
Defines functions nlexpect

Documented in nlexpect

# function for doing multivariate non-linear tests on parameters
# tests the probability that fun(beta) > 0, where beta are the estimated parameters
# from felm()

#' Compute expectation of a function of the coefficients.
#' Use integration of the joint distribution of the coefficients to compute the
#' expectation of some function of the coefficients.  Can be used for
#' non-linear inference tests.
#' The function `nlexpect` integrates the function `fun(x)` over the
#' multivariate normal distribution specified by the point estimates and the
#' covariance matrix `vcov(est)`.  This is the expectation of
#' `fun(beta)` if we were to bootstrap the data (e.g. by drawing the
#' residuals anew) and do repeated estimations.
#' The list of coefficients used by `fun` must be specified in
#' `coefs`.
#' If the function is simple, it can be specified as a quoted expression like
#' `quote(a*b+log(abs(d)))`. In this case, if `coefs` is not
#' specified, it will be set to the list of all the variables occurring in the
#' expression which are also names of coefficients.
#' `fun` may return a vector of values, in which case a vector of
#' expectations is computed, like `quote(c(a*b, a^3-b))`. However, if the
#' expressions contain different variables, like `quote(c(a*b, d*e))`, a
#' quite compute intensive 4-dimensional integral will be computed, compared to
#' two cheap 2-dimensional integrals if you do them separately. There is nothing to gain
#' from using vector-valued functions compared to multiple calls to `nlexpect()`.
#' You may of course also integrate inequalities like `quote(abs(x1-0.2) >
#' 0.2)` to simulate the probability from t-tests or Wald-tests. See the
#' examples.
#' The function you provide will get an argument `...` if it does not have
#' one already.  It will also be passed an argument `.z` which contains
#' the actual coefficients in normalized coordinates, i.e. if `ch` is the
#' Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix, and `pt` are the point
#' estimates, the coefficients will be `pt + ch \%*\% .z`. The first argument
#' is a vector with names corresponding to the coefficients.
#' If you specify `vectorized=TRUE`, your function will be passed a list with vectors
#' in its first argument. The function must
#' be able to handle a list, and must return a vector of the same length as the vectors
#' in the list.  If you pass an expression like `x < y`, each variable will be a vector.
#' If your function is vector valued, it must return a matrix where each
#' column is the values.
#' The `tol` argument specifies both the relative tolerance and the
#' absolute tolerance. If these should not be the same, specify `tol` as a
#' vector of length 2. The first value is the relative tolerance, the second is
#' the absolute tolerance. Termination occurs when at least one of the
#' tolerances is met.
#' The `...` can be used for passing other arguments to the integration
#' routine `cubature::cubintegrate` and the function to be integrated.
#' @param est object of class `"felm"` or `"lm"`, a result of a call to
#' [felm()] or `lm`.
#' @param fun function of coefficients to be integrated. Can also be a
#' `quote`d expression.
#' @param coefs character. Names of coefficients to test. Only needed if
#' `fun` is a function.
#' @param ... other arguments passed to fun or the integration routine.
#' @param tol numeric. Tolerance for the computed integral.
#' @param lhs character. Name of the left hand side, if `est` has more
#' than one.
#' @param cv Covariance matrix to use in place of `vcov(est)`
#' @param istats logical. Should convergence information from the integration
#' routine be included as attributes?
#' @param flags list. Additional flags for the underlying integration routine. Not used after the
#' package \pkg{R2Cuba} disappeared.
#' @param max.eval integer. Maximum number of integral evaluations.
#' @param method character. A method specification usable by `cubature::cubintegrate`.
#' The documentation there says that `"pcubature"` is good for smooth integrands of low dimensions.
#' @param vectorize logical or numeric. Use vectorized function evaluation from package
#' \pkg{cubature}. This can speed up integration significantly. If method is from the Cuba library
#' (i.e. not pcubature or hcubature), `vectorize` should be specified as a numeric, a vectorization
#' factor. The default is 128.
#' @return The function `nlexpect` computes and returns the expectation of
#' the function `fun(beta)`, with `beta` a vector of coefficients.
#' I.e., if the coefficients `beta` are bootstrapped a large number of
#' times, `nlexpect(est, fun)` should be equal to `mean(fun(beta))`.
#' @note An alternative to this method is to use the `bootexpr` argument
#' with [felm()], to do a Monte Carlo integration.
#' @seealso [waldtest()]
#' @examples
#' N <- 100
#' x1 <- rnorm(N)
#' # make some correlation
#' x2 <- 0.1 * rnorm(N) + 0.1 * x1
#' y <- 0.1 * x1 + x2 + rnorm(N)
#' summary(est <- felm(y ~ x1 + x2))
#' pt1 <- coef(est)["x1"]
#' pt2 <- coef(est)["x2"]
#' # expected values of coefficients, should match the summary
#' # and variance, i.e. square of standard errors in the summary
#' nlexpect(est, quote(c(x1 = x1, x2 = x2, var = c((x1 - pt1)^2, (x2 - pt2)^2))))
#' \donttest{
#' # the covariance matrix:
#' nlexpect(est, tcrossprod(as.matrix(c(x1 - pt1, x2 - pt2))))
#' }
#' # Wald test of single variable
#' waldtest(est, ~x1)["p.F"]
#' # the same with nlexpect, i.e. probability for observing abs(x1)>abs(pt1) conditional
#' # on E(x1) = 0.
#' nlexpect(est, (x1 - pt1)^2 > pt1^2, tol = 1e-7, vectorize = TRUE)
#' # which is the same as
#' 2 * nlexpect(est, x1 * sign(pt1) < 0)
#' # Here's a multivalued, vectorized example
#' nlexpect(est, rbind(a = x1 * x2 < pt1, b = x1 * x2 > 0), vectorize = TRUE, method = "divonne")
#' \donttest{
#' # Non-linear test:
#' # A simple one, what's the probability that product x1*x2 is between 0 and |E(x1)|?
#' nlexpect(est, x1 * x2 > 0 & x1 * x2 < abs(pt1), vectorize = TRUE, method = "divonne")
#' # Then a more complicated one with the expected value of a polynomal in the coefficients
#' f <- function(x) c(poly = x[["x1"]] * (6 * x[["x1"]] - x[["x2"]]^2))
#' # This is the linearized test:
#' waldtest(est, f)["p.F"]
#' # In general, for a function f, the non-linear Wald test is something like
#' # the following:
#' # expected value of function
#' Ef <- nlexpect(est, f, coefs = c("x1", "x2"))
#' # point value of function
#' Pf <- f(c(pt1, pt2))
#' # similar to a Wald test, but non-linear:
#' nlexpect(est, function(x) (f(x) - Ef)^2 > Pf^2, c("x1", "x2"), vectorize = TRUE)
#' # one-sided
#' nlexpect(est, function(x) f(x) - Ef > abs(Pf), c("x1", "x2"), vectorize = TRUE)
#' # other sided
#' nlexpect(est, function(x) f(x) - Ef < -abs(Pf), c("x1", "x2"), vectorize = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export nlexpect
nlexpect <- function(est, fun, coefs, ..., tol = getOption("lfe.etol"), lhs = NULL,
                     cv, istats = FALSE, flags = list(verbose = 0), max.eval = 200000L,
                     method = c("hcubature", "pcubature", "cuhre", "suave", "vegas", "divonne"),
                     vectorize = FALSE) {
  mc <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  xargs <- names(mc[["..."]])
  method <- match.arg(method)
  if (!requireNamespace("cubature", quietly = TRUE)) {
    warning('Package "cubature" not found.')
  #  adapt <- TRUE
  #  adaptig <- switch(method,hcubature=cubature::hcubature,pcubature=cubature::pcubature,
  #                    cuhre=cubature::cuhre,suave=cubature::suave, vegas=cubature::vegas)

  if (isTRUE(est$nostats) && missing(cv)) {
    stop("This test requires that felm() is run without nostats=TRUE; or specify a cv argument")

  # Find the covariance matrix
  if (missing(cv)) cv <- vcov(est, lhs = lhs)

  # Some kludge to be able to use non-quoted expression for fun
  afun <- substitute(fun)
  if (is.call(afun) || (is.name(afun) && (as.character(afun) %in% colnames(cv)))) {
    lfun <- as.list(afun)
    if (identical(lfun[[1]], quote(expression))) {
      fun <- as.call(lfun[[2]])
    } else if (!identical(lfun[[1]], quote(quote)) && !identical(lfun[[1]], quote(`function`))) {
      fun <- afun

  if (is.call(fun) || is.name(fun)) {
    # it's an expression. Figure out the coefficients used
    if (missing(coefs)) coefs <- intersect(all.vars(fun), colnames(cv))
    # make it a function
    fun <- local(function(x, ...) eval(fun, c(as.list(x), list(...))), list(fun = fun))
  } else if (is.function(fun)) {
    fa <- formals(fun)
    #    nomatch <- !(xargs %in% names(fa)[-1])
    #    if(any(nomatch))
    #      warning('arguments ',paste(xargs[nomatch],collapse='/'),
    #              ' not among arguments in function to integrate')

    # add a ... formal if it doesn't exist
    if (!(".z" %in% names(fa))) {
      formals(fun) <- c(fa, alist(.z = ))
    if (!("..." %in% names(fa))) {
      formals(fun) <- c(fa, alist(... = ))

  if (missing(coefs) || length(coefs %in% colnames(cv)) == 0) {
    stop("No coefficients specified")
  # Find the coefficients
  cf <- drop(coef(est, lhs = lhs))[coefs]
  # and the Cholesky
  ch <- chol(cv[coefs, coefs, drop = FALSE])
  tch <- t(ch)
  # Now, we need to integrate fun(x) > 0 over the joint distribution of the parameters
  # We do this as follows. We integrate over a standard hypercube (-pi/2,pi/2) x (-pi/2,pi/2) x ...
  # adaptIntegrate can't take infinite limits.
  # We first transform these to (-Inf, Inf) with
  # z = tan(x)
  # the Jacobian determinant becomes the product of
  # 1/cos(x)^2
  # We transform the integration variables with the covariance matrix to feed fun(),
  # then integrate fun(x) > 0 with the multivariate normal distribution.
  # we use the package cubature for the integration.
  K <- length(cf)
  if (is.numeric(vectorize)) nvec <- if (vectorize <= 1) 1 else vectorize
  if (isTRUE(vectorize)) nvec <- 128 else nvec <- 1
  if (nvec <= 1) {
    integrand <- function(x, ...) {
      jac <- prod(1 / cos(x))^2
      z <- tan(x)
      # z is the standard normal (t really) multivariate
      #    dens <- prod(dnorm(z))
      dens <- prod(dt(z, est$df))
      beta <- drop(cf + tch %*% z)
      names(beta) <- coefs
      ret <- fun(beta, .z = z, ...) * jac * dens
      if (anyNA(ret)) stop("Function value is NA for argument: ", sprintf("%.2e ", beta))
    sv <- fun(cf, .z = rep(0, K), ...)
  } else {
    integrand <- function(x, ...) {
      z <- tan(x)
      jac <- apply(x, 2, function(x) prod(1 / cos(x)))^2
      dens <- apply(z, 2, function(zz) prod(dt(zz, est$df)))
      beta <- tch %*% z + cf
      lbeta <- vector("list", K)
      for (i in 1:nrow(beta)) lbeta[[i]] <- beta[i, ]
      names(lbeta) <- coefs
      ret <- fun(lbeta, .z = z, ...) * jac * dens
      if (anyNA(ret)) stop("Function value is NA for argument: ", sprintf("%.2e ", beta))
      if (is.matrix(ret) && ncol(ret) == ncol(x)) ret else matrix(ret, ncol = ncol(x))
    sv <- fun(as.list(cf), .z = matrix(0, K), ...)

  fdim <- length(sv)
  if (length(tol) == 2) {
    reltol <- tol[1]
    abstol <- tol[2]
  } else {
    reltol <- abstol <- tol

  eps <- 10 * .Machine$double.eps
  ret <- cubature::cubintegrate(integrand, rep(-pi / 2 - eps, K), rep(pi / 2 - eps, K),
    fDim = fdim,
    method = method, relTol = reltol,
    absTol = abstol, maxEval = max.eval, nVec = nvec, ...
  #  ret <- adaptig(integrand,rep(-pi/2-eps,K),rep(pi/2-eps,K),...,tol=reltol,
  #                 absError=abstol,fDim=fdim,maxEval=max.eval,vectorInterface=vectorize)
  names(ret$integral) <- names(sv)
  if (is.array(sv)) {
    dim(ret$integral) <- dim(sv)
    dimnames(ret$integral) <- dimnames(sv)
  if (!istats) {

  names(ret)[match("integral", names(ret))] <- names(as.list(args(structure)))[1]
  return(do.call(structure, ret))

  #  ret <- R2ig(K,fdim,integrand,lower=rep(-1,K),...,
  #              upper=rep(1,K),rel.tol=reltol,abs.tol=abstol,
  #              flags=flags, max.eval=max.eval)
  #  names(ret$value) <- names(sv)
  #  if(is.array(sv)) {
  #    dim(ret$value) <- dim(sv)
  #    dimnames(ret$value) <- dimnames(sv)
  #  }
  #  if(ret$ifail != 0) warning('integration failed with: "',ret$message, '", use istats=TRUE to see details')
  #  if(!istats) return(ret$value)
  #  names(ret)[match('value',names(ret))] <- names(as.list(args(structure)))[1]
  #  do.call(structure,ret)

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