


  # The first pass produces these bounds. Second refines them partly by
  # permitting some non-first pass roots from parsmd().
  uprc <- c(  0.16672327,  0.11516273,   0.20798567, 1.37604771, 2.12541631,
            -14.18450955, 24.06083698, -17.91243945, 5.04691664)
  lwrc <- c( 0.10673143,  -0.11300111,   0.79687929, 0.16317487, 1.22528494,
            -6.22064215,  12.21722540, -10.78106937, 3.60470027)

  ofunc <- function(Tau3) {
    upr <- sum( c( uprc[1], sapply(2:9, function(i) uprc[i] * Tau3^(i-1) ) ) )
    lwr <- sum( c( lwrc[1], sapply(2:9, function(i) lwrc[i] * Tau3^(i-1) ) ) )
    return(upr - lwr)

  Tau3 <- uniroot(ofunc, interval=c(-0.2, 0.999))$root
  Tau4 <- sum( c( uprc[1], sapply(2:9, function(i) uprc[i] * Tau3^(i-1) ) ) )
  message("Tau3=", Tau3, " has Tau4=", Tau4)
  #farleft <- parsmd(vec2lmom(c(1000, 10, -0.1709, 0.1508084),
  #             lscale=TRUE, checklmom=FALSE), snap.tau4=FALSE)
  #lmoms(rlmomco(100000, farleft))

  InBounds <- function(Tau3, Tau4) {
    upr <- sum( c( uprc[1], sapply(2:9, function(i) uprc[i] * Tau3^(i-1) ) ) )
    lwr <- sum( c( lwrc[1], sapply(2:9, function(i) lwrc[i] * Tau3^(i-1) ) ) )
    ifelse(Tau4 > upr | Tau4 < lwr, return(FALSE), return(TRUE))

t3s <- sort(unique(c(-0.19, -0.188, -0.186, -0.184, -0.182,
                     -0.18, -0.178, -0.176, -0.174, -0.172,
                 seq(-0.17, +1, by=0.005), 0.999)))
t4s <- sort(unique(seq(0.1, +1, by=0.0005) ))
eT3s <- eT4s <- tT3s <- tT4s <- Bs <- Qs <- Iters <- NULL
plot(c(-0.25,1), c(0.1,1), type="n")
for(t3 in t3s) {
  for(t4 in t4s) {
    if(abs(t3) == 1) next
    if(abs(t4) == 1) next
    if(SECOND_PASS) { if(! InBounds(t3, t4)) next }
    lmr <- vec2lmom(c(1000, 10, t3, t4), lscale=TRUE, checklmom=FALSE)
    if(! are.lmom.valid(lmr)) next
    para   <- parsmd(lmr, snap.tau4=FALSE)
    lmrsmd <- lmomsmd(para)
    if(! are.lmom.valid(lmrsmd)) next
    #if(! is.finite(lmrsmd$lambdas[1])) next
    #errt1a <- abs( MU - lmrsmd$lambdas[1] )
    #errt2a <- abs( t2 - lmrsmd$ratios[2]  )
    #errt3a <- abs( t3 - lmrsmd$ratios[3]  )
    #if(! is.finite(lmrsmd$ratios[ 4]))      next
    #if(        abs(lmrsmd$ratios[ 4]) >= 1) next
    #if(errt1a > 0.0001) next
    #if(errt2a > 0.0001) next
    #if(errt3a > 0.0001) next
    if(para$para[3]/para$para[4] > 1E+14) next
    if(para$para[3]/para$para[4] < 1E-14) next
    if(para$para[4]/para$para[3] > 1E+12) next
    if(para$para[4]/para$para[3] < 1E-12) next
    #if(para$iter != 1) {
      points(lmrsmd$ratios[3], lmrsmd$ratios[4], cex=0.4, pch=16, col=para$iter)
    if(para$ifail) {
      points(lmrsmd$ratios[3], lmrsmd$ratios[4], cex=0.2, pch=16, col="seagreen")
    } else {
      Bs <- c(Bs, para$para[3]); Qs <- c(Qs, para$para[4])
      tT3s <- c(tT3s, t3); tT4s <- c(tT4s, t4); Iters <- c(Iters, para$iter)
      eT3s <- c(eT3s, lmrsmd$ratios[3]); eT4s <- c(eT4s, lmrsmd$ratios[4])
lmrdia <- lmomco::lmrdia()
lines(lmrdia$gpa[,1], lmrdia$gpa[,2], col="blue")

SMD <- data.frame(TAU3=tT3s, TAU4=tT4s, eTAU3=eT3s, eTAU4=eT4s,
                  B=Bs, Q=Qs, Iters=Iters)
if(SAVE_SMD) save(SMD, file="SMD.RData")

Cols <- Iters
Cols[Cols == 1] <- grey(0.9)
plot(tT3s, tT4s, cex=0.4, pch=16, col=Cols)

  tmp <- SMD
} else {
  tmp <- SMD[SMD$Iters == 1, ]

# A series of identifed "outliers" wherein the solution does not appear legit.
x <- c(-0.188546284, -0.072683616, -0.047221860, -0.026665580,  0.006271186)
y <- c(0.1500420, 0.1158318, 0.1103633, 0.1078197, 0.1034958)
tmp <- tmp[tmp$TAU4 > approx(x, y, xout=tmp$TAU3, rule=2)$y,]
x <- c(-0.12033681, -0.12033681, -0.11029226, -0.03063668,
       0.1499298, -0.1679737, -0.1679737, -0.1679737, -0.1682314, -0.1700358,
       -0.1700358, -0.1677159, -0.1700358, -0.1679737, -0.1617872, -0.1195131,
       -0.15060176, -0.17018678, -0.17018678, -0.17018678, -0.17018678,
       -0.17018678, -0.16029331, -0.14030448, -0.07569410, -0.06580064,
       -0.05570527, -0.0506575)
y <- c(0.1782749, 0.1720434, 0.1611063, 0.1681009,
       0.1538342, 0.1538342, 0.1548486, 0.1560658, 0.1570802, 0.1538342,
       0.1461252, 0.1461252, 0.1449080, 0.1438936, 0.1438936, 0.163572,
       0.1541116, 0.1528399, 0.1522040, 0.1477528, 0.1482615, 0.1488974,
       0.1438104, 0.1374516, 0.1179938, 0.1149416, 0.1140513, 0.1134155)
for(i in 1:length(x)) {
  tmp <- tmp[sqrt((x[i]-tmp$TAU3)^2+(y[i]-tmp$TAU4)^2) > 0.001, ]

SMDmax <- aggregate(tmp, by=list(tmp$TAU3), max)
SMDmin <- aggregate(tmp, by=list(tmp$TAU3), min)

plot(tmp$TAU3, tmp$TAU4, cex=0.2, pch=16)
#lines(SMDmax$Group.1, SMDmax$TAU4, col="red")
#lines(SMDmin$Group.1, SMDmin$TAU4, col="red")

UPR <- lm(SMDmax$TAU4~SMDmax$Group.1+I(SMDmax$Group.1^2)+I(SMDmax$Group.1^3)+
h <- coefficients(UPR)
names(h) <- NULL
print(h, digits=8)
lines(SMDmax$Group.1, fitted.values(UPR), col="red", lwd=2)

LWR <- lm(SMDmin$TAU4~SMDmin$Group.1+I(SMDmin$Group.1^2)+I(SMDmin$Group.1^3)+
h <- coefficients(LWR)
names(h) <- NULL
print(h, digits=8)
lines(SMDmin$Group.1, fitted.values(LWR), col="red", lwd=2)

plot(tmp$TAU3, tmp$TAU4, cex=0.4, pch=16, xlim=c(-.2,0.2), ylim=c(0.1, 0.2))
lines(SMDmax$Group.1, fitted.values(UPR), col="red", lwd=2)
lines(SMDmin$Group.1, fitted.values(LWR), col="red", lwd=2)

plot(tmp$TAU3, tmp$TAU4, cex=0.4, pch=16, xlim=c(-.2,-.1), ylim=c(0.1, 0.16))
lines(SMDmax$Group.1, fitted.values(UPR), col="red", lwd=2)
lines(SMDmin$Group.1, fitted.values(LWR), col="red", lwd=2)

plot(tmp$TAU3, tmp$TAU4, cex=0.4, pch=16, xlim=c(.9,1), ylim=c(0.9, 1))
lines(SMDmax$Group.1, fitted.values(UPR), col="red", lwd=2)
lines(SMDmin$Group.1, fitted.values(LWR), col="red", lwd=2)

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