
Defines functions b_macos_keyring_create_direct b_macos_keyring_file b_macos_keyring_set_default b_macos_keyring_default b_macos_keyring_is_locked b_macos_keyring_unlock b_macos_keyring_lock b_macos_keyring_delete b_macos_keyring_list b_macos_keyring_create b_macos_list b_macos_delete b_macos_set_with_raw_value b_macos_set_with_value b_macos_set b_macos_get_raw b_macos_get b_macos_init

#' macOS Keychain keyring backend
#' This backend is the default on macOS. It uses the macOS native Keychain
#' Service API.
#' It supports multiple keyrings.
#' See [backend] for the documentation of the individual methods.
#' @family keyring backends
#' @include backend-class.R
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## This only works on macOS
#' kb <- backend_macos$new()
#' kb$keyring_create("foobar")
#' kb$set_default_keyring("foobar")
#' kb$set_with_value("service", password = "secret")
#' kb$get("service")
#' kb$delete("service")
#' kb$delete_keyring("foobar")
#' }

backend_macos <- R6Class(
  inherit = backend_keyrings,
  public = list(
    name = "macos",
    initialize = function(keyring = NULL)
      b_macos_init(self, private, keyring),

    get = function(service, username = NULL, keyring = NULL)
      b_macos_get(self, private, service, username, keyring),
    get_raw = function(service, username = NULL, keyring = NULL)
      b_macos_get_raw(self, private, service, username, keyring),
    set = function(service, username = NULL, keyring = NULL,
                   prompt = "Password: ")
      b_macos_set(self, private, service, username, keyring, prompt),
    set_with_value = function(service, username = NULL, password = NULL,
      keyring = NULL)
      b_macos_set_with_value(self, private, service, username, password,
    set_with_raw_value = function(service, username = NULL, password = NULL,
      keyring = NULL)
      b_macos_set_with_raw_value(self, private, service, username, password,
    delete = function(service, username = NULL, keyring = NULL)
      b_macos_delete(self, private, service, username, keyring),
    list = function(service = NULL, keyring = NULL)
      b_macos_list(self, private, service, keyring),

    keyring_create = function(keyring, password = NULL)
      b_macos_keyring_create(self, private, keyring, password),
    keyring_list = function()
      b_macos_keyring_list(self, private),
    keyring_delete = function(keyring = NULL)
      b_macos_keyring_delete(self, private, keyring),
    keyring_lock = function(keyring = NULL)
      b_macos_keyring_lock(self, private, keyring),
    keyring_unlock = function(keyring = NULL, password = NULL)
      b_macos_keyring_unlock(self, private, keyring, password),
    keyring_is_locked = function(keyring = NULL)
      b_macos_keyring_is_locked(self, private, keyring),
    keyring_default = function()
      b_macos_keyring_default(self, private),
    keyring_set_default = function(keyring = NULL)
      b_macos_keyring_set_default(self, private, keyring),

    docs = function() {
      modifyList(super$docs(), list(
        . = "Store secrets in the macOS Keychain."

  private = list(
    keyring = NULL,
    keyring_file = function(name)
      b_macos_keyring_file(self, private, name),
    keyring_create_direct = function(keyring, password)
      b_macos_keyring_create_direct(self, private, keyring, password)

b_macos_init <- function(self, private, keyring) {
  private$keyring <- keyring

b_macos_get <- function(self, private, service, username, keyring) {
  username <- username %||% getOption("keyring_username")
  keyring <- private$keyring_file(keyring %||% private$keyring)
  res <- .Call(keyring_macos_get, utf8(keyring), utf8(service),
  if (any(res == 0)) {
    stop("Key contains embedded null bytes, use get_raw()")

b_macos_get_raw <- function(self, private, service, username, keyring) {
  username <- username %||% getOption("keyring_username")
  keyring <- private$keyring_file(keyring %||% private$keyring)
  .Call(keyring_macos_get, utf8(keyring), utf8(service), utf8(username))

b_macos_set <- function(self, private, service, username, keyring, prompt) {
  username <- username %||% getOption("keyring_username")
  password <- get_pass(prompt)
  if (is.null(password)) stop("Aborted setting keyring key")
  b_macos_set_with_value(self, private, service, username, password, keyring)

b_macos_set_with_value <- function(self, private, service, username,
                                   password, keyring) {
  username <- username %||% getOption("keyring_username")
  keyring <- private$keyring_file(keyring %||% private$keyring)
  .Call(keyring_macos_set, utf8(keyring), utf8(service),
        utf8(username), charToRaw(password))

b_macos_set_with_raw_value <- function(self, private, service, username,
                                       password, keyring) {
  username <- username %||% getOption("keyring_username")
  keyring <- private$keyring_file(keyring %||% private$keyring)
  .Call(keyring_macos_set, utf8(keyring), utf8(service),
        utf8(username), password)

b_macos_delete <- function(self, private, service, username, keyring) {
  username <- username %||% getOption("keyring_username")
  keyring <- private$keyring_file(keyring %||% private$keyring)
  .Call(keyring_macos_delete, utf8(keyring), utf8(service),

b_macos_list <- function(self, private, service, keyring) {
  keyring <- private$keyring_file(keyring %||% private$keyring)
  res <- .Call(keyring_macos_list, utf8(keyring), utf8(service))
    service = res[[1]],
    username = res[[2]],
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

b_macos_keyring_create <- function(self, private, keyring, password) {
  password <- password %||% get_pass()
  if (is.null(password)) stop("Aborted creating keyring")
  private$keyring_create_direct(keyring, password)

b_macos_keyring_list <- function(self, private) {
  res <- .Call(keyring_macos_list_keyring)
    keyring = sub("\\.keychain(-db)?$", "", basename(res[[1]])),
    num_secrets = res[[2]],
    locked = res[[3]],
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

b_macos_keyring_delete <- function(self, private, keyring) {
  keyring <- private$keyring_file(keyring %||% private$keyring)
  .Call(keyring_macos_delete_keyring, utf8(keyring))

b_macos_keyring_lock <- function(self, private, keyring) {
  keyring <- private$keyring_file(keyring %||% private$keyring)
  .Call(keyring_macos_lock_keyring, utf8(keyring))

b_macos_keyring_unlock <- function(self, private, keyring, password) {
  password <- password %||% get_pass()
  if (is.null(password)) stop("Aborted unlocking keyring")
  keyring <- private$keyring_file(keyring %||% private$keyring)
  .Call(keyring_macos_unlock_keyring, utf8(keyring), password)

b_macos_keyring_is_locked <- function(self, private, keyring) {
  keyring <- private$keyring_file(keyring %||% private$keyring)
  .Call(keyring_macos_is_locked_keyring, utf8(keyring))

b_macos_keyring_default <- function(self, private) {

b_macos_keyring_set_default <- function(self, private, keyring) {
  private$keyring <- keyring

## --------------------------------------------------------------------
## Private

b_macos_keyring_file <- function(self, private, name) {
  if (is.null(name)) {

  } else if (substr(name, 1, 1) == "/" || substr(name, 1, 2) == "./") {
    normalizePath(name, mustWork = FALSE)

  } else {
    files <- normalizePath(
      paste0("~/Library/Keychains/", name, c(".keychain", ".keychain-db")),
      mustWork = FALSE
    if (file.exists(files[1])) {
    } else if (file.exists(files[2])) {
    } else if (darwin_version() >= "16.0.0") {
    } else {

b_macos_keyring_create_direct <- function(self, private, keyring, password) {
  keyring <- private$keyring_file(keyring)
  .Call(keyring_macos_create, utf8(keyring), password)

Try the keyring package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

keyring documentation built on Oct. 29, 2022, 1:14 a.m.