
Defines functions gbltrad gblemp_intern.rcpproll gblemp

Documented in gblemp gbltrad

#' @title Empirical Gliding Box Lacunarity
#' @export gblemp  gbltrad
#' @description Calculates empirical gliding box lacunarity of a binary map, which was proposed by Allain and Cloitre (1991). 
#' @details Calculates empirical gliding box lacunarity (Allain and Cloitre, 1991) for a given range of square box sizes,
#' \deqn{1 + Var(area(B . xi)) / E[area(B . xi)]^2, }
#' where \eqn{B} is a box that has a random location in the observation window and \eqn{area(B . xi)} is the (random) area of the foreground in \eqn{B}. 
#' This is an estimate of the gliding box lacunarity of a RACS (Hingee et al., 2017).
#' The algorithm uses the pixel locations in \code{xiim} as an array of box centre locations to compute
#'  the mean and variance of the area in a random box of a given size.
#' Locations where the box is not completely within the observation window are ignored.
#' @section WARNING: 
#' The box side lengths are rounded such that they are an odd number of pixels across.
#' \code{gblemp} uses the \code{\link[RcppRoll]{roll_sum}} function in \pkg{RcppRoll} to operate, so \pkg{RcppRoll} must be installed to run \code{gblemp}.

#' @references 
#' Allain, C. and Cloitre, M. (1991) Characterizing the lacunarity of random and deterministic fractal sets. \emph{Physical Review A}, 44, 3552-3558.
#' Hingee K, Baddeley A, Caccetta P, Nair G (2019). Computation of lacunarity from covariance of spatial binary maps. \emph{Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics}, 24, 264-288. DOI: 10.1007/s13253-019-00351-9.
#' @return An \code{fv} object containing empirical GBL, variance of the area in the box and mean of the area in the box. 
#'  The box widths (labelled \code{s}) are always odd multiples of the pixel width.
#' @param xiim An image of pixels valued either \code{0}, \code{1} or \code{NA}. \code{NA} valued pixels are assumed to be outside the observation window.
#' @param boxwidths A list of suggested box widths in the same units as \code{xiim}. 
#' Note the actual box widths used by \code{gblemp} will be the closest multiple of an odd number of pixel widths.
#' @param obswin Optional observation window. The observation window used for the estimator will be the intersection of \code{obswin} and the pixels that are not \code{NA} in \code{xiim}.
#' @examples
#' xiim <- as.im(heather$coarse, na.replace = 0)
#' boxwidths <- seq(0.2, 14, by = 0.2) #in units of xiim
#' gblest <- gblemp(boxwidths, xiim)
#' @keywords spatial nonparametric 
gblemp <- function(boxwidths, xiim, obswin = Frame(xiim)){
  if (!is.im(xiim)){stop("input xiim must be of class im")}
  if (abs(xiim$xstep - xiim$ystep) > 1E-2 * xiim$xstep){stop("image pixels must be square")}
  isbinarymap(xiim, requiretrue = TRUE)
#convert boxwidths to odd pixel amounts, taking into account that want a distance to edge
  spix <- 1 + round( (boxwidths - xiim$xstep) / (2 * xiim$xstep)) * 2
  spix <- unique(spix)
  rpix <- (spix - 1) / 2
  sidel <- spix * xiim$xstep

#compute observation mask
  obsvd <- xiim
  obsvd[is.finite(xiim$v)] <- TRUE
  if (isa(obswin, "im")){obsvd <- eval.im(obswin * obsvd)}
  obsvd <- as.owin(obsvd) #owin format may not be needed anymore
  if (isa(obswin, "owin")){obsvd <- intersect.owin(obsvd, obswin)}

  if (requireNamespace("RcppRoll") != TRUE){
     stop("RcppRoll package must be installed to calculate empirical gliding box lacunarity")

xiim[(complement.owin(intersect.owin(obswin, Frame(xiim)), frame = Frame(xiim)))] <- NA  #make sure the pixels outside obswin are set to NA so that reduce sampling happens naturally ##NOTE: this a time consuming operation that may never be needed
lacs <- mapply(gblemp_intern.rcpproll, sidep = 2 * rpix + 1, MoreArgs = list(xiim = xiim, obswin = obsvd), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

  #converting results in fv objects
    valsdf <- matrix(unlist(lacs), ncol = length(lacs[[1]]), byrow = TRUE)
    colnames(valsdf) <- names(lacs[[1]])
    lacsdf <- cbind(data.frame(s = sidel), valsdf)
    #recommended xlim:
    alim.min <- 1
    alim.max <- min(which(vapply(lacsdf[, "GBL"], is.na, FUN.VALUE = TRUE)), nrow(lacsdf))
    lacfv <- spatstat.explore::fv(lacsdf,
           argu = "s",
           valu = "GBL",
           fmla = ".y ~ s",
           alim = c(lacsdf[alim.min, "s"], lacsdf[alim.max, "s"]),
           ylab = expression(GBL[gb]),
           unitname = unitname(xiim),
           labl = c("Box Width",
           desc = c("side lengths of boxes", 
                    "Empirical GBL",
                    "Variance of foreground area in the randomly placed box in empirical GBL",
                    "Mean foreground area in the randomly placed box in empirical GBL"
           fname = "GBL"
    spatstat.explore::fvnames(lacfv, a = ".") <- "GBL"

##The following function calculates lacunarity for a box with side lengths 2*bX+1 and 2*bY+1 (in pixels). The RS version is automatically calculated by ignoring those boxes that have sums that includa NA values. 
#eg gblemp_intern.rcpproll(xiim,5,5,5*0.8)
#the obswin is only for the raw version and must be an owin object. 
#uses rcpproll
gblemp_intern.rcpproll <- function(xiim, sidep, obswin = Frame(xiim)){
  mat <- as.matrix(xiim)
  if ( (sidep > nrow(mat)) | (sidep > ncol(mat))){
    gblemp.rs <- NA
    sampmean.rs <- NA
    samp2ndmom.rs <- NA
  else {
    movline.overrows <- RcppRoll::roll_sum(mat, sidep)
    movline.overrowthencols <- RcppRoll::roll_sum(t(movline.overrows), sidep) * xiim$xstep * xiim$ystep
    sampmean.rs <- mean(movline.overrowthencols, na.rm = TRUE) #sample mean
    samp2ndmom.rs <- mean(movline.overrowthencols ^ 2, na.rm = TRUE) #biased sample second moment
    gblemp.rs <- samp2ndmom.rs / (sampmean.rs ^ 2) 

      GBL = gblemp.rs,
      s2 = samp2ndmom.rs - sampmean.rs^2,
      xbar = sampmean.rs

#' @describeIn gblemp An alias of \code{gblemp} used in past versions of this package. This alias may be removed in future versions.
gbltrad <- function(boxwidths, xiim, obswin = Frame(xiim)){
  warning("'gbltrad' function name has been changed to 'gblemp'. Please use 'gblemp' instead of 'gbltrad'.")
  gblemp(boxwidths, xiim, obswin)

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lacunaritycovariance documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 6:08 p.m.