
Defines functions tmvrnorm.RSM tmvrnorm.HMC tmvrnorm.ExpT

Documented in tmvrnorm.ExpT tmvrnorm.HMC tmvrnorm.RSM

#' @title  \code{"tmvrnorm"} Sampler for \code{"RSM"} (Rejection Sampling from the Mode) S3 Class
#' @description Sampler for truncated multivariate normal distributions
#' via RSM according to (Maatouk and Bay, 2017).
#' @param object an object with \code{"RSM"} S3 class containing:
#'        \code{mu} (mean vector), \code{Sigma} (covariance matrix),
#'        \code{lb} (lower bound vector), \code{ub} (upper bound vector).
#' @param nsim an integer corresponding to the number of simulations.
#' @param control extra parameters required for the MC/MCMC sampler.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A matrix with the simulated samples. Samples are indexed by columns.
#' @seealso \code{\link{tmvrnorm.HMC}}, \code{\link{tmvrnorm.ExpT}}
#' @author A. F. Lopez-Lopera.
#' @references Maatouk, H. and Bay, X. (2017),
#' "Gaussian process emulators for computer experiments with inequality constraints".
#' \emph{Mathematical Geosciences},
#' 49(5):557-582.
#' \href{https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11004-017-9673-2}{[link]}
#' @examples
#' n <- 100
#' x <- seq(0, 1, length = n)
#' Sigma <- kernCompute(x1 = x, type = "gaussian", par = c(1,0.2))
#' tmgPar <- list(mu = rep(0,n), Sigma = Sigma + 1e-9*diag(n), lb = rep(-1,n), ub = rep(1,n))
#' class(tmgPar) <- "RSM"
#' y <- tmvrnorm(tmgPar, nsim = 10)
#' matplot(x, y, type = 'l', ylim = c(-1,1),
#'         main = "Constrained samples using RSM")
#' abline(h = c(-1,1), lty = 2)
#' @importFrom MASS mvrnorm
#' @export
tmvrnorm.RSM <- function(object, nsim, control = NULL, ...) {
  # precomputing some terms according to Maatouk et al. [2016]
  tmvPar <- object
  if (!("map" %in% names(tmvPar)))
    tmvPar$map <- tmvPar$mu
  invSigma <- chol2inv(chol(tmvPar$Sigma))
  invSigmamu_star <-  invSigma %*% tmvPar$map

  # generating the samples
  xi <- matrix(0, nrow = length(tmvPar$map), ncol = nsim)
  for (i in seq(nsim)) {
    condition <- FALSE
    while (condition == FALSE) {
      xi_temp <- mvrnorm(n = 1, tmvPar$map, Sigma = tmvPar$Sigma)
      while(!all(xi_temp >= tmvPar$lb & xi_temp <= tmvPar$ub)) {
        xi_temp <- mvrnorm(n = 1, tmvPar$map, Sigma = tmvPar$Sigma)
      t <- exp( t(tmvPar$map - xi_temp) %*% invSigmamu_star)
      u <- runif(1)
      if (u <= t) condition <- TRUE
    xi[, i] <- xi_temp

#' @title  \code{"tmvrnorm"} Sampler for \code{"HMC"} (Hamiltonian Monte Carlo) S3 Class
#' @description Sampler for truncated multivariate normal distributions
#' via Hamiltonian Monte Carlo using the package \code{tmg}  (Pakman and Paninski, 2014).
#' @param object an object with \code{"HMC"} S3 class containing:
#'        \code{mu} (mean vector), \code{Sigma} (covariance matrix),
#'        \code{lb} (lower bound vector), \code{ub} (upper bound vector).
#' @param nsim an integer corresponding to the number of simulations.
#' @param control extra parameters required for the MC/MCMC sampler.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A matrix with the simulated samples. Samples are indexed by columns.
#' @seealso \code{\link{tmvrnorm.RSM}}, \code{\link{tmvrnorm.ExpT}}
#' @author A. F. Lopez-Lopera.
#' @references Pakman, A. and Paninski, L. (2014),
#' "Exact Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for truncated multivariate Gaussians".
#' \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics},
#' 23(2):518-542.
#' \href{https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10618600.2013.788448}{[link]}
#' @examples
#' n <- 100
#' x <- seq(0, 1, length = n)
#' Sigma <- kernCompute(x1 = x, type = "gaussian", par = c(1,0.2))
#' tmgPar <- list(mu = rep(0,n), Sigma = Sigma + 1e-9*diag(n), lb = rep(-1,n), ub = rep(1,n))
#' class(tmgPar) <- "HMC"
#' y <- tmvrnorm(tmgPar, nsim = 10)
#' matplot(x, y, type = 'l', ylim = c(-1,1),
#'         main = "Constrained samples using Hamiltonian MC")
#' abline(h = c(-1,1), lty = 2)
#' @import tmg
#' @importFrom Matrix bdiag
#' @export
tmvrnorm.HMC <- function(object, nsim, control = list(burn.in = 1e2), ...) {
  if (!("burn.in" %in% names(control)))
    control$burn.in <- 1e2
  if (!("mvec" %in% names(control)))
    control$mvec <- length(object$mu)
  if (!("constrType" %in% names(control)))
    control$constrType <- "boundedness"
  tmvPar <- object
  if (!("map" %in% names(tmvPar)))
    tmvPar$map <- tmvPar$mu

  # precomputing some terms
  M <- init_vec <- g <- numeric()
  idxInit <- 1
  idxEnd <- 0
  epsilon <- 1e-9
  for (i in seq(length(control$constrType))) {
    idxInit <- idxEnd + 1
    idxEnd <- idxEnd + control$mvec[i]
    lsys <- bounds2lineqSys(control$mvec[i], tmvPar$lb[idxInit:idxEnd],
                            tmvPar$ub[idxInit:idxEnd], A = diag(control$mvec[i]),
                            lineqSysType = 'oneside')
    M <- bdiag(M, lsys$M)
    g <- c(g, lsys$g)
    init_vec <- c(init_vec, pmin(pmax(tmvPar$map[idxInit:idxEnd],
  M <- M[,-1]

  # simulating samples using the package "tmg"
  H <- solve(tmvPar$Sigma)
  xi <- rtmg(nsim, M = H, r = as.vector(t(tmvPar$mu) %*% H), initial = init_vec,
             f = as.matrix(M), g = as.vector(g), burn.in = control$burn.in)

#' @title  \code{"tmvrnorm"} Sampler for \code{"ExpT"} (Exponential Tilting) S3 Class
#' @description Sampler for truncated multivariate normal distributions
#' via exponential tilting using the package \code{TruncatedNormal} (Botev, 2017).
#' @param object an object with \code{"ExpT"} S3 class containing:
#'        \code{mu} (mean vector), \code{Sigma} (covariance matrix),
#'        \code{lb} (lower bound vector), \code{ub} (upper bound vector).
#' @param nsim an integer corresponding to the number of simulations.
#' @param control extra parameters required for the MC/MCMC sampler.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A matrix with the simulated samples. Samples are indexed by columns.
#' @seealso \code{\link{tmvrnorm.RSM}}, \code{\link{tmvrnorm.HMC}}
#' @author A. F. Lopez-Lopera.
#' @references Botev, Z. I. (2017),
#' "The normal law under linear restrictions: simulation and estimation via minimax tilting".
#' \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology)},
#' 79(1):125-148.
#' \href{https://rss.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/rssb.12162}{[link]}
#' @examples
#' n <- 100
#' x <- seq(0, 1, length = n)
#' Sigma <- kernCompute(x1 = x, type = "gaussian", par = c(1,0.2))
#' tmgPar <- list(mu = rep(0,n), Sigma = Sigma + 1e-9*diag(n), lb = rep(-1,n), ub = rep(1,n))
#' class(tmgPar) <- "ExpT"
#' y <- tmvrnorm(tmgPar, nsim = 10)
#' matplot(x, y, type = 'l', ylim = c(-1,1),
#'         main = "Constrained samples using expontial tilting")
#' abline(h = c(-1,1), lty = 2)
#' @export
tmvrnorm.ExpT <- function(object, nsim, control = NULL, ...) {
  tmvPar <- object
  # simulating samples using the package "TruncatedNormal" (Truncated Multivariate Normal)
  xi <- matrix(tmvPar$mu, nrow = nrow(tmvPar$Sigma), ncol = nsim) +
    TruncatedNormal::mvrandn(tmvPar$lb-tmvPar$mu, tmvPar$ub-tmvPar$mu, tmvPar$Sigma, nsim)

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