historicalize3: Create Historical Vertical Data Frame from Ahistorical...

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historicalize3R Documentation

Create Historical Vertical Data Frame from Ahistorical Vertical Data Frame


Function historicalize3() returns a vertically formatted demographic data frame organized to create historical projection matrices, given a vertically but ahistorically formatted data frame. This data frame is in standard hfvdata format and can be used in all functions in the package.


  popidcol = 0,
  patchidcol = 0,
  year2col = 0,
  year3col = 0,
  xcol = 0,
  ycol = 0,
  sizea2col = 0,
  sizea3col = 0,
  sizeb2col = 0,
  sizeb3col = 0,
  sizec2col = 0,
  sizec3col = 0,
  repstra2col = 0,
  repstra3col = 0,
  repstrb2col = 0,
  repstrb3col = 0,
  feca2col = 0,
  feca3col = 0,
  fecb2col = 0,
  fecb3col = 0,
  indcova2col = 0,
  indcova3col = 0,
  indcovb2col = 0,
  indcovb3col = 0,
  indcovc2col = 0,
  indcovc3col = 0,
  alive2col = 0,
  alive3col = 0,
  dead2col = 0,
  dead3col = 0,
  obs2col = 0,
  obs3col = 0,
  nonobs2col = 0,
  nonobs3col = 0,
  repstrrel = 1,
  fecrel = 1,
  stage2col = 0,
  stage3col = 0,
  juv2col = 0,
  juv3col = 0,
  stageassign = NA,
  stagesize = NA,
  censor = FALSE,
  censorcol = 0,
  censorkeep = 0,
  spacing = NA,
  NAas0 = FALSE,
  NRasRep = FALSE,
  NOasObs = FALSE,
  prebreeding = TRUE,
  age_offset = 0,
  reduce = TRUE,
  a2check = FALSE,
  quiet = FALSE



The horizontal data file.


A variable name or column number corresponding to the identity of the population for each individual.


A variable name or column number corresponding to the identity of the patch or subpopulation for each individual, if patches have been designated within populations.


A variable name or column number corresponding to the unique identity of each individual.


A variable name or column number corresponding to occasion t (year or time).


A variable name or column number corresponding to occasion t+1 (year or time).


A variable name or column number corresponding to the X coordinate of each individual in Cartesian space.


A variable name or column number corresponding to the Y coordinate of each individual in Cartesian space.


A variable name or column number corresponding to the primary size entry in occasion t.


A variable name or column number corresponding to the primary size entry in occasion t+1.


A variable name or column number corresponding to the secondary size entry in occasion t.


A variable name or column number corresponding to the secondary size entry in occasion t+1.


A variable name or column number corresponding to the tertiary size entry in occasion t.


A variable name or column number corresponding to the tertiary size entry in occasion t+1.


A variable name or column number corresponding to the production of reproductive structures, such as flowers, in occasion t. This can be binomial or count data, and is used to in analysis of the probability of reproduction.


A variable name or column number corresponding to the production of reproductive structures, such as flowers, in occasion t+1. This can be binomial or count data, and is used to in analysis of the probability of reproduction.


A second variable name or column number corresponding to the production of reproductive structures, such as flowers, in occasion t. This can be binomial or count data.


A second variable name or column number corresponding to the production of reproductive structures, such as flowers, in occasion t+1. This can be binomial or count data.


A variable name or column number corresponding to fecundity in occasion t. This may represent egg counts, fruit counts, seed production, etc.


A variable name or column number corresponding to fecundity in occasion t+1. This may represent egg counts, fruit counts, seed production, etc.


A second variable name or column number corresponding to fecundity in occasion t. This may represent egg counts, fruit counts, seed production, etc.


A second variable name or column number corresponding to fecundity in occasion t+1. This may represent egg counts, fruit counts, seed production, etc.


A variable name or column number corresponding to an individual covariate to be used in analysis, in occasion t.


A variable name or column number corresponding to an individual covariate to be used in analysis, in occasion t+1.


A variable name or column number corresponding to a second individual covariate to be used in analysis, in occasion t.


A variable name or column number corresponding to a second individual covariate to be used in analysis, in occasion t+1.


A variable name or column number corresponding to a third individual covariate to be used in analysis, in occasion t.


A variable name or column number corresponding to a third individual covariate to be used in analysis, in occasion t+1.


A variable name or column number that provides information on whether an individual is alive in occasion t. If used, living status must be designated as binomial (living = 1, dead = 0).


A variable name or column number that provides information on whether an individual is alive in occasion t+1. If used, living status must be designated as binomial (living = 1, dead = 0).


A variable name or column number that provides information on whether an individual is dead in occasion t. If used, dead status must be designated as binomial (living = 0, dead = 1).


A variable name or column number that provides information on whether an individual is dead in occasion t+1. If used, dead status must be designated as binomial (living = 0, dead = 1).


A variable name or column number providing information on whether an individual is in an observable stage in occasion t. If used, observation status must be designated as binomial (observed = 1, not observed = 0).


A variable name or column number providing information on whether an individual is in an observable stage in occasion t+1. If used, observation status must be designated as binomial (observed = 1, not observed = 0).


A variable name or column number providing information on whether an individual is in an unobservable stage in occasion t. If used, observation status must be designated as binomial (observed = 0, not observed = 1).


A variable name or column number providing information on whether an individual is in an unobservable stage in occasion t+1. If used, observation status must be designated as binomial (observed = 0, not observed = 1).


This is a scalar multiplier making the variable represented by repstrb2col equivalent to the variable represented by repstra2col. This can be useful if two reproductive status variables have related but unequal units, for example if repstrb2col refers to one-flowered stems while repstra2col refers to two-flowered stems.


This is a scalar multiplier making the variable represented by fecb2col equivalent to the variable represented by feca2col. This can be useful if two fecundity variables have related but unequal units.


Optional variable name or column number corresponding to life history stage in occasion t.


Optional variable name or column number corresponding to life history stage in occasion t+1.


A variable name or column number that marks individuals in immature stages in occasion t. Function historicalize3() assumes that immature individuals are identified in this variable marked with a number equal to or greater than 1, and that mature individuals are marked as 0 or NA.


A variable name or column number that marks individuals in immature stages in occasion t+1. Function historicalize3() assumes that immature individuals are identified in this variable marked with a number equal to or greater than 1, and that mature individuals are marked as 0 or NA.


The stageframe object identifying the life history model being operationalized. Note that if stage2col is provided, then this stageframe is not utilized in stage designation.


A variable name or column number describing which size variable to use in stage estimation. Defaults to NA, and can also take sizea, sizeb, sizec, sizeab, sizebc, sizeac, sizeabc, or sizeadded, depending on which size variable within the input dataset is chosen. Note that the variable(s) chosen should be presented in the order of the primary, secondary, and tertiary variables in the stageframe input with stageassign. For example, choosing sizeb assumes that this size variable in the dataset is the primary variable in the stageframe.


A logical variable determining whether the output data should be censored using the variable defined in censorcol. Defaults to FALSE.


A variable name or column number corresponding to a censor variable within the dataset, used to distinguish between entries to use and those to discard from analysis, or to designate entries with special issues that require further attention.


The value of the censoring variable identifying data that should be included in analysis. Defaults to 0, but may take any value including NA.


The spacing at which density should be estimated, if density estimation is desired and X and Y coordinates are supplied. Given in the same units as those used in the X and Y coordinates given in xcol and ycol. Defaults to NA.


If TRUE, then all NA entries for size and fecundity variables will be set to 0. This can help increase the sample size analyzed by modelsearch(), but should only be used when it is clear that this substitution is biologically realistic. Defaults to FALSE.


If set to TRUE, then this function will treat non-reproductive but mature individuals as reproductive during stage assignment. This can be useful when a matrix is desired without separation of reproductive and non-reproductive but mature stages of the same size. Only used if stageassign is set to a valid stageframe. Defaults to FALSE.


If TRUE, then will treat individuals that are interpreted as not observed in the dataset as though they were observed during stage assignment. This can be useful when a MPM is desired without separation of observable and unobservable stages. Only used if stageassign is set to a stageframe. Defaults to FALSE.


A logical term indicating whether the life history model is pre-breeding. If so, then 1 is added to all ages. Defaults to TRUE.


A number to add automatically to all values of age at time t. Defaults to 0.


A logical variable determining whether unused variables and some invariant state variables should be removed from the output dataset. Defaults to TRUE.


A logical variable indicating whether to retain all data with living status at occasion t. Defaults to FALSE, in which case data for occasions in which the individual is not alive in time t is not retained. This option should be kept FALSE, except to inspect potential errors in the dataset.


A logical variable indicating whether to silence warnings. Defaults to FALSE.


If all inputs are properly formatted, then this function will output a historical vertical data frame (class hfvdata), meaning that the output data frame will have three consecutive years of size and reproductive data per individual per row. This data frame is in standard format for all functions used in lefko3, and so can be used without further modification. Note that determination of state in occasions t-1 and t+1 gives preference to condition in occasion t within the input dataset. Conflicts in condition in input datasets that have both occasions t and t+1 listed per row are resolved by using condition in occasion t.

Variables in this data frame include the following:


Unique identifier for the row of the data frame.


Unique identifier for the population, if given.


Unique identifier for patch within population, if given.


Unique identifier for the individual.


Year or time in occasion t.


Occasion of first observation.


Occasion of last observation.


Observed age in occasion t, assuming first observation corresponds to age = 0.


Observed lifespan, given as lastseen - firstseen + 1.

xpos1, xpos2, xpos3

X position in Cartesian space in occasions t-1, t, and t+1, respectively, if provided.

ypos1, ypos2, ypos3

Y position in Cartesian space in occasions t-1, t, and t+1, respectively, if provided.

sizea1, sizea2, sizea3

Main size measurement in occasions t-1, t, and t+1, respectively.

sizeb1, sizeb2, sizeb3

Secondary size measurement in occasions t-1, t, and t+1, respectively.

sizec1, sizec2, sizec3

Tertiary size measurement in occasions t-1, t, and t+1, respectively.

size1added, size2added, size3added

Sum of primary, secondary, and tertiary size measurements in occasions t-1, t, and t+1, respectively.

repstra1, repstra2, repstra3

Main numbers of reproductive structures in occasions t-1, t, and t+1, respectively.

repstrb1, repstrb2, repstrb3

Secondary numbers of reproductive structures in occasions t-1, t, and t+1, respectively.

repstr1added, repstr2added, repstr3added

Sum of primary and secondary reproductive structures in occasions t-1, t, and t+1, respectively.

feca1, feca2, feca3

Main numbers of offspring in occasions t-1, t, and t+1, respectively.

fecb1, fecb2, fecb3

Secondary numbers of offspring in occasions t-1, t, and t+1, respectively.

fec1added, fec2added, fec3added

Sum of primary and secondary fecundity in occasions t-1, t, and t+1, respectively.

censor1, censor2, censor3

Censor status values in occasions t-1, t, and t+1, respectively.

juvgiven1, juvgiven2, juvgiven3

Binomial variable indicating whether individual is juvenile in occasions t-1, t, and t+1. Only given if juvcol is provided.

obsstatus1, obsstatus2, obsstatus3

Binomial observation status in occasions t-1, t, and t+1, respectively.

repstatus1, repstatus2, repstatus3

Binomial reproductive status in occasions t-1, t, and t+1, respectively.

fecstatus1, fecstatus2, fecstatus3

Binomial offspring production status in occasions t-1, t, and t+1, respectively.

matstatus1, matstatus2, matstatus3

Binomial maturity status in occasions t-1, t, and t+1, respectively.

alive1, alive2, alive3

Binomial status as alive in occasions t-1, t, and t+1, respectively.


Density of individuals per unit designated in spacing. Only given if spacing is not NA.


Warnings that some individuals occur in state combinations that do not match any stages in the stageframe used to assign stages, and that some individuals match characteristics of several stages in the stageframe, are common when first working with a dataset. Typically, these situations can be identified as NoMatch entries in stage3, although such entries may crop up in stage1 and stage2, as well. In some cases, these warnings will arise with no concurrent NoMatch entries. These are important warnings and suggest that there is likely a problem with the stageframe. The most common such problems are: 1) stages have significant overlap in characteristics, with the most common being overlapping size bins caused by erroneous definitions of size bin halfwidths; and 2) some individuals exist in states not defined within the stageframe.

In some datasets with unobservable stages, observation status (obsstatus) might not be inferred properly if a single size variable is used that does not yield sizes greater than 0 in all cases in which individuals were observed. Such situations may arise, for example, in plants when leaf number is the dominant size variable used, but individuals occasionally occur with inflorescences but no leaves. In this instances, it helps to mark related variables as sizeb and sizec, because observation status will be interpreted in relation to all 3 size variables. Alternatively, observation status may be input via obs2col and obs3col to force computation with given values (although this requires all instances of observation and non-observation to be known and coded ahead of time). Further analysis can then utilize only a single size variable, of the user's choosing. Similar issues can arise in reproductive status (repstatus).

Juvenile designation should only be used when juveniles fall outside of the size classification scheme used in determining stages. If juveniles are to be size classified along the size spectrum that adults also fall on, then it is best to treat juveniles as mature but not reproductive.

Care should be taken to avoid variables with negative values indicating size, fecundity, or reproductive or observation status. Negative values can be interpreted in different ways, typically reflecting estimation through other algorithms rather than actual measured data. Variables holding negative values can conflict with data management algorithms in ways that are difficult to predict.

Unusual errors (e.g. "Error in pjf...") may occur in cases where the variables are improperly passed, or where seemingly numeric variables include text and so get automatically converted to string variables.

Density estimation is performed as a count of individuals alive and within the radius specified in spacing of the respective individual at some point in time.



sizevector <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2.5, 4.5, 8, 17.5)
stagevector <- c("SD", "P1", "P2", "P3", "SL", "D", "XSm", "Sm", "Md", "Lg",
repvector <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
obsvector <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
matvector <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
immvector <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
propvector <- c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
indataset <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
binvec <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 1, 2.5, 7)

cypframe_raw <- sf_create(sizes = sizevector, stagenames = stagevector, 
  repstatus = repvector, obsstatus = obsvector, matstatus = matvector, 
  propstatus = propvector, immstatus = immvector, indataset = indataset,
  binhalfwidth = binvec)

cypraw_v2 <- historicalize3(data = cypvert, patchidcol = "patch", 
  individcol = "plantid", year2col = "year2", sizea2col = "Inf2.2", 
  sizea3col = "Inf2.3", sizeb2col = "Inf.2", sizeb3col = "Inf.3", 
  sizec2col = "Veg.2", sizec3col = "Veg.3", repstra2col = "Inf2.2", 
  repstra3col = "Inf2.3", repstrb2col = "Inf.2", repstrb3col = "Inf.3", 
  feca2col = "Pod.2", feca3col = "Pod.3", repstrrel = 2, 
  stageassign = cypframe_raw, stagesize = "sizeadded", censorcol = "censor",
  censor = FALSE, NAas0 = TRUE, NRasRep = TRUE, reduce = TRUE)

lefko3 documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:35 p.m.