#' Multivariate Wald Test
#' This function provides multivariate and univariate Wald tests for
#' combinations of parameters from \code{hlme}, \code{lcmm}, \code{multlcmm},
#' \code{Jointlcmm} or \code{mpjlcmm} models.
#' @param Mod an object of class \code{hlme}, \code{lcmm}, \code{multlcmm},
#' \code{Jointlcmm} or \code{mpjlcmm}
#' @param pos a vector containing the indices in \code{Mod$best} of the parameters to
#' test
#' @param contrasts a numeric vector of same length as pos. If NULL (the
#' default), a simultaneous test of the appropriate parameters is realised. If
#' contrasts is specified, the quantity to test is the dot product of pos and
#' contrasts.
#' @param name a character containing the name the user wants to give to the
#' test. By default, the name's test is the null hypothesis.
#' @param value the value(s) to test against. By default, test against 0.
#' @return If contrasts is NULL, the function returns a matrix with 1 row and 2
#' columns containing the value of the Wald test's statistic and the associated
#' p-value.
#' If contrasts is not NULL, the function returns a matrix with 1 row and 4
#' columns containing the value of the coefficient (dot product of pos and
#' contrasts), his standard deviation, the value of the Wald test's statistic
#' and the associated p-value.
#' @author Cecile Proust-Lima, Lionelle Nkam and Viviane Philipps
#' @export
WaldMult <- function(Mod,pos=NULL,contrasts=NULL,name=NULL,value=NULL)
#if (!(class(Mod) %in% c("hlme","lcmm","multlcmm","Jointlcmm","mpjlcmm"))) stop("applies to \"hlme\" or \"lcmm\" or \"multlcmm\" or \"Jointlcmm\" or \"mpjlcmm\" objects only")
if(!inherits(Mod, c("hlme","lcmm","multlcmm","Jointlcmm","mpjlcmm", "externX", "externSurv"))) stop("applies to \"hlme\" or \"lcmm\" or \"multlcmm\" or \"Jointlcmm\" or \"mpjlcmm\" or \"externX\" or \"externSurv\" objects only")
## prm estimes et leur variance
Mod$best <- estimates(Mod)
V <- VarCov(Mod)
## On teste si pos est un vecteur
if (is.null(pos))
stop("pos must be specified")
if (!is.vector(pos)) stop("Error : pos must be a numeric vector")
## On cree la matrice qui recevra les varcov des parametres de pos
Mat <- matrix(0,nrow=length(pos),ncol=length(pos))
## Remplissage de Mat sans boucles
Mat <- V[pos,pos]
## Wald Multivarie, sans le vecteur contrasts
Vect <- Mod$best[pos]
if (is.null(contrasts))
if (!is.null(value))
if (!is.vector(value)) stop("Error : value must be a numeric vector")
if (length(value)!=length(pos)) stop("value must have the same length as the vector pos")
Vect <- Mod$best[pos]-value
Wald <- t(Vect)%*%solve(Mat)%*%Vect
## Nombre de degre de liberte
ddl <- length(pos)
## Pvalue
p_value <- 1-pchisq(Wald,df=ddl)
Results <- matrix(NA,nrow=1,ncol=2)
colnames(Results)<-c("Wald Test","p_value")
if (is.null(name))
if (!is.null(value))
rownames(Results)<-paste(names(Mod$best[pos])," = ",value,collapse=" and ",sep="")
rownames(Results)<-paste(paste(names(Mod$best[pos]),collapse=" = "),"= 0")
## paste(names(Mod$best[pos])," = 0 ",collapse=" and ",sep="")}
Results[,1] <- round(Wald,5)
Results[,2] <- round(p_value,5)
## Wald Univarie avec le vecteur contrasts
## Conditions d'application
if (length(contrasts)!=length(pos))
stop("contrasts must have the same length as the vector pos")
if (sum(abs(contrasts))==0)
stop("The absolute value of the sum of contratsts components must be different from 0")
Scalaire <- sum(Vect*contrasts)
## Utilisation de value
if (!is.null(value))
if (!is.vector(value)) stop("value must be a numeric vector")
if (length(value)!=1) stop("value must be a vector with a unique argument")
Scalaire <- sum(Vect*contrasts)-value
## Calcul de la variance de scalaire sans boucle
Var <- t(contrasts)%*%Mat%*%contrasts
Wald <- Scalaire/sqrt(Var)
p_value <- 2*(1-pnorm(abs(Wald)))
Results <- matrix(NA,nrow=1,ncol=4)
colnames(Results)<-c("coef","Se","Wald Test","p_value")
if (is.null(name))
if(is.null(value)) value <- 0
rownames(Results)<-paste(paste(names(Mod$best[pos]),"*",contrasts,collapse=" + "),"= ",value)
Results[,1] <- round(sum(Vect*contrasts),5)
Results[,2] <- round(sqrt(Var),5)
Results[,3] <- round(Wald,5)
Results[,4] <- round(p_value,5)
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