
Defines functions WRSS WRMSE WMSE WMAE RSS relativeEntropy RMSE MSE MAE ICL.BIC entropy Dunn DaviesBouldin converged CLC CalinskiHarabasz ASW APPA.min APPA.mean ssBIC CAIC .defineInternalDistanceMetric .getMetricDef getInternalMetricDefinition .defineMetric defineInternalMetric getInternalMetricNames

Documented in converged defineInternalMetric getInternalMetricDefinition getInternalMetricNames

#' @include model.R

#' @name metric
#' @rdname metric
#' @aliases internalMetric
#' @title Compute internal model metric(s)
#' @description Compute one or more internal metrics for the given `lcModel` object.
#' Note that there are many metrics available, and there exists no metric that works best in all scenarios.
#' It is recommended to carefully consider which metric is most appropriate for your use case.
#' Recommended overview papers:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \insertCite{arbelaitz2013extensive;textual}{latrend} provide an extensive overview validity indices for cluster algorithms.
#'   \item \insertCite{vandernest2020overview;textual}{latrend} provide an overview of metrics for mixture models (GBTM, GMM); primarily likelihood-based or posterior probability-based metrics.
#'   \item \insertCite{henson2007detecting;textual}{latrend} provide an overview of likelihood-based metrics for mixture models.
#' }
#' Call [getInternalMetricNames()] to retrieve the names of the defined internal metrics.
#' See the _Details_ section below for a list of supported metrics.
#' @section Supported internal metrics:
#' | **Metric name** | **Description** | **Function / Reference** |
#' | --- | :-------- | :--- |
#' | `AIC` | [Akaike information criterion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akaike_information_criterion). A goodness-of-fit estimator that adjusts for model complexity (i.e., the number of parameters). Only available for models that support the computation of the model log-likelihood through [logLik]. | [stats::AIC()], \insertCite{akaike1974new}{latrend} |
#' | `APPA.mean` | Mean of the average posterior probability of assignment (APPA) across clusters. A measure of the precision of the trajectory classifications. A score of 1 indicates perfect classification. | [APPA()], \insertCite{nagin2005group}{latrend} |
#' | `APPA.min` | Lowest APPA among the clusters | [APPA()], \insertCite{nagin2005group}{latrend} |
#' | `ASW` | Average [silhouette](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silhouette_(clustering)) width based on the Euclidean distance | \insertCite{rousseeuw1987silhouettes}{latrend} |
#' | `BIC` | [Bayesian information criterion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayesian_information_criterion). A goodness-of-fit estimator that corrects for the degrees of freedom (i.e., the number of parameters) and sample size. Only available for models that support the computation of the model log-likelihood through [logLik]. | [stats::BIC()], \insertCite{schwarz1978estimating}{latrend} |
#' | `CAIC` | Consistent Akaike information criterion | \insertCite{bozdogan1987model}{latrend} |
#' | `CLC` | Classification likelihood criterion | \insertCite{mclachlan2000finite}{latrend} |
#' | `converged` | Whether the model converged during estimation | [converged()] |
#' | `deviance` | The model [deviance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deviance_(statistics)) | [stats::deviance()] |
#' | `Dunn` | The [Dunn index](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunn_index) | \insertCite{dunn1974well}{latrend} |
#' | `entropy` | Entropy of the posterior probabilities | |
#' | `estimationTime` | The time needed for fitting the model | [estimationTime()] |
#' | `ED` | [Euclidean distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_distance) between the cluster trajectories and the assigned observed trajectories | |
#' | `ED.fit` | Euclidean distance between the cluster trajectories and the assigned fitted trajectories | |
#' | `ICL.BIC` | Integrated classification likelihood (ICL) approximated using the BIC | \insertCite{biernacki2000assessing}{latrend} |
#' | `logLik` | Model log-[likelihood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Likelihood_function) | [stats::logLik()] |
#' | `MAE` | [Mean absolute error](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean_absolute_error) of the fitted trajectories (assigned to the most likely respective cluster) to the observed trajectories | |
#' | `Mahalanobis` | [Mahalanobis distance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahalanobis_distance) between the cluster trajectories and the assigned observed trajectories | \insertCite{mahalanobis1936generalized}{latrend} |
#' | `MSE` | [Mean squared error](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean_squared_error) of the fitted trajectories (assigned to the most likely respective cluster) to the observed trajectories | |
#' | `relativeEntropy`, `RE` | A measure of the precision of the trajectory classification. A value of 1 indicates perfect classification, whereas a value of 0 indicates a non-informative uniform classification. It is the normalized version of `entropy`, scaled between \[0, 1\]. | \insertCite{ramaswamy1993empirical}{latrend}, \insertCite{muthen2004latent}{latrend} |
#' | `RMSE` | [Root mean squared error](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Root-mean-square_deviation) of the fitted trajectories (assigned to the most likely respective cluster) to the observed trajectories | |
#' | `RSS` | [Residual sum of squares](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Residual_sum_of_squares) under most likely cluster allocation | |
#' | `scaledEntropy` | See `relativeEntropy` | |
#' | `sigma` | The residual standard deviation | [stats::sigma()] |
#' | `ssBIC` | Sample-size adjusted BIC | \insertCite{sclove1987application}{latrend} |
#' | `SED` | Standardized Euclidean distance between the cluster trajectories and the assigned observed trajectories | |
#' | `SED.fit` | The cluster-weighted standardized Euclidean distance between the cluster trajectories and the assigned fitted trajectories | |
#' | `WMAE` | `MAE` weighted by cluster-assignment probability | |
#' | `WMSE` | `MSE` weighted by cluster-assignment probability | |
#' | `WRMSE` | `RMSE` weighted by cluster-assignment probability | |
#' | `WRSS` | `RSS` weighted by cluster-assignment probability | |
#' @section Implementation:
#' See the documentation of the [defineInternalMetric()] function for details on how to define your own metrics.
#' @param object The `lcModel`, `lcModels`, or `list` of `lcModel` objects to compute the metrics for.
#' @param name The name(s) of the metric(s) to compute. If no names are given, the names specified in the `latrend.metric` option (WRSS, APPA, AIC, BIC) are used.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @return For `metric(lcModel)`: A named `numeric` vector with the computed model metrics.
#' @references \insertAllCited{}
#' @seealso [externalMetric] [min.lcModels] [max.lcModels]

intMetricsEnv = new.env()

#' @export
#' @title Get the names of the available internal metrics
#' @family metric functions
getInternalMetricNames = function() {

#' @export
#' @title Define an internal metric for lcModels
#' @param name The name of the metric.
#' @param fun The function to compute the metric, accepting a lcModel object as input.
#' @param warnIfExists Whether to output a warning when the metric is already defined.
#' @family metric functions
#' @examples
#' defineInternalMetric("BIC", fun = BIC)
#' mae <- function(object) {
#'   mean(abs(residuals(object)))
#' }
#' defineInternalMetric("MAE", fun = mae)
defineInternalMetric = function(name, fun, warnIfExists = getOption('latrend.warnMetricOverride', TRUE)) {
  assert_that(!is.null(formalArgs(fun)), msg = 'function must accept one argument (a lcModel)')
  .defineMetric(name, fun = fun, warnIfExists = warnIfExists, envir = intMetricsEnv)

.defineMetric = function(name, fun, warnIfExists, envir) {
  if (warnIfExists && exists(name, envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)) {
    warning(sprintf('ovewriting existing metric definition for %s', name))
  assign(name, value = fun, envir = envir)

#' @export
#' @title Get the internal metric definition
#' @inheritParams defineInternalMetric
#' @return The metric function, or NULL if not defined.
#' @family metric functions
getInternalMetricDefinition = function(name) {
  .getMetricDef(name, envir = intMetricsEnv)

.getMetricDef = function(name, envir) {
  if (exists(name, envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)) {
    get(name, envir = envir)
  } else {
    stop(sprintf('No metric definition for "%s"', name))

#' @importFrom stats weighted.mean
.defineInternalDistanceMetric = function(
  type = c('traj', 'fit'),
  clusterAggregationFun = weighted.mean,
  assertNonEmpty = TRUE,
  assertNonSolitary = FALSE,
  assertNonIdentical = FALSE,
) {
  type = match.arg(type[1], c('traj', 'fit'))
  if (type != 'traj') {
    fullName = paste(name, type, sep = '.')
  } else {
    # traj is the default
    fullName = name


  trajFun = switch(type,
    traj = trajectories,
    fit = fittedTrajectories,

  fun = function(m) {
    nTimes = length(time(m))
    dfTraj = trajFun(m)
    trajMat = tsmatrix(
      id = idVariable(m),
      time = timeVariable(m),
      response = responseVariable(m)
    assert_that(ncol(trajMat) == nTimes)
    trajMatList = lapply(split(trajMat, trajectoryAssignments(m)), matrix, ncol = nTimes)

    dtClus = clusterTrajectories(m, at = time(m))
    clusMat = tsmatrix(
      id = 'Cluster',
      time = timeVariable(m),
      response = responseVariable(m)
    clusVecList = split(clusMat, row(clusMat))
    assert_that(all(lengths(clusVecList) == nTimes))

    emptyMask = vapply(trajMatList, nrow, FUN.VALUE = 0) == 0 & assertNonEmpty
    solitaryMask = vapply(trajMatList, nrow, FUN.VALUE = 0) == 1 & assertNonSolitary
    identicalMask = vapply(
      function(x) all(x[1,] == t(x)),
    ) & assertNonIdentical

    if (any(emptyMask)) {
          'Cannot compute distance metric "%s" for cluster(s) "%s": No trajectories assigned to the cluster.',
          paste0(clusterNames(m)[emptyMask], collapse = '", "')

    if (any(solitaryMask)) {
          'Cannot compute distance metric "%s" for cluster(s) "%s": Only 1 trajectory assigned to the cluster.',
          paste0(clusterNames(m)[solitaryMask], collapse = '", "')

    if (any(identicalMask)) {
          'Cannot compute distance metric "%s" for cluster(s) "%s": All trajectories are identical (i.e., zero covariance).',
          paste0(clusterNames(m)[identicalMask], collapse = '", "')

    validMask = !emptyMask & !solitaryMask & !identicalMask

    if (!any(validMask)) {

    clusDistances = Map(
    clusterAggregationFun(unlist(clusDistances), w = clusterProportions(m)[validMask])

  defineInternalMetric(fullName, fun = fun, ...)

#' @title Define the distance metrics for multiple types at once
#' @keywords internal
.defineInternalDistanceMetrics = Vectorize(
  FUN = .defineInternalDistanceMetric,
  vectorize.args = 'type',

# Internal metric definitions ####
#' @importFrom stats AIC
intMetricsEnv$AIC = AIC

intMetricsEnv$CAIC = function(m) {
  ll = logLik(m)
  df = attr(ll, 'df')
  - 2 * ll + (log(nIds(m)) + 1) * df

intMetricsEnv$ssBIC = function(m) {
  ll = logLik(m)
  df = attr(ll, 'df')
  - 2 * ll + log((nIds(m) + 2) / 24) * df

intMetricsEnv$APPA.mean = function(m) {

intMetricsEnv$APPA.min = function(m) {

intMetricsEnv$ASW = function(m) {
  if (nClusters(m) == 1L) {
    return (NA_real_)

  part = as.integer(trajectoryAssignments(m))
  tsmat = tsmatrix(
    data = model.data(m),
    response = responseVariable(m),
    id = idVariable(m),
    time = timeVariable(m),
    fill = NA_real_

  dis = stats::dist(tsmat, method = 'euclidean')
  silStats = cluster::silhouette(part, dmatrix = as.matrix(dis))
  silSum = summary(silStats)
  asw = mean(silSum$clus.avg.widths)


#' @importFrom stats BIC
intMetricsEnv$BIC = BIC

intMetricsEnv$CalinskiHarabasz = function(m) {
  part = as.integer(trajectoryAssignments(m))
  tsmat = tsmatrix(
    data = model.data(m),
    response = responseVariable(m),
    id = idVariable(m),
    time = timeVariable(m),
    fill = NA_real_

  clusterCrit::intCriteria(tsmat, part, crit = 'Calinski_Harabasz')$calinski_harabasz

intMetricsEnv$CLC = function(m) {
  ll = logLik(m)
  df = attr(ll, 'df')
  E = intMetricsEnv$entropy(m)
  - 2 * ll + 2 * E

intMetricsEnv$converged = function(m) {
  converged(m) > 0

intMetricsEnv$DaviesBouldin = function(m) {
  part = as.integer(trajectoryAssignments(m))
  tsmat = tsmatrix(
    data = model.data(m),
    response = responseVariable(m),
    id = idVariable(m),
    time = timeVariable(m),
    fill = NA_real_

  clusterCrit::intCriteria(tsmat, part, crit = 'Davies_Bouldin')$davies_bouldin

#' @importFrom stats deviance
intMetricsEnv$deviance = deviance

  name = 'ED',
  type = c('traj', 'fit'),
  distanceFun = function(trajClusMat, clusVec, clusName) {
    mean(sqrt((t(trajClusMat) - clusVec) ^ 2))
  clusterAggregationFun = weighted.mean

intMetricsEnv$Dunn = function(m) {

  if (nClusters(m) == 1L) {
    # not defined for K=1
    return (NA_real_)

  part = as.integer(trajectoryAssignments(m))
  tsmat = tsmatrix(
    data = model.data(m),
    response = responseVariable(m),
    id = idVariable(m),
    time = timeVariable(m),
    fill = NA_real_

  # outputs min/max infinity warning under presence of empty clusters
    di = clValid::dunn(clusters = part, Data = tsmat, method = 'euclidean')


intMetricsEnv$entropy = function(m) {
  pp = postprob(m) %>%

  -1 * sum(rowSums(pp * log(pp)))

intMetricsEnv$estimationTime = estimationTime

#' @importFrom stats logLik
intMetricsEnv$logLik = logLik

intMetricsEnv$ICL.BIC = function(m) {
  ll = logLik(m)
  df = attr(ll, 'df')
  -2 * ll + log(nIds(m)) * df + 2 * intMetricsEnv$entropy(m)

intMetricsEnv$MAE = function(m) {

# . Mahalanobis distance ####
#' @importFrom stats mahalanobis
  name = 'Mahalanobis',
  type = 'traj',
  distanceFun = function(trajClusMat, clusVec, clusName) {
    vcovMat = cov(trajClusMat)
    if (det(vcovMat) == 0) {
          'Cannot compute Mahalanobis distance for cluster "%s": covariance matrix is singular',
    } else {
      mean(mahalanobis(trajClusMat, center = clusVec, cov = vcovMat))
  clusterAggregationFun = weighted.mean,
  assertNonSolitary = TRUE,
  assertNonIdentical = TRUE

intMetricsEnv$MSE = function(m) {
  mean(residuals(m) ^ 2)

intMetricsEnv$RMSE = function(m) {
  sqrt(mean(residuals(m) ^ 2))

# also referred to as the scaled entropy
intMetricsEnv$relativeEntropy = function(m) {
  N = nIds(m)
  K = nClusters(m)
  E = metric(m, 'entropy')
  1 - E / (N * log(K))

intMetricsEnv$RE = intMetricsEnv$relativeEntropy

intMetricsEnv$RSS = function(m) {
  sum(residuals(m) ^ 2)

intMetricsEnv$scaledEntropy = intMetricsEnv$relativeEntropy

intMetricsEnv$sigma = sigma

# . Standardized Euclidean distance ####
#' @importFrom stats mahalanobis
  name = 'SED',
  type = c('traj', 'fit'),
  distanceFun = function(trajClusMat, clusVec, clusName) {
    varMat = diag(diag(var(trajClusMat)))
    if (det(varMat) == 0) {
          'Cannot compute standard Euclidean distance for cluster "%s": variance matrix is singular',
    } else {
      mean(mahalanobis(trajClusMat, center = clusVec, cov = varMat))
  clusterAggregationFun = weighted.mean,
  assertNonSolitary = TRUE,
  assertNonIdentical = TRUE

intMetricsEnv$WMAE = function(m) {
  wMat = postprob(m)[make.idRowIndices(m), ]
  resMat = residuals(m, clusters = NULL)
  mean(rowSums(wMat * abs(resMat)))

intMetricsEnv$WMSE = function(m) {
  wMat = postprob(m)[make.idRowIndices(m), ]
  resMat = residuals(m, clusters = NULL)
  mean(rowSums(wMat * resMat ^ 2))

intMetricsEnv$WRMSE = function(m) {
  sqrt(metric(m, 'WMSE'))

intMetricsEnv$WRSS = function(m) {
  wMat = postprob(m)[make.idRowIndices(m), ]
  resMat = residuals(m, clusters = NULL)
  sum(wMat * resMat ^ 2)

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