
Defines functions .reg1ancova

.reg1ancova <-
function(lm.out, d.ancova, digits_d=NULL, show_R=FALSE) {

  nm <- all.vars(lm.out$terms)  # names of vars in the model
  nm.a <- names(d.ancova)
  n.vars <- length(nm)
  n.pred <- n.vars - 1L
  n.obs <- nrow(lm.out$model)
  d <- digits_d

  x.cat <- 0
  x.cont <- 0
  # identify the grouping variable and the covariate
  if (is.numeric(d.ancova[,nm.a[2]]) && is.factor(d.ancova[,nm.a[3]])) {
    x.cat <- 3
    x.cont <- 2
  if (is.numeric(d.ancova[,nm.a[3]]) && is.factor(d.ancova[,nm.a[2]])) {
    x.cat <- 2
    x.cont <- 3
  lvl <- levels(d.ancova[,nm.a[x.cat]])
  tbl <- table(d.ancova[,nm.a[x.cat]])

  # ANOVA 
  smc <- anova(lm.out)
  n.terms <- nrow(smc) - 1
  nt1 <- n.terms + 1

  SSE <- smc[nt1,2]

  tx <- character(length=0)

  if (is.null(options()$knitr.in.progress)) {

  tx[length(tx)+1] <- "-- Analysis of Variance"
  tx[length(tx)] <-  paste(tx[length(tx)],
                          "from Type II Sums of Squares")
  lm2.out <- lm(d.ancova[,1] ~ d.ancova[,3] + d.ancova[,2])
  smc[1,] <- anova(lm2.out)[2,]  # replace original first line of ANOVA table
  tx[length(tx)+1] <- ""

  if (show_R) {
    tx[length(tx)+1] <- ""
    tx[length(tx)+1] <- paste("> ","anova(model)", "\n",sep="")
    tx[length(tx)+1] <-.dash2(68)

  # width of column 1
  max.c1 <- max(nchar("Model"), nchar(nm))
  for (i in 1:nt1) {
    c1 <- nchar(rownames(smc)[i])
    if (c1 > max.c1) max.c1 <- c1 

  # width of data columns
  max.ln <- integer(length=4)
  for (i in 1:4) {
    ln.nm <- nchar(colnames(smc)[i])
    max.ln[i] <- ln.nm + 1
    for (j in 1:nrow(smc)) {
      xjc <- .fmt(smc[j,i], d=digits_d)
      if (nchar(xjc) > max.ln[i]) max.ln[i] <- nchar(xjc)
    max.ln[i] <- max.ln[i] + 1L
    if (max.ln[i] < 9L) max.ln[i] <- 9L

  # header
  df.lbl <- .fmtc("     df", max.ln[1]+1)
  SS.lbl <- .fmtc(" Sum Sq", max.ln[2]+1)
  MS.lbl <- .fmtc("Mean Sq", max.ln[3]+1)
  fv.lbl <- .fmtc("F-value", max.ln[4]+1)
  tx[length(tx)+1] <- paste(eval(format("", width=max.c1-5)), df.lbl, SS.lbl,
                             MS.lbl, fv.lbl, "   p-value", sep="")

  # predictors (terms, including interactions)
  if (n.pred > 1) {
    #for (i in 1:(n.pred)) {
    for (i in 1:n.terms) {
      rlb <- .fmtc(rownames(smc)[i], max.c1)
      df <- .fmti(smc[i,1], max.ln[1]-5)
      SS <- .fmt(smc[i,2], digits_d, max.ln[2])
      MS <- .fmt(smc[i,3], digits_d, max.ln[3])
      fv <- .fmt(smc[i,4], digits_d, max.ln[4])
      pv <- .fmt(smc[i,5], 3, 9)
      tx[length(tx)+1] <- paste(rlb, df, SS, MS, fv, pv)

  # Residuals
  rlb <- .fmtc(rownames(smc)[nt1], max.c1, j="left")
  df <- .fmti(smc[nt1,1], max.ln[1]-5)
  SS <- .fmt(smc[nt1,2], digits_d, max.ln[2])
  MS <- .fmt(smc[nt1,3], digits_d, max.ln[3])
  MSW <- smc[nt1,3]
  tx[length(tx)+1] <- paste(rlb, df, SS, MS) 

  rsd <- c(smc[nt1,1], smc[nt1,2], smc[nt1,3])
  names(rsd) <- c("df", "ss", "ms")

  # Total
  tot <- NA

  return(list(out_anova=tx, mdl="", rsd=rsd, tot=tot, MSW=MSW))


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