
Defines functions lga

Documented in lga

lga <- function(x, k, ...)  UseMethod("lga")

"lga.default" <- function(x, k, biter=NULL, niter=10, showall=FALSE, scale=TRUE,
                  nnode=NULL, silent=FALSE, ...){
    ## Scale the dataset (if required), otherwise parse to a matrix
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    if (any(is.na(x))) stop("Missing data in 'x'")

        x <- scale(x, center=FALSE, scale=sqrt(apply(x,2,var)))
    if (!is.numeric(x)) stop("'x' does not appear to be numeric.\n")
    n <- nrow(x); d <- ncol(x)

    ## Check the number of groups
    if (floor(k) != k)
      stop("'k' is not an integer")
    else if (k < 1)
      stop ("'k' is not greater than 0")
    else if (k == 1) {
      warning("'k' is equal to 1 - performing orthogonal regression")
      outputs <- matrix(1, ncol = 1, nrow = n + 2)
      nconverg <-  biter <- niter <- NA
    else {
      ## Set the number of random starts (if not provided)
      if (is.null(biter))
        if(is.na(biter <- lga.NumberStarts(n, d, k, p=0.95)))
          stop("'biter' ill-specified. Rerun, setting 'biter' \n")
      if (!silent)
        cat("LGA Algorithm \nk =", k, "\tbiter =", biter, "\tniter =", niter, "\n")
      ## Choose the starting hyperplane coefficients for each biter
      hpcoef <- list()
      for (j in 1:biter){
        ## Choose starting clusters
        clindex <- matrix(sample(1:n, size=k*d, replace=FALSE), nrow=k)

        ## form initial hyperplanes - each row is a hyperplane
        hpcoef[[j]] <- matrix(NA, nrow=k, ncol=(d+1))
        for (i in 1:k)
          hpcoef[[j]][i,] <- lga.orthreg(x[clindex[i,],])
        ## not parallel
        outputsl <- lapply(hpcoef, lga.iterate, x, k, d, n, niter)
      else {
        ## parallel
        if (!silent) cat("Setting up nodes \n")
        if (!(require(snow))) stop("Can't find required packages: snow")
        cl <- makeCluster(nnode)
        clusterEvalQ(cl, library(lga))
        outputsl <- clusterApplyLB(cl, hpcoef, lga.iterate, x, k, d, n, niter)
        if (!silent) cat("Nodes closed \n")
      outputs <- matrix(unlist(outputsl), ncol = biter, nrow = n + 2)
      ## Find the number of converged results
      nconverg <- sum(outputs[n+1,])
      if (nconverg == 0)
        warning("LGA failed to converge for any iteration\n")
      if (!showall){
        ## remove any columns with NAs
        outputs <- outputs[,complete.cases(t(outputs)), drop=FALSE]
        if (nconverg != 0)
          outputs <- outputs[,outputs[n+1,]==1, drop=FALSE]
        outputs <- outputs[, which.min(outputs[n+2,]), drop=FALSE]
        if(ncol(outputs) > 1)
          outputs <- lga.CheckUnique(outputs)
      if (!silent) {
        if(showall) cat("\nReturning all outputs \n", "")

    if (!showall){
      ## Fit the best hyerplane(s) with ROSS
      hp <- matrix(NA, nrow=k, ncol=(d+1))
      for (i in 1:k)
        hp[i, ] <- lga.orthreg(x[outputs[1:n,] == i,])
      ROSS <- lga.calculateROSS(hp, x, n, d, outputs[1:n,])
    else {
      ROSS <- outputs[n+2,]
      hp <- NULL
    fout <- list(cluster=outputs[1:n,], ROSS=ROSS, converged=outputs[n+1,], 
                 nconverg=nconverg, x=x, hpcoef=hp)

    attributes(fout) <- list(class="lga", biter=biter, niter=niter, scaled=scale, k=k, names=names(fout))

"lga.calculateROSS" <- function(hpcoef, xsc, n, d, groups){
    ## This function calculates the total Residual Orthogonal Sum of Squares for a given grouping
    dist <- (sweep(xsc %*% t(hpcoef[,1:d, drop=FALSE]), 2, hpcoef[,d+1, drop=FALSE], FUN="-"))^2
    return(sum(dist[cbind(1:n, groups)]))

"lga.CheckUnique" <- function(x){
    "CheckUnique.Rand" <- function(z) {
        sum(z^2)-0.5*(sum(apply(z,1,sum)^2)+ sum(apply(z,2,sum)^2))
    d <- dim(x)[2]
    index <- rep(TRUE,d)
    for (i in 1:(d-1)){
        for (j in (i+1):d){
            y <- table(x[,i], x[,j])
            z <- CheckUnique.Rand(y)
            if (z==0) index[j] <- FALSE
    if (sum(index) > 1) { ## In the incredibly unlikely situation....
        warning("more than one unique solutions with identical ROSS -  returning first solution only")
        index[ (which.max(index)+1):d ] <- FALSE
    return(x[,index, drop=FALSE])

"lga.dodist" <- function(y, coeff, k, d, n){
    ## This function calculates the (orthogonal) Residuals for different hyerplanes,
    ## and returns the closest for each observation
    dist <- (y %*% t(coeff[,1:d, drop=FALSE])- matrix(coeff[,d+1, drop=FALSE], ncol=k, nrow=n, byrow=TRUE))^2
    return(max.col(-dist, ties.method="first"))

"lga.iterate" <-  function(hpcoef, xsc, k, d, n, niter){
    ## give the function the inital set of hyperplanes (in hpcoef)
    groups <- lga.dodist(xsc, hpcoef, k, d, n)
    iter <- 0
    if (any(table(groups) < d) | (length(unique(groups)) < k))
        iter <- (niter+10)
    oldgroups <- 1
    converged <- FALSE
    while (!converged & iter < niter) {
        iter <- iter+1
        oldgroups <- groups
        for (i in 1:k){
            hpcoef[i,] <- lga.orthreg(xsc[groups==i,])
        groups <- lga.dodist(xsc, hpcoef, k, d, n)
        if (any(table(groups) < d) | (length(unique(groups)) < k))
            iter <- (niter+10) # if there aren't enough obs in a group
        if (all(oldgroups==groups)) converged <- TRUE
    return(c(groups, converged, lga.calculateROSS(hpcoef, xsc, n, d, groups)))

"lga.NumberStarts" <- function(n, d, k, p=0.95){
    ## Calculate the number of starting positions (from article)
    n1 <- ceiling(n/k)
    return(ceiling(log(1-p)/log(1-choose(n1, d)^k/choose(n1*k, k*d))))

"lga.orthreg" <- function(x){
    ## Perform orthogonal regression.
    ## We use svd rather than eigen for numerical stability (esp when eigenvalues are small)
    y <- scale(x, scale=FALSE)
    emat <- svd(y)$v[,dim(y)[2]]
    return(c(emat, emat %*% attr(y, 'scaled:center')))

"print.lga" <- function(x, ...) { ## S3method for printing LGA class
    cat("Output from LGA:\n\nDataset scaled =", attr(x, "scaled"), "\tk =", attr(x, "k"),
        "\tniter =", attr(x, "niter"),"\tbiter =", attr(x, "biter"),"\nNumber of converged =",
        x$nconverg, ifelse(length(x$ROSS) > 1, "\nROSS =", "\nBest clustering has ROSS ="), x$ROSS,"\n")

"plot.lga" <- function(x, ...) { ## S3method for plotting LGA class
    nclust <- attr(x, "k")
    d <- ncol(x$x)
    clustcols <- x$cluster + ifelse(inherits(x, "rlga"), 1, 0)
    ## 2-d case
    if (d == 2){
      plot(x$x, col=clustcols, type="p", ...)
      if (!is.null(x$hpcoef))
        for (i in 1:nclust)
          abline(a= x$hpcoef[i, 3]/x$hpcoef[i, 2], b= -x$hpcoef[i, 1]/x$hpcoef[i, 2], lty=2,
                 col=(i + ifelse(inherits(x, "rlga"), 1, 0)))
      pairs(x$x, col=clustcols, ...)

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lga documentation built on May 2, 2019, 11:47 a.m.