#' Inspect a LAS object
#' Performs a deep inspection of a LAS or LAScatalog object and prints a report.\cr\cr
#' For a LAS object it checks:
#' \itemize{
#' \item if the point cloud is valid according to las specification
#' \item if the header is valid according to las specification
#' \item if the point cloud is in accordance with the header
#' \item if the point cloud has duplicated points and degenerated ground points
#' \item if gpstime and pulses are consistent
#' \item it the coordinate reference sytem is correctly recorded
#' \item if some pre-processing, such as normalization or ground filtering, is already done.
#' \item and much more
#' }
#' For a LAScatalog object it checks:
#' \itemize{
#' \item if the headers are consistent across files
#' \item if the files are overlapping
#' \item if some pre-processing, such as normalization, is already done.
#' }
#' For the pre-processing tests the function only makes an estimation and may not be correct.
#' @template param-las
#' @param print logical. By default, prints a report and returns a \code{list} invisibly. If
#' \code{print = FALSE} the functions returns a \code{list} visibly and do not print the report.
#' @param ... Use \code{deep = TRUE} on a LAScatalog only. Instead of a shallow inspection it reads
#' all the files and performs a deep inspection.
#' @return A list with three elements named \code{message}, \code{warnings} and \code{errors}. This list is returned
#' invisibly if \code{print = TRUE}. If \code{deep = TRUE} a nested list is returned with one element
#' per file.
#' @examples
#' LASfile <- system.file("extdata", "Megaplot.laz", package="lidR")
#' las <- readLAS(LASfile)
#' las_check(las)
#' @export
#' @family las utilities
las_check = function(las, print = TRUE, ...)
UseMethod("las_check", las)
#' @export
las_check.LASheader = function(las, print = TRUE, ...)
xscale <- las[["X scale factor"]]
xoffset <- las[["X offset"]]
yscale <- las[["Y scale factor"]]
yoffset <- las[["Y offset"]]
zscale <- las[["Z scale factor"]]
zoffset <- las[["Z offset"]]
head <- as.list(las)
g <- glue::glue
warnings <- character(0)
errors <- character(0)
infos <- character(0)
.h1("Checking the header")
.h2("Checking header completeness...")
msg = character(0)
msg = c(msg, rlas::is_defined_offsets(head, "vector"))
msg = c(msg, rlas::is_defined_scalefactors(head, "vector"))
msg = c(msg, rlas::is_defined_version(head, "vector"))
msg = c(msg, rlas::is_defined_pointformat(head, "vector"))
msg = c(msg, rlas::is_defined_date(head, "vector"))
msg = c(msg, rlas::is_defined_globalencoding(head, "vector"))
.h2("Checking scale factor validity...")
.fail(rlas::is_valid_scalefactors(head, "vector"))
.h2("Checking point data format ID validity...")
.fail(rlas::is_valid_pointformat(head, "vector"))
.h2("Checking extra bytes attributes validity...")
.fail(rlas::is_valid_extrabytes(head, "vector"))
.h2("Checking the bounding box validity...")
bbx = c(head[["Min X"]], head[["Max X"]])
bby = c(head[["Min Y"]], head[["Max Y"]])
bbz = c(head[["Min Z"]], head[["Max Z"]])
i <- fast_countunquantized(bbx, xscale, xoffset)
j <- fast_countunquantized(bby, yscale, yoffset)
k <- fast_countunquantized(bbz, zscale, zoffset)
if (i + j + k > 0)
if (i > 0) .fail("Stored resolution of 'Min X' and/or 'Max X' not compatible with 'X offset' and 'X scale factor'")
if (j > 0) .fail("Stored resolution of 'Min Y' and/or 'Max Y' not compatible with 'Y offset' and 'Y scale factor'")
if (k > 0) .fail("Stored resolution of 'Min Z' and/or 'Max Z' not compatible with 'Z offset' and 'Z scale factor'")
.h2("Checking coordinate reference system...")
code <- if (use_epsg(las)) epsg(las) else 0
swkt <- wkt(las)
failure <- FALSE
if (use_epsg(las) && swkt != "")
{ .fail("Global encoding WKT bits set to 0 but a WKT string found in the header") ; failure = TRUE }
if (use_wktcs(las) && code != 0)
{ .fail("Global encoding WKT bits set to 1 but an epsg code found in the header") ; failure = TRUE }
if (!failure)
warnerr = list(
messages = infos,
warnings = warnings,
errors = errors)
if (print)
#' @export
las_check.LAS = function(las, print = TRUE, ...)
warnings <- character(0)
errors <- character(0)
infos <- character(0)
g <- glue::glue
#nocov start
if (is_las_v3(las))
.h1("Checking format")
.h2("Checking lidR format version is v4...")
.fail("This LAS is in old format from lidR v3")
las <- las_v3_repair(las)
#nocov end
data <- payload(las)
head <- as.list(header(las))
xscale <- las[["X scale factor"]]
xoffset <- las[["X offset"]]
yscale <- las[["Y scale factor"]]
yoffset <- las[["Y offset"]]
zscale <- las[["Z scale factor"]]
zoffset <- las[["Z offset"]]
# ==== data =====
.h1("Checking the data")
if (npoints(las) == 0)
.fail(glue::glue("0 point, cannot check this object. Aborting."))
warnerr = list(
messages = infos,
warnings = warnings,
errors = errors)
if (print)
.h2("Checking coordinates...")
.fail(rlas::is_defined_coordinates(data, "vector"))
.h2("Checking coordinates type...")
.fail(rlas::is_valid_XYZ(data, "vector"))
.h2("Checking coordinates range...")
xvalid_range <- storable_coordinate_range(xscale, xoffset)
yvalid_range <- storable_coordinate_range(yscale, yoffset)
zvalid_range <- storable_coordinate_range(zscale, zoffset)
xrange <- range(data$X)
yrange <- range(data$Y)
zrange <- range(data$Z)
failure = FALSE
if (xrange[1] < xvalid_range[1] | xrange[2] > xvalid_range[2])
.fail(glue::glue("X coordinates range in [{xrange[1]}, {xrange[2]}] but storable range is [{xvalid_range[1]}, {xvalid_range[2]}]"))
failure = TRUE
if (yrange[1] < yvalid_range[1] | yrange[2] > yvalid_range[2])
.fail(glue::glue("Y coordinates range in [{yrange[1]}, {yrange[2]}] but storable range is [{yvalid_range[1]}, {yvalid_range[2]}]"))
failure = TRUE
if (zrange[1] < zvalid_range[1] | zrange[2] > zvalid_range[2])
.fail(glue::glue("Z coordinates range in [{zrange[1]}, {zrange[2]}] but storable range is [{zvalid_range[1]}, {zvalid_range[2]}]"))
failure = TRUE
if (failure == FALSE)
.h2("Checking coordinates quantization...")
i <- fast_countunquantized(las$X, xscale, xoffset)
j <- fast_countunquantized(las$Y, yscale, yoffset)
k <- fast_countunquantized(las$Z, zscale, zoffset)
if (i + j + k > 0)
if (i > 0) .fail(glue::glue("{i} X coordinates were not stored with a resolution compatible with scale factor {xscale} and offset {xoffset}"))
if (j > 0) .fail(glue::glue("{j} Y coordinates were not stored with a resolution compatible with scale factor {yscale} and offset {yoffset}"))
if (k > 0) .fail(glue::glue("{k} Z coordinates were not stored with a resolution compatible with scale factor {zscale} and offset {zoffset}"))
.h2("Checking attributes type...")
msg = character(0)
msg = c(msg, rlas::is_valid_gpstime(data, "vector"))
msg = c(msg, rlas::is_valid_Intensity(data, "vector"))
msg = c(msg, rlas::is_valid_ReturnNumber(data, head, "vector"))
msg = c(msg, rlas::is_valid_EdgeOfFlightline(data, "vector"))
msg = c(msg, rlas::is_valid_Classification(data, head, "vector"))
msg = c(msg, rlas::is_valid_UserData(data, "vector"))
msg = c(msg, rlas::is_valid_ScanAngleRank(data, "vector"))
msg = c(msg, rlas::is_valid_ScanAngle(data, "vector"))
msg = c(msg, rlas::is_valid_PointSourceID(data, "vector"))
msg = c(msg, rlas::is_valid_RGB(data, "vector"))
msg = c(msg, rlas::is_valid_NIR(data, "vector"))
msg = c(msg, rlas::is_valid_SyntheticFlag(data, "vector"))
msg = c(msg, rlas::is_valid_KeypointFlag(data, "vector"))
msg = c(msg, rlas::is_valid_WithheldFlag(data, "vector"))
.h2("Checking ReturnNumber validity...")
.warn(rlas::is_compliant_ReturnNumber(data, "vector"))
.h2("Checking NumberOfReturns validity...")
.warn(rlas::is_compliant_NumberOfReturns(data, "vector"))
.h2("Checking ReturnNumber vs. NumberOfReturns...")
.warn(rlas::is_compliant_ReturnNumber_vs_NumberOfReturns(data, "vector"))
.h2("Checking RGB validity...")
.warn(rlas::is_compliant_RGB(data, "vector"))
.h2("Checking absence of NAs...")
nas = data[, lapply(.SD, anyNA)]
nas = unlist(as.list(nas))
nas = nas[nas == TRUE]
whichnas = names(nas)
whichnas = paste(whichnas, collapse = ", ")
if (length(nas) > 0)
string = paste("The following attributes contain NAs:", whichnas)
.h2("Checking duplicated points...")
s = sum(duplicated(data, by = c("X", "Y", "Z")))
if (s > 0)
.warn(g("{s} points are duplicated and share XYZ coordinates with other points"))
.h2("Checking degenerated ground points...")
if (!is.null(data$Classification))
s = fast_count_equal(data$Classification, 2L)
if (s > 0)
Classification <- NULL
gnd = payload(filter_ground(las))
s1 = duplicated(gnd, by = c("X", "Y", "Z"))
s2 = duplicated(gnd, by = c("X", "Y")) & !s1
s1 = sum(s1)
s2 = sum(s2)
if (s1 == 0 & s2 == 0)
if (s1 > 0)
.warn(g("There were {s1} degenerated ground points. Some X Y Z coordinates were repeated"))
if (s2 > 0)
.warn(g("There were {s2} degenerated ground points. Some X Y coordinates were repeated but with different Z coordinates"))
.h2("Checking attribute population...")
msg = character(0)
if (!is.null(data[["gpstime"]]))
s = all(data[["gpstime"]] == 0)
if (s)
msg = c(msg, g("'gpstime' attribute is not populated"))
if (!is.null(data[["PointSourceID"]]))
s = fast_count_equal(data[["PointSourceID"]], 0L)
if (s == nrow(data))
msg = c(msg, g("'PointSourceID' attribute is not populated"))
if (!is.null(data[["ScanDirectionFlag"]]))
s = fast_count_equal(data[["ScanDirectionFlag"]], 0L)
if (s == nrow(data))
msg = c(msg, g("'ScanDirectionFlag' attribute is not populated"))
if (!is.null(data[["EdgeOfFlightline"]]))
s = fast_count_equal(data[["EdgeOfFlightline"]], 0L)
if (s == nrow(data))
msg = c(msg, g("'EdgeOfFlightline' attribute is not populated"))
.h2("Checking gpstime incoherances")
if (!is.null(data[["gpstime"]]) && !is.null(data[["ReturnNumber"]]))
s1 <- C_check_gpstime(data[["gpstime"]], data[["ReturnNumber"]])
if (s1 > 0)
.fail(g("{s1} pulses (points with the same gpstime) have points with identical ReturnNumber"))
.h2("Checking flag attributes...")
msg = character(0)
if (!is.null(data[["Withheld_flag"]]))
s = sum(data[["Withheld_flag"]])
if (s > 0)
msg = c(msg, g("{s} points flagged 'withheld'"))
if (!is.null(data[["Synthetic_flag"]]))
s = sum(data[["Synthetic_flag"]])
if (s > 0)
msg = c(msg, g("{s} points flagged 'synthetic'"))
if (!is.null(data[["Keypoint_flag"]]))
s = sum(data[["Keypoint_flag"]])
if (s > 0)
msg = c(msg, g("{s} points flagged 'keypoint'"))
.h2("Checking user data attribute...")
msg = character(0)
if (!is.null(data[["UserData"]]))
s <- fast_count_equal(data[["UserData"]], 0L)
s <- npoints(las) - s
if (s > 0)
.info(g("{s} points have a non 0 UserData attribute. This probably has a meaning"))
# ==== header ====
head_chk <- las_check(header(las), print = print, ...)
infos <- c(infos, head_chk[["infos"]])
errors <- c(errors, head_chk[["errors"]])
warnings <- c(warnings, head_chk[["warnings"]])
# ==== data vs header ====
.h1("Checking header vs data adequacy")
.h2("Checking attributes vs. point format...")
msg = character(0)
msg = c(msg, rlas::is_NIR_in_valid_format(head, data, "vector"))
msg = c(msg, rlas::is_gpstime_in_valid_format(head, data, "vector"))
msg = c(msg, rlas::is_RGB_in_valid_format(head, data, "vector"))
.h2("Checking header bbox vs. actual content...")
if (any(c("X", "Y", "Z") %in% whichnas)) {
else {
msg = character(0)
msg = c(msg, rlas::is_XY_larger_than_bbox(head, data, "vector"))
msg = c(msg, rlas::is_XY_smaller_than_bbox(head, data, "vector"))
msg = c(msg, rlas::is_Z_in_bbox(head, data, "vector"))
.h2("Checking header number of points vs. actual content...")
.warn(rlas::is_number_of_points_in_accordance_with_header(head, data, "vector"))
.h2("Checking header return number vs. actual content...")
.warn(rlas::is_number_of_points_by_return_in_accordance_with_header(head, data, "vector"))
# ==== CRS ====
.h1("Checking coordinate reference system...")
.h2("Checking if the CRS was understood by R...")
code <- if (use_epsg(las)) epsg(las) else 0
swkt <- wkt(las)
lasproj <- st_crs(las)
failure <- FALSE
if (use_epsg(las) && code != 0)
codeproj <- epsg2crs(code, fail = FALSE)
if (
{ .fail(glue::glue("EPSG code {code} unknown")) ; failure = TRUE }
if ( && !
{ .warn(glue::glue("EPSG code is unknown but a CRS found")) ; failure = TRUE }
if (! &&
{ .warn("ESPG code is valid but no CRS found") ; failure = TRUE }
if (! && !
if (codeproj != lasproj)
{ .fail("ESPG code and CRS do not match") ; failure = TRUE }
if (!failure)
if (use_wktcs(las) && swkt != "")
codeproj = wkt2crs(swkt, fail = FALSE)
if (
{ .fail("WKT OGC CS not parsed") ; failure = TRUE }
if ( & !
{ .warn("WKT OGC CS not parsed but a CRS found") ; failure = TRUE }
if (! &
{ .warn("WKT OGC CS is valid but no CRS found") ; failure = TRUE }
if (! & !
if (codeproj != lasproj)
{ .fail("WKT OGC CS and CRS do not match") ; failure = TRUE }
if (!failure)
if (code == 0 & swkt == "")
if (!
{ .warn("A CRS found but no CRS in the header") ; failure = TRUE }
if (!failure)
# ==== Preprocessing ====
.h1("Checking preprocessing already done ")
.h2("Checking ground classification...")
if (!is.null(data$Classification))
s = fast_count_equal(data$Classification, 2L)
if (s > 0) {
infos <- append(infos, "The point cloud is ground classified")
else {
infos <- append(infos, "The point cloud is not ground classified")
.h2("Checking normalization...")
if (any(c("X", "Y", "Z") %in% whichnas)) {
min <- rasterize_fast(las, res = 20, method = "min")
val <- raster_values(min)
mean_min <- mean(abs(val), na.rm = TRUE)
if (mean_min <= 0.1) {
infos <- append(infos, "The point cloud is height normalized")
else if (mean_min > 0.1 & mean_min < 1) {
infos <- append(infos, "The point cloud is maybe height normalized")
else {
infos <- append(infos, "The point cloud is not height normalized")
.h2("Checking negative outliers...")
s = fast_countbelow(data$Z, 0)
if (s > 0)
.warn(g("{s} points below 0"))
.h2("Checking flightline classification...")
if (!is.null(data$PointSourceID))
s = fast_count_equal(data$PointSourceID, 0L)
if (s == nrow(data)) {
else if (s > 0 & s < nrow(data)) {
else {
# ==== Compression ====
.h1("Checking compression")
gz <- las_is_compressed(las)
gz <- gz[gz == TRUE]
.h2("Checking attribute compression...")
if (length(gz) == 0)
if (utils::packageVersion("rlas") < "1.6.0")
.info("Compression supported only from rlas 1.6.0")
if (print)
for (name in names(gz))
cat(" - ", name, "is compressed\n")
warnerr = list(
messages = infos,
warnings = warnings,
errors = errors)
if (print)
#' @export
las_check.LAScluster = function(las, print = TRUE, ...)
f <- basename(las@files)
if (length(f) > 1) stop("Internal error: several files in the LAScluster. Please report this issue")
if (print)
title <- glue::glue("Checking the file: {f}")
n = nchar(title)
header <- strrep("_", n)
x <- readLAS(las)
u <- las_check(x, print)
if (print)
#' @export
las_check.LAScatalog = function(las, print = TRUE, deep = FALSE, ...)
# Deep inspection of each file
if (deep)
opt_chunk_size(las) <- 0
opt_chunk_buffer(las) <- 0
opt_select(las) <- "*"
opt_filter(las) <- ""
opt_output_files(las) <- ""
opt_wall_to_wall(las) <- FALSE
if (print) opt_progress(las) <- FALSE
out <- catalog_apply(las, las_check, print = print)
names(out) <- basename(las@data[["filename"]])
if (print)
warnings <- character(0)
errors <- character(0)
infos <- character(0)
g <- glue::glue
# nocov start
if (is_lascatalog_v3(las))
.h1("Checking format")
.h2("Checking lidR format version is v4...")
.fail("This LAScatalog is in old format from lidR v3")
las <- lascatalog_v3_repair(las)
# nocov end
data <- las@data
# ==== data =====
.h1("Checking headers consistency")
.h2("Checking file version consistency...")
s = length(unique(paste0(data$Version.Major, ".", data$Version.Minor)))
if (s > 1L)
.warn("Inconsistent file versions")
.h2("Checking scale consistency...")
s1 = length(unique(data$X.scale.factor))
s2 = length(unique(data$Y.scale.factor))
s3 = length(unique(data$Z.scale.factor))
if (s1 + s2 + s3 > 3L)
.warn("Inconsistent scale factors")
.h2("Checking offset consistency...")
s1 = length(unique(data$X.offset))
s2 = length(unique(data$Y.offset))
s3 = length(unique(data$Z.offset))
if (s1 + s2 + s3 > 3L)
.warn("Inconsistent offsets")
.h2("Checking point type consistency...")
s = length(unique(data$Point.Data.Format.ID))
if (s > 1L)
.warn("Inconsistent point formats")
.h2("Checking VLR consistency...")
s = length(unique(data$Number.of.variable.length.record))
if (s > 1L)
.fail("Inconsistent number of VLR")
.h2("Checking CRS consistency...")
s = length(unique(data[["CRS"]]))
if (s > 1L)
.fail("Inconsistent CRS accross files")
.h1("Checking the headers")
.h2("Checking scale factor validity...")
failure = FALSE
s = c(1,10,100,1000,10000)
valid = c(1/s, 0.5/s, 0.25/s)
if (any(!data$X.scale.factor %in% valid))
{ .fail("Invalid header: X scale factor should be factor ten of 0.1 or 0.5 or 0.25") ; failure = TRUE }
if (any(!data$Y.scale.factor %in% valid))
{ .fail("Invalid header: Y scale factor should be factor ten of 0.1 or 0.5 or 0.25") ; failure = TRUE }
if (any(!data$Z.scale.factor %in% valid))
{ .fail("Invalid header: Z scale factor should be factor ten of 0.1 or 0.5 or 0.25") ; failure = TRUE }
if (!failure)
.h2("Checking Point Data Format ID validity...")
if (any(data$Point.Data.Format.ID %in% c(4,5,9,10)))
.warn("Invalid headers: point data format not supported yet")
else if (any(data$Point.Data.Format.ID < 0 | data$Point.Data.Format.ID > 10))
.fail("Invalid header: point data format invalid")
.h1("Checking preprocessing already done ")
.h2("Checking negative outliers...")
s = sum(data$Min.Z < 0)
if (s > 0)
.warn(g("{s} file(s) with points below 0"))
.h2("Checking normalization...")
mean_min = mean(abs(data$Min.Z))
if (mean_min <= 0.1) {
infos <<- append(infos, "The point cloud is height normalized")
else if (mean_min > 0.1 & mean_min < 2) {
infos <<- append(infos, "The point cloud is maybe height normalized")
else {
infos <<- append(infos, "The point cloud is not height normalized")
.h1("Checking the geometry")
.h2("Checking overlapping tiles...")
if (is.overlapping(las))
.warn("Some tiles seem to overlap each other")
.h2("Checking point indexation...")
if (is.indexed(las)) {
#infos <- append(infos, "The LAS files are spatially indexed")
else {
infos <- append(infos, "The LAS files are not spatially indexed")
warnerr = list(
messages = infos,
warnings = warnings,
errors = errors)
if (print)
.h1 <- function(x) {if (get("print", envir = parent.frame())) cat("\n", x)}
.h2 <- function(x) {if (get("print", envir = parent.frame())) cat("\n -", x)}
.ok <- function() {if (get("print", envir = parent.frame())) cat(.colourise(" \u2713", "green"))}
.skip <- function() {if (get("print", envir = parent.frame())) cat(.colourise(" skipped", "light gray"))}
.no <- function() {if (get("print", envir = parent.frame())) cat(.colourise(" no", "red"))}
.yes <- function() {if (get("print", envir = parent.frame())) cat(.colourise(" yes", "green"))}
.maybe <- function() {if (get("print", envir = parent.frame())) cat(.colourise(" maybe", "yellow"))}
.fail <- function(msg) {
print <- get("print", envir = parent.frame())
if (print) {
if (length(msg) == 0) {
} else {
for (x in msg) cat("\n", .colourise(glue::glue(" \U2717 {x}"), "red"))
if (length(msg) > 0) {
errors <- get("errors", envir = parent.frame())
for (x in msg) errors <- append(errors, x)
assign("errors", errors, envir = parent.frame())
.warn <- function(msg) {
print <- get("print", envir = parent.frame())
if (print) {
if (length(msg) == 0) {
} else {
for (x in msg) cat("\n", .colourise(glue::glue(" \U26A0 {x}"), "yellow"))
if (length(msg) > 0) {
warnings <- get("warnings", envir = parent.frame())
for (x in msg) warnings <- append(warnings, x)
assign("warnings", warnings, envir = parent.frame())
.info <- function(msg) {
print <- get("print", envir = parent.frame())
if (print) {
if (length(msg) == 0) {
} else {
for (x in msg) cat("\n", .colourise(glue::glue(" \U1F6C8 {x}"), "green"))
if (length(msg) > 0) {
infos <- get("infos", envir = parent.frame())
for (x in msg) infos <- append(infos, x)
assign("infos", infos, envir = parent.frame())
# code from testthat
# nocov start
.colourise <- function(text, fg = "black", bg = NULL) {
term <- Sys.getenv()["TERM"]
colour_terms <- c("xterm-color","xterm-256color", "screen", "screen-256color")
if (nchar(Sys.getenv('R_TESTS')) != 0 || !any(term %in% colour_terms, na.rm = TRUE)) {
.fg_colours <- c(
"black" = "0;30",
"blue" = "0;34",
"green" = "0;32",
"cyan" = "0;36",
"red" = "0;31",
"purple" = "0;35",
"brown" = "0;33",
"light gray" = "0;37",
"dark gray" = "1;30",
"light blue" = "1;34",
"light green" = "1;32",
"light cyan" = "1;36",
"light red" = "1;31",
"light purple" = "1;35",
"yellow" = "1;33",
"white" = "1;37"
.bg_colours <- c(
"black" = "40",
"red" = "41",
"green" = "42",
"brown" = "43",
"blue" = "44",
"purple" = "45",
"cyan" = "46",
"light gray" = "47"
col_escape <- function(col) {
paste0("\033[", col, "m")
col <- .fg_colours[tolower(fg)]
if (!is.null(bg)) {
col <- paste0(col, .bg_colours[tolower(bg)], sep = ";")
init <- col_escape(col)
reset <- col_escape("0")
paste0(init, text, reset)
# nocov end
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Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.