- boxplot(experiments[, trajectory], plot=FALSE)
    if (is.null(ylim)) {
      ylim <- range(bx$stats[is.finite(bx$stats)],
  costs.avg <- colMeans(experiments[, trajectory])
  plot(costs.avg, xaxt = "n", xlab = NA, ylab = ylab, ylim = ylim,
       type = "b", pch = 19, ...,
       panel.first = {
         grid(nx = NA, ny = NULL, lwd = 2);
         abline(h = c(costs.avg[1], tail(costs.avg, n = 1)),
                col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted", lwd = 2) })
  axis(1, at = 1:length(costs.avg), labels = labels, las = 3)
  if (type == "boxplot") {
    bxp(bx, show.names = FALSE, add = TRUE)

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