
Defines functions createGrid

Documented in createGrid

### createGrid.R --- 
## author: Brice Ozenne
## created: aug 31 2017 (16:40) 
## Version: 
## last-updated: Jan 11 2022 (17:08) 
##           By: Brice Ozenne
##     Update #: 88
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
### Code:

## * Documentaiton - createGrid
#' @title Create a Mesh for the Integration
#' @description Create a mesh for the integration.
#' @name createGrid
#' @param n [integer >0] the number of points for the mesh in the x direction.
#' @param xmin [numeric] the minimal x value.
#' @param xmax [numeric] the maximal x value.
#' @param d.y [integer >0] the number of dimensions for the triangle.
#' @param d.z [integer >0] the number of dimensions.
#' @param zmax [numeric >0] the maximal z value (in absolute value).
#' @param fine [logical] should the mesh be displayed?
#' @param double [logical] should the grid be just outside the region of interest?
#' Otherwise it will be just inside.
#' @details This create a mesh for integrating over a triangular surface using rectangles.
#' The domain is define by constrains on three types of variables:
#' \itemize{
#' \item the x variable: [unidimensional] that varies freely between [-xmax,-xmin] U [xmin,xmax].
#' \item the y variables: [dimension d.y] constrained to be lower in absolute value than the x variable.
#' In 2D this corresponds to 2 triangles, and in higher dimension to cones/hypercones.
#' \item the z variables: [dimension d.z] constrained to vary between [-zmax,zmax].
#' }
#' The intersection of these three conditions define the domain.
#' The mesh is obtained slicing the triangles using rectangles.
#' @return A list containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item grid: a \code{data.frame} where each line corresponds to a point.
#' \item seqNames.min: a \code{character} giving the name of the x,y variables (min).
#' \item seqNames.max: a \code{character} giving the name of the x,y variables (max).
#' }
#' @examples
#' createGrid <- lavaSearch2:::createGrid
#' ## no z 
#' gridInt_2d <- createGrid(5, d.y = 1, xmin = 0, xmax = 4, 
#'                          d.z = 0, fine = FALSE, double = FALSE)
#' gridExt_2d <- createGrid(5, d.y = 1, xmin = 0, xmax = 4, 
#'                          d.z = 0, fine = FALSE, double = TRUE)
#' gridInt_4d <- createGrid(5, d.y = 3, xmin = 0, xmax = 4, 
#'                          d.z = 0, fine = FALSE, double = FALSE)
#' gridExt_4d <- createGrid(5, d.y = 3, xmin = 0, xmax = 4, 
#'                          d.z = 0, fine = FALSE, double = TRUE)
#' gridInt_2d <- createGrid(5, d.y = 1, xmin = 0, xmax = 4, 
#'                          d.z = 0, fine = TRUE, double = FALSE)
#' ##  z
#' gridIntZ1_2d <- createGrid(5, d.y = 1, xmin = 0, xmax = 4, 
#'                            d.z = 1, zmax = 2, fine = FALSE, double = FALSE)
#' gridExtZ1_2d <- createGrid(5, d.y = 1, xmin = 0, xmax = 4, 
#'                            d.z = 1, zmax = 2, fine = FALSE, double = TRUE)
#' gridIntZ2_4d <- createGrid(5, d.y = 3, xmin = 0, xmax = 4, 
#'                            d.z = 2, zmax = 2, fine = FALSE, double = FALSE)
#' gridExtZ2_4d <- createGrid(5, d.y = 3, xmin = 0, xmax = 4, 
#'                            d.z = 2, zmax = 2, fine = FALSE, double = TRUE)
#' @concept post-selection inference
#' @keywords internal

## * createGrid
#' @rdname createGrid
createGrid <- function(n,
                       xmin, xmax, d.y, 
                       d.z, zmax,
                       fine, double){

    y1.min <- y1.max <- NULL ## [:for CRAN check] subset
    ## ** find step along the x axis
        by <- xmax/n
        seqTry <- seq(0,xmax, length.out = n)
        by <- xmin/sum(seqTry<xmin)
    seqPointsX <- seq(xmin,xmax, by = by)
    n.seqX <- length(seqPointsX)-1

    ## ** name variables
    y.minNames <- paste0("y",1:d.y,".min")
    y.maxNames <- paste0("y",1:d.y,".max")
    all.Names <- c("x.min","x.max",y.minNames,y.maxNames,"weight","index")

    seqNames.min <- c("x.min",y.minNames)
    seqNames.max <- c("x.max",y.maxNames)
    ## ** main grid
    grid.main <- NULL
    for(iX in 1:n.seqX){ #  iX <- 1
        grid.main <- rbind(grid.main,
                           c(seqPointsX[iX], seqPointsX[iX+1],
                             rep(-seqPointsX[iX+double],d.y), rep(seqPointsX[iX+double],d.y),
                             1, iX)
    grid.main <- as.data.frame(grid.main)
    names(grid.main) <- all.Names
    ## gg.main <- ggplot(grid.main, aes(xmin = x.min, ymin = y1.min, xmax = x.max, ymax = y1.max, fill = index))
    ## gg.main <- gg.main + geom_rect()
    ## gg.main <- gg.main + geom_abline(slope = 1,color = "red") + geom_abline(slope = -1,color = "red")
    ## gg.main
    ## ** fine grid
    grid.fine <- NULL    

        ls.mp <- lapply(1:d.y, function(x){c(-1,1)})
        grid.mp <- expand.grid(ls.mp)
        n.mp <- NROW(grid.mp)
        ls.index <- list(1:d.y, (d.y+1):(2*d.y))

        for(iX in 1:n.seqX){ # iX <- 1
            for(iMP in 1:n.mp){ # iMP <- 1

                index.neg <- which(grid.mp[iMP,]<0)
                ls.index2 <- ls.index
                for(i.neg in index.neg){
                    ls.index2[[1]][i.neg] <- ls.index[[2]][i.neg]
                    ls.index2[[2]][i.neg] <- ls.index[[1]][i.neg]    
                M.seq <- cbind(rep(seqPointsX[iX],d.y)*grid.mp[iMP,],
                grid.fine <- rbind(grid.fine,
                                   c(seqPointsX[iX], seqPointsX[iX+1],
                                     1/2, iX+1)
        grid.fine <- as.data.frame(grid.fine)
        names(grid.fine) <- all.Names        
        ## gg.fine <- ggplot(grid.fine, aes(xmin = x.min, ymin = y1.min, xmax = x.max, ymax = y1.max, fill = index))
        ## gg.fine <- gg.fine + geom_rect()
        ## gg.fine <- gg.fine + geom_abline(slope = 1,color = "red") + geom_abline(slope = -1,color = "red")
        ## gg.fine

    ## ** Merge grids and remove empty cells
    grid.all <- rbind(grid.main, grid.fine)
    grid.all <- subset(grid.all, y1.min!=y1.max) # remove empty rectangles

    ## update index
    grid.all$index <- grid.all$index - min(grid.all$index) + 1
    ## ** duplicate grid  (negative x  and positive x)
    grid.all2 <- grid.all
    grid.all2$x.min <- -grid.all$x.max 
    grid.all2$x.max <- -grid.all$x.min # we need grid.all$x.min due to the previous line
    grid.all2$index <- grid.all2$index + max(grid.all2$index)
    grid <- rbind(grid.all,grid.all2)

    ## ** add z coordinate
        z.minNames <- paste0("z",1:d.z,".min")
        z.maxNames <- paste0("z",1:d.z,".max")

        grid[,z.minNames] <- -abs(zmax)
        grid[,z.maxNames] <- abs(zmax)
        seqNames.min <- c(seqNames.min, z.minNames)
        seqNames.max <- c(seqNames.max, z.maxNames)

    return(list(grid = grid,
                seqNames.min = seqNames.min,
                seqNames.max = seqNames.max))

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