
Defines functions varcomp_vcov Fisher_info Q_matrix extract_varcomp.lme extract_varcomp.gls extract_varcomp.default extract_varcomp

Documented in extract_varcomp Fisher_info varcomp_vcov

# extract variance components in natural parameterization

#' @title Extract estimated variance components
#' @description Extracts the estimated variance components from a fitted linear
#'   mixed effects model (lmeStruct object) or generalized least squares model
#'   (glsStruct object).
#' @param mod Fitted model of class lmeStruct or glsStruct.
#' @param separate_variances Logical indicating whether to return the separate
#'   level-1 variance components for each stratum if using \code{varIdent}
#'   function to allow for different variances per stratum. Default is
#'   \code{FALSE}.
#' @param vector Logical indicating whether to return the variance components as
#'   a numeric vector. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @export
#' @return If \code{vector = FALSE}, an object of class \code{varcomp} consisting of a
#'   list of estimated variance components. Models that do not include
#'   correlation structure parameters or variance structure parameters will have
#'   empty lists for those components. If \code{vector = TRUE}, a numeric vector
#'   of estimated variance components.
#'   If \code{separate_variances = TRUE} and if \code{weights =
#'   varIdent(form = ~ 1 | Stratum)} is specified in the model fitting, separate
#'   level-1 variance estimates will be returned for each stratum. If
#'   \code{separate_variances = TRUE} but if the weighting structure is not
#'   specified with \code{varIdent}, or if \code{separate_variances = FALSE},
#'   then no separate level-1 variance estimates will be returned.
#' @examples
#' library(nlme)
#' data(Bryant2016)
#' Bryant2016_RML <- lme(fixed = outcome ~ treatment,
#'                       random = ~ 1 | school/case,
#'                       correlation = corAR1(0, ~ session | school/case),
#'                       weights = varIdent(form = ~ 1 | treatment),
#'                       data = Bryant2016)
#' extract_varcomp(Bryant2016_RML, separate_variances = FALSE)
#' extract_varcomp(Bryant2016_RML, separate_variances = TRUE)
#' extract_varcomp(Bryant2016_RML, vector = TRUE)

extract_varcomp <- function(mod, separate_variances, vector) UseMethod("extract_varcomp")

#' @export

extract_varcomp.default <- function(mod, separate_variances = FALSE, vector = FALSE) {
  mod_class <- paste(class(mod), collapse = "-")
  stop(paste0("Variance components not available for models of class ", mod_class, "."))

#' @export

extract_varcomp.gls <- function(mod, separate_variances = FALSE, vector = FALSE) {

  fixed_sigma <- attr(mod$modelStruct, "fixedSigma")
  sigma_sq <- if (fixed_sigma) NULL else mod$sigma^2                # sigma^2
  cor_params <- as.double(coef(mod$modelStruct$corStruct, FALSE))   # correlation structure
  var_params <- as.double(coef(mod$modelStruct$varStruct, FALSE))   # variance structure

  varcomp <- list(cor_params = cor_params, var_params = var_params, sigma_sq = sigma_sq)

  # get separate variances when relevant
  if (!is.null(mod$call$weights) && inherits(mod$modelStruct$varStruct, "varIdent") && separate_variances) {
    varStruct <- mod$modelStruct$varStruct
    var_formula <- nlme::getGroupsFormula(varStruct)
    dat <- nlme::getData(mod)
    grps <- stats::model.frame(var_formula, data = dat)
    levels <- unique(grps[,1])
    sigma_sq_grps <- sigma_sq * c(1, var_params^2)
    names(sigma_sq_grps) <- levels
    varcomp$var_params <- NULL
    varcomp$sigma_sq <- sigma_sq_grps
  } else if (separate_variances) {
    warning("The separate_variance option is only relevant for models with a `varIdent()` variance structure.")

  if (vector) {
  } else {
    class(varcomp) <- "varcomp"


#' @export

extract_varcomp.lme <- function(mod, separate_variances = FALSE, vector = FALSE) {

  sigma_sq <- mod$sigma^2                                           # sigma^2
  # Tau_params <- coef(mod$modelStruct$reStruct, FALSE) * sigma_sq    # unique coefficients in Tau

  # Calculate Tau_params while taking care of the pdDiag
  RE_params <- coef(mod$modelStruct$reStruct, FALSE)
  Tau_params <- RE_params * RE_params^(as.numeric(grepl("sd", attr(RE_params, "names")))) * sigma_sq
  names(Tau_params) <- mapply(gsub, ".sd", ".var", names(Tau_params), USE.NAMES = FALSE)

  # split Tau by grouping variables
  reStruct_names <- names(mod$modelStruct$reStruct)
  group_names <- lapply(rev(mod$modelStruct$reStruct), function(x) attr(x, "Dimnames")[[1]])

  group_names <- lapply(group_names, function(x) gsub("([\\(\\)\\^\\.])","\\\\\\1", x))
  group_regx <- paste0("^",names(group_names), ".+\\((",lapply(group_names, paste, collapse = "|"), ")")
  names(group_regx) <- make.unique(names(group_names))

  Tau_param_list <- sapply(group_regx,
                           function(x) Tau_params[grepl(x, names(Tau_params))],
                           simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)

  cor_params <- as.double(coef(mod$modelStruct$corStruct, FALSE))   # correlation structure
  var_params <- as.double(coef(mod$modelStruct$varStruct, FALSE))   # variance structure

  fixed_sigma <- attr(mod$modelStruct, "fixedSigma")

  sigma_sq <- if (fixed_sigma) NULL else sigma_sq

  varcomp <- list(Tau = Tau_param_list, cor_params = cor_params, var_params = var_params, sigma_sq = sigma_sq)

  # get separate variances when relevant
  if (!is.null(mod$call$weights) && inherits(mod$modelStruct$varStruct, "varIdent") && separate_variances) {
    varStruct <- mod$modelStruct$varStruct
    var_formula <- nlme::getGroupsFormula(varStruct)
    dat <- nlme::getData(mod)
    grps <- stats::model.frame(var_formula, data = dat)
    levels <- unique(grps[,1])
    sigma_sq_grps <- sigma_sq * c(1, var_params^2)
    names(sigma_sq_grps) <- levels
    varcomp$var_params <- NULL
    varcomp$sigma_sq <- sigma_sq_grps
  } else if (separate_variances) {
    warning("The separate_variance option is only relevant for models with a `varIdent()` variance structure.")

  if (vector) {
  } else {
    class(varcomp) <- "varcomp"


# create Q matrix

Q_matrix <- function(mod) {
  V_inv <- build_Sigma_mats(mod, invert = TRUE, sigma_scale = TRUE)
  X <- model.matrix(mod, data = mod$data)
  Vinv_X <- prod_blockmatrix(V_inv, X)
  XVXinv <- chol2inv(chol(t(X) %*% Vinv_X))
  X_Vinv <- t(Vinv_X)
  VinvX_XVXinv_XVinv <- Vinv_X %*% XVXinv %*% X_Vinv
  block_minus_matrix(V_inv, VinvX_XVXinv_XVinv)

# Information Matrices

#' @title Calculate expected, observed, or average Fisher information matrix
#' @description Calculates the expected, observed, or average Fisher information
#'   matrix from a fitted linear mixed effects model (lmeStruct object) or
#'   generalized least squares model (glsStruct object).
#' @param mod Fitted model of class lmeStruct or glsStruct.
#' @param type Type of information matrix. One of \code{"expected"} (the
#'   default), \code{"observed"}, or \code{"average"}.
#' @param separate_variances Logical indicating whether to return the Fisher
#'   information matrix for separate level-1 variance components if using
#'   \code{varIdent} function to allow for different variances per stratum.
#'   Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @export
#' @return Information matrix corresponding to variance component parameters of
#'   \code{mod}.
#'   If \code{separate_variances = TRUE} and if \code{weights = varIdent(form =
#'   ~ 1 | Stratum)} is specified in the model fitting, the Fisher information
#'   matrix for separate level-1 variance estimates will be returned. If
#'   \code{separate_variances = TRUE} but if the weighting structure is not
#'   specified with \code{varIdent}, or if \code{separate_variances = FALSE},
#'   then the Fisher information matrix for the default variance components will
#'   be returned.
#' @examples
#' library(nlme)
#' data(Bryant2016)
#' Bryant2016_RML <- lme(fixed = outcome ~ treatment,
#'                       random = ~ 1 | school/case,
#'                       correlation = corAR1(0, ~ session | school/case),
#'                       data = Bryant2016)
#' Fisher_info(Bryant2016_RML, type = "expected")
#' Fisher_info(Bryant2016_RML, type = "average")
#' Bryant2016_RML2 <- lme(fixed = outcome ~ treatment,
#'                       random = ~ 1 | school/case,
#'                       correlation = corAR1(0, ~ session | school/case),
#'                       weights = varIdent(form = ~ 1 | treatment),
#'                       data = Bryant2016)
#' Fisher_info(Bryant2016_RML2, separate_variances = TRUE)
#' @importFrom stats coef
#' @importFrom stats dist
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @importFrom stats vcov
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases
#' @importFrom stats formula
#' @importFrom stats na.action
#' @importFrom stats rbinom
#' @importFrom stats terms

Fisher_info <- function(mod, type = "expected", separate_variances = FALSE) {

  theta <- extract_varcomp(mod)
  theta_names <- vapply(strsplit(names(unlist(theta)), split = "[.]"),
                        function(x) paste(unique(x), collapse = "."), character(1L))

  r <- length(unlist(theta))

  # Calculate derivative matrix-lists

  dV_list <- build_dV_list(mod)

  # block-diagonal V^-1
  V_inv <- build_Sigma_mats(mod, invert = TRUE, sigma_scale = TRUE)

  # list with V^-1 dV entries
  Vinv_dV <- lapply(dV_list, prod_blockblock, A = V_inv)

  est_method <- mod$method

  # For REML, need X and M matrices
  if (est_method == "REML") {
    X <- model.matrix(mod, data = nlme::getData(mod))

    # check for columns dropped from model
    col_names <- names(if (inherits(mod, "gls")) coef(mod) else nlme::fixef(mod))
    if (ncol(X) != length(col_names)) X <- X[,col_names,drop=FALSE]

    Vinv_X <- prod_blockmatrix(V_inv, X, block = attr(V_inv, "groups"))
    M <- chol2inv(chol(t(X) %*% Vinv_X))

  if (type == "expected") {

    if (est_method == "ML") {

      # calculate information matrix

      info <- matrix(NA, r, r)

      for (i in 1:r)
        for (j in 1:i)
          info[i,j] <- info[j,i] <- product_trace_blockblock(Vinv_dV[[i]], Vinv_dV[[j]]) / 2

    } else if (est_method == "REML") {

      Vinv_X_M <- Vinv_X %*% M

      # create lists with Xt v^-1 dV entries
      Xt_Vinv_dV <- lapply(Vinv_dV, prod_matrixblock, A = t(X))
      Vinv_dV_Vinv_X_M <- lapply(Vinv_dV, prod_blockmatrix, B = Vinv_X_M)
      dBinv_B <- lapply(Xt_Vinv_dV, function(x) x %*% Vinv_X_M)

      # calculate information matrix

      info <- matrix(NA, r, r)

      for (i in 1:r)
        for (j in 1:i) {
          tr_ij <- product_trace_blockblock(Vinv_dV[[i]], Vinv_dV[[j]]) -
            2 * product_trace(Xt_Vinv_dV[[i]], Vinv_dV_Vinv_X_M[[j]]) +
            product_trace(dBinv_B[[i]], dBinv_B[[j]])
          info[i,j] <- info[j,i] <- tr_ij / 2

    } else if (est_method == "REML2") {

      Q_mat <- Q_matrix(mod)

      # create list with Q_dV entries

      Q_dV <- lapply(dV_list, prod_matrixblock, A = Q_mat)

      # calculate information matrix

      info <- matrix(NA, r, r)

      for (i in 1:r)
        for (j in 1:i)
          info[i,j] <- info[j,i] <- product_trace(Q_dV[[i]], Q_dV[[j]]) / 2


  } else if (type == "average") {

    rhat <- as.matrix(stats::residuals(mod, level = 0)) # fixed residuals
    if (inherits(na.action(mod), "exclude")) rhat <- rhat[-as.integer(na.action(mod)),,drop=FALSE]

    Vinv_rhat <- prod_blockmatrix(A = V_inv, B = rhat)

    dVr <- sapply(dV_list, prod_blockmatrix, B = Vinv_rhat, simplify = TRUE) # dV*Vinv*rhat (N * r matrix)

    if (est_method == "ML") {

      info <- (t(dVr) %*% prod_blockmatrix(V_inv, dVr)) / 2

    } else if (est_method == "REML") {

      Xt_Vinv_dV_Vinv_rhat <- t(Vinv_X) %*% dVr

      info <- (t(dVr) %*% prod_blockmatrix(V_inv, dVr)  -
        t(Xt_Vinv_dV_Vinv_rhat) %*% M %*% Xt_Vinv_dV_Vinv_rhat) / 2

    } else if (est_method == "REML2") {

      Q_mat <- Q_matrix(mod)

      info <- (t(dVr) %*% Q_mat %*% dVr) / 2


  rownames(info) <- colnames(info) <- theta_names

  # info mat for separate variances
  if (!is.null(mod$call$weights) && inherits(mod$modelStruct$varStruct, "varIdent") && separate_variances) {
    theta_reparam <- extract_varcomp(mod, separate_variances = TRUE)
    theta_reparam_names <- vapply(strsplit(names(unlist(theta_reparam)), split = "[.]"),
                                  function(x) paste(unique(x), collapse = "."), character(1L))
    r12 <- length(unlist(theta[c("Tau","cor_params")]))
    r3 <- length(theta$var_params)
    r4 <- length(theta$sigma_sq)
    Jac_inv_1 <- diag(1, r12)
    Jac_inv_2 <- matrix(0, nrow = r12, ncol = r3 + r4)
    Jac_inv_3 <- t(Jac_inv_2)
    Jac_inv_41 <- -theta$var_params / (2 * theta$sigma_sq)
    Jac_inv_42 <- diag(1 / (2 * theta$var_params * theta$sigma_sq), nrow = r3)
    Jac_inv_43 <- 1
    Jac_inv_44 <- rep(0, r3)
    Jac_inv_4 <- matrix(rbind(cbind(Jac_inv_41, Jac_inv_42), c(Jac_inv_43, Jac_inv_44)), nrow = r3 + r4)

    Jac_inv_mat <- matrix(rbind(cbind(Jac_inv_1, Jac_inv_2), cbind(Jac_inv_3, Jac_inv_4)), nrow = r12 + r3 + r4)

    info <- t(Jac_inv_mat) %*% info %*% Jac_inv_mat
    rownames(info) <- colnames(info) <- theta_reparam_names

  } else if (separate_variances) {
    warning("The separate_variance option is only relevant for models with a `varIdent()` variance structure.")



# Sampling variance-covariance of variance component parameters

#' @title Estimated sampling variance-covariance of variance component
#'   parameters.
#' @description Estimate the sampling variance-covariance of variance component
#'   parameters from a fitted linear mixed effects model (lmeStruct object)
#'   or generalized least squares model (glsStruct object)
#'   using the inverse Fisher information.
#' @inheritParams Fisher_info
#' @export
#' @return Sampling variance-covariance matrix corresponding to variance
#'   component parameters of \code{mod}.
#' @examples
#' library(nlme)
#' data(Bryant2016)
#' Bryant2016_RML <- lme(fixed = outcome ~ treatment,
#'                       random = ~ 1 | school/case,
#'                       correlation = corAR1(0, ~ session | school/case),
#'                       data = Bryant2016)
#' varcomp_vcov(Bryant2016_RML, type = "expected")
#' Bryant2016_RML2 <- lme(fixed = outcome ~ treatment,
#'                       random = ~ 1 | school/case,
#'                       correlation = corAR1(0, ~ session | school/case),
#'                       weights = varIdent(form = ~ 1 | treatment),
#'                       data = Bryant2016)
#' varcomp_vcov(Bryant2016_RML2, separate_variances = TRUE)

varcomp_vcov <- function(mod, type = "expected", separate_variances = FALSE) {

  info_mat <- Fisher_info(mod, type = type, separate_variances = separate_variances)

  res <- chol2inv(chol(info_mat))
  dimnames(res) <- dimnames(info_mat)

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