#' Render Markdown, R Markdown, and R scripts
#' The function `mark()` renders Markdown to an output format via the
#' \pkg{commonmark} package.
#' @param input A character vector to provide the input file path or text. If
#' not provided, the `text` argument must be provided instead. The `input`
#' vector will be treated as a file path if it is a single string, and points
#' to an existing file or has a filename extension. In other cases, the vector
#' will be treated as the `text` argument input. To avoid ambiguity, if a
#' string should be treated as `text` input when it happens to be an existing
#' file path or has an extension, wrap it in [I()], or simply use the `text`
#' argument instead.
#' @param output An output file path or a filename extension (e.g., `.html`,
#' `.tex`, `.xml`, `.man`, `.markdown`, or `.txt`). In the latter case, the
#' output file path will use the extension on the same base filename as the
#' input file if the `input` is a file. If `output` is not character (e.g.,
#' `NA`), the results will be returned as a character vector instead of being
#' written to a file. If `output` is `NULL` or an extension, and the input is
#' a file path, the output file path will have the same base name as the input
#' file, with an extension corresponding to the output format. The output
#' format is retrieved from the first value in the `output` field of the YAML
#' metadata of the `input` (e.g., `litedown::html_format` will generate HTML
#' output). The `output` argument can also take an output format name
#' (possible values are `html`, `latex`, `xml`, `man`, `commonmark`, and
#' `text`). If no output format is detected or provided, the default is HTML.
#' @param text A character vector as the text input. By default, it is read from
#' the `input` file if provided.
#' @param options Options to be passed to the renderer. See [markdown_options()]
#' for details. This argument can take either a character vector of the form
#' `"+option1 option2-option3"` (use `+` or a space to enable an option, and
#' `-` to disable an option), or a list of the form `list(option1 = value1,
#' option2 = value2, ...)`. A string `"+option1"` is equivalent to
#' `list(option1 = TRUE)`, and `"-option2"` means `list(option2 = FALSE)`.
#' Options that do not take logical values must be specified via a list, e.g.,
#' `list(width = 30)`.
#' @param meta A named list of metadata. Elements in the metadata will be used
#' to fill out the template by their names and values, e.g., `list(title =
#' ...)` will replace the `$title$` variable in the template. See the Section
#' \dQuote{YAML metadata} [in the
#' documentation]( for supported
#' variables.
#' @return The output file path if output is written to a file, otherwise a
#' character vector of the rendered output (wrapped in [xfun::raw_string()]
#' for clearer printing).
#' @seealso The spec of GitHub Flavored Markdown:
#' <>
#' @import utils
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mark(c('Hello _World_!', '', 'Welcome to **litedown**.'))
#' # if input appears to be a file path but should be treated as text, use I()
#' mark(I('This is *not* a'))
#' # that's equivalent to
#' mark(text = 'This is *not* a')
#' # output to a file
#' (mark('_Hello_, **World**!', output = tempfile()))
#' # convert to other formats
#' mark('Hello _World_!', '.tex')
#' mark('Hello _**`World`**_!', 'xml')
#' mark('Hello _**`World`**_!', 'text')
mark = function(input, output = NULL, text = NULL, options = NULL, meta = list()) {
text = read_input(input, text); input = attr(text, 'input')
part = yaml_body(text)
yaml = part$yaml; yaml2 = yaml_text(part, text) # unparsed YAML
text = part$body
full = is_output_full(output)
format = detect_format(output, yaml)
output = auto_output(input, output, format)
out_dir = dirname(output_path(input, output) %||% '.')
# title/author/date can be provided as top-level YAML options
meta = merge_list(
get_option('meta', format),
yaml[intersect(names(yaml), top_meta)],
yaml_field(yaml, format),
list(generator = I(paste('litedown', packageVersion('litedown')))),
meta = normalize_meta(meta)
render_fun = tryCatch(
getFromNamespace(paste0('markdown_', tolower(format)), 'commonmark'),
error = function(e) {
stop("Output format '", format, "' is not supported in commonmark.")
options = merge_list(yaml_field(yaml, format, 'options'), option2list(options))
options = normalize_options(options, format)
options$extensions = intersect(
names(Filter(isTRUE, options)), commonmark::list_extensions()
# whether to write YAML metadata to output
keep_yaml = isTRUE(options[['keep_yaml']])
# if keep_yaml, generate a fragment only, otherwise check the `template` value
# in the output format litedown::(html|latex)_format in YAML
template = if (keep_yaml) FALSE else yaml_field(yaml, format, 'template')
# if not set there, check global option; if not set, disable template if no
# YAML was provided (i.e., generate a fragment)
if (is.null(template))
template = get_option('template', format, full || 'yaml' %in% names(part))
# template = FALSE means no template; other values mean the default template
if (!is.character(template)) template = if (!isFALSE(template))
pkg_file('resources', sprintf('litedown.%s', format))
render_args = options[intersect(names(formals(render_fun)), names(options))]
render = function(x, clean = FALSE) {
if (length(x) == 0) return(x)
res =, c(list(text = x), render_args))
if (clean) res = sans_p(res)
if (isTRUE(options[['smartypants']])) text = smartypants(text)
# test if a feature needs to be enabled
test_feature = function(name, pattern) {
isTRUE(options[[name]]) && format %in% c('html', 'latex') &&
length(grep(pattern, text, perl = TRUE))
# protect $ $ and $$ $$ math expressions for html/latex output
if (has_math <- test_feature('latex_math', '[$]')) {
id = id_string(text); maths = NULL
text = xfun::protect_math(text, id)
if (has_math <- any(grepl(paste0('`', id), text, fixed = TRUE))) {
# temporarily replace math expressions with tokens so render() won't seem
# them (to avoid issues like #33) and restore them later
text = one_string(text)
text = match_replace(text, sprintf('`%s(?s).{3,}?%s`', id, id), function(x) {
n0 = length(maths)
maths <<- c(maths, gsub(sprintf('`%s|%s`', id, id), '', x))
# replace math with !id-n-id! where n is the index of the math
sprintf('!%s-%d-%s!', id, n0 + seq_along(x), id)
if (format == 'html') maths = xfun::html_escape(maths)
text = split_lines(text)
p = NULL # indices of prose
find_prose = function() if (is.null(p)) p <<- prose_index(text)
# superscript and subscript; for now, we allow only characters alnum|*|(|) for
# script text but can consider changing this rule upon users' request
r2 = '(?<!`)\\^([[:alnum:]*()]+?)\\^(?!`)'
if (has_sup <- test_feature('superscript', r2)) {
id2 = id_string(text)
text[p] = match_replace(text[p], r2, function(x) {
# place superscripts inside !!
x = gsub('^\\^|\\^$', id2, x)
sprintf('!%s!', x)
r3 = '(?<![~`[:space:]])~([[:alnum:]*()]+?)~(?!`)'
if (has_sub <- test_feature('subscript', r3)) {
id3 = id_string(text)
text[p]= match_replace(text[p], r3, function(x) {
# place subscripts inside !!
x = gsub('^~|~$', id3, x)
sprintf('!%s!', x)
# TODO: remove this after commonmark > 1.9.2 is on CRAN
# disallow single tilde for <del> (I think it is an awful idea in GFM's
# strikethrough extension to allow both single and double tilde for <del>)
text[p] = match_replace(text[p], r3, function(x) {
gsub('^~|~$', '\\\\~', x)
# add line breaks before/after fenced Div's to wrap ::: tokens into separate
# paragraphs or code blocks
text[p] = sub('^([ >]*:::+ )([^ {]+)$', '\\1{.\\2}', text[p]) # ::: foo -> ::: {.foo}
text[p] = sub(
'^([ >]*)((:::+)( \\{.*\\})?)$',
if (format == 'latex') '\\1\n\\1```\n\\1\\2 \\3\n\\1```\n\\1' else '\\1\n\\1\\2\n\\1',
id4 = id_string(text)
if (format == 'latex') {
# put info string inside code blocks so the info won't be lost, e.g., ```r -> ```\nr
text = gsub(
'^([> ]*)(```+)([^`].*)$', sprintf('\\1\\2\n\\1%s\\3%s', id4, id4), text
} else if (format == 'html' && length(p) < length(text)) {
# hide spaces so that attributes won't be dropped: {.lang foo} -> {.lang!id!foo}
r4 = '^([> ]*```+\\s*)(\\{.+})\\s*$'
text = match_replace(text, r4, function(x) {
x1 = sub(r4, '\\1', x)
x2 = sub(r4, '\\2', x)
x2 = gsub(' ', id4, x2, fixed = TRUE)
paste0(x1, x2)
# turn @ref into [@ref](#ref) and resolve cross-references later in JS; for
# latex output, turn @ref to \ref{}
r_ref = '(([a-z]+)[-:][-_[:alnum:]]+)' # must start with letters followed by - or :
r5 = paste0('(^|(?<=\\s|\\())@', r_ref, '(?!\\])')
if (test_feature('cross_refs', r5)) {
text[p] = match_replace(text[p], r5, function(x) {
sprintf('[%s](%s)', x, sub('^@', '#', x))
ret = render(text)
ret = move_attrs(ret, format) # apply attributes of the form {attr="value"}
if (has_math) ret = match_replace(ret, sprintf('!%s-\\d+-%s!', id, id), function(x) {
if (length(maths) != length(x)) warning(
'LaTeX math expressions cannot be restored correctly (expected ',
length(maths), ' expression(s) but found ', length(x), ' in the output).'
if (format == 'html') {
# don't disable check boxes
ret = gsub('(<li><input type="checkbox" [^>]*?)disabled="" (/>)', '\\1\\2', ret)
# replace <a> with <span> if href is empty but other attrs exist, so we have
# a way to create SPANs with attributes, e.g., [text](){.foo} -> <span
# class="foo"></span>
ret = gsub('<a href="" ([^>]+>[^<]*</)a>', '<span \\1span>', ret)
if (has_sup)
ret = gsub(sprintf('!%s(.+?)%s!', id2, id2), '<sup>\\1</sup>', ret)
if (has_sub)
ret = gsub(sprintf('!%s(.+?)%s!', id3, id3), '<sub>\\1</sub>', ret)
r4 = '<pre><code class="language-\\{=([^}]+)}">(.+?)</code></pre>\n'
ret = match_replace(ret, r4, function(x) {
lang = gsub(r4, '\\1', x)
code = gsub(r4, '\\2', x)
# restore raw html content from ```{=html}
i1 = lang == 'html'
x[i1] = restore_html(code[i1])
# possible math environments
i2 = (lang %in% c('tex', 'latex')) &
grepl('^\\\\begin\\{[a-zA-Z*]+\\}.+\\\\end\\{[a-zA-Z*]+\\}\n$', code)
if (any(i2)) {
x[i2] = sprintf('<p>\n%s</p>\n', code[i2])
has_math <<- TRUE
# discard other types of raw content blocks
x[!(i1 | i2)] = ''
}, perl = FALSE) # for perl = TRUE, we'd need (?s) before (.+?)
# support mermaid
r_mmd = '<pre><code class="language-mermaid">(.*?)</code></pre>'
if (length(grep(r_mmd, ret))) {
ret = gsub(r_mmd, '<pre class="mermaid">\\1</pre>', ret)
# add the js asset automatically if not detected
if (length(grep('mermaid', meta[['js']])) == 0) meta = add_meta(
meta, c(js = '@npm/mermaid/dist/mermaid.min.js')
r4 = '(<pre><code class="language-)\\{([^"]+)}">'
# deal with ```{.class1 .class2 attrs}, which is not supported by commonmark
ret = convert_attrs(ret, r4, '\\2', function(r, z, z2) {
z1 = sub(r, '\\1', z)
# make sure `class` is the first attribute
z2 = gsub('^(.+?)( +)(class="[^"]+")(.*)$', '\\3 \\1\\4', z2)
i = grepl('^class="', z2)
z2 = ifelse(i, sub('^class="', '', z2), paste0('"', z2))
paste0(z1, z2, '>')
}, 'html', function(z2) gsub(id4, ' ', restore_html(z2)))
# some code blocks with "attributes" are verbatim ones
ret = match_replace(ret, '```+\\{.+}', function(x) gsub(id4, ' ', x, fixed = TRUE))
# table caption: a paragraph that starts with 'Table: ' or ': ' after </table>
ret = gsub(
'(<table>)(?s)(.+?</table>)\n<p>(Table)?: (?s)(.+?)</p>',
'\\1\n<caption>\\4</caption>\\2', ret, perl = TRUE
# auto identifiers
if (isTRUE(options[['auto_identifiers']])) ret = auto_identifier(ret)
# number sections
if (isTRUE(options[['number_sections']])) ret = number_sections(ret)
# build table of contents
ret = add_toc(ret, options)
# add js/css for math
if (!has_math) has_math = length(ret) &&
grepl('$$</p>', ret, fixed = TRUE) # math may be from pkg_manual()'s HTML
is_katex = TRUE
if (has_math && length(js_math <- js_options(options[['js_math']], 'katex'))) {
is_katex = js_math$package == 'katex'
meta = set_math(meta, js_math, is_katex)
# number figures and tables, etc.
ret = number_refs(ret, r_ref, is_katex)
} else if (format == 'latex') {
ret = render_footnotes(ret) # render [^n] footnotes
if (has_sup)
ret = gsub(sprintf('!%s(.+?)%s!', id2, id2), '\\\\textsuperscript{\\1}', ret)
if (has_sub)
ret = gsub(sprintf('!%s(.+?)%s!', id3, id3), '\\\\textsubscript{\\1}', ret)
r4 = sprintf(
'(\\\\begin\\{verbatim}\n)%s(.+?)%s\n(.*?\n)(\\\\end\\{verbatim}\n)', id4, id4
ret = match_replace(ret, r4, function(x) {
info = gsub(r4, '\\2', x)
info = gsub('^\\{|}$', '', info)
i = info %in% c('=latex', '=tex')
x[i] = gsub(r4, '\\3', x[i]) # restore raw ```{=latex} content
i = !i & grepl('^=', info)
x[i] = '' # discard other raw content
# TODO: support code highlighting for latex (listings or highr::hi_latex)
x = gsub(r4, '\\1\\3\\4', x)
}, perl = FALSE)
# fix horizontal rules from --- (\linethickness doesn't work)
# TODO: cross-refs for latex output
ret = gsub('{\\linethickness}', '{1pt}', ret, fixed = TRUE)
ret = redefine_level(ret, options[['top_level']])
if (isTRUE(options[['toc']])) ret = paste0('\\tableofcontents\n', ret)
pkg_cite = yaml_field(yaml, format, 'citation_package')
if (length(pkg_cite) != 1) pkg_cite = 'natbib'
bib = yaml[['bibliography']]
if (length(bib) == 1 && grepl(',', bib)) bib = strsplit(bib, ',\\s*')[[1]]
# add [@citation] (.bib files are assumed to be under output dir)
if (length(bib)) {
ret = in_dir(out_dir, add_citation(ret, bib, format))
if (format == 'latex') meta = bib_meta(meta, bib, pkg_cite)
meta$body = ret
# convert some meta variables in case they use Markdown syntax
for (i in top_meta) if (meta_len <- length(meta[[i]])) {
# if author is of length > 1, render them individually
m_author = i == 'author' && meta_len > 1
meta[[i]] = if (m_author) uapply(meta[[i]], render) else {
render(meta[[i]], clean = i != 'abstract')
# also provide *_ version of top-level meta variables, containing tags/commands
meta[[paste0(i, '_')]] = I(if (format == 'html') {
tag = tag_meta[i]
'<div class="%s">%s</div>', i, if (tag == '') meta[[i]] else {
one_string(sprintf('<%s>%s</%s>', tag, meta[[i]], tag))
} else if (format == 'latex') {
sprintf(cmd_meta[i], if (m_author) one_string(meta[[i]], ' \\and ') else meta[[i]])
# use the template (if provided) to create a standalone document
if (format %in% c('html', 'latex') && is.character(template)) {
# add HTML dependencies to `include-headers` if found
meta = add_html_deps(meta, output, 'local' %in% options[['embed_resources']])
ret = build_output(format, options, template, meta)
if (format == 'html') {
ret = in_dir(out_dir, embed_resources(ret, options))
ret = clean_html(ret)
} else if (format == 'latex') {
# remove \maketitle if \title is absent
if (!grepl('\n\\title{', ret, fixed = TRUE))
ret = gsub('\n\\maketitle\n', '\n', ret, fixed = TRUE)
if (keep_yaml) ret = one_string(c(yaml2, '', ret))
ret = sub('\n$', '', ret)
if (is_output_file(output)) {
# build PDF for LaTeX output when the output file is .pdf
is_pdf = FALSE
if (format == 'latex') {
latex_engine = yaml_field(yaml, format, 'latex_engine')
if (is.character(latex_engine) || file_ext(output) == 'pdf') {
is_pdf = TRUE
tex = with_ext(output, '.tex')
if (!isTRUE(yaml_field(yaml, format, 'keep_tex')))
on.exit(file.remove(tex), add = TRUE)
write_utf8(ret, tex)
output = tinytex::latexmk(
tex, latex_engine %||% 'xelatex',
if (pkg_cite == 'biblatex') 'biber' else 'bibtex'
# for RStudio to capture the output path when previewing the output (don't
# emit the message when rendering Rmd with rmarkdown::render() because
# render() will do it)
if (is_rmd_preview() && !'knit_meta' %in% ls(.env))
message('\nOutput created: ', output)
if (is_pdf) invisible(output) else write_utf8(ret, output)
} else raw_string(ret)
# insert body and meta variables into a template
build_output = function(format, options, template, meta) {
tpl = one_string(template, test = TRUE)
if (format == 'html') {
b = meta$body
set_meta = function(name, value) {
if (!name %in% names(meta)) meta[[name]] <<- value
set_meta('css', 'default')
set_meta('plain-title', I(str_trim(commonmark::markdown_text(meta[['title']]))))
meta = set_highlight(meta, options, b)
# if the class .line-numbers is present, add js/css for line numbers
if (any(grepl('<code class="[^"]*line-numbers', b))) for (i in c('css', 'js')) {
meta[[i]] = c(meta[[i]], '@code-line-numbers')
# special handling for css/js "files" that have no extensions
for (i in c('css', 'js')) meta[[i]] = resolve_files(meta[[i]], i)
sub_vars(tpl, meta)
# substitute all variables in template with their values
sub_vars = function(tpl, meta) {
# find all variables in the template
vars = unlist(match_full(tpl, '[$][-_[:alnum:]]+[$]'))
# insert $body$ at last in case the body contain any $variables$ accidentally
if (! <- match('$body$', vars))) vars = c(vars[-i], vars[i])
for (v in vars) {
tpl = sub_var(tpl, v, meta[[gsub('[$]', '', v)]])
top_meta = c('title', 'subtitle', 'author', 'date', 'abstract')
tag_meta = c('h1', 'h2', 'h2', 'h3', '')
names(tag_meta) = top_meta
cmd_meta = c(sprintf('\\%s{%%s}', top_meta[-5]), '\\begin{abstract}%s\\end{abstract}')
names(cmd_meta) = top_meta
yaml_text = function(part, text) if (length(l <- part$lines) == 2) text[l[1]:l[2]]
#' Markdown rendering options
#' A list of all options to control Markdown rendering. Options that are enabled
#' by default are marked by a `+` prefix, and those disabled by default are
#' marked by `-`.
#' See <> for the full list of
#' options and their documentation.
#' @return A character vector of all available options.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # all available options
#' litedown::markdown_options()
#' @example inst/examples/render-options.R
markdown_options = function() {
# options enabled by default
x1 = c(
'smart', 'embed_resources', 'embed_cleanup', 'js_math', 'js_highlight',
'superscript', 'subscript', 'latex_math', 'auto_identifiers', 'cross_refs',
setdiff(commonmark::list_extensions(), 'tagfilter')
# options disabled by default
x2 = c('toc', 'hardbreaks', 'tagfilter', 'number_sections', 'smartypants')
sort(c(paste0('+', x1), paste0('-', x2)))
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.