
Defines functions calc_metrics .internally_compare_ldamatch_outputs compare_ldamatch_outputs

Documented in calc_metrics compare_ldamatch_outputs .internally_compare_ldamatch_outputs

#' Compares outputs of ldamatch runs.
#' It favors, in decreasing order of priority, fewer excluded subjects,
#' better balance (i.e. subsamples that diverge less from the expected
#' proportions, which are by default the proportions of the input groups), and
#' better (i.e. larger) test statistic for the matched groups.
#' The preference order for the last two items can be reversed by specifying
#' prefer_test = TRUE.
#' @param is.in1        A logical vector for output 1, TRUE iff row is in the match.
#' @param is.in2        A logical vector for output 2, TRUE iff row is in the match.
#' @param prefer_test   If TRUE, it prioritizes the test statistic more than
#'                      the group size proportion.
#' @inheritParams match_groups
#' @return A number that is > 0 if is.in1 is a better solution than is.in2,
#'         < 0 if is.in1 is a worse solution than is.in2, or
#'         0 if the two solutions are equivalent (not necessarily identical).
#' @importFrom RUnit checkTrue
#' @export
compare_ldamatch_outputs <- function(is.in1,
                                     covariates = matrix(),
                                     halting_test = NA,
                                     props = prop.table(table(condition)),
                                     prefer_test = is.null(props),
                                     tiebreaker = NULL) {
    exception1 <- (class(is.in1) == "try-error")
    exception2 <- (class(is.in2) == "try-error")
    if (exception1 || exception2)
        return(exception2 - exception1)
    covariates <- as.matrix(covariates)
        length(is.in1) == length(is.in2),
        "The is.in1 and is.in2 parameters must have the same length"
        length(is.in1) == length(condition),
        "The is.in1 and condition parameters must have the same length"
        !is.function(halting_test) || length(condition) == nrow(covariates),
            "The length of the condition parameter must be the same",
            " as the number of covariates"
    # compare number of excluded subjects
    num_excluded1 <- sum(!is.in1)
    num_excluded2 <- sum(!is.in2)
    if (num_excluded1 != num_excluded2)
        return(num_excluded2 - num_excluded1)
    for (test_stat in c(prefer_test, !prefer_test)) {
        # compare test statistic
        if (test_stat && is.function(halting_test)) {
            p_matched1 <-
                calc_p_value(condition[is.in1], covariates[is.in1, , drop = FALSE], halting_test)
            p_matched2 <-
                calc_p_value(condition[is.in2], covariates[is.in2, , drop = FALSE], halting_test)
            if (p_matched1 != p_matched2)
                return(p_matched1 - p_matched2)
            # compare tiebreaker statistic
            if (is.function(tiebreaker)) {
                p_tiebreaker1 <-
                    calc_p_value(condition[is.in1], covariates[is.in1, , drop = FALSE], tiebreaker)
                p_tiebreaker2 <-
                    calc_p_value(condition[is.in2], covariates[is.in2, , drop = FALSE], tiebreaker)
                if (p_tiebreaker1 != p_tiebreaker2)
                    return(p_tiebreaker1 - p_tiebreaker2)
        } else {
            # compare divergence from expected balance
            props <- .normalize_props(props, condition)
            divergence1 <-
                .calc_subject_balance_divergence(table(condition[is.in1]), props)
            divergence2 <-
                .calc_subject_balance_divergence(table(condition[is.in2]), props)
            if (divergence1 != divergence2)
                return(divergence2 - divergence1)

#' Compares outputs of ldamatch runs using internally normalized parameters.
#' @seealso \code{\link{compare_ldamatch_outputs}} for operation and meaning of
#' parameters.
#' @inheritParams compare_ldamatch_outputs
#' @return A number that is > 0 if is.in1 is a better solution than is.in2,
#'         < 0 if is.in1 is a worse solution than is.in2, or
#'         0 if the two solutions are equivalent (not necessarily identical).
#' @keywords internal
.internally_compare_ldamatch_outputs <- function(is.in1,
                                                 tiebreaker) {
    exception1 <- (class(is.in1) == "try-error")
    exception2 <- (class(is.in2) == "try-error")
    if (exception1 || exception2)
        return(exception2 - exception1)
    # compare number of excluded subjects
    num_excluded1 <- sum(!is.in1)
    num_excluded2 <- sum(!is.in2)
    if (num_excluded1 != num_excluded2)
        return(num_excluded2 - num_excluded1)
    for (test_stat in c(prefer_test, !prefer_test)) {
        # compare test statistic
        if (test_stat && is.function(halting_test)) {
            p_matched1 <-
                calc_p_value(condition[is.in1], covariates[is.in1, , drop = FALSE], halting_test)
            p_matched2 <-
                calc_p_value(condition[is.in2], covariates[is.in2, , drop = FALSE], halting_test)
            if (abs(p_matched1 - p_matched2) > .tolerance)
                return(p_matched1 - p_matched2)
            # compare tiebreaker statistic
            if (is.function(tiebreaker)) {
                p_tiebreaker1 <-
                    calc_p_value(condition[is.in1], covariates[is.in1, , drop = FALSE], tiebreaker)
                p_tiebreaker2 <-
                    calc_p_value(condition[is.in2], covariates[is.in2, , drop = FALSE], tiebreaker)
                if (abs(p_tiebreaker1 - p_tiebreaker2) > .tolerance)
                    return(p_tiebreaker1 - p_tiebreaker2)
        } else {
            # compare divergence from expected balance
            divergence1 <-
                .calc_subject_balance_divergence(table(condition[is.in1]), props)
            divergence2 <-
                .calc_subject_balance_divergence(table(condition[is.in2]), props)
            if (abs(divergence1 - divergence2) > .tolerance)
                return(divergence2 - divergence1)

#' Calculates basic metrics about ldamatch search result.
#' @param is.in        The output of \code{\link{match_groups}()}:
#'                     either a logical vector, or a list of those.
#' @return A list containing: \describe{
#' \item{all.is.in}{all results as a list;}
#' \item{is.in}{simply the first item in all.is.in or the error contained
#' in is.in if there was an error running \code{\link{match_groups}};}
#' \item{num_excluded}{the number of excluded subjects;}
#' \item{p_matched}{the test statistic from halting_test for the matched groups;}
#' \item{p_tiebreaker}{the test statistic from tiebreaker for the matched groups; and}
#' \item{balance_divergence}{a value characterizing the deviation
#'   from the expected group size proportions specified in props.}
#' }
#' If the value for a field cannot be calculated, it will still be present
#' with a value of NA.
#' @inheritParams match_groups
#' @export
calc_metrics <- function(is.in,
                         props = prop.table(table(condition)),
                         tiebreaker = NULL) {
    if (class(is.in) == "try-error") {
                all.is.in = list(),
                is.in = is.in,
                num_excluded = NA,
                p_matched = NA,
                p_tiebreaker = NA,
                balance_divergence = NA
    all.is.in <- if (is.list(is.in))
    if (length(covariates) == 0) {
        p_matched <- Inf
        p_tiebreaker <- Inf
        balance_divergence <- 0
    } else {
        covariates <- as.matrix(covariates)
        p_matched <-
            suppressWarnings(sapply(all.is.in, function(is.in)
                calc_p_value(condition[is.in], covariates[is.in, , drop = FALSE], halting_test)))
        p_tiebreaker <- if (is.function(tiebreaker)) {
            suppressWarnings(sapply(all.is.in, function(is.in)
                calc_p_value(condition[is.in], covariates[is.in, , drop = FALSE], tiebreaker)))
        } else {
        balance_divergence <-
            sapply(all.is.in, function(is.in)
                    .normalize_props(props, condition)
        all.is.in = all.is.in,
        is.in = all.is.in[[1]],
        num_excluded = sum(!all.is.in[[1]]),
        p_matched = p_matched,
        p_tiebreaker = p_tiebreaker,
        balance_divergence = balance_divergence

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ldamatch documentation built on May 23, 2021, 5:06 p.m.