density_input: Set Density Dependence Relationships in Matrix Elements

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density_inputR Documentation

Set Density Dependence Relationships in Matrix Elements


Function density_input() provides all necessary data to incorporate density dependence into a lefkoMat object, a list of matrices, or a single matrix. Four forms of density dependence are allowed, including the Ricker function, the Beverton-Holt function, the Usher function, and the logistic function. In each case, density must have an effect with a delay of at least one time-step (see Notes). The resulting data frame provides a guide for other lefko3 functions to modify matrix elements by density.


  stage3 = NULL,
  stage2 = NULL,
  stage1 = NULL,
  age2 = NULL,
  style = NULL,
  time_delay = NULL,
  alpha = NULL,
  beta = NULL,
  type = NULL,
  type_t12 = NULL



The lefkoMat object that will be subject to density dependent projection.


A vector showing the name or number of the stage in occasion t+1 in the transitions to be affected by density. Abbreviations for groups of stages are also usable (see Notes).


A vector showing the name or number of the stage in occasion t in the transition to be affected by density. Abbreviations for groups of stages are also usable (see Notes).


A vector showing the name or number of the stage in occasion t-1 in the transition to be affected by density. Only needed if a historical MPM is used. Abbreviations for groups of stages are also usable (see Notes).


A vector showing the age of the stage in occasion t in the transition to be affected by density. Only needed if an age-by-stage MPM is used.


A vector coding for the style of density dependence on each transition subject to density dependence. Options include 1, ricker, ric, or r for the Ricker function; 2, beverton, bev, and b for the Beverton-Holt function; 3, usher, ush, and u for the Usher function; and 4, logistic, log, and l for the logistic function. If only a single code is provided, then all noted transitions are assumed to be subject to this style of density dependence. Defaults to ricker.


An integer vector indicating the number of occasions back on which density dependence operates. Defaults to 1, and may not equal any integer less than 1. If a single number is input, then all noted transitions are assumed to be subject to this time delay. Defaults to 1.


A vector indicating the numeric values to use as the alpha term in the two parameter Ricker, Beverton-Holt, or Usher function, or the value of the carrying capacity K to use in the logistic equation (see Notes section for more on this term). If a single number is provided, then all noted transitions are assumed to be subject to this value of alpha. Defaults to 1.


A vector indicating the numeric values to use as the beta term in the two parameter Ricker, Beverton-Holt, or Usher function. Used to indicate whether to use K as a hard limit in the logistic equation (see section Notes below). If a single number is provided, then all noted transitions are assumed to be subject to this value of beta. Defaults to 1.


A vector denoting the kind of transition between occasions t and t+1 to be replaced. This should be entered as 1, S, or s for the replacement of a survival transition; or 2, F, or f for the replacement of a fecundity transition. If empty or not provided, then defaults to 1 for survival transition.


An optional vector denoting the kind of transition between occasions t-1 and t. Only necessary if a historical MPM in deVries format is desired. This should be entered as 1, S, or s for a survival transition; or 2, F, or f for a fecundity transitions. Defaults to 1 for survival transition, with impacts only on the construction of deVries-format hMPMs.


A data frame of class lefkoDens. This object can be used as input in function projection3().

Variables in this object include the following:


Stage at occasion t+1 in the transition to be replaced.


Stage at occasion t in the transition to be replaced.


Stage at occasion t-1 in the transition to be replaced, if applicable.


Age at occasion t in the transition to be replaced, if applicable.


Style of density dependence, coded as 1, 2, 3, or 4 for the Ricker, Beverton-Holt, Usher, or logistic function, respectively.


The time delay on density dependence, in time steps.


The value of alpha in the Ricker, Beverton-Holt, or Usher function, or the value of carrying capacity, K, in the logistic function.


The value of beta in the Ricker, Beverton-Holt, or Usher function.


Designates whether the transition from occasion t to occasion t+1 is a survival transition probability (1), or a fecundity rate (2).


Designates whether the transition from occasion t-1 to occasion t is a survival transition probability (1), a fecundity rate (2).


This function provides inputs when density dependence is operationalized directly on matrix elements. It can be used in both projection3() and f_projection3(). Users wishing to modify vital rate functions by density dependence functions for use in function-based projections with function f_projection3() should use function density_vr() to provide the correct inputs.

The parameters alpha and beta are applied according to the two-parameter Ricker function, the two-parameter Beverton-Holt function, the two-parameter Usher function, or the one-parameter logistic function. Although the default is that a 1 time step delay is assumed, greater time delays can be set through the time_delay option.

Entries in stage3, stage2, and stage1 can include abbreviations for groups of stages. Use rep if all reproductive stages are to be used, nrep if all mature but non-reproductive stages are to be used, mat if all mature stages are to be used, immat if all immature stages are to be used, prop if all propagule stages are to be used, npr if all non-propagule stages are to be used, obs if all observable stages are to be used, nobs if all unobservable stages are to be used, and leave empty or use all if all stages in stageframe are to be used.

When using the logistic function, it is possible that the time delay used in density dependent simulations will cause matrix elements to become negative. To prevent this behavior, set the associated beta term to 1.0. Doing so will set K as the hard limit in the logistic equation, essentially setting a minimum limit at 0 for all matrix elements modified.

See Also





sizevector <- c(0, 100, 13, 127, 3730, 3800, 0)
stagevector <- c("Sd", "Sdl", "VSm", "Sm", "VLa", "Flo", "Dorm")
repvector <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)
obsvector <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0)
matvector <- c(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
immvector <- c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
propvector <- c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
indataset <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
binvec <- c(0, 100, 11, 103, 3500, 3800, 0.5)

lathframe <- sf_create(sizes = sizevector, stagenames = stagevector,
  repstatus = repvector, obsstatus = obsvector, matstatus = matvector,
  immstatus = immvector, indataset = indataset, binhalfwidth = binvec,
  propstatus = propvector)

lathvert <- verticalize3(lathyrus, noyears = 4, firstyear = 1988,
  patchidcol = "SUBPLOT", individcol = "GENET", blocksize = 9,
  juvcol = "Seedling1988", sizeacol = "Volume88", repstracol = "FCODE88",
  fecacol = "Intactseed88", deadacol = "Dead1988",
  nonobsacol = "Dormant1988", stageassign = lathframe, stagesize = "sizea",
  censorcol = "Missing1988", censorkeep = NA, censor = TRUE)

lathsupp3 <- supplemental(stage3 = c("Sd", "Sd", "Sdl", "Sdl", "Sd", "Sdl", "mat"),
  stage2 = c("Sd", "Sd", "Sd", "Sd", "rep", "rep", "Sdl"),
  stage1 = c("Sd", "rep", "Sd", "rep", "npr", "npr", "Sd"),
  eststage3 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "mat"),
  eststage2 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "Sdl"),
  eststage1 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "NotAlive"),
  givenrate = c(0.345, 0.345, 0.054, 0.054, NA, NA, NA),
  multiplier = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, 0.345, 0.054, NA),
  type = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1), type_t12 = c(1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1),
  stageframe = lathframe, historical = TRUE)

ehrlen3 <- rlefko3(data = lathvert, stageframe = lathframe, year = "all", 
  stages = c("stage3", "stage2", "stage1"), supplement = lathsupp3,
  yearcol = "year2", indivcol = "individ")

ehrlen3mean <- lmean(ehrlen3)

e3d <- density_input(ehrlen3mean, stage3 = c("Sd", "Sdl"),
  stage2 = c("rep", "rep"), stage1 = c("all", "all"), style = 1,
  time_delay = 1, alpha = 1, beta = 0, type = c(2, 2), type_t12 = c(1, 1))

lathproj <- projection3(ehrlen3, nreps = 5, stochastic = TRUE, substoch = 2,
  density = e3d)

lefko3 documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:35 p.m.