
Defines functions supersom

Documented in supersom

supersom <- function(data,
                     grid = somgrid(),
                     rlen = 100,
                     alpha = c(0.05, 0.01),
                     radius = quantile(nhbrdist, 2/3),
                     whatmap = NULL,
                     user.weights = 1,
                     maxNA.fraction = 0L,
                     keep.data = TRUE,
                     dist.fcts = NULL,
                     mode = c("online", "batch", "pbatch"),
                     cores = -1,
                     normalizeDataLayers = TRUE)
  ## ##########################################################################
  ## Check data
  data <- check.data(data)
  narows <- check.data.na(data, maxNA.fraction = maxNA.fraction)
  data <- remove.data.na(data, narows)

  ## full data is the complete list, but with rows removed that
  ## contain too many NAs
  full.data <- data
  nmat <- length(data)
  ## ##########################################################################
  ## Whatmap
  whatmap <- check.whatmap(data, whatmap)
  nmap <- length(whatmap)
  data <- data[whatmap]
  ## ##########################################################################
  ## Check radius update parameters
  grid <- check.somgrid(grid)
  nhbrdist <- unit.distances(grid)
  if (length(radius) == 1)
    radius <- c(radius, 0)

  nobjects <- nrow(data[[1]])
  nvar <- sapply(data, ncol)
  data.matrix <- matrix(unlist(data), ncol = nobjects, byrow = TRUE)
  nNA <- getnNA(data, maxNA.fraction, nobjects)
  ## ##########################################################################
  ## Distances.
  ## Situations:
  ## - no distances defined. Then we take the defaults for ALL layers
  ##   and select the relevant ones according to whatmap
  ## - distances defined for all layers: simply take the relevant ones
  ##   according to whatmap
  ## - distances defined for only the whatmap layers: substitute the
  ##   missing ones by default distances
  if (length(dist.fcts) == length(full.data)) {
    orig.dist.fcts <- dist.fcts
    dist.fcts <- dist.fcts[whatmap]
  } else {
    if (length(dist.fcts) == 1) {
      orig.dist.fcts <- rep(dist.fcts, length(full.data))
      dist.fcts <- orig.dist.fcts[whatmap]
    } else {
      defaultDist <- "sumofsquares"
      defaultClassDist <- "tanimoto"
      factorLayers <- sapply(full.data,
                               is.factor(datamat) ||
      default.dist.fcts <- rep(defaultDist, length(full.data))
      if (any(factorLayers))
        default.dist.fcts[which(factorLayers)] <- defaultClassDist
      if (length(dist.fcts) == 0) {
        orig.dist.fcts <- default.dist.fcts
        dist.fcts <- orig.dist.fcts[whatmap]
      } else {
        if (length(dist.fcts) == length(whatmap)) {
          orig.dist.fcts <- default.dist.fcts
          orig.dist.fcts[whatmap] <- dist.fcts
        } else {
          stop("Wrong number of distances defined")

  ## check for data outside the range [0-1] for any layers (in
  ## whatmap) using the tanimoto distance.
  if (any(tanidists <- dist.fcts == "tanimoto")) {
    minvals <- sapply(data[which(tanidists)], min, na.rm = TRUE)
    maxvals <- sapply(data[which(tanidists)], max, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (any(minvals < 0 | maxvals > 1))
      stop("Layers for which the Tanimoto distance is used should have data within the [0,1] range") 
  dist.ptrs <- getDistancePointers(dist.fcts,
                                   maxNA.fraction = maxNA.fraction)

  ## ##########################################################################
  ## Get or create initial codebooks
  ncodes <- nrow(grid$pts)
  if (missing(init)) {
    starters <- sample(1:nobjects, ncodes, replace = FALSE)
    init <- lapply(data, function(x) x[starters,,drop=FALSE])
  } else {
    ## Check length and dimensions
    if (!is.list(init) & (is.vector(init) | is.factor(init) | is.matrix(init)))
      init <- list(init)
    if (length(init) != nmap)
      stop("Incorrect number of initialization matrices")
    if (!all(sapply(init, nrow) == ncodes))
      stop("Incorrect number of objects in initalization matrices")
    if (!all(sapply(init, ncol) == nvar)) {
      if (maxNA.fraction == 0L) {
        stop("Incorrect number of variables in initialization matrices")
      } else {
        stop("Incorrect number of variables in initialization matrices, ",
             "maybe due to the removal of columns because of NAs")
  ## Skip this if no NAs are allowed - that has already been checked
  ## note that these matrices contain objects in the columns, and
  ## variables in the rows
  if (maxNA.fraction > 0L) {
    ## Fill in any NAs with random draws (nonNA) from the
    ## corresponding columns in data
    for (jj in seq(along = init)) {
      nastarters <- which(is.na(init[[jj]]), arr.ind = TRUE)
      if (nrow(nastarters) > 0) {
        for (i in unique(nastarters[,1])) { ## rows
          idx <- which(nastarters[,1] == i) ## columns
          imputers <- sample(data[[jj]][i, !is.na(data[[jj]][i,])],
                             replace = TRUE)
          init[[jj]][i, nastarters[idx,2]] <- imputers
  init.matrix <- matrix(unlist(init), ncol = ncodes, byrow = TRUE)

  ## ####################################################################
  ## Weights

  distance.weights <- orig.user.weights <- rep(0, nmat)
  if (length(whatmap) == 1) {
    weights <- user.weights <- 1
    distance.weights[whatmap] <- orig.user.weights[whatmap] <- 1
  } else {
    if (length(user.weights) == 1) {
      user.weights <- rep(user.weights, length(whatmap))
    } else {
      if (length(user.weights) == nmat)
        user.weights <- user.weights[whatmap]
    if (any(user.weights == 0))
      stop("Incompatibility between whatmap and user.weights")

    if (abs(sum(user.weights)) < .Machine$double.eps) 
      stop("user.weights sum to zero")

    user.weights <- user.weights / sum(user.weights)

    orig.user.weights[whatmap] <- user.weights
    ## calculate distance weights from the init data (not containing any
    ## NA values) - the goal is to bring each data layer
    ## to more or less the same scale, after which the user weights are
    ## applied. We call object.distances layer by layer here, which
    ## leads to a list of distance vectors.
    if (normalizeDataLayers) {
      meanDistances <-
        lapply(seq(along = init),
                 object.distances(list(data = init[ii],
                                       whatmap = 1,
                                       user.weights = 1,
                                       distance.weights = 1,
                                       maxNA.fraction = maxNA.fraction,
                                       dist.fcts = dist.fcts[ii]),
                                  type = "data"))

      if (any(sapply(meanDistances, mean) < .Machine$double.eps))
        stop("Non-informative layers present: mean distance between objects zero")
      ## The distance weights are then the reciprocal values of the mean
      ## distances per layer. We no longer use median distances since
      ## there is a real chance that for factor data the median equals zero
      distance.weights[whatmap] <- 1 / sapply(meanDistances, mean)
    } else {
      distance.weights <- rep(1, length(data))
    weights <- user.weights * distance.weights[whatmap]
    weights <- weights / sum(weights)
  ## ##########################################################################
  ## Go!
  mode <- match.arg(mode)
  online = {
    res <- RcppSupersom(data = data.matrix,
                        codes = init.matrix,
                        numVars = nvar,
                        weights = weights,
                        distanceFunctions = dist.ptrs,
                        numNAs = nNA,
                        neighbourhoodDistances = nhbrdist,
                        neighbourhoodFct =
                        alphas = alpha,
                        radii = radius,
                        numEpochs = rlen)
  batch = {
    res <- RcppBatchSupersom(data = data.matrix,
                             codes = init.matrix,
                             numVars = nvar,
                             weights = weights,
                             distanceFunctions = dist.ptrs,
                             numNAs = nNA,
                             neighbourhoodDistances = nhbrdist,
                             neighbourhoodFct =
                             radii = radius,
                             numEpochs = rlen)
  pbatch = {
    res <- RcppParallelBatchSupersom(data = data.matrix,
                                     codes = init.matrix,
                                     numVars = nvar,
                                     weights = weights,
                                     distanceFunctions = dist.ptrs,
                                     numNAs = nNA,
                                     neighbourhoodDistances = nhbrdist,
                                     neighbourhoodFct =
                                     radii = radius,
                                     numEpochs = rlen,
                                     numCores = cores)
  changes <- matrix(res$changes, ncol = nmap, byrow = TRUE)
  colnames(changes) <- names(data)
  mycodes <- res$codes

  ## ##########################################################################
  ## Format the codes
  layerID <- rep(1:nmap, nvar)
  mycodes2 <- split(as.data.frame(mycodes), layerID)
  mycodes3 <- lapply(mycodes2, function(x) t(as.matrix(x)))

  codes <- vector(length(full.data), mode = "list")
  names(codes) <- names(full.data)
  codes[whatmap] <- mycodes3
  for (ii in seq(along = whatmap))
    colnames(codes[[ whatmap[ii] ]]) <- colnames(data[[ii]])

  ## ##########################################################################
  ## Prepare results
  if (keep.data) {
    mapping <-
      map.kohonen(structure(list(codes = codes,
                                 distance.weights = distance.weights,
                                 dist.fcts = orig.dist.fcts,
                                 data = full.data),
                            class = "kohonen"),
                  whatmap = whatmap,
                  user.weights = orig.user.weights,
                  maxNA.fraction = maxNA.fraction)
    structure(list(data = full.data,
                   unit.classif = mapping$unit.classif,
                   distances = mapping$distances,
                   grid = grid,
                   codes = codes,
                   changes = changes,
                   alpha = alpha,
                   radius = radius,
                   na.rows = narows,
                   user.weights = orig.user.weights,
                   distance.weights = distance.weights,
                   whatmap = whatmap,
                   maxNA.fraction = maxNA.fraction,
                   dist.fcts = orig.dist.fcts),
              class = "kohonen")
  } else {
    structure(list(grid = grid,
                   codes = codes,
                   changes = changes,
                   alpha = alpha,
                   radius = radius,
                   na.rows = narows,
                   user.weights = orig.user.weights,
                   distance.weights = distance.weights,
                   whatmap = whatmap,
                   maxNA.fraction = maxNA.fraction,
                   dist.fcts = orig.dist.fcts),
              class = "kohonen")

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kohonen documentation built on July 9, 2023, 7:40 p.m.