
Defines functions lav_mvreg_information_firstorder lav_mvreg_information_observed_samplestats lav_mvreg_information_observed_data lav_mvreg_information_expected lav_mvreg_logl_hessian_samplestats lav_mvreg_logl_hessian_data lav_mvreg_scores_beta_vech_sigma lav_mvreg_scores_vech_sigma lav_mvreg_scores_beta lav_mvreg_dlogl_dvechrescov lav_mvreg_dlogl_drescov lav_mvreg_dlogl_dbeta lav_mvreg_loglik_samplestats lav_mvreg_loglik_data

# the multivariate linear model using maximum likelihood

# 1) loglikelihood (from raw data, or sample statistics)
# 2) derivatives with respect to Beta, res.cov, vech(res.cov)
# 3) casewise scores with respect to Beta, vech(res.cov), Beta + vech(res.cov)
# 4) hessian Beta + vech(res.cov)
# 5) information h0 Beta + vech(res.cov)
#    5a: (unit)    expected information
#    5b: (unit)    observed information
#    5c: (unit) first.order information

# YR 24 Mar 2016: first version
# YR 20 Jan 2017: removed added 'N' in many equations, to be consistent with
#                 lav_mvnorm_*
# YR 18 Okt 2018: add 'information' functions, change arguments
#                 (X -> eXo, Sigma -> res.cov, Beta -> res.int + res.slopes)

# 1. loglikelihood

# 1a. input is raw data
lav_mvreg_loglik_data <- function(Y           = NULL,
                                  eXo         = NULL, # no intercept
                                  Beta        = NULL,
                                  res.int     = NULL,
                                  res.slopes  = NULL,
                                  res.cov     = NULL,
                                  casewise    = FALSE,
                                  Sinv.method = "eigen") {
    Y <- unname(Y); Q <- NCOL(Y); N <- NROW(Y)
    X <- cbind(1, unname(eXo))

    # construct model-implied Beta
    if(is.null(Beta)) {
        Beta <- rbind(matrix(res.int, nrow = 1), t(res.slopes))

    if(casewise) {
        LOG.2PI <- log(2 * pi)

        # invert res.cov
        if(Sinv.method == "chol") {
            cS <- chol(res.cov); icS <- backsolve(cS, diag(Q))
            logdet <- -2 * sum(log(diag(icS)))

            RES <- Y - X %*% Beta
            DIST <- rowSums((RES %*% icS)^2)
        } else {
            res.cov.inv <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(S = res.cov, logdet = TRUE,
                                                      Sinv.method = Sinv.method)
            logdet <- attr(res.cov.inv, "logdet")

            RES <- Y - X %*% Beta
            DIST <- rowSums(RES %*% res.cov.inv * RES)

        loglik <- -(Q * LOG.2PI + logdet + DIST)/2

    } else {
        # invert res.cov
        res.cov.inv <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(S = res.cov, logdet = TRUE,
                                                  Sinv.method = Sinv.method)
        logdet <- attr(res.cov.inv, "logdet")

        RES <- Y - X %*% Beta
        # TOTAL <- TR( (Y - X%*%Beta) %*% res.cov.inv %*% t(Y - X%*%Beta) )
        TOTAL <- sum( rowSums(RES %*% res.cov.inv * RES) )
        loglik <- -(N*Q/2)*log(2*pi) - (N/2)*logdet - (1/2)*TOTAL


# 2b. input are sample statistics (res.int, res.slopes, res.cov, N) only
lav_mvreg_loglik_samplestats <- function(sample.res.int    = NULL,
                                         sample.res.slopes = NULL,
                                         sample.res.cov    = NULL,
                                         sample.mean.x     = NULL,
                                         sample.cov.x      = NULL,
                                         sample.nobs       = NULL,
                                         Beta              = NULL, # optional
                                         res.int           = NULL,
                                         res.slopes        = NULL,
                                         res.cov           = NULL,
                                         Sinv.method       = "eigen",
                                         res.cov.inv       = NULL) {

    Q <- NCOL(sample.res.cov); N <- sample.nobs
    LOG.2PI <- log(2 * pi)

    # construct model-implied Beta
    if(is.null(Beta)) {
        Beta <- rbind(matrix(res.int, nrow = 1), t(res.slopes))

    # construct 'saturated' (sample-based) B
    sample.B <- rbind(matrix(sample.res.int, nrow = 1), t(sample.res.slopes))

    # construct sample.xx = 1/N*crossprod(X1) (including intercept)
    sample.xx <- rbind( cbind(1, matrix(sample.mean.x, nrow = 1,)),
                        cbind(matrix(sample.mean.x, ncol = 1),
                              sample.cov.x + tcrossprod(sample.mean.x)) )

    # res.cov.inv
    if(is.null(res.cov.inv)) {
        res.cov.inv <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(S = res.cov, logdet = TRUE,
                                                  Sinv.method = Sinv.method)
        logdet <- attr(res.cov.inv, "logdet")
    } else {
        logdet <- attr(res.cov.inv, "logdet")
        if(is.null(logdet)) {
            # compute - ln|res.cov.inv|
            ev <- eigen(res.cov.inv, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)
            logdet <- -1 * sum(log(ev$values))

    # tr(res.cov^{-1} %*% S)
    DIST1 <- sum(res.cov.inv * sample.res.cov)

    # tr( res.cov^{-1} (B-beta)' X'X (B-beta)
    Diff <- sample.B - Beta
    DIST2 <- sum(res.cov.inv * crossprod(Diff, sample.xx) %*% Diff)

    loglik <- -(N/2) * (Q*log(2*pi) + logdet + DIST1 + DIST2)


# 2. Derivatives

# 2a. derivative logl with respect to Beta (=intercepts and slopes)
lav_mvreg_dlogl_dbeta <- function(Y           = NULL,
                                  eXo         = NULL,
                                  Beta        = NULL,
                                  res.int     = NULL,
                                  res.slopes  = NULL,
                                  res.cov     = NULL,
                                  Sinv.method = "eigen",
                                  res.cov.inv  = NULL) {
    Y <- unname(Y); X <- cbind(1, unname(eXo))

    # construct model-implied Beta
    if(is.null(Beta)) {
        Beta <- rbind(matrix(res.int, nrow = 1), t(res.slopes))

    # res.cov.inv
    if(is.null(res.cov.inv)) {
        # invert res.cov
        res.cov.inv <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(S = res.cov, logdet = FALSE,
                                                  Sinv.method = Sinv.method)

    # substract 'X %*% Beta' from Y
    RES <- Y - X %*% Beta

    # derivative
    dbeta <- as.numeric( t(X) %*% RES %*% res.cov.inv )


# 2b: derivative logl with respect to res.cov (full matrix, ignoring symmetry)
lav_mvreg_dlogl_drescov <- function(Y           = NULL,
                                    eXo         = NULL,
                                    Beta        = NULL,
                                    res.cov     = NULL,
                                    res.int     = NULL,
                                    res.slopes  = NULL,
                                    Sinv.method = "eigen",
                                    res.cov.inv = NULL) {

    Y <- unname(Y); N <- NROW(Y); X <- cbind(1, unname(eXo))

    # construct model-implied Beta
    if(is.null(Beta)) {
        Beta <- rbind(matrix(res.int, nrow = 1), t(res.slopes))

    # res.cov.in
    if(is.null(res.cov.inv)) {
        # invert res.cov
        res.cov.inv <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(S = res.cov, logdet = FALSE,
                                                  Sinv.method = Sinv.method)

    # substract 'X %*% Beta' from Y
    RES <- Y - X %*% Beta

    # W.tilde
    W.tilde <- crossprod(RES)/N

    # derivative
    dres.cov <- -(N/2)* (res.cov.inv - (res.cov.inv %*% W.tilde %*% res.cov.inv))


# 2c: derivative logl with respect to vech(res.cov)
lav_mvreg_dlogl_dvechrescov <- function(Y           = NULL,
                                        eXo         = NULL,
                                        Beta        = NULL,
                                        res.int     = NULL,
                                        res.slopes  = NULL,
                                        res.cov     = NULL,
                                        Sinv.method = "eigen",
                                        res.cov.inv = NULL) {

    Y <- unname(Y); N <- NROW(Y); X <- cbind(1, unname(eXo))

    # construct model-implied Beta
    if(is.null(Beta)) {
        Beta <- rbind(matrix(res.int, nrow = 1), t(res.slopes))

    # res.cov.inv
    if(is.null(res.cov.inv)) {
        # invert res.cov
        res.cov.inv <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(S = res.cov, logdet = FALSE,
                                                  Sinv.method = Sinv.method)

    # substract 'X %*% Beta' from Y
    RES <- Y - X %*% Beta

    # W.tilde
    W.tilde <- crossprod(RES)/N

    # derivative
    dres.cov <- -(N/2)* (res.cov.inv - (res.cov.inv %*% W.tilde %*% res.cov.inv))
    dvechres.cov <- as.numeric( lav_matrix_duplication_pre(
                                  as.matrix(lav_matrix_vec(dres.cov)) ) )


# 3. Casewise scores

# 3a: casewise scores with respect to Beta (=intercepts and slopes)
#     column order: Y1_int, Y1_x1, Y1_x2, ...| Y2_int, Y2_x1, Y2_x2, ... |
lav_mvreg_scores_beta <- function(Y           = NULL,
                                  eXo         = NULL,
                                  Beta        = NULL,
                                  res.int     = NULL,
                                  res.slopes  = NULL,
                                  res.cov     = NULL,
                                  Sinv.method = "eigen",
                                  res.cov.inv = NULL) {

    Y <- unname(Y); Q <- NCOL(Y); X <- cbind(1, unname(eXo)); P <- NCOL(X)

    # construct model-implied Beta
    if(is.null(Beta)) {
        Beta <- rbind(matrix(res.int, nrow = 1), t(res.slopes))

    # res.cov.inv
    if(is.null(res.cov.inv)) {
        # invert res.cov
        res.cov.inv <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(S = res.cov, logdet = FALSE,
                                                  Sinv.method = Sinv.method)

    # substract Mu
    RES <- Y - X %*% Beta

    # post-multiply with res.cov.inv
    RES <- RES %*% res.cov.inv

    SC.Beta <- X[,  rep(1:P, times = Q), drop = FALSE] *
               RES[,rep(1:Q,  each = P), drop = FALSE]


# 3b: casewise scores with respect to vech(res.cov)
lav_mvreg_scores_vech_sigma <- function(Y           = NULL,
                                        eXo         = NULL,
                                        Beta        = NULL,
                                        res.int     = NULL,
                                        res.slopes  = NULL,
                                        res.cov     = NULL,
                                        Sinv.method = "eigen",
                                        res.cov.inv = NULL) {

    Y <- unname(Y); Q <- NCOL(Y); X <- cbind(1, unname(eXo))

    # construct model-implied Beta
    if(is.null(Beta)) {
        Beta <- rbind(matrix(res.int, nrow = 1), t(res.slopes))

    # res.cov.inv
    if(is.null(res.cov.inv)) {
        # invert res.cov
        res.cov.inv <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(S = res.cov, logdet = FALSE,
                                                  Sinv.method = Sinv.method)

    # vech(res.cov.inv)
    isigma <- lav_matrix_vech(res.cov.inv)

    # substract X %*% Beta
    RES <- Y - X %*% Beta

    # postmultiply with res.cov.inv
    RES <- RES %*% res.cov.inv

    # tcrossprod
    idx1 <- lav_matrix_vech_col_idx(Q)
    idx2 <- lav_matrix_vech_row_idx(Q)
    Z <- RES[,idx1] * RES[,idx2]

    # substract isigma from each row
    SC <- t( t(Z) - isigma )

    # adjust for vech (and avoiding the 1/2 factor)
    SC[,lav_matrix_diagh_idx(Q)] <- SC[,lav_matrix_diagh_idx(Q)] / 2


# 3c: casewise scores with respect to beta + vech(res.cov)
lav_mvreg_scores_beta_vech_sigma <- function(Y           = NULL,
                                             eXo         = NULL,
                                             Beta        = NULL,
                                             res.int     = NULL,
                                             res.slopes  = NULL,
                                             res.cov     = NULL,
                                             Sinv.method = "eigen",
                                             res.cov.inv = NULL) {

    Y <- unname(Y); Q <- NCOL(Y); X <- cbind(1, unname(eXo)); P <- NCOL(X)

    # construct model-implied Beta
    if(is.null(Beta)) {
        Beta <- rbind(matrix(res.int, nrow = 1), t(res.slopes))

    # res.cov.inv
    if(is.null(res.cov.inv)) {
        # invert res.cov
        res.cov.inv <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(S = res.cov, logdet = FALSE,
                                                  Sinv.method = Sinv.method)

    # vech(res.cov.inv)
    isigma <- lav_matrix_vech(res.cov.inv)

    # substract X %*% Beta
    RES <- Y - X %*% Beta

    # postmultiply with res.cov.inv
    RES <- RES %*% res.cov.inv

    SC.Beta <- X[,  rep(1:P, times = Q), drop = FALSE] *
               RES[,rep(1:Q,  each = P), drop = FALSE]

    # tcrossprod
    idx1 <- lav_matrix_vech_col_idx(Q)
    idx2 <- lav_matrix_vech_row_idx(Q)
    Z <- RES[,idx1] * RES[,idx2]

    # substract isigma from each row
    SC <- t( t(Z) - isigma )

    # adjust for vech (and avoiding the 1/2 factor)
    SC[,lav_matrix_diagh_idx(Q)] <- SC[,lav_matrix_diagh_idx(Q)] / 2

    cbind(SC.Beta, SC)

# 4. hessian of logl

# 4a. hessian logl Beta and vech(res.cov) from raw data
lav_mvreg_logl_hessian_data <- function(Y           = NULL,
                                        eXo         = NULL, # no int
                                        Beta        = NULL, # int+slopes
                                        res.int     = NULL,
                                        res.slopes  = NULL,
                                        res.cov     = NULL,
                                        res.cov.inv = NULL,
                                        Sinv.method = "eigen") {

    # sample size
    N <- NROW(Y)

    # observed information
    observed <- lav_mvreg_information_observed_data(Y = Y, eXo = eXo,
        Beta = Beta, res.int = res.int, res.slopes = res.slopes,
        res.cov = res.cov, res.cov.inv = res.cov.inv,
        Sinv.method = Sinv.method)

    # hessian

# 4b. hessian logl Beta and vech(res.cov) from samplestats
lav_mvreg_logl_hessian_samplestats <- function(
             sample.res.int    = NULL,
             sample.res.slopes = NULL,
             sample.res.cov    = NULL,
             sample.mean.x     = NULL,
             sample.cov.x      = NULL,
             sample.nobs       = NULL,
             Beta              = NULL, # int + slopes
             res.int           = NULL, # intercepts only
             res.slopes        = NULL, # slopes only (y x x)
             res.cov           = NULL, # res.cov
             Sinv.method       = "eigen",
             res.cov.inv       = NULL) {

    # sample size
    N <- sample.nobs

    # information
    observed <- lav_mvreg_information_observed_samplestats(
        sample.res.int = sample.res.int, sample.res.slopes = sample.res.slopes,
        sample.res.cov = sample.res.cov, sample.mean.x = sample.mean.x,
        sample.cov.x = sample.cov.x, Beta = Beta, res.int = res.int,
        res.slopes = res.slopes, res.cov = res.cov, Sinv.method = Sinv.method,
        res.cov.inv = res.cov.inv)

    # hessian

# Information h0

# 5a: unit expected information h0 Beta and vech(res.cov)
lav_mvreg_information_expected <- function(Y             = NULL, # not used
                                           eXo           = NULL, # not used
                                           sample.mean.x = NULL,
                                           sample.cov.x  = NULL,
                                           sample.nobs   = NULL,
                                           Beta          = NULL, # not used
                                           res.int       = NULL, # not used
                                           res.slopes    = NULL, # not used
                                           res.cov       = NULL,
                                           res.cov.inv   = NULL,
                                           Sinv.method = "eigen") {

    eXo <- unname(eXo)

    # res.cov.inv
    if(is.null(res.cov.inv)) {
        # invert res.cov
        res.cov.inv <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(S = res.cov, logdet = FALSE,
                                                    Sinv.method = Sinv.method)

    # N
    if(is.null(sample.nobs)) {
        sample.nobs <- nrow(eXo) # hopefully not NULL either
    } else {
        N <- sample.nobs

    # sample.mean.x + sample.cov.x
    if(is.null(sample.mean.x)) {
        sample.mean.x <- base::.colMeans(eXo, m = NROW(eXo), n = NCOL(eXo))
    if(is.null(sample.cov.x)) {
        sample.cov.x <- lav_matrix_cov(eXo)

    # construct sample.xx = 1/N*crossprod(X1) (including intercept)
    sample.xx <- rbind( cbind(1, matrix(sample.mean.x, nrow = 1,)),
                        cbind(matrix(sample.mean.x, ncol = 1),
                              sample.cov.x + tcrossprod(sample.mean.x)) )

    # expected information
    I11 <- res.cov.inv %x% sample.xx
    I22 <- 0.5 * lav_matrix_duplication_pre_post(res.cov.inv %x% res.cov.inv)

    lav_matrix_bdiag(I11, I22)

# 5b: unit observed information h0
lav_mvreg_information_observed_data <- function(Y           = NULL,
                                                eXo         = NULL, # no int
                                                Beta        = NULL, # int+slopes
                                                res.int     = NULL,
                                                res.slopes  = NULL,
                                                res.cov     = NULL,
                                                res.cov.inv = NULL,
                                                Sinv.method = "eigen") {

    # create sample statistics
    Y <- unname(Y); X1 <- cbind(1, unname(eXo)); N <- NROW(Y)

    # find 'B'
    QR <- qr(X1)
    sample.B <- qr.coef(QR, Y)

    sample.res.int    <- as.numeric(sample.B[1,])
    sample.res.slopes <- t(sample.B[-1,,drop = FALSE]) # transpose!
    sample.res.cov    <- cov(qr.resid(QR, Y)) * (N-1)/N
    sample.mean.x     <- base::.colMeans(eXo, m = NROW(eXo), n = NCOL(eXo))
    sample.cov.x      <- lav_matrix_cov(eXo)

    lav_mvreg_information_observed_samplestats(sample.res.int = sample.res.int,
        sample.res.slopes = sample.res.slopes, sample.res.cov = sample.res.cov,
        sample.mean.x = sample.mean.x, sample.cov.x = sample.cov.x,
        Beta = Beta, res.int = res.int, res.slopes = res.slopes,
        res.cov = res.cov, Sinv.method = Sinv.method, res.cov.inv = res.cov.inv)

# 5b-bis: observed information h0 from sample statistics
lav_mvreg_information_observed_samplestats <-
    function(sample.res.int    = NULL,
             sample.res.slopes = NULL,
             sample.res.cov    = NULL,
             sample.mean.x     = NULL,
             sample.cov.x      = NULL,
             Beta              = NULL, # int + slopes
             res.int           = NULL, # intercepts only
             res.slopes        = NULL, # slopes only (y x x)
             res.cov           = NULL, # res.cov
             Sinv.method       = "eigen",
             res.cov.inv       = NULL) {

    # construct model-implied Beta
    if(is.null(Beta)) {
        Beta <- rbind(matrix(res.int, nrow = 1), t(res.slopes))

    # construct 'saturated' (sample-based) B
    sample.B <- rbind(matrix(sample.res.int, nrow = 1), t(sample.res.slopes))

    # construct sample.xx = 1/N*crossprod(X1) (including intercept)
    sample.xx <- rbind( cbind(1, matrix(sample.mean.x, nrow = 1,)),
                        cbind(matrix(sample.mean.x, ncol = 1),
                              sample.cov.x + tcrossprod(sample.mean.x)) )

    # W.tilde = S + t(B - Beta) %*% (1/N)*X'X %*% (B - Beta)
    W.tilde <- ( sample.res.cov +
                 t(sample.B - Beta) %*% sample.xx %*% (sample.B - Beta) )

    # res.cov.inv
    if(is.null(res.cov.inv)) {
        # invert res.cov
        res.cov.inv <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(S = res.cov, logdet = FALSE,
                                                    Sinv.method = Sinv.method)

    H11 <- res.cov.inv %x% sample.xx
    H21 <- lav_matrix_duplication_pre( res.cov.inv %x%
       (res.cov.inv %*% (crossprod(sample.B - Beta, sample.xx) )) )
    H12 <- t(H21)

    AAA <- res.cov.inv %*% (2*W.tilde - res.cov) %*% res.cov.inv
    H22 <- (1/2) * lav_matrix_duplication_pre_post(res.cov.inv %x% AAA)

    out <-  rbind( cbind(H11, H12),
                   cbind(H21, H22) )

# 5c: unit first-order information h0
lav_mvreg_information_firstorder <- function(Y           = NULL,
                                             eXo         = NULL, # no int
                                             Beta        = NULL, # int+slopes
                                             res.int     = NULL,
                                             res.slopes  = NULL,
                                             res.cov     = NULL,
                                             res.cov.inv = NULL,
                                             Sinv.method = "eigen") {

    N <- NROW(Y)

    # scores
    SC <- lav_mvreg_scores_beta_vech_sigma(Y = Y, eXo = eXo, Beta = Beta,
              res.int = res.int, res.slopes = res.slopes, res.cov = res.cov,
              Sinv.method = Sinv.method, res.cov.inv = res.cov.inv)


# 6: inverted information h0

# 6a: inverted unit expected information h0 Beta and vech(res.cov)
#lav_mvreg_inverted_information_expected <- function(Y       = NULL, # unused!

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