
Defines functions eng_data data_encode str.n.split data_decode

Documented in data_decode data_encode

# Data language engine for knitr --------------------------------------

# Helper functions to decode & encode data ----------------------------

# If as_text=TRUE, then returns a character string
# If as_text=FALSE, then returns a raw vector

#' Decode and encode text and binary data files
#' These helper functions allow one to encode as text a binary or text data file
#' using either \code{base64} or \code{gpg} encoding (\code{data_encode}) and
#' decode text-encoded data back into its original binary or text format
#' (\code{data_decode}).
#' Encoding and decoding in \code{base64} format uses functionality from the
#' \code{\link[xfun:base64_encode]{xfun}} package, whereas encoding and decoding
#' using \code{gpg} uses functionality from the
#' \code{\link[gpg:gpg_encrypt]{gpg}} package. See those packages for more
#' details on the encoding and decoding process and setting up a \code{gpg}
#' keyring.
#' \code{data_encode} takes the name of a file containing the binary or text
#' data to be encoded and returns the encoded data as a character string. The
#' encoded data is returned silently to avoid outputing to the screen large
#' amounts of encoded data. If you want to visualize the encoded data, use the
#' \code{cat} function. For larger data files, set the \code{output} argument to
#' a path where the encoded data will be stored.
#' \code{data_encode} takes a character string of encoded data and returns
#' either a character string of decoded data (if \code{as_text=TRUE}) or a raw
#' vector of decoded binary data (if \code{as_text=FALSE}).
#' For both functions, the \code{options} input argument takes a list of
#' additional input arguments that are passed directly to the encoding or
#' decoding functions in the respective packages that handle the actual data
#' translation. See \code{\link[xfun:base64_encode]{base64_encode}} and
#' \code{\link[gpg]{gpg_encrypt}} for details.
#' For \code{gpg} encoding and decoding, in addition to installing the
#' \code{\link[gpg:gpg_encrypt]{gpg}} package, a \code{gpg} keyring must be
#' installed and properly configured. For encoding, the \code{receiver} and
#' potentially the \code{signer} arguments must be supplied as elements of the
#' \code{options} input argument.
#' @param data Encoded data as a character string
#' @param file Path to file containing data to be encoded
#' @param encoding Either \code{'base64'} or \code{'gpg'}
#' @param as_text A boolean indicating if decoded data should be treated as text
#'   (\code{TRUE}) or binary (\code{FALSE}). Defaults to \code{FALSE}, meaning
#'   binary.
#' @param output Path where encoded data is to be stored. Optional; if
#'   \code{NULL} then encoded data will not be written to a file.
#' @param options A list containing extra arguments for the encoding/decoding
#'   functions. For \code{base64} encoding, \code{linewidth} (defaults to 64)
#'   and and \code{newline} (defaults to \code{\link{platform.newline}()})
#'   optional arguments are possible. For \code{gpg} encoding, see the
#'   description below for details regarding the required \code{receiver} option
#'   to define the key to use for encryption. For further details and
#'   potentially other additional arguments, see the help of the corresponding
#'   underlying encoding functions:
#'   \code{\link[xfun:base64_encode]{base64_encode}} and
#'   \code{\link[gpg]{gpg_encrypt}}.
#' @return Returns either the decoded data (\code{data_decode}) or the encoded
#'   data (\code{data_encode}).
#' @export
#' @describeIn data_decode Returns decoded data as either a character string
#'   (\code{as_text=TRUE}) or raw vector (\code{as_text=FALSE}).
#' @family decode encode
#' @author David M. Kaplan \email{dmkaplan2000@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso See also \code{\link[xfun:base64_encode]{base64_encode}} and
#'   \code{\link[gpg]{gpg_encrypt}}, \code{\link{platform.newline}}.
#' @example tests/test.data_encode_decode.R
data_decode = function(data,encoding,as_text=FALSE,options=list()) {
  if (!is.list(options))
    stop("options must be a list.")

    base64 = {
      # Collapse everything into one string with no new line characters
      data = gsub("[\r\n]","",paste0(data,collapse=""))

      x = xfun::base64_decode(data)
      if (as_text)
        x = rawToChar(x)
    gpg = {
      if (!requireNamespace("gpg"))
        stop("gpg package must be installed and configured for encryption/decryption to work.")

      tf = tempfile()

      x = try(do.call(gpg::gpg_decrypt,c(data=tf,as_text=as_text,options)),silent=TRUE)
      if (any(class(x) == "try-error")) {
        if (grepl("Password callback did not return a string value",x)) {
          stop(x,"","If this error occurred while knitting a Rmarkdown document, then it occurred because the non-interactive Rmarkdown session was unable to open the GPG key password dialog. See the knitrdata::unlock_gpg_key_passphrase function and the knitrdata package vignette for workarounds and more details.")
        } else {

    stop("Uknown encoding: ",encoding)

# Helper function to split strings to a fixed size
str.n.split = function(txt,n) {
  nc <- nchar(txt)

  # the indices where each substr will start
  starts <- seq(1,nc, by=n)

  # chop it up
  sapply(starts, function(ii) {
    substr(txt, ii, ii+n-1)

#' @export
#' @describeIn data_decode Returns data encoded as a character string using
#'   \code{base64} or \code{gpg} encoding.
data_encode = function(file,encoding,options=list(),output=NULL) {
  if (!is.list(options))
    stop("options must be a list.")

  data = switch(
    base64 = {
      if (is.null(options$linewidth))
        options$linewidth = 64
      if (is.null(options$newline))
        options$newline = platform.newline()

      # Use xfun to get encoded data as single long string
      size = file.size(file)
      x = xfun::base64_encode(readBin(con=file,what="raw",n=size))

      # Split in appropriate places into multiple lines
    gpg = {
      if (!requireNamespace("gpg"))
        stop("gpg package must be installed and configured for encryption/decryption to work.")

      if (is.null(options$receiver))
        stop("Missing GPG receiver in options list. See ?gpg::gpg_encrypt for details.")
    stop("Uknown encoding: ",encoding)

  if(!is.null(output)) {


# Data engine itself -------------------------------------------------

eng_data = function(options) {
  output = ''
  code = options$code

  # Do nothing if told not to evaluate
  if (!options$eval)

  if (is.null(options$output.var) && is.null(options$output.file))
    stop("One of output.var or output.file must be supplied in data chunk options.")

  # Option to include external file
  # Useful to keep initial file size small and readable.
  if (!is.null(options$external.file)) {
    if (!is.null(code))
      warning("Non-empty data chunk, but given external.file chunk option. Using external file and ignoring data chunk contents.")

    code = readLines(options$external.file)

  format = options$format
  if (is.null(format))
    format = 'text'
  if (!is.character(format) || !(format %in% c("text","binary")))
    stop("format must be either 'text' or 'binary'.")

  encoding = options$encoding
  if (is.null(encoding)) {
    encoding = switch(
      text = 'asis',
      binary = 'base64'
  if (!is.character(encoding) || !(encoding %in% c("asis","base64","gpg")))
    stop("encoding must be one of: 'asis', 'base64', 'gpg'.")

  decoding.ops = options$decoding.ops
  if (is.null(decoding.ops))
    decoding.ops = list()
  if (!is.list(decoding.ops))
    stop("decoding.ops should be a list. Got object of class ",class(decoding.ops)[1])

  if (encoding == "asis") {
    data = paste0(code,ifelse(is.null(options$line.sep),platform.newline(),options$line.sep),collapse="")
  } else {
    data = data_decode(code,encoding,as_text=(format=="text"),options=decoding.ops)

  output.file = options$output.file

  # Create temp file if using loader function
  if (is.null(output.file) &&
      (!is.null(options$loader.function) || !is.null(options$md5sum))) {
    output.file = tempfile()

  # Save decoded data to file if desired
  if (!is.null(output.file))
           text = writeChar(data,output.file,eos=NULL,useBytes = TRUE),
           binary = writeBin(data,output.file)

  # Check md5sum if desired
  if (!is.null(options$md5sum)) {
    omd5 = tools::md5sum(output.file)
    if (options$md5sum != omd5)
      stop("Given md5sum (= '",options$md5sum,"') does not match md5sum of decoded chunk (= '",omd5,"')")

  # Apply loader function to data if desired
  if (!is.null(options$loader.function)) {
    loader.ops = options$loader.ops
    if (is.null(loader.ops))
      loader.ops = list()
    if (!is.list(loader.ops))
      stop("loader.ops should be a list. Got object of class ",

    data = do.call(options$loader.function,

  # Assign to output.var
  if (!is.null(options$output.var)) {
    assign(options$output.var, data, envir = .knitrdata_env())
    #assign(options$output.var, data, envir = knitr::knit_global())
    #knitr::assign_knit_global(options$output.var,data) # Solution to avoid CRAN filters that needs to be implemented in knitr

  # Reduce echo of long data
  if (is.null(options$max.echo))

  if (length(code)>options$max.echo)
    code = c(code[1:options$max.echo],
             paste0("-- ",length(code)-options$max.echo," more lines of data ommitted --"))


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knitrdata documentation built on Dec. 8, 2020, 5:08 p.m.