## Export functions =======
#' Export data to Excel
#' This function exports the passed in iso_files to Excel. The different kinds of data (raw data, file info, methods info, etc.) are exported to separate tabs within the excel file. Use the various \code{include_...} parameters to specify what information to include. Note that in rare instances where vectorized data columns exist in the file information (e.g. measurement_info), they are concatenated with ', ' in the excel export. Note that the openxlsx package required for this export is not installed automatically as part of isoreader. Please install it manually if missing using \code{install.packages("openxlsx")}.
#' @inheritParams iso_save
#' @inheritParams iso_get_all_data
#' @param include_method_info deprecated in favor of the more specific include_standards and include_resistors
#' @family export functions
#' @return returns the iso_files object invisibly for use in pipelines
#' @export
iso_export_to_excel <- function(
iso_files, filepath,
include_file_info = everything(), include_raw_data = everything(),
include_standards = !!enexpr(include_method_info), include_resistors = !!enquo(include_method_info),
include_vendor_data_table = everything(), include_problems = everything(),
with_explicit_units = FALSE,
include_method_info = everything(),
with_ratios = NULL,
quiet = default(quiet)) {
# check for availability
if (!requireNamespace("openxlsx", quietly = TRUE)) {
"The 'openxlsx' package is required to export to this file format, please install it using the following command: install.packages(\"openxlsx\")",
immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE
# safety checks
if(!iso_is_object(iso_files)) stop("can only export iso files or lists of iso files", call. = FALSE)
export_iso_files <- iso_as_file_list(iso_files)
filepath <- get_excel_export_filepath(export_iso_files, filepath)
# info message
if (!quiet) {
sprintf("Info: exporting data from %d iso_files into Excel '%s'", length(export_iso_files),
str_replace(filepath, "^\\.(/|\\\\)", "")) %>% message()
# include method info message
if (!missing(include_method_info)) {
warning("the 'include_method_info' parameter was deprecated in favor of the more specific 'include_resistors' and 'include_standards' parameters. Please use those directly instead in the future.", immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
# deprecated parameter
if (!missing(with_ratios)) {
warning("the 'with_ratios' parameter is deprecated, please use the column selection parameter 'include_standards' to explicitly include or exclude ratio columns", immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
# get all data
all_data <- iso_get_all_data(
include_file_info = !!enexpr(include_file_info),
include_raw_data = !!enexpr(include_raw_data),
include_standards = !!enexpr(include_standards),
include_resistors = !!enexpr(include_resistors),
include_vendor_data_table = !!enexpr(include_vendor_data_table),
include_problems = !!enexpr(include_problems),
with_explicit_units = with_explicit_units,
quiet = FALSE
# make excel workbook
wb <- openxlsx::createWorkbook()
# file info
if ("file_info" %in% names(all_data)) {
# note: collapse_list_columns takes care of nested vectors, they get concatenated with ', '
file_info <-
all_data %>% select(.data$file_id, .data$file_info) %>%
unnest(.data$file_info) %>%
add_excel_sheet(wb, "file info", file_info)
# raw data
if ("raw_data" %in% names(all_data)) {
raw_data <- all_data %>% select(.data$file_id, .data$raw_data) %>% unnest(.data$raw_data)
add_excel_sheet(wb, "raw data", raw_data)
# standards
if ("standards" %in% names(all_data)) {
standards <- all_data %>% select(.data$file_id, standards) %>% unnest(standards)
add_excel_sheet(wb, "standards", standards)
# resistors
if ("resistors" %in% names(all_data)) {
resistors <- all_data %>% select(.data$file_id, .data$resistors) %>% unnest(.data$resistors)
add_excel_sheet(wb, "resistors", resistors)
# vendor data table
if ("vendor_data_table" %in% names(all_data)) {
vendor_data <- all_data %>% select(.data$file_id, .data$vendor_data_table) %>%
unnest(.data$vendor_data_table) %>% iso_strip_units()
add_excel_sheet(wb, "vendor data table", vendor_data)
# problems
if ("problems" %in% names(all_data)) {
problems <- all_data %>% select(.data$file_id, .data$problems) %>% unnest(.data$problems)
add_excel_sheet(wb, "problems", problems)
openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wb, filepath, overwrite = TRUE)
# add an excel sheet to a workbook
# @param ... the data frames
# @param dbl_digits how many digits to export for dbls
# @param col_max_width maximum column width
add_excel_sheet <- function(wb, sheet_name, ..., dbl_digits = 2, col_max_width = 75) {
# sheet
openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, sheet_name)
hs <- openxlsx::createStyle(textDecoration = "bold") # header style
# data
sheet_data_sets <- list(...)
start_row <- 1L
for (sheet_data in sheet_data_sets) {
if (ncol(sheet_data) > 0) {
openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet_name, sheet_data, startRow = start_row, headerStyle = hs)
int_cols <- which(purrr::map_lgl(sheet_data, is.integer))
dbl_cols <- setdiff(which(purrr::map_lgl(sheet_data, is.numeric)), int_cols)
if (dbl_digits < 1) {
int_cols <- c(int_cols, dbl_cols)
dbl_cols <- integer()
# integer column formatting
if (length(int_cols) > 0) {
wb, sheet_name, style = openxlsx::createStyle(numFmt = "0"),
rows = (start_row + 1L):(start_row + 1L + nrow(sheet_data)),
cols = int_cols, gridExpand = TRUE)
# double column formatting
if (length(dbl_cols) > 0) {
dbl_format <- paste0("0.", paste(rep("0", dbl_digits), collapse = ""))
wb, sheet_name, style = openxlsx::createStyle(numFmt = dbl_format),
rows = (start_row + 1L):(start_row + 1L + nrow(sheet_data)),
cols = dbl_cols, gridExpand = TRUE)
# new start row
start_row <- start_row + nrow(sheet_data) + 2L
# calculate header widths
header_widths <-
sheet_data_sets %>%
# account for bold width
max_n_cols <- purrr::map_int(header_widths, length) %>% max()
# calculate data widths
if (max_n_cols > 0) {
calculate_data_width <- function(x) {
if (is.integer(x)) x <- sprintf("%d", x)
else if (is.numeric(x)) x <- sprintf(paste0("%.", dbl_digits, "f"), x)
else x <- as.character(x)
return(max(c(0, nchar(x)), na.rm = TRUE))
data_widths <-
sheet_data_sets %>%
~dplyr::summarise_all(.x, list(calculate_data_width)) %>%
unlist(use.names = FALSE)
max_widths <- purrr::map2(header_widths, data_widths , ~{
widths <- if (is.null(.y)) .x else pmax(.x, .y, 0)
widths <- pmin(col_max_width, widths)
c(widths, rep(0L, times = max_n_cols - length(widths)))
col_widths <-, args = max_widths)
openxlsx::setColWidths(wb, sheet_name, cols = 1:length(col_widths), widths = col_widths)
#' Export to feather
#' This function exports the passed in iso_files to the Python and R shared feather file format. The different kinds of data (raw data, file info, methods info, etc.) are exported to separate feather files that are saved with the provided \code{filepath_prefix} as prefix. All are only exported if the corresponding \code{include_} parameter is set to \code{TRUE} and only for data types for which this type of data is available and was read (see \code{\link{iso_read_dual_inlet}}, \code{\link{iso_read_continuous_flow}} for details on read parameters). Note that in rare instances where vectorized data columns exist in the file information (e.g. measurement_info), they are concatenated with ', ' in feather output. Note that the feather package required for this export is not installed automatically as part of isoreader. Please install it manually if missing using \code{install.packages("feather")}.
#' @inheritParams iso_save
#' @inheritParams iso_export_to_excel
#' @param filepath_prefix what to use as the prefix for the feather file names (e.g. name of the data collection or current date)
#' @family export functions
#' @return returns the iso_files object invisibly for use in pipelines
#' @export
iso_export_to_feather <- function(
iso_files, filepath_prefix,
include_file_info = everything(), include_raw_data = everything(),
include_standards = !!enexpr(include_method_info), include_resistors = !!enquo(include_method_info),
include_vendor_data_table = everything(), include_problems = everything(),
with_explicit_units = FALSE,
include_method_info = everything(),
quiet = default(quiet)) {
# check for availability
if (!requireNamespace("feather", quietly = TRUE)) {
"The 'feather' package is required to export to this file format, please install it using the following command: install.packages(\"feather\")",
immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE
# safety checks
if(!iso_is_object(iso_files)) stop("can only export iso files or lists of iso files", call. = FALSE)
export_iso_files <- iso_as_file_list(iso_files)
filepaths <- get_feather_export_filepaths(export_iso_files, filepath_prefix)
# include method info message
if (!missing(include_method_info)) {
warning("the 'include_method_info' parameter was deprecated in favor of the more specific 'include_resistors' and 'include_standards' parameters. Please use those directly instead in the future.", immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
# info
if (!quiet) {
sprintf("Info: exporting data from %d iso_files into %s files at '%s'", length(iso_as_file_list(iso_files)),
filepaths[['ext']], str_replace(filepaths[['base']], "^\\.(/|\\\\)", "")) %>% message()
# get all data
all_data <- iso_get_all_data(
include_file_info = !!enexpr(include_file_info),
include_raw_data = !!enexpr(include_raw_data),
include_standards = !!enexpr(include_standards),
include_resistors = !!enexpr(include_resistors),
include_vendor_data_table = !!enexpr(include_vendor_data_table),
include_problems = !!enexpr(include_problems),
with_explicit_units = with_explicit_units,
quiet = FALSE
# create feather files in temporary dir
# file info
if ("file_info" %in% names(all_data)) {
# note: collapse_list_columns takes care of nested vectors, they get concatenated with ', '
all_data %>% select(.data$file_id, .data$file_info) %>%
unnest(.data$file_info) %>%
collapse_list_columns() %>%
# raw data
if ("raw_data" %in% names(all_data)) {
all_data %>% select(.data$file_id, .data$raw_data) %>% unnest(.data$raw_data) %>%
# standards
if ("standards" %in% names(all_data)) {
all_data %>% select(.data$file_id, .data$standards) %>% unnest(.data$standards) %>%
# resistors
if ("resistors" %in% names(all_data)) {
all_data %>% select(.data$file_id, .data$resistors) %>% unnest(.data$resistors) %>%
# vendor data table
if ("vendor_data_table" %in% names(all_data)) {
all_data %>% select(.data$file_id, .data$vendor_data_table) %>%
unnest(.data$vendor_data_table) %>% iso_strip_units() %>%
# problems
if ("problems" %in% names(all_data)) {
all_data %>% select(.data$file_id, .data$problems) %>% unnest(.data$problems) %>%
# utility functions ====
# convenience function for export file paths (extension checks and addition)
get_export_filepath <- function(filepath, ext) {
# file name and folder
if (missing(filepath)) stop("no filepath provided", call. = FALSE)
filename <- basename(filepath)
folder <- dirname(filepath)
if (!file.exists(folder)) stop("the folder '", folder, "' does not exist", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(ext))
filename <- filename %>% str_replace(fixed(ext), "") %>% str_c(ext) # to make sure correct extension
return(file.path(folder, filename))
# excel export filephat
get_excel_export_filepath <- function(iso_files, filepath) {
if (iso_is_continuous_flow(iso_files))
ext <- ".cf.xlsx"
else if (iso_is_dual_inlet(iso_files))
ext <- ".di.xlsx"
else if (iso_is_scan(iso_files))
ext <- ".scan.xlsx"
stop("Excel export of this type of iso_files not yet supported", call. = FALSE)
return(get_export_filepath(filepath, ext))
# feather export filepath
get_feather_export_filepaths <- function(iso_files, filepath) {
if (iso_is_continuous_flow(iso_files))
ext <- ".cf.feather"
else if (iso_is_dual_inlet(iso_files))
ext <- ".di.feather"
else if (iso_is_scan(iso_files))
ext <- ".scan.feather"
stop("Feather export of this type of iso_files not yet supported", call. = FALSE)
filepath <- get_export_filepath(filepath, NULL)
base = filepath,
ext = ext,
raw_data = str_c(filepath, "_raw_data", ext),
file_info = str_c(filepath, "_file_info", ext),
method_info_standards = str_c(filepath, "_standards", ext),
method_info_resistors = str_c(filepath, "_resistors", ext),
vendor_data_table = str_c(filepath, "_vendor_data_table", ext),
problems = str_c(filepath, "_problems", ext)
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