
### R code from vignette source 'kde.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: kde.Rnw:99-107
samp <- 200
mus <- rbind(c(-2,2), c(0,0), c(2,-2))
Sigmas <- rbind(diag(2), matrix(c(0.8, -0.72, -0.72, 0.8), nrow=2), diag(2))
cwt <- 3/11
props <- c((1-cwt)/2, cwt, (1-cwt)/2)
x <- rmvnorm.mixt(n=samp, mus=mus, Sigmas=Sigmas, props=props)

### code chunk number 2: kde.Rnw:113-114
plotmixt(mus=mus, Sigmas=Sigmas, props=props, xlim=c(-4,4), ylim=c(-4,4))

### code chunk number 3: kde.Rnw:116-117
plot(x, xlim=c(-4,4), ylim=c(-4,4), xlab="x", ylab="y")

### code chunk number 4: kde.Rnw:126-128
Hpi1 <- Hpi(x=x)
Hpi2 <- Hpi.diag(x=x)

### code chunk number 5: kde.Rnw:132-134
fhat.pi1 <- kde(x=x, H=Hpi1)
fhat.pi2 <- kde(x=x, H=Hpi2)

### code chunk number 6: kde.Rnw:142-144 (eval = FALSE)
## plot(fhat.pi1)
## plot(fhat.pi2)

### code chunk number 7: kde.Rnw:156-157
plot(fhat.pi1, main="Plug-in", cex.main=1.4, xlim=c(-4,4), ylim=c(-4,4))

### code chunk number 8: kde.Rnw:159-160
plot(fhat.pi2, main="Plug-in diagonal", cex.main=1.4, xlim=c(-4,4), ylim=c(-4,4)) 

### code chunk number 9: kde.Rnw:171-173
Hscv1 <- Hscv(x=x)
Hscv2 <- Hscv.diag(x=x)

### code chunk number 10: kde.Rnw:177-179
fhat.cv1 <- kde(x=x, H=Hscv1)
fhat.cv2 <- kde(x=x, H=Hscv2)

### code chunk number 11: kde.Rnw:181-182
plot(fhat.cv1, main="SCV", cex.main=1.4, xlim=c(-4,4), ylim=c(-4,4))

### code chunk number 12: kde.Rnw:184-185
plot(fhat.cv2, main="SCV diagonal", cex.main=1.4, xlim=c(-4,4), ylim=c(-4,4))

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