mpm_create | R Documentation |
Function mpm_create()
is the core workhorse function that creates
all flavors of MPM in lefko3
. All other MPM creation functions act
as wrappers for this function. As such, this function provides the most
general and most detailed control over the MPM creation process.
historical = FALSE,
stage = TRUE,
age = FALSE,
devries = FALSE,
reduce = FALSE,
simple = FALSE,
err_check = FALSE,
data = NULL,
year = NULL,
pop = NULL,
patch = NULL,
stageframe = NULL,
supplement = NULL,
overwrite = NULL,
repmatrix = NULL,
alive = NULL,
obsst = NULL,
size = NULL,
sizeb = NULL,
sizec = NULL,
repst = NULL,
matst = NULL,
fec = NULL,
stages = NULL,
yearcol = NULL,
popcol = NULL,
patchcol = NULL,
indivcol = NULL,
agecol = NULL,
censorcol = NULL,
modelsuite = NULL,
paramnames = NULL,
inda = NULL,
indb = NULL,
indc = NULL,
annua = NULL,
annub = NULL,
annuc = NULL,
dev_terms = NULL,
density = NA_real_,
random_inda = FALSE,
random_indb = FALSE,
random_indc = FALSE,
negfec = FALSE,
exp_tol = 700L,
theta_tol = 100000000L,
censor = FALSE,
censorkeep = NULL,
start_age = NA_integer_,
last_age = NA_integer_,
fecage_min = NA_integer_,
fecage_max = NA_integer_,
fectime = 2L,
fecmod = 1,
cont = TRUE,
prebreeding = TRUE,
stage_NRasRep = FALSE,
sparse_output = FALSE
historical |
A logical value indicating whether to build a historical
MPM. Defaults to |
stage |
A logical value indicating whether to build a stage-based MPM.
If both |
age |
A logical value indicating whether to build an age-based MPM. If
both |
devries |
A logical value indicating whether to use deVries format
for historical MPMs. Defaults to |
reduce |
A logical value denoting whether to remove ages, ahistorical
stages, or historical stages associated exclusively with zero transitions.
These are removed only if the respective row and column sums in ALL matrices
estimated equal 0. Defaults to |
simple |
A logical value indicating whether to produce |
err_check |
A logical value indicating whether to append extra
information used in matrix calculation within the output list. Defaults to
data |
A data frame of class |
year |
A variable corresponding to observation occasion, or a set of
such values, given in values associated with the |
pop |
A variable designating which populations will have matrices
estimated. Should be set to specific population names, or to |
patch |
A variable designating which patches or subpopulations will have
matrices estimated. Should be set to specific patch names, or to |
stageframe |
An object of class |
supplement |
An optional data frame of class |
overwrite |
An optional data frame developed with the
repmatrix |
An optional reproduction matrix. This matrix is composed
mostly of |
alive |
A vector of names of binomial variables corresponding to status
as alive ( |
obsst |
A vector of names of binomial variables corresponding to
observation status in occasions t+1, t, and t-1,
respectively. Defaults to |
size |
A vector of names of variables coding the primary size variable
in occasions t+1, t, and t-1, respectively. Defaults to
sizeb |
A vector of names of variables coding the secondary size variable in occasions t+1, t, and t-1, respectively. Defaults to an empty set, assuming that secondary size is not used. Only needed for raw, stage-based MPMs. |
sizec |
A vector of names of variables coding the tertiary size variable in occasions t+1, t, and t-1, respectively. Defaults to an empty set, assuming that tertiary size is not used. Only needed for raw, stage-based MPMs. |
repst |
A vector of names of binomial variables corresponding to
reproductive status in occasions t+1, t, and t-1,
respectively. Defaults to |
matst |
A vector of names of binomial variables corresponding to
maturity status in occasions t+1, t, and t-1,
respectively. Defaults to |
fec |
A vector of names of variables coding for fecundity in occasions
t+1, t, and t-1, respectively. Defaults to
stages |
An optional vector denoting the names of the variables within
the main vertical dataset coding for the stages of each individual in
occasions t+1 and t, and t-1, if historical. The names
of stages in these variables should match those used in the
yearcol |
The variable name or column number corresponding to occasion
t in the dataset. Defaults to |
popcol |
The variable name or column number corresponding to the
identity of the population. Defaults to |
patchcol |
The variable name or column number corresponding to patch in
the dataset. Defaults to |
indivcol |
The variable name or column number coding individual identity. Only needed for raw MPMs. |
agecol |
The variable name or column corresponding to age in time
t. Defaults to |
censorcol |
The variable name or column number denoting the censor
status. Only needed in raw MPMs, and only if |
modelsuite |
One of three kinds of lists. The first is a
paramnames |
A data frame with three columns, the first describing all
terms used in linear modeling, the second (must be called |
inda |
Can be a single value to use for individual covariate |
indb |
Can be a single value to use for individual covariate |
indc |
Can be a single value to use for individual covariate |
annua |
Can be a single value to use for annual covariate |
annub |
Can be a single value to use for annual covariate |
annuc |
Can be a single value to use for annual covariate |
dev_terms |
A numeric vector of 2 elements in the case of a Leslie MPM,
and of 14 elements in all other cases. Consists of scalar additions to the
y-intercepts of vital rate linear models used to estimate vital rates in
function-based MPMs. Defaults to |
density |
A numeric value indicating density value to use to propagate
matrices. Only needed if density is an explanatory term used in one or more
vital rate models. Defaults to |
A logical value indicating whether to use the cumulative
distribution function to estimate size transition probabilities in
function-based MPMs. Defaults to |
random_inda |
A logical value denoting whether to treat individual
covariate |
random_indb |
A logical value denoting whether to treat individual
covariate |
random_indc |
A logical value denoting whether to treat individual
covariate |
negfec |
A logical value denoting whether fecundity values estimated to
be negative should be reset to |
exp_tol |
A numeric value used to indicate a maximum value to set
exponents to in the core kernel to prevent numerical overflow. Defaults to
theta_tol |
A numeric value used to indicate a maximum value to theta
as used in the negative binomial probability density kernel. Defaults to
censor |
If |
censorkeep |
The value of the censor variable denoting data elements to
keep. Defaults to |
start_age |
The age from which to start the matrix. Defaults to
last_age |
The final age to use in the matrix. Defaults to |
fecage_min |
The minimum age at which reproduction is possible.
Defaults to |
fecage_max |
The maximum age at which reproduction is possible.
Defaults to |
fectime |
An integer indicating whether to estimate fecundity using
the variable given for |
fecmod |
A scalar multiplier for fecundity. Only used for purely
age-based MPMs. Defaults to |
cont |
A logical value designating whether to allow continued survival
of individuals past the final age noted in age-based and age-by-stage MPMs,
using the demographic characteristics of the final age. Defaults to
prebreeding |
A logical value indicating whether the life history model
is a pre-breeding model. Defaults to |
stage_NRasRep |
A logical value indicating whether to treat
non-reproductive individuals as reproductive. Used only in raw, stage-based
MPMs in cases where stage assignment must still be handled. Not used in
function-based MPMs, and in stage-based MPMs in which a valid |
sparse_output |
A logical value indicating whether to output matrices
in sparse format. Defaults to |
An object of class lefkoMat
. This is a list that holds the
matrix projection model and all of its metadata. The structure has the
following elements:
A |
A list of full projection matrices in order of sorted patches and
occasion times. All matrices output in R's |
U |
A list of survival transition matrices sorted as in |
F |
A list of fecundity matrices sorted as in |
hstages |
A data frame matrix showing the pairing of ahistorical stages used to create historical stage pairs. Only used in historical MPMs. |
agestages |
A data frame showing age-stage pairs. Only used in age-by-stage MPMs. |
ahstages |
A data frame detailing the characteristics of associated ahistorical stages, in the form of a modified stageframe that includes status as an entry stage through reproduction. Used in all stage-based and age-by-stage MPMs. |
labels |
A data frame giving the population, patch, and year of each matrix in order. |
dataqc |
A vector showing the numbers of individuals and rows in the vertical dataset used as input. |
matrixqc |
A short vector describing the number of non-zero elements in
modelqc |
This is the |
prob_out |
An optional element only added if |
allstages |
An optional element only added if |
data |
An optional element only added if |
This function automatically determines whether to create a raw or function-based MPM given inputs supplied by the user.
If used, the reproduction matrix (field repmatrix
) may be supplied as
either historical or ahistorical. If provided as historical, then
a historical MPM must be estimated.
If neither a supplement nor a reproduction matrix are used, and the MPM to create is stage-based, then fecundity will be assumed to occur from all reproductive stages to all propagule and immature stages.
Users may at times wish to estimate MPMs using a dataset incorporating
multiple patches or subpopulations, but without discriminating between those
patches or subpopulations. Should the aim of analysis be a general MPM that
does not distinguish these patches or subpopulations, the
run should not include patch terms.
Input options including multiple variable names must be entered in the order of variables in occasion t+1, t, and t-1. Rearranging the order will lead to erroneous calculations, and will may lead to fatal errors.
This function provides two different means of estimating the probability of
size transition. The midpoint method (CDF = FALSE
) refers to the
method in which the probability is estimated by first estimating the
probability associated with transition from the exact size at the midpoint
of the size class using the corresponding probability density function, and
then multiplying that value by the bin width of the size class. Doak et al.
2021 (Ecological Monographs) noted that this method can produce biased
results, with total size transitions associated with a specific size not
totaling to 1.0 and even specific size transition probabilities capable of
being estimated at values greater than 1.0. The alternative and default
method (CDF = TRUE
) uses the cumulative density function to estimate
the probability of size transition as the cumulative probability of size
transition at the greater limit of the size class minus the cumulative
probability of size transition at the lower limit of the size class. This
latter method avoids this bias. Note, however, that both methods are exact
and unbiased for negative binomial and Poisson distributions.
Under the Gaussian and gamma size distributions, the number of estimated
parameters may differ between the two ipm_method
settings. Because
the midpoint method has a tendency to incorporate upward bias in the
estimation of size transition probabilities, it is more likely to yield non-
zero values when the true probability is extremely close to 0. This will
result in the summary.lefkoMat()
function yielding higher numbers of
estimated parameters than the ipm_method = "CDF"
yields in some cases.
sizevector <- c(0, 4.6, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
stagevector <- c("Sd", "Sdl", "Dorm", "Sz1nr", "Sz2nr", "Sz3nr", "Sz4nr",
"Sz5nr", "Sz6nr", "Sz7nr", "Sz8nr", "Sz9nr", "Sz1r", "Sz2r", "Sz3r",
"Sz4r", "Sz5r", "Sz6r", "Sz7r", "Sz8r", "Sz9r")
repvector <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
obsvector <- c(0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
matvector <- c(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
immvector <- c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
propvector <- c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
indataset <- c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
binvec <- c(0, 4.6, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5,
0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
lathframeln <- sf_create(sizes = sizevector, stagenames = stagevector,
repstatus = repvector, obsstatus = obsvector, matstatus = matvector,
immstatus = immvector, indataset = indataset, binhalfwidth = binvec,
propstatus = propvector)
lathvertln <- verticalize3(lathyrus, noyears = 4, firstyear = 1988,
patchidcol = "SUBPLOT", individcol = "GENET", blocksize = 9,
juvcol = "Seedling1988", sizeacol = "lnVol88", repstracol = "Intactseed88",
fecacol = "Intactseed88", deadacol = "Dead1988",
nonobsacol = "Dormant1988", stageassign = lathframeln, stagesize = "sizea",
censorcol = "Missing1988", censorkeep = NA, NAas0 = TRUE, censor = TRUE)
lathvertln$feca2 <- round(lathvertln$feca2)
lathvertln$feca1 <- round(lathvertln$feca1)
lathvertln$feca3 <- round(lathvertln$feca3)
lathvertln_adults <- subset(lathvertln, stage2index > 2)
surv_model <- glm(alive3 ~ sizea2 + sizea1 + as.factor(patchid) +
as.factor(year2), data = lathvertln_adults, family = "binomial")
obs_data <- subset(lathvertln_adults, alive3 == 1)
obs_model <- glm(obsstatus3 ~ as.factor(patchid), data = obs_data,
family = "binomial")
size_data <- subset(obs_data, obsstatus3 == 1)
siz_model <- lm(sizea3 ~ sizea2 + sizea1 + repstatus1 + as.factor(patchid) +
as.factor(year2), data = size_data)
reps_model <- glm(repstatus3 ~ sizea2 + sizea1 + as.factor(patchid) +
as.factor(year2), data = size_data, family = "binomial")
fec_data <- subset(lathvertln_adults, repstatus2 == 1)
fec_model <- glm(feca2 ~ sizea2 + sizea1 + repstatus1 + as.factor(patchid),
data = fec_data, family = "poisson")
lathvertln_juvs <- subset(lathvertln, stage2index < 3)
jsurv_model <- glm(alive3 ~ as.factor(patchid), data = lathvertln_juvs,
family = "binomial")
jobs_data <- subset(lathvertln_juvs, alive3 == 1)
jobs_model <- glm(obsstatus3 ~ 1, family = "binomial", data = jobs_data)
jsize_data <- subset(jobs_data, obsstatus3 == 1)
jsiz_model <- lm(sizea3 ~ as.factor(year2), data = jsize_data)
jrepst_model <- 0
jmatst_model <- 1
mod_params <- create_pm(name_terms = TRUE)
mod_params$modelparams[3] <- "patchid"
mod_params$modelparams[4] <- "alive3"
mod_params$modelparams[5] <- "obsstatus3"
mod_params$modelparams[6] <- "sizea3"
mod_params$modelparams[9] <- "repstatus3"
mod_params$modelparams[11] <- "feca2"
mod_params$modelparams[12] <- "sizea2"
mod_params$modelparams[13] <- "sizea1"
mod_params$modelparams[18] <- "repstatus2"
mod_params$modelparams[19] <- "repstatus1"
used_models <- list(survival_model = surv_model, observation_model = obs_model,
size_model = siz_model, sizeb_model = 1, sizec_model = 1,
repstatus_model = reps_model, fecundity_model = fec_model,
juv_survival_model = jsurv_model, juv_observation_model = jobs_model,
juv_size_model = jsiz_model, juv_sizeb_model = 1, juv_sizec_model = 1,
juv_reproduction_model = 0, juv_maturity_model = 1, paramnames = mod_params)
lathsupp3 <- supplemental(stage3 = c("Sd", "Sd", "Sdl", "Sdl", "mat", "Sd", "Sdl"),
stage2 = c("Sd", "Sd", "Sd", "Sd", "Sdl", "rep", "rep"),
stage1 = c("Sd", "rep", "Sd", "rep", "Sd", "mat", "mat"),
eststage3 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, "mat", NA, NA),
eststage2 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, "Sdl", NA, NA),
eststage1 = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, "Sdl", NA, NA),
givenrate = c(0.345, 0.345, 0.054, 0.054, NA, NA, NA),
multiplier = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 0.345, 0.054),
type = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3), type_t12 = c(1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1),
stageframe = lathframeln, historical = TRUE)
# While we do not use MPMs to initialize f_projections3(), we do use MPMs to
# initialize functions start_input() and density_input().
lathmat3ln <- mpm_create(historical = TRUE, year = "all", patch = "all",
data = lathvertln, stageframe = lathframeln, supplement = lathsupp3,
modelsuite = used_models, reduce = FALSE)
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