
"parsmd" <-
function(lmom, checklmom=TRUE, checkbounds=TRUE, snap.tau4=TRUE, ...) {
    para <- rep(NA, 4)
    names(para) <- c("xi", "a", "b", "q")

    z <- list(type   = 'smd',    para    = para, last_para = para,
              source = "parsmd", message = "",
              iter   = 0, rt=NA, ifail   = NA)

    if(length(lmom$L1) == 0) { # convert to named L-moments
      lmom <- lmorph(lmom)     # nondestructive conversion!

    if(checklmom) {
      if(! are.lmom.valid(lmom)) {
        warning("L-moments are invalid")
        z$message <- "L-moments are invalid"
        z$ifail   <- -1
      } else {
        z$message <- ""
        z$ifail   <- NA # let rest of the function figure out what is needed here
    } else {
      z$message <- "L-moments not checked by are.lmom.valid()"

    # Real world L-moments
    OF   <- lmom$L1 - 1
    MU   <- lmom$L1 - OF

    # Mean zero with L2 of the LCV
    plmom <- list(L1=MU, L2=lmom$L2, L3=lmom$L3, L4=lmom$L4)
    #  print(plmom)
    L1 <- plmom$L1
    L2 <- plmom$L2
    L3 <- plmom$L3
    L4 <- plmom$L4

    if(checkbounds) {
      uprc <- c(  0.16635578,   0.11404732,    0.21485583,  1.39842572,  1.93768515,
                -13.75534437,  23.59646444,  -17.66250301,  4.99172608)
      lwrc <- c( 0.10706342,   -0.11187055,    0.78710977,  0.14461194,  1.53490921,
                -7.24744751,   13.80312653,  -11.97768647,  3.96017326)

      # xfunc <- function(t3) {
      #   upr <- sum( c( uprc[1], sapply(2:9, function(i) uprc[i] * t3^(i-1) ) ) )
      #   lwr <- sum( c( lwrc[1], sapply(2:9, function(i) lwrc[i] * t3^(i-1) ) ) )
      #   upr - lwr
      # }
      # uniroot(xfunc, interval=c(-.20, -0.1))$root # -0.1693994 is the crossing of the polys
      # points(-0.1694, 0.1505499)
      #xfunc <- function(t3) {
      #  1 - sum( c( uprc[1], sapply(2:9, function(i) uprc[i] * t3^(i-1) ) ) )
      #uniroot(xfunc, interval=c(0.9, 1.1))$root # 0.9989202 is the Tau3 wherein Tau4 goes to 1
      # xfunc <- function(t3) {
      #   sum( c( lwrc[1], sapply(2:9, function(i) lwrc[i] * t3^(i-1) ) ) )
      # }
      # optim(0, fn=xfunc)$par # 0.06894531 is the Tau3 wherein Tau4 (0.1031641) goes to it minimum

      smallT3 <- -0.1694; smallT4 <- 0.1032
      largeT3 <-  0.9989; largeT4 <- 0.999
      bndtxt <- ""
      if(snap.tau4) {
        Tau3 <- L3 / L2; Tau4 <- L4 / L2
        if(Tau3  <= smallT3) {
          Tau3   <- smallT3
          bndtxt <- paste0("Tau3 <= ", smallT3, " snapped to that value; ")
        if(Tau3  >=  0.999) {
          Tau3   <-  0.999
          bndtxt <- paste0("Tau3 <= ", largeT3, " snapped to that value; ")
        if(Tau4  <=  0.104) {  # double assurance knowing that polynomials are to come
          Tau4   <-  0.104
          bndtxt <- paste0("Tau4 <= ", smallT4, " snapped to that value; ")
        if(Tau4  >=  0.999) {  # double assurance knowing that polynomials are to come
          Tau4   <-  0.999
          bndtxt <- paste0("Tau4 <= ", largeT4, " snapped to that value; ")
        upr <- sum( c( uprc[1], sapply(2:9, function(i) uprc[i] * Tau3^(i-1) ) ) )
        lwr <- sum( c( lwrc[1], sapply(2:9, function(i) lwrc[i] * Tau3^(i-1) ) ) )
        if(Tau4 > upr) {
          L4 <- upr * L2
          bndtxt <- paste0(bndtxt, "Tau4(~Tau3) snapped to upper limit, Tau4=",
                      round(upr, digits=5), " for Tau3=", round(L3/L2, digits=5) )
        #print(c(Tau3, lwr, upr, Tau4))
        if(Tau4 < lwr) {
          L4 <- lwr * L2
          bndtxt <- paste0(bndtxt, "Tau4(~Tau3) snapped to lower limit, Tau4=",
                      round(lwr, digits=5), " for Tau3=", round(L3/L2, digits=5) )

    ofunc <- function(par, L2=NA, L3=NA) {
       B <- exp(par[1]); Q <- exp(par[2])
       IB <- 1/B
       t1 <- exp( lgamma(1*Q - IB) - lgamma(1*Q)  )
       t2 <- exp( lgamma(2*Q - IB) - lgamma(2*Q)  )
       t3 <- exp( lgamma(3*Q - IB) - lgamma(3*Q)  )
       t4 <- exp( lgamma(4*Q - IB) - lgamma(4*Q)  )
       tau3 <- (t1 - 3*t2 +  2*t3       ) / (t1 - t2)
       tau4 <- (t1 - 6*t2 + 10*t3 - 5*t4) / (t1 - t2)
       err <- sqrt((tau3 - L3/L2)^2  + (tau4 - L4/L2)^2)
       #print(c(L3/L2, L4/L2, tau3, tau4, err))

    para.init <- c(1.5, 2.5)
    maxit <- 7
    loop_broken <- NA
    for(i in seq_len(maxit)) {
      rt <- NULL
      try(rt <- optim(log( para.init ), ofunc, L2=L2, L3=L3,
                                         control=list(maxit=1000)), silent=TRUE)
      if(is.null(rt)) next
      if(i < maxit & rt$convergence != 0) next
      B <- exp( rt$par[1] ); Q <- exp( rt$par[2] )
      IB <- 1/B
      t1 <- exp( lgamma(1*Q - IB) - lgamma(1*Q)  )
      t2 <- exp( lgamma(2*Q - IB) - lgamma(2*Q)  )
      A  <- L2 / ( gamma(1+IB) * (t1 - t2) )
      mu <- A * exp(lgamma(1 + IB) + log(t1))
      #print(c(OF, mu-1))
      z$para <- c(OF - (mu-1), A, B, Q)
      if(! are.parsmd.valid(  z, nowarn=TRUE )) break
      lmrsmd <- lmomsmd(z)
      if(! are.lmom.valid(lmrsmd)) break
      #errt1 <- abs(    L1 - lmrsmd$lambdas[1] )
      #errt2 <- abs( L2/L1 - lmrsmd$ratios[ 2] )
      errt3 <- abs( L3/L2 - lmrsmd$ratios[ 3] )
      errt4 <- abs( L4/L2 - lmrsmd$ratios[ 4] )
      #print(c(              errt3, errt4))
      #print(c(errt1, errt2, errt3, errt4))
      if(errt3 < 0.001 & errt4 < 0.001) {
        loop_broken <- TRUE
      } else {
        loop_broken <- FALSE
      para.init <- 10^runif(2, min=-2, max=4)
    z$iter    <- i
    z$rt      <- rt
    if(z$message != "") {
      z$message <- paste0(z$message, "; ", bndtxt)
    } else {
      z$message <- bndtxt
    z$last_para <- z$para
    ifelse(loop_broken, z$ifail <- 0, z$ifail <- 1)
    if(z$ifail != 0) z$para <- c(NA, NA, NA, NA)
    if(! are.parsmd.valid(z, nowarn=TRUE)) {
      z$para <- c(NA, NA, NA, NA)

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lmomco documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 5:10 p.m.