
Defines functions integerise.mstppp rescale.mstppp as.ppp.mstppp plot.mstppp print.mstppp mstppp.list mstppp.stppp mstppp.ppp mstppp

Documented in as.ppp.mstppp integerise.mstppp mstppp mstppp.list mstppp.ppp mstppp.stppp plot.mstppp print.mstppp rescale.mstppp

# mstppp class definition and functions

##' mstppp function
##' Generic function used in the construction of marked space-time planar point patterns. An mstppp object is like an stppp object,
##' but with an extra component containing a data frame (the mark information).
##' Observations are assumed to occur in the plane and the observation window is assumed not to change over time.
##' @param P an object
##' @param ... additional arguments
##' @return method mstppp 
##' @seealso \link{mstppp}, \link{mstppp.ppp}, \link{mstppp.list}
##' @export 

mstppp <- function(P,...){

##' mstppp.ppp function
##' Construct a marked space-time planar point pattern from a ppp object
##' @method mstppp ppp
##' @param P a spatstat ppp object
##' @param t a vector of length P$n
##' @param tlim a vector of length 2 specifying the observation time window
##' @param data a data frame containing the collection of marks
##' @param ... additional arguments
##' @return an object of class mstppp
##' @seealso \link{mstppp}, \link{mstppp.list}
##' @export 

mstppp.ppp <- function(P,t,tlim,data,...){
    if (length(t)!=P$n){
        stop("Vector t must have length P$n")
        stop("data must be an object of class data.frame")
    if (nrow(data)!=P$n){
        stop("Data frame  must have P$n rows")
    if (length(tlim)!=2){
        stop("tlim must be a vector of length exactly 2 and sorted in ascending order")
    if (tlim[1] >= tlim[2]){
        stop("Vector tlim must be sorted in ascending order")
    if (any(as.integer(t)>as.integer(tlim[2])) | any(as.integer(t)<as.integer(tlim[1]))){
        stop("There is a t such that as.integer(t) is outside range of as.integer(tlim). Please amend tlim so all observations fall in observation time window.")
    P$t <- t
    P$tlim <- tlim
    P$data <- data
    class(P) <- c("mstppp","stppp","ppp")

##' mstppp.stppp function
##' Construct a marked space-time planar point pattern from an stppp object
##' @method mstppp stppp
##' @param P an lgcp stppp object
##' @param data a data frame containing the collection of marks
##' @param ... additional arguments
##' @return an object of class mstppp
##' @seealso \link{mstppp}, \link{mstppp.list}
##' @export 

mstppp.stppp <- function(P,data,...){  
        stop("data must be an object of class data.frame")
    if (nrow(data)!=P$n){
        stop("Data frame  must have P$n rows")
    P$data <- data
    class(P) <- c("mstppp","stppp","ppp")

##' mstppp.list function
##' Construct a marked space-time planar point pattern from a list object
##' @method mstppp list
##' @param P list object containing $xyt, an (n x 3) matrix corresponding to (x,y,t) values; $tlim, a vector of length 2 givign the observation time window, 
##' $window giving an owin spatial observation winow, see ?owin for more details, and $data, a data frame containing the collection of marks 
##' @param ... additional arguments
##' @return an object of class mstppp
##' @seealso \link{mstppp}, \link{mstppp.ppp}, 
##' @export

mstppp.list <- function(P,...){
    tl <- P$tlim
        stop("Require argument window")
    if (is.null(P$tlim)){
        stop("Require argument tlim.")
    if (is.null(P$data)){
        stop("Require argument data.")

    idx <- inside.owin(P$xyt[,1],P$xyt[,2],P$window)
        warning(paste(sum(!idx),"points outside owin excluded"))

##' print.mstppp function
##' Print method for mstppp objects
##' @method print mstppp
##' @param x an object of class mstppp
##' @param ... additional arguments
##' @return prints the mstppp object x
##' @export 

print.mstppp <- function(x,...){
    cat("Marked Space-time point pattern\n")
    cat(paste("Marks:\n $data: a data frame with",ncol(x$data),"columns","\n"))

##' plot.mstppp function
##' Plot method for mstppp objects
##' @method plot mstppp
##' @param x an object of class mstppp
##' @param cols optional vector of colours to plot points with
##' @param ... additional arguments passed to plot
##' @return plots the mstppp object x
##' @export 

plot.mstppp <- function(x,cols="red",...){

##' Extract.mstppp function
##' extracting subsets of an mstppp object.
##' @name Extract.mstppp
##' @aliases "[.mstppp"
##' @param x an object of class mstppp
##' @param subset subsetto extract
##' @usage "x[subset]"
##' @return extracts subset of an mstppp object

"[.mstppp" <- function(x,subset){
    x$x <- x$x[subset]
    x$y <- x$y[subset]
    x$t <- x$t[subset]
    x$data <- x$data[subset,]
    x$n <- length(x$x)

##' as.ppp.mstppp function
##' Convert from mstppp to ppp. Can be useful for data handling.
##' @method as.ppp mstppp
##' @param X an object of class mstppp
##' @param ... additional arguments
##' @param fatal logical value, see details in generic ?as.ppp
##' @return a ppp object without observation times
##' @export 

as.ppp.mstppp <- function(X,...,fatal=TRUE){

##' rescale.mstppp function
##' Rescale an mstppp object. Similar to rescale.ppp
##' @method rescale mstppp
##' @param X an object of class mstppp
##' @param s scale as in rescale.ppp: x and y coordinaes are scaled by 1/s
##' @param unitname parameter as defined in ?rescale
##' @return a ppp object without observation times
##' @export 

rescale.mstppp <- function(X,s,unitname){
    t <- X$t
    tlim <- X$tlim
    data <- X$data
    xnew <- rescale.ppp(X,s,unitname)
    xnew <- mstppp(xnew,tlim=tlim,t=t,data=data)

##' integerise.mstppp function
##' Function for converting the times and time limits of an mstppp object into integer values.
##' @method integerise mstppp
##' @param obj an mstppp object
##' @param ... additional arguments
##' @return The mstppp object, but with integerised times.
##' @export

integerise.mstppp <- function(obj,...){
    attr(obj,"truetimes") <- obj$t # save previous values of time for possible use later
        return(obj) # if times are already integer - valued, then assume everything is okay
        obj$t <- as.integer(obj$t)
            obj$tlim[2] <- obj$tlim[2] - 1
        obj$tlim <- as.integer(obj$tlim)

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