
Defines functions kernel_weights input_partly_exact partly_exact_Z exact_A input_exact input_sampling conv_crit get_sigma sample_Z solver kernelshap_one

# Kernel SHAP algorithm for a single row x
# If exact, a single call to predict() is necessary.
# If sampling is involved, we need at least two additional calls to predict().
kernelshap_one <- function(x, v1, object, pred_fun, feature_names, bg_w, exact, deg, 
                           paired, m, tol, max_iter, v0, precalc, ...) {
  p <- length(feature_names)
  # Calculate A_exact and b_exact
  if (exact || deg >= 1L) {
    A_exact <- precalc[["A"]]                                     #  (p x p)
    bg_X_exact <- precalc[["bg_X_exact"]]                         #  (m_ex*n_bg x p)
    Z <- precalc[["Z"]]                                           #  (m_ex x p)
    m_exact <- nrow(Z)
    v0_m_exact <- v0[rep.int(1L, m_exact), , drop = FALSE]        #  (m_ex x K)

    # Most expensive part
    vz <- get_vz(                                                 #  (m_ex x K)
      X = rep_rows(x, rep.int(1L, nrow(bg_X_exact))),             #  (m_ex*n_bg x p)
      bg = bg_X_exact,                                            #  (m_ex*n_bg x p)
      Z = Z,                                                      #  (m_ex x p)
      object = object, 
      pred_fun = pred_fun,
      w = bg_w, 
    # Note: w is correctly replicated along columns of (vz - v0_m_exact)
    b_exact <- crossprod(Z, precalc[["w"]] * (vz - v0_m_exact))   #  (p x K)
    # Some of the hybrid cases are exact as well
    if (exact || trunc(p / 2) == deg) {
      beta <- solver(A_exact, b_exact, constraint = v1 - v0)      #  (p x K)
      return(list(beta = beta, sigma = 0 * beta, n_iter = 1L, converged = TRUE))  
  # Iterative sampling part, always using A_exact and b_exact to fill up the weights
  bg_X_m <- precalc[["bg_X_m"]]                                   #  (m*n_bg x p)
  X <- rep_rows(x, rep.int(1L, nrow(bg_X_m)))                     #  (m*n_bg x p)
  v0_m <- v0[rep.int(1L, m), , drop = FALSE]                      #  (m x K)
  est_m = list()
  converged <- FALSE
  n_iter <- 0L
  A_sum <- matrix(                                                #  (p x p)
    0, nrow = p, ncol = p, dimnames = list(feature_names, feature_names)
  b_sum <- matrix(                                                #  (p x K)
    0, nrow = p, ncol = ncol(v0), dimnames = list(feature_names, colnames(v1))
  if (deg == 0L) {
    A_exact <- A_sum
    b_exact <- b_sum
  while(!isTRUE(converged) && n_iter < max_iter) {
    n_iter <- n_iter + 1L
    input <- input_sampling(
      p = p, m = m, deg = deg, paired = paired, feature_names = feature_names
    Z <- input[["Z"]]
    # Expensive                                                              #  (m x K)
    vz <- get_vz(
      X = X, bg = bg_X_m, Z = Z, object = object, pred_fun = pred_fun, w = bg_w, ...
    # The sum of weights of A_exact and input[["A"]] is 1, same for b
    A_temp <- A_exact + input[["A"]]                                         #  (p x p)
    b_temp <- b_exact + crossprod(Z, input[["w"]] * (vz - v0_m))             #  (p x K)
    A_sum <- A_sum + A_temp                                                  #  (p x p)
    b_sum <- b_sum + b_temp                                                  #  (p x K)
    # Least-squares with constraint that beta_1 + ... + beta_p = v_1 - v_0. 
    # The additional constraint beta_0 = v_0 is dealt via offset   
    est_m[[n_iter]] <- solver(A_temp, b_temp, constraint = v1 - v0)          #  (p x K)
    # Covariance calculation would fail in the first iteration
    if (n_iter >= 2L) {
      beta_n <- solver(A_sum / n_iter, b_sum / n_iter, constraint = v1 - v0) #  (p x K)
      sigma_n <- get_sigma(est_m, iter = n_iter)                             #  (p x K)
      converged <- all(conv_crit(sigma_n, beta_n) < tol)
  list(beta = beta_n, sigma = sigma_n, n_iter = n_iter, converged = converged)

# Regression coefficients given sum(beta) = constraint
# A: (p x p), b: (p x k), constraint: (1 x K)
solver <- function(A, b, constraint) {
  p <- ncol(A)
  Ainv <- ginv(A)
  dimnames(Ainv) <- dimnames(A)
  s <- (matrix(colSums(Ainv %*% b), nrow = 1L) - constraint) / sum(Ainv)     #  (1 x K)
  Ainv %*% (b - s[rep.int(1L, p), , drop = FALSE])                           #  (p x K)

ginv <- function (X, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
  ## Based on an original version in package MASS 7.3.56
  ## (with permission)
  if (length(dim(X)) > 2L || !(is.numeric(X) || is.complex(X))) {
    stop("'X' must be a numeric or complex matrix")
  if (!is.matrix(X)) {
    X <- as.matrix(X)
  Xsvd <- svd(X)
  if (is.complex(X)) {
    Xsvd$u <- Conj(Xsvd$u)
  Positive <- Xsvd$d > max(tol * Xsvd$d[1L], 0)
  if (all(Positive)) {
    Xsvd$v %*% (1 / Xsvd$d * t(Xsvd$u))
  } else if (!any(Positive)) {
    array(0, dim(X)[2L:1L])
  } else {
    Xsvd$v[, Positive, drop = FALSE] %*% 
      ((1 / Xsvd$d[Positive]) * t(Xsvd$u[, Positive, drop = FALSE]))

# Draw m binary vectors z of length p with sum(z) distributed according 
# to Kernel SHAP weights -> (m x p) matrix. 
# The argument S can be used to restrict the range of sum(z).
sample_Z <- function(p, m, feature_names, S = 1:(p - 1L)) {
  # First draw s = sum(z) according to Kernel weights (renormalized to sum 1)
  probs <- kernel_weights(p, S = S)
  N <- S[sample.int(length(S), m, replace = TRUE, prob = probs)]
  # Then, conditional on that number, set random positions of z to 1
  # Original, unvectorized code
  # out <- vapply(
  #   N, 
  #   function(z) {out <- numeric(p); out[sample(1:p, z)] <- 1; out}, 
  #   FUN.VALUE = numeric(p)
  # )
  # t(out)
  # Vectorized by Mathias Ambuehl
  out <- rep(rep.int(0:1, m), as.vector(rbind(p - N, N)))
  dim(out) <- c(p, m)
  ord <- order(col(out), sample.int(m * p))
  out[] <- out[ord]
  rownames(out) <- feature_names

# Calculate standard error from list of m estimates
get_sigma <- function(est, iter) {
  apply(abind1(est), 3L, FUN = function(Y) sqrt(diag(stats::cov(Y)) / iter))

# Convergence criterion
conv_crit <- function(sig, bet) {
  if (any(dim(sig) != dim(bet))) {
    stop("sig must have same dimension as bet")
  apply(sig, 2L, FUN = max) / apply(bet, 2L, FUN = function(z) diff(range(z)))

# Provides random input for SHAP sampling:
# - Z: Matrix with m on-off vectors z with sum(z) following Kernel weight distribution.
# - w: Vector (1/m, 1/m, ...) of length m (if pure sampling)
# - A: Matrix A = Z'wZ
# The weights are constant (Kernel weights have been used to draw the z vectors).
# If deg > 0, vectors z with sum(z) restricted to [deg+1, p-deg-1] are sampled.
# This case is used in combination with input_partly_hybrid(). Consequently, sum(w) < 1.
input_sampling <- function(p, m, deg, paired, feature_names) {
  if (p < 2L * deg + 2L) {
    stop("p must be >=2*deg + 2")
  S <- (deg + 1L):(p - deg - 1L)
  Z <- sample_Z(
    p = p, m = if (paired) m / 2 else m, feature_names = feature_names, S = S
  if (paired) {
    Z <- rbind(Z, 1 - Z)
  w_total <- if (deg == 0L) 1 else 1 - 2 * sum(kernel_weights(p)[seq_len(deg)])
  w <- w_total / m
  list(Z = Z, w = rep.int(w, m), A = crossprod(Z) * w)

# Functions required only for handling (partly) exact cases

# Provides fixed input for the exact case:
# - Z: Matrix with all 2^p-2 on-off vectors z
# - w: Vector with row weights of Z ensuring that the distribution of sum(z) matches
#      the SHAP kernel distribution
# - A: Exact matrix A = Z'wZ
input_exact <- function(p, feature_names) {
  Z <- exact_Z(p, feature_names = feature_names, keep_extremes = FALSE)
  # Each Kernel weight(j) is divided by the number of vectors z having sum(z) = j
  w <- kernel_weights(p) / choose(p, 1:(p - 1L))
  list(Z = Z, w = w[rowSums(Z)], A = exact_A(p, feature_names = feature_names))

#' Exact Matrix A
#' Internal function that calculates exact A. 
#' Notice the difference to the off-diagnonals in the Supplement of 
#' Covert and Lee (2021). Credits to David Watson for figuring out the correct formula,
#' see our discussions in https://github.com/ModelOriented/kernelshap/issues/22
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
#' @param p Number of features.
#' @param feature_names Feature names.
#' @returns A (p x p) matrix.
exact_A <- function(p, feature_names) {
  S <- 1:(p - 1L)
  c_pr <- S * (S - 1) / p / (p - 1)
  off_diag <- sum(kernel_weights(p) * c_pr)
  A <- matrix(
    off_diag, nrow = p, ncol = p, dimnames = list(feature_names, feature_names)
  diag(A) <- 0.5

# List all length p vectors z with sum(z) in {k, p - k}
partly_exact_Z <- function(p, k, feature_names) {
  if (k < 1L) {
    stop("k must be at least 1")
  if (p < 2L * k) {
    stop("p must be >=2*k")
  if (k == 1L) {
    Z <- diag(p)
  } else {
    Z <- t(
      utils::combn(seq_len(p), k, FUN = function(z) {x <- numeric(p); x[z] <- 1; x})
  if (p != 2L * k) {
    Z <- rbind(Z, 1 - Z)
  colnames(Z) <- feature_names

# Create Z, w, A for vectors z with sum(z) in {k, p-k} for k in {1, ..., deg}.
# The total weights do not sum to one, except in the special (exact) case deg=p-deg.
# (The remaining weight will be added via input_sampling(p, deg=deg)).
# Note that for a given k, the weights are constant.
input_partly_exact <- function(p, deg, feature_names) {
  if (deg < 1L) {
    stop("deg must be at least 1")
  if (p < 2L * deg) {
    stop("p must be >=2*deg")
  kw <- kernel_weights(p)
  Z <- w <- vector("list", deg)
  for (k in seq_len(deg)) {
    Z[[k]] <- partly_exact_Z(p, k = k, feature_names = feature_names)
    n <- nrow(Z[[k]])
    w_tot <- kw[k] * (2 - (p == 2L * k))
    w[[k]] <- rep.int(w_tot / n, n)
  w <- unlist(w, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
  Z <- do.call(rbind, Z)
  list(Z = Z, w = w, A = crossprod(Z, w * Z))

# Kernel weights normalized to a non-empty subset S of {1, ..., p-1}
kernel_weights <- function(p, S = seq_len(p - 1L)) {
  probs <- (p - 1L) / (choose(p, S) * S * (p - S))
  probs / sum(probs)

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