Man pages for lefko3
Historical and Ahistorical Population Projection Matrix Analysis

actualstage3Calculate Actual Stage, Age, Stage-Pair, or Age-Stage...
add_lMAdd Matrices to lefkoMat Object
add_stageAdd a New Stage to an Existing LefkoMat Object
aflefko2Create Function-based Ahistorical Age x Stage Matrix...
anthyllisMatrix Set of _Anthyllis vulneraria_ Populations in Belgium
append_lPAppend Projections Into New lefkoProj Object
arlefko2Create Raw Ahistorical Age x Stage Matrix Projection Model
beverton3Two-parameter Beverton-Holt function
cond_diffExtract Conditional Ahistorical Difference Matrices
cond_hmpmExtract Conditional Ahistorical Matrices from Historical MPM
create_lMCreate lefkoMat Object from Given Input Matrices or an MPM...
create_pmCreates a Skeleton Paramnames Object for Use in...
cypdataDemographic Dataset of _Cypripedium candidum_ Population, in...
cypvertDemographic Dataset of _Cypripedium candidum_ Population, in...
delete_lMDelete Matrices from lefkoMat Object
density_inputSet Density Dependence Relationships in Matrix Elements
density_vrSet Density Dependence Relationships in Vital Rates
diff_lMCalculate Difference Matrices Between lefkoMat Objects of...
edit_lMEdit an MPM based on Supplemental Data
elasticity3Estimate Elasticity of Population Growth Rate to Matrix...
elasticity3.dgCMatrixEstimate Elasticity of Population Growth Rate of a Single...
elasticity3.lefkoMatEstimate Elasticity of Population Growth Rate of a lefkoMat...
elasticity3.listEstimate Elasticity of Population Growth Rate of a List of...
elasticity3.matrixEstimate Elasticity of Population Growth Rate of a Single...
flefko2Create Function-based Ahistorical Matrix Projection Model
flefko3Create Function-based Historical Matrix Projection Model
fleslieCreate Function-based Age-based (Leslie) Matrix Projection...
f_projection3Project Function-based Matrix Projection Model
hfv_qcAssess Quality of hfv Datasets
hist_nullCreate Historical MPMs Assuming No Influence of Individual...
historicalize3Create Historical Vertical Data Frame from Ahistorical...
image3Create Matrix Image
image3.dgCMatrixCreate a Matrix Image for a Single Sparse Matrix
image3.lefkoElasCreate Matrix Image(s) for lefkoElas Object
image3.lefkoMatCreate Matrix Image(s) for lefkoMat Object
image3.lefkoSensCreate Matrix Image(s) for lefkoSens Object
image3.listCreate Matrix Images for Matrices in a List
image3.matrixCreate a Matrix Image for a Single Matrix
lambda3Estimate Actual or Deterministic Population Growth Rate
lathyrusDemographic Dataset of _Lathyrus vernus_ Population
lefko3-packageHistorical and Ahistorical Population Projection Matrix...
lmeanEstimate Mean Projection Matrices
logistic3Two-parameter logistic function
ltre3Conduct a Life Table Response Experiment
markov_runCreates Vector of Times Based on First-Order Markov...
matrix_interpArranges Matrix Elements in Order of Magnitude for...
miniModMinimize lefkoMod Object by Conversion to vrm_input Object
modelsearchDevelop Best-fit Vital Rate Estimation Models for MPM...
mpm_createGeneral Matrix Projection Model Creation
overwriteCreate Overwrite Table for MPM Development
plot.lefkoProjPlot Projection Simulations
projection3Conduct Population Projection Simulations
pyrolaDemographic Dataset of _Pyrola japonica_ and _Pyrola...
repvalue3Estimate Reproductive Value
repvalue3.dgCMatrixEstimate Reproductive Value Vector for a Single Population...
repvalue3.lefkoMatEstimate Reproductive Value Vectors of Matrices in a lefkoMat...
repvalue3.listEstimate Reproductive Value Vector for a List of Projection...
repvalue3.matrixEstimate Reproductive Value Vector for a Single Population...
ricker3Two-parameter Ricker function
rlefko2Create Raw Ahistorical Matrix Projection Model
rlefko3Create Raw Historical Matrix Projection Model
rleslieCreate Raw Leslie (Age-based) Matrix Projection Model
sensitivity3Estimate Sensitivity of Population Growth Rate to Matrix...
sensitivity3.dgCMatrixEstimate Sensitivity of Population Growth Rate of a Single...
sensitivity3.lefkoMatEstimate Sensitivity of Population Growth Rate of a lefkoMat...
sensitivity3.listEstimate Sensitivity of Population Growth Rate of a List of...
sensitivity3.matrixEstimate Sensitivity of Population Growth Rate of a Single...
sf_createCreate Stageframe for Population Matrix Projection Analysis
sf_distribTest Overdispersion and Zero Inflation in Size and Fecundity...
sf_skeletonCreate Skeleton Stageframe
slambda3Estimate Stochastic Population Growth Rate
stablestage3Estimate Stable Stage Distribution
stablestage3.dgCMatrixEstimate Stable Stage Distribution of a Single Population...
stablestage3.lefkoMatEstimate Stable Stage Distribution of Matrices in lefkoMat...
stablestage3.listEstimate Stable Stage Distribution of a List of Projection...
stablestage3.matrixEstimate Stable Stage Distribution of a Single Population...
start_inputCreate a Starting Vector for Population Projection
subset_lMCreate New lefkoMat Object as Subset of Another lefkoMat...
summary_hfvSummary of Class "hfvdata"
summary.lefkoCondMatSummary of Class "lefkoCondMat"
summary.lefkoElasSummarize lefkoElas Objects
summary.lefkoLTRESummarize lefkoLTRE Objects
summary.lefkoMatSummary of Class "lefkoMat"
summary.lefkoModSummary of Class "lefkoMod"
summary.lefkoProjSummarize lefkoProj Objects
supplementalCreate a Data Frame of Supplemental Data for MPM Development
usher3Two-parameter Usher function
verticalize3Create Historical Vertical Data Frame from Horizontal Data...
vrm_importImport Vital Rate Model Factor Values for Function-based MPM...
lefko3 documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:35 p.m.