#' @rdname lime
#' @name lime
#' @param bin_continuous Should continuous variables be binned when making the explanation
#' @param n_bins The number of bins for continuous variables if `bin_continuous = TRUE`
#' @param quantile_bins Should the bins be based on `n_bins` quantiles or spread evenly over the range of the training data
#' @param use_density If `bin_continuous = FALSE` should continuous data be sampled using a kernel density estimation. If not, continuous features are expected to follow a normal distribution.
#' @importFrom stats predict sd quantile density
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Explaining a model based on tabular data
#' library(MASS)
#' iris_test <- iris[1, 1:4]
#' iris_train <- iris[-1, 1:4]
#' iris_lab <- iris[[5]][-1]
#' # Create linear discriminant model on iris data
#' model <- lda(iris_train, iris_lab)
#' # Create explanation object
#' explanation <- lime(iris_train, model)
#' # This can now be used together with the explain method
#' explain(iris_test, explanation, n_labels = 1, n_features = 2)
#' <- function(x, model, preprocess = NULL, bin_continuous = TRUE, n_bins = 4, quantile_bins = TRUE, use_density = TRUE, ...) {
if (is.null(preprocess)) preprocess <- function(x) x
explainer <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
explainer$x <- NULL
explainer$feature_type <- setNames(sapply(x, function(f) {
if (is.integer(f)) {
if (length(unique(f)) == 1) 'constant' else 'integer'
} else if (is.numeric(f)) {
if (length(unique(f)) == 1) 'constant' else 'numeric'
} else if (is.character(f)) {
} else if (is.factor(f)) {
} else if (is.logical(f)) {
} else if (inherits(f, 'Date') || inherits(f, 'POSIXt')) {
} else {
stop('Unknown feature type', call. = FALSE)
}), names(x))
if (any(explainer$feature_type == 'constant')) {
warning('Data contains numeric columns with zero variance', call. = FALSE)
explainer$bin_cuts <- setNames(lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) {
if (explainer$feature_type[i] %in% c('numeric', 'integer')) {
if (quantile_bins) {
bins <- quantile(x[[i]], seq(0, 1, length.out = n_bins + 1), na.rm = TRUE)
bins <- bins[!duplicated(bins)]
if (length(bins) < 3) {
warning(names(x)[i], ' does not contain enough variance to use quantile binning. Using standard binning instead.', call. = FALSE)
d_range <- range(x[[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
bins <- seq(d_range[1], d_range[2], length.out = n_bins + 1)
} else {
d_range <- range(x[[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
seq(d_range[1], d_range[2], length.out = n_bins + 1)
}), names(x))
explainer$feature_distribution <- setNames(lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) {
integer = ,
numeric = if (bin_continuous) {
table(cut(x[[i]], unique(explainer$bin_cuts[[i]]), labels = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE))/nrow(x)
} else if (use_density) {
} else {
c(mean = mean(x[[i]], na.rm = TRUE), sd = sd(x[[i]], na.rm = TRUE))
character = ,
logical = ,
factor = table(x[[i]])/nrow(x),
}), names(x))
structure(explainer, class = c('data_frame_explainer', 'explainer', 'list'))
#' @rdname explain
#' @name explain
#' @param dist_fun The distance function to use for calculating the distance
#' from the observation to the permutations. If `dist_fun = 'gower'` (default)
#' it will use [gower::gower_dist()]. Otherwise it will be forwarded to
#' [stats::dist()]
#' @param kernel_width The width of the exponential kernel that will be used to
#' convert the distance to a similarity in case `dist_fun != 'gower'`.
#' @param gower_pow A modifier for gower distance. The calculated distance will
#' be raised to the power of this value.
#' @importFrom gower gower_dist
#' @importFrom stats dist
#' @export <- function(x, explainer, labels = NULL, n_labels = NULL,
n_features, n_permutations = 5000,
feature_select = 'auto', dist_fun = 'gower',
kernel_width = NULL, gower_pow = 1, ...) {
m_type <- model_type(explainer)
o_type <- output_type(explainer)
if (m_type == 'regression') {
if (!is.null(labels) || !is.null(n_labels)) {
warning('"labels" and "n_labels" arguments are ignored when explaining regression models')
n_labels <- 1
labels <- NULL
assert_that(is.null(labels) + is.null(n_labels) == 1, msg = "You need to choose between labels and n_labels parameters.")
if (is.null(kernel_width)) {
kernel_width <- sqrt(ncol(x)) * 0.75
kernel <- exp_kernel(kernel_width)
case_perm <- permute_cases(x, n_permutations, explainer$feature_distribution,
explainer$bin_continuous, explainer$bin_cuts,
case_res <- predict_model(explainer$model, explainer$preprocess(case_perm), type = o_type, ...)
case_res <- set_labels(case_res, explainer$model)
case_ind <- split(seq_len(nrow(case_perm)), rep(seq_len(nrow(x)), each = n_permutations))
res <- lapply(seq_along(case_ind), function(ind) {
i <- case_ind[[ind]]
if (dist_fun == 'gower') {
sim <- 1 - (gower_dist(case_perm[i[1], , drop = FALSE], case_perm[i, , drop = FALSE])) ^ gower_pow
perms <- numerify(case_perm[i, ], explainer$feature_type, explainer$bin_continuous, explainer$bin_cuts)
if (dist_fun != 'gower') {
sim <- kernel(c(0, dist(feature_scale(perms, explainer$feature_distribution, explainer$feature_type, explainer$bin_continuous),
method = dist_fun)[seq_len(n_permutations-1)]))
res <- model_permutations(as.matrix(perms), case_res[i, , drop = FALSE], sim, labels, n_labels, n_features, feature_select)
res$feature_value <- unlist(case_perm[i[1], res$feature])
res$feature_desc <- describe_feature(res$feature, case_perm[i[1], ], explainer$feature_type, explainer$bin_continuous, explainer$bin_cuts)
guess <- which.max(abs(case_res[i[1], ]))
res$case <- rownames(x)[ind]
res$label_prob <- unname(as.matrix(case_res[i[1], ]))[match(res$label, colnames(case_res))]
res$data <- list(as.list(case_perm[i[1], ]))
res$prediction <- list(as.list(case_res[i[1], ]))
res$model_type <- m_type
res <-, res)
res <- res[, c('model_type', 'case', 'label', 'label_prob', 'model_r2', 'model_intercept', 'model_prediction', 'feature', 'feature_value', 'feature_weight', 'feature_desc', 'data', 'prediction')]
if (m_type == 'regression') {
res$label <- NULL
res$label_prob <- NULL
res$prediction <- unlist(res$prediction)
is.data_frame_explainer <- function(x) inherits(x, 'data_frame_explainer')
#' @importFrom stats setNames
numerify <- function(x, type, bin_continuous, bin_cuts) {
setNames(, function(i) {
if (type[i] %in% c('character', 'factor', 'logical')) {
as.numeric(x[[i]] == x[[i]][1])
} else if (type[i] == 'date_time' || type[i] == 'constant') {
rep(0, nrow(x))
} else {
if (bin_continuous) {
cuts <- bin_cuts[[i]]
cuts[1] <- -Inf
cuts[length(cuts) + 1] <- Inf
xi <- cut(x[[i]], unique(cuts), include.lowest = T)
as.numeric(xi == xi[1])
} else {
}), stringsAsFactors = FALSE), names(x))
#' @importFrom stats setNames
feature_scale <- function(x, distribution, type, bin_continuous) {
setNames(, function(i) {
if (type[i] == 'numeric' && !bin_continuous) {
scale(x[, i], distribution[[i]]['mean'], distribution[[i]]['sd'])
} else {
x[, i]
}), stringsAsFactors = FALSE), names(x))
describe_feature <- function(feature, case, type, bin_continuous, bin_cuts) {
sapply(feature, function(f) {
if (type[[f]] == 'logical') {
paste0(f, ' is ', tolower(as.character(case[[f]])))
} else if (type[[f]] %in% c('character', 'factor')) {
paste0(f, ' = ', as.character(case[[f]]))
} else if (bin_continuous) {
cuts <- bin_cuts[[f]]
cuts[1] <- -Inf
cuts[length(cuts)] <- Inf
bin <- cut(case[[f]], unique(cuts), labels = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE)
cuts <- trimws(format(cuts, digits = 3))
if (bin == 1) {
paste0(f, ' <= ', cuts[bin + 1])
} else if (bin == length(cuts) - 1) {
paste0(cuts[bin], ' < ', f)
} else {
paste0(cuts[bin], ' < ', f, ' <= ', cuts[bin + 1])
} else {
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