
# library(jackalope)
# library(testthat)

context("Testing R class methods and info")

n_chroms <- 10L
n_haps <- 5L
n_muts <- 100L
len <- 100L
len_sd <- 10.0

# Extract vector of chromosome strings:
chroms <- jackalope:::rando_chroms(n_chroms, len, len_sd, pi_tcag = c(8, 4, 2, 1))

# reference basics -----

test_that("Chromosomes from `create_genome` aren't very different from expectation.", {
    all_chroms <- paste(chroms, collapse = "")
    freq_obs <- sapply(c("T", "C", "A", "G"),
                       function(char) {
                           s2 <- gsub(char,"",all_chroms)
                           return((nchar(all_chroms) - nchar(s2)) / nchar(all_chroms))
    freq_obs <- as.numeric(freq_obs)
    freq_exp <- c(8, 4, 2, 1) / sum(c(8, 4, 2, 1))
    expect_identical(rank(freq_obs), rank(freq_exp))

test_that("initialization of ref_genome class with nonsense produces error", {
                 paste("When initializing a ref_genome object, you need to use",
                       "an externalptr object"))

# Reference genome
ref <- ref_genome$new(jackalope:::make_ref_genome(chroms))
test_that("ref_genome class starts with the correct fields", {
    expect_is(ref$ptr(), "externalptr")

test_that("ref_genome print appears about right", {
                  paste0("< Set of ", n_chroms, " chromosomes >\n",
                         "\\# Total size: ", format(sum(nchar(chroms)),
                                                    big.mark = ","), " bp"))

test_that("ref_genome methods `set_names` and `clean_names` work properly", {

    og_names <- ref$chrom_names()
    unclean_names <- sprintf("nonsense names %i ';,\"", 1:ref$n_chroms())
    clean_names <- sprintf("nonsense_names_%i_____", 1:ref$n_chroms())

    expect_identical(ref$chrom_names(), unclean_names)

    expect_identical(ref$chrom_names(), clean_names)

    expect_identical(ref$chrom_names(), og_names)


test_that("ref_genome class methods produce correct output", {

    expect_identical(ref$n_chroms(), n_chroms)

    expect_identical(ref$sizes(), nchar(chroms))

    expect_identical(ref$chrom_names(), paste0("chrom", 1:length(chroms) - 1))

    expect_identical(jackalope:::view_ref_genome(ref$ptr()), chroms)

    nn <- paste0("__CHROM_",1:length(chroms))
    expect_identical(ref$chrom_names(), nn)

    expect_identical(ref$chrom_names(), nn[-3])

    ref$add_chroms(chroms[3], nn[3])
    expect_identical(ref$chrom_names(), c(nn[-3], nn[3]))

    expect_identical(ref$chrom(1), paste(chroms[1:2], collapse = ""))

    expect_identical(nchar(ref$chrom(1)), sum(nchar(chroms)))

    nchars <- nchar(chroms)
    # Making sure of no removal when it shouldn't:
    ref <<- ref_genome$new(jackalope:::make_ref_genome(chroms))
    ref$filter_chroms(min(nchar(chroms)) - 1, "size")
    expect_identical(ref$n_chroms(), n_chroms, label = "after lack of size filtering")
    ref$filter_chroms(1 - 0.99 * min(nchars) / sum(nchars), "prop")
    expect_identical(ref$n_chroms(), n_chroms, label = "after lack of filtering")
    # Now seeing if it `filter_chroms` removes when it should
    ref$filter_chroms(min(nchars) + 1, "size")
    expect_lt(ref$n_chroms(), length(chroms))

    ref <- ref_genome$new(jackalope:::make_ref_genome(chroms))
    ref$filter_chroms(0.99 * sum(nchars[nchars > min(nchars)]) / sum(nchars), "prop")
    expect_lt(ref$n_chroms(), length(chroms))
# Restart object:
ref <- ref_genome$new(jackalope:::make_ref_genome(chroms))

# ============================================================`
# ============================================================`

# haplotypes basics -----

# ============================================================`
# ============================================================`

# Create haplotypes:
phy <- ape::rcoal(n_haps)
haps <- create_haplotypes(ref, haps_phylo(phy), sub = sub_JC69(0.01))

test_that("haplotypes class starts with the correct fields", {
    expect_is(haps$ptr(), "externalptr")

test_that("haplotypes print appears about right", {
                  paste0("<< haplotypes object >>\n",
                         "\\# Haplotypes: ", n_haps, "\n",
                         "\\# Mutations: "))

test_that("haplotypes class methods", {

    expect_equal(haps$n_chroms(), length(chroms))

    expect_equal(haps$n_haps(), n_haps)

    # No indels, so these should be true:
    for (i in 1:n_haps) expect_equal(haps$sizes(i), nchar(chroms))

    expect_identical(haps$chrom_names(), paste0("chrom", 1:length(chroms)-1))

    expect_identical(haps$hap_names(), phy$tip.label)

    # Variant chromosomes:
    hap_chroms <- lapply(1:n_haps,
                       function(v) {
                           jackalope:::view_hap_genome(haps$ptr(), v-1)
    vs0 <- lapply(1:n_haps, function(v) sapply(1:length(chroms),
                                               function(s) haps$chrom(v, s)))
    expect_identical(hap_chroms, vs0)

    nv <- paste0("__VARS_", 1:n_haps)
    expect_identical(haps$hap_names(), nv)

    expect_identical(haps$hap_names(), nv[-1:-2])

# ============================================================`
# ============================================================`

# manual mutations -----

# ============================================================`
# ============================================================`

# Make empty hap_set to compare mutations
haps <- haplotypes$new(jackalope:::make_hap_set(ref$ptr(), n_haps), ref$ptr())
haps_R <- replicate(n_haps, chroms, simplify = FALSE)

for (v in 1:n_haps) {
    ts <- haps_R[[v]]
    for (s in 1:length(chroms)) {
        m = 0;
        max_size = haps$sizes(v)[s]
        while (m < n_muts && max_size > 0) {
            pos = as.integer(runif(1) * max_size) + 1
            rnd = runif(1);
            if (rnd < 0.5) {
                str = jackalope:::rando_chroms(1, 1)
                if (nchar(str) != 1) stop("Improper size in sub")
                haps$add_sub(v, s, pos, str)
                substr(ts[s], pos, pos) <- str
            } else if (rnd < 0.75) {
                size = as.integer(rexp(1, 2.0) + 1.0)
                if (size > 10) size = 10
                str = jackalope:::rando_chroms(1, size)
                if (nchar(str) != size) stop("Improper size in insertion")
                haps$add_ins(v, s, pos, str)
                ts[s] <- paste0(substr(ts[s], 1, pos), str,
                                substr(ts[s], pos + 1, nchar(ts[s])))
                max_size <- max_size + size
            } else {
                size = as.integer(rexp(1, 2.0) + 1.0)
                if (size > 10) size = 10
                if ((pos + size - 1) > max_size) size = max_size - pos + 1;
                haps$add_del(v, s, pos, size)
                ts[s] <- paste0(substr(ts[s], 1, pos - 1),
                                substr(ts[s], pos + size, nchar(ts[s])))
                max_size <- max_size - size
            m <- m + 1
            prev_rnd <- rnd
    haps_R[[v]] <- ts

# Converting to list like haps_R:
haps_cpp <- lapply(1:n_haps, function(v) sapply(1:n_chroms, function(s) haps$chrom(v, s)))

test_that("Mutations produced are accurate", {
    expect_identical(haps_R, haps_cpp)

# ============================================================`
# ============================================================`

# replace_Ns, gc/nt_prop -----

# ============================================================`
# ============================================================`

# Testing that replace_Ns works
ref <- ref_genome$new(jackalope:::make_ref_genome(chroms))

test_that("Replacing Ns works as predicted", {
    expect_identical(ref$chrom(1), "CCAATTTGG")
    expect_identical(ref$chrom(2), "TTTTCCAAGG")
    expect_identical(ref$chrom(3), "AACCTTGGGGGTTTTTT")

# Testing that gc_prop and nt_prob work
ref <- ref_genome$new(jackalope:::make_ref_genome(
    c(paste(c(rep("T", 50), rep("C", 50), rep("A", 50), rep("G", 50)), collapse = ""),
      paste(c(rep("T", 100), rep("C", 50), rep("A", 25), rep("G", 25)), collapse = ""),
      paste(c(rep("T", 50), rep("C", 25), rep("A", 25), rep("G", 100)), collapse = ""),
      paste(c(rep("T", 25), rep("C", 25), rep("A", 100), rep("G", 50)), collapse = ""))

test_that("gc_prop and nt_prob work for ref_genome as predicted", {

    expect_equal(ref$gc_prop(1, 1, 200), 100 / 200)
    expect_equal(ref$gc_prop(2, 1, 200), 75 / 200)
    expect_equal(ref$gc_prop(3, 1, 200), 125 / 200)
    expect_equal(ref$gc_prop(4, 1, 200), 75 / 200)

    expect_equal(ref$gc_prop(1, 1, 100), 50 / 100)
    expect_equal(ref$gc_prop(2, 1, 100), 0 / 100)
    expect_equal(ref$gc_prop(3, 1, 100), 25 / 100)
    expect_equal(ref$gc_prop(4, 1, 100), 25 / 100)

    expect_equal(ref$nt_prop('T', 1, 1, 200), 50 / 200)
    expect_equal(ref$nt_prop('T', 2, 1, 200), 100 / 200)
    expect_equal(ref$nt_prop('T', 3, 1, 200), 50 / 200)
    expect_equal(ref$nt_prop('T', 4, 1, 200), 25 / 200)

    expect_equal(ref$nt_prop('T', 1, 1, 100), 50 / 100)
    expect_equal(ref$nt_prop('T', 2, 1, 100), 100 / 100)
    expect_equal(ref$nt_prop('T', 3, 1, 100), 50 / 100)
    expect_equal(ref$nt_prop('T', 4, 1, 100), 25 / 100)


haps <- haplotypes$new(jackalope:::make_hap_set(ref$ptr(), 2), ref$ptr())

test_that("gc_prop and nt_prob work for haplotypes as predicted", {

    expect_equal(haps$gc_prop(1, 1, 1, 200), 100 / 200)
    expect_equal(haps$gc_prop(1, 2, 1, 200), 75 / 200)
    expect_equal(haps$gc_prop(1, 3, 1, 200), 125 / 200)
    expect_equal(haps$gc_prop(1, 4, 1, 200), 75 / 200)

    expect_equal(haps$gc_prop(1, 1, 1, 100), 50 / 100)
    expect_equal(haps$gc_prop(1, 2, 1, 100), 0 / 100)
    expect_equal(haps$gc_prop(1, 3, 1, 100), 25 / 100)
    expect_equal(haps$gc_prop(1, 4, 1, 100), 25 / 100)

    expect_equal(haps$nt_prop('T', 1, 1, 1, 200), 50 / 200)
    expect_equal(haps$nt_prop('T', 1, 2, 1, 200), 100 / 200)
    expect_equal(haps$nt_prop('T', 1, 3, 1, 200), 50 / 200)
    expect_equal(haps$nt_prop('T', 1, 4, 1, 200), 25 / 200)

    expect_equal(haps$nt_prop('T', 1, 1, 1, 100), 50 / 100)
    expect_equal(haps$nt_prop('T', 1, 2, 1, 100), 100 / 100)
    expect_equal(haps$nt_prop('T', 1, 3, 1, 100), 50 / 100)
    expect_equal(haps$nt_prop('T', 1, 4, 1, 100), 25 / 100)

    # Adding some substitutions
    for (i in 1:100) haps$add_sub(2, 1, i, 'C')
    for (i in 101:200) haps$add_sub(2, 1, i, 'T')

    expect_equal(haps$gc_prop(2, 1, 1, 200), 100 / 200)
    expect_equal(haps$gc_prop(2, 1, 1, 100), 100 / 100)
    expect_equal(haps$gc_prop(2, 1, 101, 200), 0 / 100)

    expect_equal(haps$nt_prop('C', 2, 1, 1, 100), 100 / 100)
    expect_equal(haps$nt_prop('T', 2, 1, 101, 200), 100 / 100)


# ============================================================`
# ============================================================`

# +/- haplotypes -----

# ============================================================`
# ============================================================`

ref <- ref_genome$new(jackalope:::make_ref_genome(chroms))

test_that("adding/removing/duplicating haplotypes works as predicted", {

    haps0 <- create_haplotypes(ref, NULL)
    expect_identical(haps0$n_haps(), 0L)

    expect_identical(haps0$n_haps(), 1L)
    expect_identical(sapply(1:ref$n_chroms(), function(i) haps0$chrom(1, i)),
                     sapply(1:ref$n_chroms(), function(i) ref$chrom(i)))

    haps1 <- create_haplotypes(ref, haps_theta(0.1, 4), sub_JC69(0.001))
    expect_identical(haps1$n_haps(), 6L)
    expect_identical(sapply(1:ref$n_chroms(), function(i) haps1$chrom(1, i)),
                     sapply(1:ref$n_chroms(), function(i) haps1$chrom(5, i)))
    expect_identical(sapply(1:ref$n_chroms(), function(i) haps1$chrom(2, i)),
                     sapply(1:ref$n_chroms(), function(i) haps1$chrom(6, i)))


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jackalope documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:58 a.m.