
Defines functions keyHandler

Documented in keyHandler

#in development code
#[TBC - NUMBER] functions 

#key Handling

#do properly

#tidy all of these



keyHandler <- function(key = NULL, ..., output = "key"){

    #set up
    extra.args <- list(...)

    #output == other.args
    if(output == "other.args")
        return(extra.args[!names(extra.args) %in% names(extra.args)[grep("^key", names(extra.args))]])

    #make key... args list
    temp <- grep("^key[.]", names(extra.args))
    key.args <- if(length(temp)>0){
                    temp <- extra.args[temp]
                    names(temp) <- gsub("^key[.]", "", names(temp))
                } else list()

#could add | option below or above 
#to stop these being done for a 
#key2legend option

    key <- if(is.list(key)) key else 
               if(is.null(key)) list() else 
                   if(is.logical(key) && key) list() else 
                       if(is.character(key) | is.function(key))
                           list(fun=key) else


            key <- list()

        if(is.character(key) | is.function(key))
            key <- list(fun = key) else 
#need warning
                    key <- list()

        key <- listUpdate(key, key.args)


        #if key.position used this overrides 
        #space settings everywhere
        if("position" %in% names(key))
            key$space <- key$position 

        #if fun not there
        #put there
        if(!"fun" %in% names(key))
            key$fun <- "draw.loaPlotZKey"


    if(output == "key")

    #make like legend

    temp <- list(fun = key$fun,
                 args = list(key = list(), draw = FALSE))

    temp$args$key <- listUpdate(temp$args$key, key)

    temp$args$key <- listUpdate(temp$args$key, key, ignore = c(names(temp), "draw"))

    if(!"space" %in% names(temp$args$key))
         temp$args$key$space <- "right"

    temp <- list(right = temp)
    names(temp) <- temp$right$args$key$space

    key <- temp


    if(output == "legend") 




draw.loaColorKey <- function (key = NULL, draw = FALSE, vp = NULL, ...){

#    if (!"at" %in% names(key)) 
#        key$at <- seq(min(key$zlim), max(key$zlim), length.out = 100)

#new bit replaces above
#to regularize non-regular col keys 
#job 27

    at.method <- if ("at" %in% names(key)) "1" else "2" 
    if(at.method=="1") key$labels$at <- key$at
    key$at <- seq(min(key$zlim), max(key$zlim), length.out = 800)
        key$col.regions <- trellis.par.get("regions")$col
        key$col.regions <- colorRampPalette(key$col.regions)(length(key$at))

#catch col and alpha 
#in draw.loaColorKey

#    if(!"col" %in% names(key)){

        temp <- listUpdate(list(...), key)

#new bit testing

        if ("isolate.col.regions" %in% names(key)){

            key$col <- NULL
            key$alpha <- NULL

#        key$col <- do.call(colHandler, listUpdate(key, 
#                                       list(z=temp$at, ref=temp$at)))

# new bit to replace above
#job 27

     key$col <- if(at.method=="1")
        do.call(colHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z = temp$at, 
                  ref = temp$at, at=key$labels$at))) else 
        do.call(colHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z = key$at, ref = key$at)))

#    }


#    if("alpha.regions" %in%names(key)){
        key$alpha <- NULL
        key$alpha.regions <- NULL
#    }

#    if(!"alpha" %in% names(key)){
#        key$alpha <- do.call(colHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z = key$zlim, 
#        output = "all")))$alpha.regions
#        key$alpha <- key$alpha.regions
#        key$alpha.regions <- NULL
#    }

    draw.colorkey(key, draw, vp)



#draw.loaColorRegionsKey <- function (key = NULL, draw = FALSE, vp = NULL, ...) 
#    if (!"at" %in% names(key)) 
#        key$at <- pretty(c(min(key$zlim), max(key$zlim)))
#    if ("isolate.col.regions" %in% names(key)) 
#        key$col <- NULL
#    if (!"col" %in% names(key)) {
#        temp <- listUpdate(list(...), key)
#        key$col <- colHandler(1:(length(key$at) - 1), col.regions = temp$col.regions, 
#            output = "col")
#    }
#    key <- listUpdate(key, list(labels = list(at = key$at)))
#    if (!"col" %in% names(key)) {
#        key$col <- do.call(colHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z = key$zlim, 
#            output = "all")))$col.regions
#    }
#    if (!"alpha" %in% names(key)) {
#        key$alpha <- do.call(colHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z = key$zlim, 
#            output = "all")))$alpha.regions
#    }
#    draw.colorkey(key, draw, vp)

#rewrite for raster

draw.loaColorRegionsKey <- function (key = NULL, draw = FALSE, vp = NULL, ...) 

    if (!"at" %in% names(key)) 
        key$at <- pretty(c(min(key$zlim), max(key$zlim)))
    key <- listUpdate(key, list(labels = list(at = key$at)))
    temp <- listUpdate(list(...), key)
    if ("isolate.col.regions" %in% names(key)) {
        key$col <- NULL
        key$alpha <- NULL
    key$col <- do.call(colHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z = key$at[-1], zlim=range(key$at),
        ref = key$at[-1])))
    key$alpha <- NULL
    key$alpha.regions <- NULL
    draw.colorkey(key, draw, vp)


draw.zcasePlotKey <- function (key = NULL, draw = FALSE, vp = NULL, ...) 
    extra.args <- list(...)

    if (!is.list(key)) {
        warning("suspect key ignored", call. = FALSE)

#new version 0.2.28
#test for turning off zcase key if only one colour set
#only currently applied by stackPlot as a ycases argument
#overridden there using force.key = TRUE

    if("zcases.key.method2" %in% names(key) && key$zcases.key.method2)
        if("col" %in% names(key) && length(key$col)<2)

#new version 0.2.43
#change to handling labs     
    if (!"zcase.ids" %in% names(key)) {
        key$zcase.ids <- "z"
    if ("zcaselab" %in% names(key)) {
        key$zcases.main <- key$zcaselab

    #taken from draw.loaPlotZKey
    #could simplify this

    z.main <- nullGrob()
    z.main.ht <- unit(0.01, "cm")
    zcases.main.ht <- z.main.ht
    zcases.main.wd <- z.main.ht
    zcases.elements <- z.main
    zcases.elements.ht <- z.main.ht
    zcases.elements.wd <- z.main.ht
    zcases.labels <- z.main
    zcases.labels.ht <- z.main.ht
    zcases.labels.wd <- z.main.ht

    temp <- key$panel.elements
    z.check <- if (is.null(temp)) 
    else if ("z" %in% temp) 
    else FALSE
    z.check <- FALSE

    z <-list()

#this is where zcases starts
#in the original code

    zcases.temp <- key[grep("^zcases[.]", names(key))]
    names(zcases.temp) <- gsub("^zcases[.]", "", names(zcases.temp))
    zcases <- if (!"zcases" %in% names(key)) 
    else if (is.list(key$zcases)) 
    else if (is.logical(key$zcases) && key$zcases) 
    else FALSE

    zcases <- if (is.logical(zcases) && !zcases) 
    else if (is.list(zcases)) 
        listUpdate(zcases, zcases.temp)
    else zcases.temp
    if (is.list(zcases) && !"at" %in% names(zcases)) 
        zcases$at <- key$zcase.ids
    if (is.list(zcases) && length(zcases) > 0) {

#could simplify this
#currently needs 
#key.zcases.main to reset name
#but key.main should be enough

        if (!"main" %in% names(zcases)) 
            zcases$main <- "zcases"
        if (!"labels" %in% names(zcases)) 
            zcases$labels <- if (is.null(zcases$at)) 
            else as.character(zcases$at)

        zcases$col <- if ("col" %in% names(key)) 
            else if (is.null(z$col)) 
                do.call(colHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z = NULL, 
                  ref = 1:length(zcases$labels))))
            else z$col[1]

#might not track if multiple cols are set 
#not zcases as set.
        zcases$border <- if("border" %in% names(key))
                    key$border else 

#        if (!"cex" %in% names(zcases)) 
#            zcases$cex <- if ("cex" %in% key$zcase.args) 
#                key$cex
#            else if (is.null(z$cex)) 
#                do.call(cexHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z = NULL, 
#                  ref = 1:length(zcases$labels))))
#            else z$cex[1]

#        if (!"pch" %in% names(zcases)) 
#            zcases$pch <- if ("pch" %in% key$zcase.args) 
#                key$pch
#            else if (is.null(z$pch)) 
#                do.call(pchHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z = NULL, 
#                  ref = 1:length(zcases$labels))))
#            else z$pch[1]

         #don't need these


        if (isGood4LOA(zcases$main)) {

#temp fix
#txt <- zcases$main[[1]][[1]]

            txt <- if (is.list(zcases$main)) 
                       zcases$main[[1]] else zcases$main

#to catch expressions as main
#could simply/merge 
#this and next bit
            temp <- if (is.list(zcases$main)) 
                listUpdate(list(cex = 1.1), zcases$main)
            else list(cex = 1.1)
            txt.settings <- getPlotArgs("axis.text", user.resets = temp)
            zcases.main <- textGrob(txt, gp = do.call(gpar, txt.settings))
            zcases.main.ht <- unit(2, "grobheight", data = list(zcases.main))
            zcases.main.wd <- unit(1.1, "grobwidth", data = list(zcases.main))
        if (isGood4LOA(zcases$col) & isGood4LOA(zcases$cex) & 
            isGood4LOA(zcases$pch)) {

            len <- length(key$zcase.ids)

            temp <- rep(zcases$cex, length.out = len) * 0.8
            y <- rep(temp/2, each = 2)
            y <- y + 0.5
            if (isGood4LOA(zcases$labels)) {
                y[y < 1] <- 1
            ht <- sum(y)
            y <- cumsum(y)
            y <- y[seq(1, length(y), 2)]/ht
            x <- rep(0.5, length(y))

#this should be tidied

             x1 <- rep(c(0.2, 0.2, 0.8, 0.8), len)
             y1 <- rep(c(0.2, 0.8, 0.8, 0.2), len)
             y1 <- y1 + rep(0:(len-1), each=4)
             y1 <- y1/(max(y1)+0.2)

            zcases.elements <- polygonGrob(x = x1, y = y1,
                  default.units = "npc", gp = gpar(fill = rep(zcases$col, 
                  length.out = len), col =rep(zcases$border, len)))

#            zcases.elements <- pointsGrob(x = x, y = y, pch = rep(zcases$pch, 
#                length.out = len), size = unit(par("cex"), "char"), 
#                default.units = "npc", gp = gpar(col = rep(zcases$col, 
#                  length.out = len), cex = temp * 0.8))

            zcases.elements.ht <- unit(ht/4, "cm")
            zcases.elements.wd <- unit(max(zcases$cex)/4, "cm")

        if (isGood4LOA(zcases$labels)) {
            txt <- if (is.list(zcases$labels)) 
            else zcases$labels
            temp <- if (is.list(zcases$labels)) 
                listUpdate(list(cex = 1), zcases$labels)
            else list(cex = 1)
            txt.settings <- getPlotArgs("axis.text", user.resets = temp)
            zcases.labels <- textGrob(txt, x = 0, y = y, just = c("left", 
                "centre"), gp = do.call(gpar, txt.settings), 
                default.units = "npc")
            zcases.labels.ht <- unit(1.1, "grobheight", data = list(zcases.labels))
            zcases.labels.wd <- unit(1.1, "grobwidth", data = list(zcases.labels))

    scales.ht <- unit.c(zcases.main.ht, zcases.elements.ht)

    temp1 <- max(zcases.elements.wd)
    temp2 <- max(zcases.labels.wd)
    temp3 <- max(zcases.main.wd)
    if (as.numeric(convertX(temp1 + temp2, "cm")) > as.numeric(convertX(temp3, 
        "cm"))) {
        scales.wd <- unit.c(temp1, temp2)
    else {
        scales.wd <- unit.c(temp1, temp3 - temp2)
    key.layout <- grid.layout(nrow = 2, ncol = 2, heights = scales.ht, 
        widths = scales.wd, respect = TRUE, just = "right")
    key.gf <- frameGrob(layout = key.layout, vp = vp)
    key.gf <- placeGrob(key.gf, zcases.main, row = 1, col = 1:2)
    key.gf <- placeGrob(key.gf, zcases.elements, row = 2, col = 1)
    key.gf <- placeGrob(key.gf, zcases.labels, row = 2, col = 2)


draw.ycasePlotKey <- function (key = NULL, draw = FALSE, vp = NULL, ...) 
    extra.args <- list(...)

    if (!is.list(key)) {
        warning("suspect key ignored", call. = FALSE)

#new to version 0.2.28
#test for turning off key if only one colour set
#only currently applied by stackPlot 
#overridden there using force.key = TRUE

    if("ycase.key.method2" %in% names(key) && key$ycase.key.method2)
        if("col" %in% names(key) && length(key$col)<2)

    if(!"ycases.main" %in% names(key))
        key$ycases.main <- "ycases"

#new to version 0.2.43
#change of ycase label handling
    if ("ycaselab" %in% names(key)) {
        key$ycases.main <- key$ycaselab

    #cheat to use zcasePlot for ycases
    names(key) <- gsub("ycases", "zcases", names(key))
    names(extra.args) <- gsub("ycases", "zcases", names(extra.args))
    do.call(draw.zcasePlotKey, listUpdate(list(key = key, draw = draw, vp = vp), extra.args))  


draw.loaPlotZKey <- function (key = NULL, draw = FALSE, vp = NULL, ...){


    #key is args from key

#the key.z.labels does not seem to track properly
#need to fix this

    extra.args <- list(...) 

    #check key useable
    if (!is.list(key)){ 
        warning("suspect key ignored", call. = FALSE)

###pch not tracked if set in call 
###but not a group.arg

#wrap long zlabs if you can
   if("zlab" %in% names(key)){
            key$zlab <- paste(strwrap(key$zlab, 20), collapse = "\n")

#might not need some of these

    #default key components
    z.main <- nullGrob() 
    z.main.ht <- unit(0.01, "cm")
    z.main.wd <- z.main.ht
    z.elements <- z.main 
    z.elements.ht <- z.main.ht
    z.elements.wd <- z.main.ht
    z.labels <- z.main 
    z.labels.ht <- z.main.ht
    z.labels.wd <- z.main.ht

    groups.main <- z.main 
    groups.main.ht <- z.main.ht
    groups.main.wd <- z.main.ht
    groups.elements <- z.main 
    groups.elements.ht <- z.main.ht
    groups.elements.wd <- z.main.ht
    groups.labels <- z.main 
    groups.labels.ht <- z.main.ht
    groups.labels.wd <- z.main.ht

    zcases.main <- z.main 
    zcases.main.ht <- z.main.ht
    zcases.main.wd <- z.main.ht
    zcases.elements <- z.main 
    zcases.elements.ht <- z.main.ht
    zcases.elements.wd <- z.main.ht
    zcases.labels <- z.main 
    zcases.labels.ht <- z.main.ht
    zcases.labels.wd <- z.main.ht

    #check for z
    temp <- key$panel.elements
    z.check <- if(is.null(temp)) FALSE else 
                  if("z" %in% temp) TRUE else FALSE

    #check for z info
    z.temp <- key[grep("^z[.]", names(key))]
    names(z.temp) <- gsub("^z[.]", "", names(z.temp))
    #make z from inputs
    z <- if(!"z" %in% names(key)) list() else
             if(is.list(key$z)) key$z else 
                 if(is.logical(key$z) && key$z) list() else 
    z <- if(is.logical(z) && !z) z else
             if(is.list(z)) listUpdate(z, z.temp) else z.temp  

    #add at if list and at not there 
    if(is.list(z) && !"at" %in% names(z))
        z$at <- if(is.null(key$zlim))
                    NULL else {
                       temp <- pretty(key$zlim,
                                      if(is.null(z$n.ticks)) 5 else z$n.ticks)
                       temp[temp >= min(key$zlim) & temp <= max(key$zlim)]

if(is.list(z) && length(z) > 0){

    #text if plot controls have been transposed
    #if so warning that these may not map on key

    temp <- c("col", "pch", "cex")
    check.trans <- temp[temp %in% key$panel.elements]
        warning(paste(check.trans, collapse=", "), 
                " transposed; key may not automatically track", call. = FALSE)

        temp.fun <- function(x, d=key){
                        if(paste(x, "lim", sep="") %in% names(d)) return(d[[paste(x, "lim", sep="")]][1])
                        if(paste(x, "unique", sep="") %in% names(d)) return(d[[paste(x, "unique", sep="")]][1])
        temp <- lapply(check.trans, temp.fun)
        names(temp) <- check.trans 

#this might trip up if col suppled by user as key arg
#not sure because has to be in group.elements

        z <- listUpdate(z, temp)

    if(!"main" %in% names(z))
         z$main <- key$zlab
    if(!"labels" %in% names(z))
         z$labels <- if(is.null(z$at)) NULL else as.character(z$at)

    if(!"col" %in% names(z)){
         test <- if("group.ids" %in% names(key) && "col" %in% names(key)) TRUE else
                     if("zcase.ids" %in% names(key) && "col" %in% names(key)) TRUE else FALSE
         z$col <- if(test){
                      temp <- key$col
                      temp <- temp[ceiling(length(temp)/2)]
                      do.call(colHandler, listUpdate(key, list(col=temp, ref = 1:length(z$at)))) 
                  } else {
                      if("at" %in% names(z))
                          do.call(colHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z=z$at, ref=1:length(z$at)))) else

    if(!"cex" %in% names(z)){
         test <- if("group.ids" %in% names(key) && "cex" %in% names(key)) TRUE else
                     if("zcase.ids" %in% names(key) && "cex" %in% names(key)) TRUE else FALSE
         z$cex <- if(test){
                      temp <- key$cex
                      temp <- temp[ceiling(length(temp)/2)]
                      do.call(cexHandler, listUpdate(key, list(cex=temp, ref = 1:length(z$at)))) 
                  } else {
                      if("at" %in% names(z))
                          do.call(cexHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z=z$at, ref=1:length(z$at)))) else

    if(!"pch" %in% names(z)){
         test <- if("group.ids" %in% names(key) && "pch" %in% names(key)) TRUE else
                     if("zcase.ids" %in% names(key) && "pch" %in% names(key)) TRUE else FALSE
         z$pch <- if(test){
                      temp <- key$pch
                      temp <- temp[ceiling(length(temp)/2)]
                      do.call(pchHandler, listUpdate(key, list(pch=temp, ref = 1:length(z$at)))) 
                  } else {
                      if("at" %in% names(z))
                          do.call(pchHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z=NULL, ref=1:length(z$at)))) else

    #handle character vector or list
#temp fix
#as above
#        txt <- z$main[[1]][[1]]
        txt <- if(is.list(z$main)) z$main[[1]] else z$main

        temp <- if(is.list(z$main))
                listUpdate(list(cex = 1.1), z$main) else list(cex = 1.1)
        txt.settings <- getPlotArgs("axis.text", user.resets = temp)
        z.main <- textGrob(txt, gp = do.call(gpar, txt.settings))
        z.main.ht <- unit(2, "grobheight", data = list(z.main))
        z.main.wd <- unit(1.1, "grobwidth", data = list(z.main))

    if(isGood4LOA(z$col) & isGood4LOA(z$cex) & isGood4LOA(z$pch)){

        len <- max(c(length(z$cex), length(z$col), length(z$pch)))
        temp <- rep(z$cex, length.out=len) * 0.8
        y <- rep(temp/2, each=2) 
        y <- y + 0.5
            y[y<1] <- 1 #reset for small columns
        ht <- sum(y)
        y <- cumsum(y)
        y <- y[seq(1, length(y), 2)] / ht 
        x <- rep(0.5, length(y))       

#some of this might not be needed

        z.elements <- pointsGrob(x = x, y = y, pch=rep(z$pch, length.out = len), size = unit(par("cex"), "char"), 
                                 default.units = "npc", gp = gpar(col = rep(z$col, length.out = len), 

        z.elements.ht <- unit(ht/4, "cm")
        z.elements.wd <- unit(max(z$cex)/4, "cm")



#tidy next bit latter
#if.list about txt and temp setting

#update pchHandler
#rescale cex
#rescale spacing when cex small
#in elements
#transpose check
#group main, element, labels

        txt <- if(is.list(z$labels)) z$labels[[1]] else z$labels
        temp <- if(is.list(z$labels))
                listUpdate(list(cex = 1), z$labels) else list(cex = 1)
        txt.settings <- getPlotArgs("axis.text", user.resets = temp)
        z.labels <- textGrob(txt, x = 0, y = y, just = c("left", "centre"), 
                             gp = do.call(gpar, txt.settings), default.units = "npc")
        z.labels.ht <- unit(1.1, "grobheight", data=list(z.labels))
        z.labels.wd <- unit(1.1, "grobwidth", data=list(z.labels))



#groups info

#groups pch and cex missing
#if z not set

    #check for groups info
    groups.temp <- key[grep("^groups[.]", names(key))]
    names(groups.temp) <- gsub("^groups[.]", "", names(groups.temp))
    #make groups from inputs
    groups <- if(!"groups" %in% names(key)) list() else
                  if(is.list(key$groups)) key$groups else 
                      if(is.logical(key$groups) && key$groups) list() else 
    groups <- if(is.logical(groups) && !groups) groups else
                  if(is.list(groups)) listUpdate(groups, groups.temp) else groups.temp  

    #add labels if list and at not there 
    if(is.list(groups) && !"at" %in% names(groups))
        groups$at <- key$group.ids

if(is.list(groups) && length(groups) > 0){

    if(!"main" %in% names(groups))
         groups$main <- "groups"
    if(!"labels" %in% names(groups))
         groups$labels <- if(is.null(groups$at)) NULL else as.character(groups$at)

    if(!"col" %in% names(groups)) 
         groups$col <- if("col" %in% key$group.args) 
                           do.call(colHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z = NULL, 
                                                          ref = 1:length(key$col)))) 
                               else if(is.null(z$col))
                                   do.call(colHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z=NULL, ref=1:length(groups$labels)))) else
    if(!"cex" %in% names(groups)) 
         groups$cex <- if("cex" %in% key$group.args) 
                           key$cex else if(is.null(z$cex))
                               do.call(cexHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z=NULL, ref=1:length(groups$labels)))) else
    if(!"pch" %in% names(groups)) 
         groups$pch <- if("pch" %in% key$group.args) 
                           key$pch else if(is.null(z$pch))
                               do.call(pchHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z=NULL, ref=1:length(groups$labels)))) else

    #handle character vector or list
        txt <- groups$main[[1]][[1]]
        temp <- if(is.list(groups$main))
                listUpdate(list(cex = 1.1), groups$main) else list(cex = 1.1)
        txt.settings <- getPlotArgs("axis.text", user.resets = temp)
        groups.main <- textGrob(txt, gp = do.call(gpar, txt.settings))
        groups.main.ht <- unit(2, "grobheight", data = list(groups.main))
        groups.main.wd <- unit(1.1, "grobwidth", data = list(groups.main))

    if(isGood4LOA(groups$col) & isGood4LOA(groups$cex) & isGood4LOA(groups$pch)){

        len <- max(c(length(groups$cex), length(groups$col), length(groups$pch)))
        temp <- rep(groups$cex, length.out=len) * 0.8
        y <- rep(temp/2, each=2) 
        y <- y + 0.5
            y[y<1] <- 1 #reset for small columns
        ht <- sum(y)
        y <- cumsum(y)
        y <- y[seq(1, length(y), 2)] / ht 
        x <- rep(0.5, length(y))       

#some of this might not be needed

        groups.elements <- pointsGrob(x = x, y = y, pch=rep(groups$pch, length.out = len), size = unit(par("cex"), "char"), 
                                 default.units = "npc", gp = gpar(col = rep(groups$col, length.out = len), 

        groups.elements.ht <- unit(ht/4, "cm")
        groups.elements.wd <- unit(max(groups$cex)/4, "cm")



#tidy next bit latter
#if.list about txt and temp setting

#update pchHandler
#rescale cex
#rescale spacing when cex small
#in elements
#transpose check
#group main, element, labels

        txt <- if(is.list(groups$labels)) groups$labels[[1]] else groups$labels
        temp <- if(is.list(groups$labels))
                listUpdate(list(cex = 1), groups$labels) else list(cex = 1)
        txt.settings <- getPlotArgs("axis.text", user.resets = temp)
        groups.labels <- textGrob(txt, x = 0, y = y, just = c("left", "centre"), 
                             gp = do.call(gpar, txt.settings), default.units = "npc")
        groups.labels.ht <- unit(1.1, "grobheight", data=list(groups.labels))
        groups.labels.wd <- unit(1.1, "grobwidth", data=list(groups.labels))





#zcases info

#zcase pch and cex missing
#if z not set

    #check for zcases info
    zcases.temp <- key[grep("^zcases[.]", names(key))]
    names(zcases.temp) <- gsub("^zcases[.]", "", names(zcases.temp))
    #make zcases from inputs
    zcases <- if(!"zcases" %in% names(key)) list() else
                  if(is.list(key$zcases)) key$zcases else 
                      if(is.logical(key$zcases) && key$zcases) list() else 
    zcases <- if(is.logical(zcases) && !zcases) zcases else
                  if(is.list(zcases)) listUpdate(zcases, zcases.temp) else zcases.temp  

    #add labels if list and at not there 
    if(is.list(zcases) && !"at" %in% names(zcases))
        zcases$at <- key$zcase.ids

if(is.list(zcases) && length(zcases) > 0){

    if(!"main" %in% names(zcases))
         zcases$main <- "zcases"
    if(!"labels" %in% names(zcases))
         zcases$labels <- if(is.null(zcases$at)) NULL else as.character(zcases$at)

    if(!"col" %in% names(zcases)) 
         zcases$col <- if("col" %in% key$zcase.args) 
                           do.call(colHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z = NULL, 
                                                          ref = 1:length(key$col)))) 
                               else if(is.null(z$col))
                                   do.call(colHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z=NULL, ref=1:length(zcases$labels)))) else
    if(!"cex" %in% names(zcases)) 
         zcases$cex <- if("cex" %in% key$zcase.args) 
                           key$cex else if(is.null(z$cex))
                               do.call(cexHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z=NULL, ref=1:length(zcases$labels)))) else
    if(!"pch" %in% names(zcases)) 
         zcases$pch <- if("pch" %in% key$zcase.args) 
                           key$pch else if(is.null(z$pch))
                               do.call(pchHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z=NULL, ref=1:length(zcases$labels)))) else

    #handle character vector or list
        txt <- zcases$main[[1]][[1]]
        temp <- if(is.list(zcases$main))
                listUpdate(list(cex = 1.1), zcases$main) else list(cex = 1.1)
        txt.settings <- getPlotArgs("axis.text", user.resets = temp)
        zcases.main <- textGrob(txt, gp = do.call(gpar, txt.settings))
        zcases.main.ht <- unit(2, "grobheight", data = list(zcases.main))
        zcases.main.wd <- unit(1.1, "grobwidth", data = list(zcases.main))

    if(isGood4LOA(zcases$col) & isGood4LOA(zcases$cex) & isGood4LOA(zcases$pch)){

        len <- max(c(length(zcases$cex), length(zcases$col), length(zcases$pch)))
        temp <- rep(zcases$cex, length.out=len) * 0.8
        y <- rep(temp/2, each=2) 
        y <- y + 0.5
            y[y<1] <- 1 #reset for small columns
        ht <- sum(y)
        y <- cumsum(y)
        y <- y[seq(1, length(y), 2)] / ht 
        x <- rep(0.5, length(y))       

#some of this might not be needed

        zcases.elements <- pointsGrob(x = x, y = y, pch=rep(zcases$pch, length.out = len), size = unit(par("cex"), "char"), 
                                 default.units = "npc", gp = gpar(col = rep(zcases$col, length.out = len), 

        zcases.elements.ht <- unit(ht/4, "cm")
        zcases.elements.wd <- unit(max(zcases$cex)/4, "cm")



#tidy next bit latter
#if.list about txt and temp setting

#update pchHandler
#rescale cex
#rescale spacing when cex small
#in elements
#transpose check
#group main, element, labels

        txt <- if(is.list(zcases$labels)) zcases$labels[[1]] else zcases$labels
        temp <- if(is.list(zcases$labels))
                listUpdate(list(cex = 1), zcases$labels) else list(cex = 1)
        txt.settings <- getPlotArgs("axis.text", user.resets = temp)
        zcases.labels <- textGrob(txt, x = 0, y = y, just = c("left", "centre"), 
                             gp = do.call(gpar, txt.settings), default.units = "npc")
        zcases.labels.ht <- unit(1.1, "grobheight", data=list(zcases.labels))
        zcases.labels.wd <- unit(1.1, "grobwidth", data=list(zcases.labels))





    #key output

    scales.ht <- unit.c(z.main.ht, z.elements.ht, groups.main.ht, groups.elements.ht, zcases.main.ht, zcases.elements.ht)

#this needs fixing
#wd need to know all

    temp1 <- max(z.elements.wd, groups.elements.wd, zcases.elements.wd) 
    temp2 <- max(z.labels.wd, groups.labels.wd, zcases.labels.wd)    
    temp3 <- max(z.main.wd, groups.main.wd, zcases.main.wd)
    if(as.numeric(convertX(temp1 + temp2, "cm")) > as.numeric(convertX(temp3, "cm"))){
        scales.wd <- unit.c(temp1, temp2)
    } else {
#testing changes - temp2 to - temp1
        scales.wd <- unit.c(temp1, temp3 - temp1)
###    scales.wd <- unit.c(z.elements.wd, z.labels.wd)

    key.layout <- grid.layout(nrow = 6, ncol = 2,
                              heights = scales.ht, 
                              widths = scales.wd, 
                              respect = TRUE, just="right")
    key.gf <- frameGrob(layout = key.layout, vp = vp)

    key.gf <- placeGrob(key.gf, z.main, row = 1, col = 1:2)
    key.gf <- placeGrob(key.gf, z.elements, row = 2, col = 1)
    key.gf <- placeGrob(key.gf, z.labels, row = 2, col = 2)

    key.gf <- placeGrob(key.gf, groups.main, row = 3, col = 1:2)
    key.gf <- placeGrob(key.gf, groups.elements, row = 4, col = 1)
    key.gf <- placeGrob(key.gf, groups.labels, row = 4, col = 2)

    key.gf <- placeGrob(key.gf, zcases.main, row = 5, col = 1:2)
    key.gf <- placeGrob(key.gf, zcases.elements, row = 6, col = 1)
    key.gf <- placeGrob(key.gf, zcases.labels, row = 6, col = 2)



#temp keys

draw.key.log10 <- function (key = NULL, draw = FALSE, vp = NULL, ...) {
    if (!"at" %in% names(key))
        key$at <- seq(min(key$zlim), max(key$zlim), length.out = 100)
   ticks <- if("tick.number" %in% names(key))
                     key$tick.number else 5
    if(!"labels" %in% names(key)){
        temp <- logTicks(10^c(min(key$zlim), max(key$zlim)), 1:9)
        temp <- temp[log10(temp)>=min(key$at) & log10(temp)<=max(key$at)]
        key$labels$at <- log10(temp)
        temp2 <- logTicks(10^c(min(key$zlim), max(key$zlim)), 1)
        key$labels$labels <- ifelse(temp %in% temp2, temp, "")
   draw.loaColorKey(key = key, draw = draw, vp = vp, ...) }

draw.groupPlotKey <- function (key = NULL, draw = FALSE, vp = NULL, ...) 

#this will need more work
#don't think extra.args ever contains anything
#this falls over if col and group.ids are not same length
#     this happens because factor cases are missing from a factor

    extra.args <- list(...)

#this need grid:::nullGrob() to run in workspace

    if (!is.list(key)) {
        warning("suspect key ignored", call. = FALSE)

    #nothing to plot
    if(!"group.ids" %in% names(key)) return(nullGrob())

    temp <- listUpdate(list(space="right", adj=1), key, use=c("space", "adj"))
    temp$zcases.main = if("main" %in% names(key))
                          key$main else "groups"
    temp$zcase.ids <- as.character(key$group.ids)
    temp$col <- key$col
    do.call(draw.zcasePlotKey, listUpdate(list(key = temp, draw = draw, vp = vp), extra.args))  


draw.loaKey02 <- function (key = NULL, draw = FALSE, vp = NULL, ...){
    #key is args from key
    #the key.z.labels does not seem to track properly
    #need to fix this
    extra.args <- list(...) 
    extra.args$type <- gsub("b", "lp", extra.args$type)
    key$type <- gsub("b", "lp", key$type)

#print("up front")        

    #check key useable
    if (!is.list(key)){ 
        warning("suspect key ignored", call. = FALSE)
    ###pch not tracked if set in call 
    ###but not a group.arg
    #wrap long zlabs if you can
    if("zlab" %in% names(key)){
            key$zlab <- paste(strwrap(key$zlab, 20), collapse = "\n")
    #might not need some of these
    #default key components
    z.main <- nullGrob() 
    z.main.ht <- unit(0.01, "cm")
    z.main.wd <- z.main.ht
    z.elements <- z.main 
    z.elements.ht <- z.main.ht
    z.elements.wd <- z.main.ht
    z.labels <- z.main 
    z.labels.ht <- z.main.ht
    z.labels.wd <- z.main.ht
    groups.main <- z.main 
    groups.main.ht <- z.main.ht
    groups.main.wd <- z.main.ht
    groups.elements <- z.main 
    groups.elements.ht <- z.main.ht
    groups.elements.wd <- z.main.ht
    groups.labels <- z.main 
    groups.labels.ht <- z.main.ht
    groups.labels.wd <- z.main.ht
    zcases.main <- z.main 
    zcases.main.ht <- z.main.ht
    zcases.main.wd <- z.main.ht
    zcases.elements <- z.main 
    zcases.elements.ht <- z.main.ht
    zcases.elements.wd <- z.main.ht
    zcases.labels <- z.main 
    zcases.labels.ht <- z.main.ht
    zcases.labels.wd <- z.main.ht
    #check for z
    temp <- key$panel.elements
    z.check <- if(is.null(temp)) FALSE else 
        if("z" %in% temp) TRUE else FALSE
    #check for z info
    z.temp <- key[grep("^z[.]", names(key))]
    names(z.temp) <- gsub("^z[.]", "", names(z.temp))
    #make z from inputs
    z <- if(!"z" %in% names(key)) list() else
        if(is.list(key$z)) key$z else 
            if(is.logical(key$z) && key$z) list() else 
    z <- if(is.logical(z) && !z) z else
        if(is.list(z)) listUpdate(z, z.temp) else z.temp  
    #add at if list and at not there 
    if(is.list(z) && !"at" %in% names(z))
        z$at <- if(is.null(key$zlim))
            NULL else {
                temp <- pretty(key$zlim,
                               if(is.null(z$n.ticks)) 5 else z$n.ticks)
                temp[temp >= min(key$zlim) & temp <= max(key$zlim)]
    if(is.list(z) && length(z) > 0){
#tests don't happen if z is missing
#so if only using group...
        #text if plot controls have been transposed
        #if so warning that these may not map on key
        temp <- c("col", "pch", "cex",
                  "lty", "lwd")
        check.trans <- temp[temp %in% key$panel.elements]
            warning(paste(check.trans, collapse=", "), 
                    " transposed; key may not automatically track", call. = FALSE)
            temp.fun <- function(x, d=key){
                if(paste(x, "lim", sep="") %in% names(d)) return(d[[paste(x, "lim", sep="")]][1])
                if(paste(x, "unique", sep="") %in% names(d)) return(d[[paste(x, "unique", sep="")]][1])
            temp <- lapply(check.trans, temp.fun)
            names(temp) <- check.trans 
            #this might trip up if col supplied by user as key arg
            #not sure because has to be in group.elements
            z <- listUpdate(z, temp)
        if(!"main" %in% names(z))
            z$main <- key$zlab
        if(!"labels" %in% names(z))
            z$labels <- if(is.null(z$at)) NULL else as.character(z$at)
        if(!"col" %in% names(z)){
            test <- if("group.ids" %in% names(key) && "col" %in% names(key)) TRUE else
                if("zcase.ids" %in% names(key) && "col" %in% names(key)) TRUE else FALSE
            z$col <- if(test){
                temp <- key$col
                temp <- temp[ceiling(length(temp)/2)]
                do.call(colHandler, listUpdate(key, list(col=temp, ref = 1:length(z$at)))) 
            } else {
                if("at" %in% names(z))
                    do.call(colHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z=z$at, ref=1:length(z$at)))) else
        z$col <- rep(z$col, length.out=length(z$labels))
        #check above
        if(!"cex" %in% names(z)){
            test <- if("group.ids" %in% names(key) && "cex" %in% names(key)) TRUE else
                if("zcase.ids" %in% names(key) && "cex" %in% names(key)) TRUE else FALSE
            z$cex <- if(test){
                temp <- key$cex
                temp <- temp[ceiling(length(temp)/2)]
                do.call(cexHandler, listUpdate(key, list(cex=temp, ref = 1:length(z$at)))) 
            } else {
                if("at" %in% names(z))
                    do.call(cexHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z=z$at, ref=1:length(z$at)))) else
        z$cex <- rep(z$cex, length.out=length(z$labels))
        #check above
        if(!"pch" %in% names(z)){
            test <- if("group.ids" %in% names(key) && "pch" %in% names(key)) TRUE else
                if("zcase.ids" %in% names(key) && "pch" %in% names(key)) TRUE else FALSE
            z$pch <- if(test){
                temp <- key$pch
                temp <- temp[ceiling(length(temp)/2)]
                do.call(pchHandler, listUpdate(key, list(pch=temp, ref = 1:length(z$at)))) 
            } else {
                if("at" %in% names(z))
                    do.call(pchHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z=NULL, ref=1:length(z$at)))) else
        z$pch <- rep(z$pch, length.out=length(z$labels))
        #check above
        if(!"lty" %in% names(z)){
            test <- if("group.ids" %in% names(key) && "lty" %in% names(key)) TRUE else
                if("zcase.ids" %in% names(key) && "lty" %in% names(key)) TRUE else FALSE
            z$lty <- if(test){
                temp <- key$lty
                temp <- temp[ceiling(length(temp)/2)]
                do.call(zHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z=temp, ref = 1:length(z$at)))) 
            } else {
                if("at" %in% names(z))
                    do.call(zHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z=1, ref=1:length(z$at)))) else
        z$lty <- rep(z$lty, length.out=length(z$labels))
        #check above

        if(!"lwd" %in% names(z)){
            test <- if("group.ids" %in% names(key) && "lwd" %in% names(key)) TRUE else
                if("zcase.ids" %in% names(key) && "lwd" %in% names(key)) TRUE else FALSE
            z$lwd <- if(test){
                temp <- key$lwd
                temp <- temp[ceiling(length(temp)/2)]
                do.call(zHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z=temp, ref = 1:length(z$at)))) 
            } else {
                if("at" %in% names(z))
                    do.call(zHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z=1, ref=1:length(z$at)))) else
        z$lwd <- rep(z$lwd, length.out=length(z$labels))
        #check above
            #handle character vector or list
            #temp fix
            #as above
            #        txt <- z$main[[1]][[1]]
            txt <- if(is.list(z$main)) z$main[[1]] else z$main
            temp <- if(is.list(z$main))
                listUpdate(list(cex = 1.1), z$main) else list(cex = 1.1)
            txt.settings <- getPlotArgs("axis.text", user.resets = temp)
            z.main <- textGrob(txt, gp = do.call(gpar, txt.settings))
            z.main.ht <- unit(2, "grobheight", data = list(z.main))
            z.main.wd <- unit(1.1, "grobwidth", data = list(z.main))
        if(isGood4LOA(z$col) & isGood4LOA(z$cex) & isGood4LOA(z$pch) & 
           isGood4LOA(z$lty) & isGood4LOA(z$lwd)){
            len <- max(c(length(z$cex), length(z$col), length(z$pch),
                         length(z$lwd), length(z$lty)), na.rm=TRUE)
            my.type <- rep(key$type, length.out=length(z$labels))
            pnt.ref <- grepl("p", my.type)
            my.cex <- z$cex
            my.cex[!pnt.ref] <- 0
            my.y <- (rep(my.cex/2, each=2)) #* 0.8
            my.y[my.y<1] <-1
            wdth <- max(my.cex, na.rm=TRUE)
# print(my.y)
# print(wdth)
            lne.ref <- grepl("l", my.type)
            lne.lty <- z$lty
            lne.lty[!lne.ref] <- 0
            temp <- ifelse(is.na(lne.lty), 0, lne.lty * 0.1)
            temp <- rep(temp, each=2)
            my.y <- ifelse(my.y>temp, my.y, temp)
            if(any(lne.ref)) wdth <- wdth + 2
# print(my.y)
# print(lne.lty)
            h.ref <- grepl("h", my.type)
            h.lty <- z$lty
            h.lty[!h.ref] <- 0
            temp <- ifelse(is.na(h.lty) || h.lty==0, 0, 1.5)
# print("this")
# print(temp)
            my.y[seq(1, length(my.y), by=2)] <- my.y[seq(1, length(my.y), by=2)] + temp
# print(my.y)
# print(wdth)
            my.y[my.y<0.5] <- 0.5
            if(any(h.ref) & wdth<1) wdth <- 1
# print(my.y)
            my.y <- my.y
            ht <- sum(my.y)
            y <- cumsum(my.y)
            y.2 <- y[seq(2, length(y), 2)]
            y.2 <- c(0, y.2[-length(y.2)])/ ht
            y <- y[seq(1, length(y), 2)] / ht 
            x <- rep(0.5, length(y))       
            # print("in groups")
            # print(y)
            # print(my.y)
            #some of this might not be needed
            z.elements <- pointsGrob(x = x, y = y, pch=rep(z$pch, length.out = len), size = unit(par("cex"), "char"), 
                                          default.units = "npc", gp = gpar(col = rep(z$col, length.out = len), 
                                                                           cex=my.cex*0.8 * 0.8))
            z.el2 <- segmentsGrob(x0 = 0.1, x1 = 0.9, y0 = y, y1 = y,
                                    gp =gpar(col=z$col, lty=lne.lty, 
            z.el3 <- segmentsGrob(x0 = 0.5, x1 = 0.5, y0 = y, y1 = y.2,
                                    gp =gpar(col=z$col, lty=h.lty, 
            z.elements <- gTree(children = gList(z.elements, z.el2, z.el3))
            z.elements.ht <- unit(ht/4, "cm")
            z.elements.wd <- unit(wdth/4, "cm")
            #tidy next bit latter
            #if.list about txt and temp setting
            #update pchHandler
            #rescale cex
            #rescale spacing when cex small
            #in elements
            #transpose check
            #group main, element, labels
            txt <- if(is.list(z$labels)) z$labels[[1]] else z$labels
            temp <- if(is.list(z$labels))
                listUpdate(list(cex = 1), z$labels) else list(cex = 1)
            txt.settings <- getPlotArgs("axis.text", user.resets = temp)
            z.labels <- textGrob(txt, x = 0, y = y, just = c("left", "centre"), 
                                 gp = do.call(gpar, txt.settings), default.units = "npc")
            z.labels.ht <- unit(1.1, "grobheight", data=list(z.labels))
            z.labels.wd <- unit(1.1, "grobwidth", data=list(z.labels))
    #groups info
    #groups pch and cex missing
    #if z not set
    #check for groups info
    groups.temp <- key[grep("^groups[.]", names(key))]
    names(groups.temp) <- gsub("^groups[.]", "", names(groups.temp))
    #make groups from inputs
    groups <- if(!"groups" %in% names(key)) list() else
        if(is.list(key$groups)) key$groups else 
            if(is.logical(key$groups) && key$groups) list() else 
    groups <- if(is.logical(groups) && !groups) groups else
        if(is.list(groups)) listUpdate(groups, groups.temp) else groups.temp  
    #add labels if list and at not there 
    if(is.list(groups) && !"at" %in% names(groups))
        groups$at <- key$group.ids
    if(is.list(groups) && length(groups) > 0){
        if(!"main" %in% names(groups))
            groups$main <- "groups"
        if(!"labels" %in% names(groups))
            groups$labels <- if(is.null(groups$at)) NULL else as.character(groups$at)
        if(!"col" %in% names(groups)) 
            groups$col <- if("col" %in% key$group.args) 
                do.call(colHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z = NULL, 
                                                         ref = 1:length(key$col)))) 
        else if(is.null(z$col))
            do.call(colHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z=NULL, ref=1:length(groups$labels)))) else
        groups$col <- rep(groups$col, length.out=length(groups$labels))
        #check above
        if(!"cex" %in% names(groups)) 
            groups$cex <- if("cex" %in% key$group.args) 
                key$cex else if(is.null(z$cex))
                    do.call(cexHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z=NULL, ref=1:length(groups$labels)))) else
        groups$cex <- rep(groups$cex, length.out=length(groups$labels))
#check above
        if(!"pch" %in% names(groups)) 
            groups$pch <- if("pch" %in% key$group.args) 
                key$pch else if(is.null(z$pch))
                    do.call(pchHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z=NULL, ref=1:length(groups$labels)))) else
        groups$pch <- rep(groups$pch, length.out=length(groups$labels))
        #check above
        if(!"lwd" %in% names(groups)) 
            groups$lwd <- if("lwd" %in% key$group.args) 
                key$lwd else if(is.null(z$lwd))
                    do.call(zHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z=1, ref=1:length(groups$labels)))) else
                        rep(1, length(groups$labels))
        groups$lwd <- rep(groups$lwd, length.out=length(groups$labels))
        #check above
        if(!"lty" %in% names(groups)) 
            groups$lty <- if("lty" %in% key$group.args) 
                key$lty else if(is.null(z$lty))
                    do.call(zHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z=1, ref=1:length(groups$labels)))) else
                        rep(1, length(groups$labels))
        groups$lty <- rep(groups$lty, length.out=length(groups$labels))
        #check above

#print("pre groups")

            #handle character vector or list
            txt <- groups$main[[1]][[1]]
            temp <- if(is.list(groups$main))
                listUpdate(list(cex = 1.1), groups$main) else list(cex = 1.1)
            txt.settings <- getPlotArgs("axis.text", user.resets = temp)
            groups.main <- textGrob(txt, gp = do.call(gpar, txt.settings))
            groups.main.ht <- unit(2, "grobheight", data = list(groups.main))
            groups.main.wd <- unit(1.1, "grobwidth", data = list(groups.main))
        if(isGood4LOA(groups$col) & isGood4LOA(groups$cex) & isGood4LOA(groups$pch) 
           & isGood4LOA(groups$lwd) & isGood4LOA(groups$lty)){
            len <- max(c(length(groups$cex), length(groups$col), length(groups$pch),
                         length(groups$lwd), length(groups$lty)), na.rm=TRUE)
            my.type <- rep(key$type, length.out=length(groups$labels))
            pnt.ref <- grepl("p", my.type)
            my.cex <- groups$cex
            my.cex[!pnt.ref] <- 0
            my.y <- (rep(my.cex/2, each=2)) #* 0.8
            my.y[my.y<1] <-1
            wdth <- max(my.cex, na.rm=TRUE)
 #   print(my.y)
 #   print(wdth)
            lne.ref <- grepl("l", my.type)
            lne.lty <- groups$lty
            lne.lty[!lne.ref] <- 0
            temp <- ifelse(is.na(lne.lty), 0, lne.lty * 0.1)
            temp <- rep(temp, each=2)
            my.y <- ifelse(my.y>temp, my.y, temp)
            if(any(lne.ref)) wdth <- wdth + 2
 #   print(my.y)
 #   print(lne.lty)
        h.ref <- grepl("h", my.type)
        h.lty <- groups$lty
        h.lty[!h.ref] <- 0
        temp <- ifelse(is.na(h.lty) || h.lty==0, 0, 1.5)
 #   print("this")
 #   print(temp)
        my.y[seq(1, length(my.y), by=2)] <- my.y[seq(1, length(my.y), by=2)] + temp
 #   print(my.y)
 #   print(wdth)
        my.y[my.y<1] <- 1
        if(any(h.ref) & wdth<1) wdth <- 1
    ht <- sum(my.y)
    y <- cumsum(my.y)
    y.2 <- y[seq(2, length(y), 2)]
    y.2 <- c(0, y.2[-length(y.2)])/ ht
    y <- y[seq(1, length(y), 2)] / ht 
            x <- rep(0.5, length(y))       

# print("in groups")
# print(y)
# print(my.y)
            #some of this might not be needed
            groups.elements <- pointsGrob(x = x, y = y, pch=rep(groups$pch, length.out = len), size = unit(par("cex"), "char"), 
                                                                        default.units = "npc", gp = gpar(col = rep(groups$col, length.out = len), 
                                                                           cex=my.cex*0.8 * 0.8))
            grp.el2 <- segmentsGrob(x0 = 0.1, x1 = 0.9, y0 = y, y1 = y,
                                    gp =gpar(col=groups$col, lty=lne.lty, 
            grp.el3 <- segmentsGrob(x0 = 0.5, x1 = 0.5, y0 = y, y1 = y.2,
                                    gp =gpar(col=groups$col, lty=h.lty, 
            groups.elements <- gTree(children = gList(groups.elements, grp.el2, grp.el3))
            groups.elements.ht <- unit(ht/4, "cm")
            groups.elements.wd <- unit(wdth/4, "cm")
            #tidy next bit latter
            #if.list about txt and temp setting
            #update pchHandler
            #rescale cex
            #rescale spacing when cex small
            #in elements
            #transpose check
            #group main, element, labels
            txt <- if(is.list(groups$labels)) groups$labels[[1]] else groups$labels
            temp <- if(is.list(groups$labels))
                listUpdate(list(cex = 1), groups$labels) else list(cex = 1)
            txt.settings <- getPlotArgs("axis.text", user.resets = temp)
            groups.labels <- textGrob(txt, x = 0, y = y, just = c("left", "centre"), 
                                      gp = do.call(gpar, txt.settings), default.units = "npc")
            groups.labels.ht <- unit(1.1, "grobheight", data=list(groups.labels))
            groups.labels.wd <- unit(1.1, "grobwidth", data=list(groups.labels))
    #zcases info
    #zcase pch and cex missing
    #if z not set
    #check for zcases info
    zcases.temp <- key[grep("^zcases[.]", names(key))]
    names(zcases.temp) <- gsub("^zcases[.]", "", names(zcases.temp))
    #make zcases from inputs
    zcases <- if(!"zcases" %in% names(key)) list() else
        if(is.list(key$zcases)) key$zcases else 
            if(is.logical(key$zcases) && key$zcases) list() else 
    zcases <- if(is.logical(zcases) && !zcases) zcases else
        if(is.list(zcases)) listUpdate(zcases, zcases.temp) else zcases.temp  
    #add labels if list and at not there 
    if(is.list(zcases) && !"at" %in% names(zcases))
        zcases$at <- key$zcase.ids
    if(is.list(zcases) && length(zcases) > 0){
        if(!"main" %in% names(zcases))
            zcases$main <- "zcases"
        if(!"labels" %in% names(zcases))
            zcases$labels <- if(is.null(zcases$at)) NULL else as.character(zcases$at)
        if(!"col" %in% names(zcases)) 
            zcases$col <- if("col" %in% key$zcase.args) 
                do.call(colHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z = NULL, 
                                                         ref = 1:length(key$col)))) 
        else if(is.null(z$col))
            do.call(colHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z=NULL, ref=1:length(zcases$labels)))) else
        zcases$col <- rep(zcases$col, length.out=length(zcases$labels))
        #check above
        if(!"cex" %in% names(zcases)) 
            zcases$cex <- if("cex" %in% key$zcase.args) 
                key$cex else if(is.null(z$cex))
                    do.call(cexHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z=NULL, ref=1:length(zcases$labels)))) else
        zcases$cex <- rep(zcases$cex, length.out=length(zcases$labels))
        #check above
        if(!"pch" %in% names(zcases)) 
            zcases$pch <- if("pch" %in% key$zcase.args) 
                key$pch else if(is.null(z$pch))
                    do.call(pchHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z=NULL, ref=1:length(zcases$labels)))) else
        zcases$pch <- rep(zcases$pch, length.out=length(zcases$labels))
        #check above
        if(!"lty" %in% names(zcases)) 
            zcases$lty <- if("lty" %in% key$zcase.args) 
                key$lty else if(is.null(z$lty))
                    do.call(zHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z=1, ref=1:length(zcases$labels)))) else
        zcases$lty <- rep(zcases$lty, length.out=length(zcases$labels))
        #check above
        if(!"lwd" %in% names(zcases)) 
            zcases$lwd <- if("lwd" %in% key$zcase.args) 
                key$lwd else if(is.null(z$lwd))
                    do.call(zHandler, listUpdate(key, list(z=1, ref=1:length(zcases$labels)))) else
        zcases$lwd <- rep(zcases$lwd, length.out=length(zcases$labels))
        #check above
            #handle character vector or list
            txt <- zcases$main[[1]][[1]]
            temp <- if(is.list(zcases$main))
                listUpdate(list(cex = 1.1), zcases$main) else list(cex = 1.1)
            txt.settings <- getPlotArgs("axis.text", user.resets = temp)
            zcases.main <- textGrob(txt, gp = do.call(gpar, txt.settings))
            zcases.main.ht <- unit(2, "grobheight", data = list(zcases.main))
            zcases.main.wd <- unit(1.1, "grobwidth", data = list(zcases.main))
        if(isGood4LOA(zcases$col) & isGood4LOA(zcases$cex) & isGood4LOA(zcases$pch) &
           isGood4LOA(zcases$lty) & isGood4LOA(zcases$lwd)){

            len <- max(c(length(zcases$cex), length(zcases$col), length(zcases$pch),
                         length(zcases$lwd), length(zcases$lty)), na.rm=TRUE)
            my.type <- rep(key$type, length.out=length(zcases$labels))
            pnt.ref <- grepl("p", my.type)
            my.cex <- zcases$cex
            my.cex[!pnt.ref] <- 0
            my.y <- (rep(my.cex/2, each=2)) #* 0.8
            my.y[my.y<1] <-1
            wdth <- max(my.cex, na.rm=TRUE)
#            print(my.y)
#            print(wdth)
            lne.ref <- grepl("l", my.type)
            lne.lty <- zcases$lty
            lne.lty[!lne.ref] <- 0
            temp <- ifelse(is.na(lne.lty), 0, lne.lty * 0.1)
            temp <- rep(temp, each=2)
            my.y <- ifelse(my.y>temp, my.y, temp)
            if(any(lne.ref)) wdth <- wdth + 2
#            print(my.y)
#            print(lne.lty)
            h.ref <- grepl("h", my.type)
            h.lty <- zcases$lty
            h.lty[!h.ref] <- 0
            temp <- ifelse(is.na(h.lty) || h.lty==0, 0, 1.5)
#            print("this")
#            print(temp)
            my.y[seq(1, length(my.y), by=2)] <- my.y[seq(1, length(my.y), by=2)] + temp
#            print(my.y)
#            print(wdth)
            my.y[my.y<1] <- 1
            if(any(h.ref) & wdth<1) wdth <- 1
#            print(my.y)
            ht <- sum(my.y)
            y <- cumsum(my.y)
            y.2 <- y[seq(2, length(y), 2)]
            y.2 <- c(0, y.2[-length(y.2)])/ ht
            y <- y[seq(1, length(y), 2)] / ht 
            x <- rep(0.5, length(y))       
            # print("in groups")
            # print(y)
            # print(my.y)
            #some of this might not be needed
            zcases.elements <- pointsGrob(x = x, y = y, pch=rep(zcases$pch, length.out = len), size = unit(par("cex"), "char"), 
                                          default.units = "npc", gp = gpar(col = rep(zcases$col, length.out = len), 
                                                                           cex=my.cex*0.8 * 0.8))
            zcases.el2 <- segmentsGrob(x0 = 0.1, x1 = 0.9, y0 = y, y1 = y,
                                    gp =gpar(col=zcases$col, lty=lne.lty, 
            zcases.el3 <- segmentsGrob(x0 = 0.5, x1 = 0.5, y0 = y, y1 = y.2,
                                    gp =gpar(col=zcases$col, lty=h.lty, 
            zcases.elements <- gTree(children = gList(zcases.elements, zcases.el2, zcases.el3))
            zcases.elements.ht <- unit(ht/4, "cm")
            zcases.elements.wd <- unit(wdth/4, "cm")
            #tidy next bit latter
            #if.list about txt and temp setting
            #update pchHandler
            #rescale cex
            #rescale spacing when cex small
            #in elements
            #transpose check
            #group main, element, labels
            txt <- if(is.list(zcases$labels)) zcases$labels[[1]] else zcases$labels
            temp <- if(is.list(zcases$labels))
                listUpdate(list(cex = 1), zcases$labels) else list(cex = 1)
            txt.settings <- getPlotArgs("axis.text", user.resets = temp)
            zcases.labels <- textGrob(txt, x = 0, y = y, just = c("left", "centre"), 
                                      gp = do.call(gpar, txt.settings), default.units = "npc")
            zcases.labels.ht <- unit(1.1, "grobheight", data=list(zcases.labels))
            zcases.labels.wd <- unit(1.1, "grobwidth", data=list(zcases.labels))
    #key output
    scales.ht <- unit.c(z.main.ht, z.elements.ht, groups.main.ht, groups.elements.ht, zcases.main.ht, zcases.elements.ht)
    #this needs fixing
    #wd need to know all
    temp1 <- max(z.elements.wd, groups.elements.wd, zcases.elements.wd) 
    temp2 <- max(z.labels.wd, groups.labels.wd, zcases.labels.wd)    
    temp3 <- max(z.main.wd, groups.main.wd, zcases.main.wd)
    if(as.numeric(convertX(temp1 + temp2, "cm")) > as.numeric(convertX(temp3, "cm"))){
        scales.wd <- unit.c(temp1, temp2)
    } else {
        #testing changes - temp2 to - temp1
        scales.wd <- unit.c(temp1, temp3 - temp1)
    ###    scales.wd <- unit.c(z.elements.wd, z.labels.wd)
    key.layout <- grid.layout(nrow = 6, ncol = 2,
                              heights = scales.ht, 
                              widths = scales.wd, 
                              respect = TRUE, just="right")
    key.gf <- frameGrob(layout = key.layout, vp = vp)
    key.gf <- placeGrob(key.gf, z.main, row = 1, col = 1:2)
    key.gf <- placeGrob(key.gf, z.elements, row = 2, col = 1)
    key.gf <- placeGrob(key.gf, z.labels, row = 2, col = 2)
    key.gf <- placeGrob(key.gf, groups.main, row = 3, col = 1:2)
    key.gf <- placeGrob(key.gf, groups.elements, row = 4, col = 1)
    key.gf <- placeGrob(key.gf, groups.labels, row = 4, col = 2)
    key.gf <- placeGrob(key.gf, zcases.main, row = 5, col = 1:2)
    key.gf <- placeGrob(key.gf, zcases.elements, row = 6, col = 1)
    key.gf <- placeGrob(key.gf, zcases.labels, row = 6, col = 2)

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loa documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 5:09 p.m.