
Defines functions lilikoi.KEGGplot

Documented in lilikoi.KEGGplot

#' lilikoi.KEGGplot
#' Visualizes selected pathways based on their metabolites expression data.
#' @param metamat metabolite expression data matrix
#' @param sampleinfo  is a vector of sample group, with element names as sample IDs.
#' @param grouporder grouporder is a vector with 2 elements,
#' the first element is the reference group name, like 'Normal', the second one is the experimental group name like 'Cancer'.
#' @param pathid character variable, Pathway ID, usually 5 digits.
#' @param specie character, scientific name of the targeted species.
#' @param filesuffix output file suffix
#' @param Metabolite_pathway_table Metabolites mapping table
#' @return Pathview visualization output
#' @import limma pathview
#' @importFrom plyr ddply
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' dt = lilikoi.Loaddata(file=system.file("extdata","plasma_breast_cancer.csv", package = "lilikoi"))
#' Metadata <- dt$Metadata
#' dataSet <- dt$dataSet
#' # convertResults=lilikoi.MetaTOpathway('name')
#' # Metabolite_pathway_table = convertResults$table
#' # data_dir=system.file("extdata", "plasma_breast_cancer.csv", package = "lilikoi")
#' # plasma_data <- read.csv(data_dir, check.names=FALSE, row.names=1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' # sampleinfo <- plasma_data$Label
#' # names(sampleinfo) <- row.names(plasma_data)
#' # metamat <- t(t(plasma_data[-1]))
#' # metamat <- log2(metamat)
#' # grouporder <- c('Normal', 'Cancer')
#' # make sure install pathview package first before running the following code.
#' # library(pathview)
#' # data("bods", package = "pathview")
#' # options(bitmapType='cairo')
#'  #lilikoi.KEGGplot(metamat = metamat, sampleinfo = sampleinfo, grouporder = grouporder,
#'   #pathid = '00250', specie = 'hsa',filesuffix = 'GSE16873',
#'   #Metabolite_pathway_table = Metabolite_pathway_table)
#' }

lilikoi.KEGGplot <- function(metamat, sampleinfo, grouporder, pathid = '00250', specie = 'hsa',
                             filesuffix = 'GSE16873',
                             Metabolite_pathway_table = Metabolite_pathway_table){

  meta_table <- Metabolite_pathway_table[, c("Query", "KEGG", "pathway")]

  for(i in 1:ncol(meta_table)){

    meta_table[,i] <- as.character(meta_table[,i])


  keggmets <- subset(meta_table, KEGG != '')

  sharedmets <- intersect(colnames(metamat), keggmets$Query)
  keggmets <- subset(keggmets, Query %in% sharedmets)
  metamat <- metamat[,keggmets$Query]
  metamat <- metamat[names(sampleinfo),]
  metamat <- t(metamat)
  metamat <- metamat[keggmets$Query,]

  mergedat <- as.data.frame(metamat)
  mergedat$KEGG <- keggmets$KEGG
  mergedat <- mergedat[c('KEGG', colnames(metamat))]

  mergekegg <- function(sub){

    keggname <- unique(sub[,1])
    subvals <- sub[-1]
    subval <- colMeans(subvals)
    subval <- as.data.frame(subval, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    subval <- t(subval)
    subval <- as.data.frame(subval)
    samplenames <- names(subval)
    subval$KEGG <- keggname
    subval <- subval[c('KEGG', samplenames)]
    row.names(subval) <- 1:nrow(subval)


  mergedat <- ddply(.data = mergedat, .variables = c('KEGG'), .fun = mergekegg)

  row.names(mergedat) <- mergedat$KEGG
  mergedat <- mergedat[-1]
  mergedat <- t(t(mergedat))

  pd <- as.data.frame(sampleinfo, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  pd$samplename <- row.names(pd)
  pd$samplegroup <- pd$sampleinfo
  pd <- pd[-1]
  row.names(pd) <- NULL
  pd <- subset(pd, samplegroup %in% grouporder)
  pd$samplegroup <- factor(x = pd$samplegroup, levels = grouporder, ordered = TRUE)

  mergedat <- mergedat[,pd$samplename]

  design <- model.matrix(~ samplegroup, data = pd)

  fit1 <- lmFit(mergedat, design)
  fit2 <- eBayes(fit1)

  logfcres <- topTable(fit2, coef = 2, number = nrow(fit2))
  logfcres <- data.frame(samplename = row.names(logfcres), logFC = logfcres$logFC,
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  row.names(logfcres) <- logfcres$samplename
  logfcres <- logfcres[-1]
  logfcres <- t(t(logfcres))

  pv.out <- pathview(cpd.data = logfcres, pathway.id = pathid, species = specie, out.suffix = filesuffix)




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lilikoi documentation built on Oct. 6, 2022, 1:05 a.m.