
Defines functions match_structure model_structure_efa model_structure efa_cfa_syntax write_efa

Documented in efa_cfa_syntax model_structure write_efa

#' Write exploratory factor analysis syntax
#' Converts variable names to lavaan-compatible exploratory factor analysis syntax
#' @param nf integer; number of factors
#' @param vnames character vector; names of variables to include in the efa
#' @return character. Use \code{cat()} to best examine the returned syntax.
#' @examples
#' vnames <- paste("x", 1:10)
#' syntax <- write_efa(nf = 2, vnames = vnames)
#' cat(syntax)
#' @export

write_efa <- function(nf, vnames){

  syntax <- character(0)
  for (f in seq_along(vnames)) {
    syntax <- c(syntax, paste0("f", f, " =~ ", paste(vnames[f:length(vnames)],
                                                     collapse = " + "), "\n"))
    if (f == nf) break

#' Write confirmatory factor analysis syntax
#' Uses the factor loadings matrix, presumably from an exploratory factor analysis, to generate \code{lavaan} compatible confirmatory factory analysis syntax.
#' @inheritParams kfa
#' @param loadings matrix of factor loadings
#' @param single.item character indicating how single-item factors should be treated.
#' Use \code{"keep"} (default) to keep them in the model when generating the CFA syntax, \code{"drop"}
#' to remove them, or \code{"none"} indicating the CFA syntax should not be generated for
#' this model and \code{""} is returned.
#' @param identified logical; Should identification check for rotational uniqueness a la Millsap (2001) be performed?
#' If the model is not identified \code{""} is returned.
#' @param constrain0 logical; Should variable(s) with all loadings below \code{min.loading} still be included in model syntax?
#' If \code{TRUE}, variable(s) will load onto first factor with the loading constrained to 0.
#' @references
#' Millsap, R. E. (2001). When trivial constraints are not trivial: The choice of uniqueness
#' constraints in confirmatory factor analysis. *Structural Equation Modeling, 8*(1), 1-17. \doi{10.1207/S15328007SEM0801_1}
#' @examples
#' loadings <- matrix(c(rep(.2, 3), rep(.6, 3), rep(.8, 3), rep(.3, 3)), ncol = 2)
#' # simple structure
#' efa_cfa_syntax(loadings)
#' # allow cross-loadings and check if model is identified
#' efa_cfa_syntax(loadings, simple = FALSE, min.loading = .25)
#' # allow cross-loadings and ignore identification check
#' efa_cfa_syntax(loadings, simple = FALSE, min.loading = .25, identified = FALSE)
#' @export

efa_cfa_syntax <- function(loadings, simple = TRUE, min.loading = NA,
                           single.item = c("keep", "drop", "none"),
                           identified = TRUE, constrain0 = FALSE){

  if(simple == FALSE & is.na(min.loading)){
    stop("min.loading must be supplied when simple = FALSE")

  # item and factor names

    vnames <- paste0("v", 1:dim(loadings)[[1]]) # variable
    fnames <- paste0("f", 1:dim(loadings)[[2]]) # factor
    dimnames(loadings) <- list(vnames, fnames) # only really needed when identified == TRUE

  } else {

    vnames <- dimnames(loadings)[[1]] # variable
    fnames <- dimnames(loadings)[[2]] # factor

  # obtaining pattern matrix with NAs elsewhere
  loadings.max <- loadings
  if(simple == TRUE){
    # largest (absolute) loading for each item
    maxload <- apply(abs(loadings), 1, max)
    for(v in 1:length(vnames)){

      thresh <- max(maxload[[v]], min.loading, na.rm = TRUE)
      loadings.max[v, ][abs(loadings.max[v, ]) < thresh] <- NA
  } else{
    loadings.max <- t(apply(loadings.max, 1, function(x) ifelse(abs(x) < min.loading, NA, x)))

  # if not rotationally unique, "" is returned
  if(identified == TRUE){

    # list of variable names for each factor
    all.items <- apply(loadings.max, 2, function(x) names(x[!is.na(x)]), simplify = FALSE)

    id.check <- vector("logical", length(all.items))
    for(i in 1:length(all.items)){
      id.check[[i]] <- any(!all.items[[i]] %in% unlist(all.items[-i]))

      cfa.syntax <- ""

  if(constrain0 == TRUE){
    # Any loadings below min.loading on all factors?
    dropped <- which(rowSums(is.na(loadings.max)) == ncol(loadings.max))

  # returns vector with each element being the lavaan syntax identifying the factor
  cfa.syntax <- c()
  for(fn in 1:length(fnames)){
    cfa.syntax <- c(cfa.syntax,
                    paste0(fnames[[fn]], " =~ ",
                                 collapse = " + ")))
    if(fn == 1 & constrain0 == TRUE){
      cfa.syntax <- if(length(dropped) > 0) paste(cfa.syntax, "+",
                                                  paste(paste0("0*", names(dropped)),
                                                        collapse = " + ")) else cfa.syntax

  # What to do with single item factors?
  if(length(single.item) > 1){
    single.item <- "keep"
  if(single.item == "keep"){

    # final cfa syntax
    cfa.syntax <- paste(cfa.syntax, collapse = "\n")

  } else if(single.item == "drop"){

    # drops single item factors before collapsing to final syntax
    cfa.syntax <- cfa.syntax[nchar(cfa.syntax) - nchar(gsub("+", "", cfa.syntax,
                                                            fixed = TRUE)) > 0]
    cfa.syntax <- paste(cfa.syntax, collapse = "\n")

  } else if(single.item == "none"){

    # check if they exist
    if(all(nchar(cfa.syntax) - nchar(gsub("+", "", cfa.syntax, fixed = TRUE)) > 0) == TRUE){

      cfa.syntax <- paste(cfa.syntax, collapse = "\n")

    } else {
      cfa.syntax <- ""



#' Unique factor structures
#' Extract unique factor structures across the k-folds
#' @param models An object returned from \code{\link[kfa]{kfa}}
#' @return \code{data.frame} with the number of folds the unique factor structure was tested for each factor model.
#' @examples
#' data(example.kfa)
#' model_structure(example.kfa)
#' @export

model_structure <- function(models){

  if(inherits(models, "kfa")){
    syntax <- models$cfa.syntax
  } else {
    stop("models must be of class 'kfa'.")

  k <- length(syntax)

  structures <- Reduce(rbind,
                       lapply(1:k,function(x) data.frame(model = names(syntax[[x]]),
                                                         structure = unlist(syntax[[x]]))))
  kstructures <- unique(structures[structures$structure != "",])
  # there is probably a more efficient way to add folds
  folds <- as.data.frame(table(structures[structures$structure != "",]$structure))
  names(folds) <- c("structure", "folds")

  kstructures <- merge(kstructures, folds, by = "structure", all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
  kstructures$model <- factor(kstructures$model, levels = names(syntax[[1]]))
  kstructures <- kstructures[order(kstructures$model),]

  # row.names(kstructures) <- NULL


#' Unique factor structures from EFA
#' Extract unique factor structures across the k-folds from exploratory factor analysis
#' @param syntax list containing \code{lavaan}-compatible CFA syntax returned from \code{\link[kfa]{k_efa}}
#' @return \code{list} containing the structure and the folds where the structure was identified
#' @noRd

model_structure_efa <- function(syntax){

  k <- length(syntax)

  m <- max(unlist(lapply(syntax, length)))
  kstructures <- vector("list", length = m)

  # currently assumes 1-factor structure exists and is the same over folds
  kstructures[[1]][[1]] <- list(structure = syntax[[1]][[1]], folds = 1:k)
  for(n in 2:m){
    structures <- vector("list", length = k)
    for(f in 1:k){
      structures[[f]] <- syntax[[f]][[n]]
    kstructures[[n]] <- match_structure(structures)


#' Match factor structures
#' Internal function in model structures
#' @param structures list of \code{lavaan} syntax
#' @return For each unique structure, a \code{list} containing \code{lavaan} syntax specifying the factor structure and the folds where the structure was identified
#' @noRd

match_structure <- function(structures){

  us <- unique(unlist(structures, use.names = FALSE))

  slist <- vector("list", length = length(us))
  # character vector of n factor elements with the variables for each factor as the elements
  fvecs <- strsplit(gsub("f[0-9+] =~ ", "", us), "\n") # currently assumes our factor naming convention of f[0-9]+ from write_efa
  for(u in seq_along(us)){
    if(u == 1){
      slist[[u]] <- list(structure = us[[u]],
                         folds = which(unlist(lapply(structures, function(x) x == us[[u]]))))
    } else {
      for(s in seq_along(slist[lengths(slist) != 0])){ # compares current structure (u) to all previous structures saved in slist
        if(identical(sort(fvecs[[s]]), sort(fvecs[[u]]))){ # if identical, combine folds, else save as new structure
          slist[[s]]$folds <- sort(c(slist[[s]]$folds, which(unlist(lapply(structures, function(x) x == us[[u]])))))
          slist[[u]] <- NULL
        } else{
          slist[[u]] <- list(structure = us[[u]],
                             folds = which(unlist(lapply(structures, function(x) x == us[[u]]))))
  slist <- slist[lengths(slist) != 0] # remove any NULL elements


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kfa documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:44 p.m.