
Defines functions summary.logspline print.logspline plot.logspline dlogspline rlogspline qlogspline plogspline logspline oldlogspline summary.oldlogspline print.oldlogspline plot.oldlogspline doldlogspline roldlogspline qoldlogspline poldlogspline oldlogspline.to.logspline unstrip

Documented in dlogspline doldlogspline logspline oldlogspline oldlogspline.to.logspline plogspline plot.logspline plot.oldlogspline poldlogspline print.logspline print.oldlogspline qlogspline qoldlogspline rlogspline roldlogspline summary.logspline summary.oldlogspline unstrip

# Copyright [1993-2018] [Charles Kooperberg]
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.
unstrip <- function(x)
   dd <- dim(x)
   y <- x
      dd2 <- dd[2]
      if(dd2==1) y<- c(x[,1])
      if(dd2==2) y<- cbind(c(x[,1]),c(x[,2]))
      if(dd2>2) y<- cbind(c(x[,1]),c(x[,2]),c(x[,3]))
      if(dd2>3)for(i in 4:dd2) y <- cbind(y,c(x[,i]))
   if(length(dd)==1 || length(dd)==0){
      y <- c(unlist(c(unlist(x))))
      names(y) <- NULL
oldlogspline.to.logspline <- function(obj,data)
   nobj <- list()
   nobj$call <- obj$call
   if(is.null(obj$call))nobj$call <- "translated from oldlogspline"
   nobj$knots <- sum(obj$coef[-(1:2)]!=0)
   nobj$coef.pol <- obj$coef[1:2]
   nobj$coef.kts <- obj$coef[-(1:2)]
   nobj$coef.kts <- nobj$coef.kts[nobj$coef.kts!=0]
   nobj$knots <- obj$knots[obj$coef[-(1:2)]!=0]
   nobj$maxknots <- length(obj$coef)-2
   nobj$penalty <- obj$penalty
   nobj$bound <- obj$bound
   nobj$samples <- obj$sample
   nobj$logl <- obj$logl[obj$logl!=0]
   lx <- length(nobj$logl)
   nobj$logl <- cbind(nobj$maxknots+1-(lx:1),c(rep(2,lx-1),1),nobj$logl)
   class(nobj) <- "logspline"
   if(!missing(data))nobj$range <- obj$range
   else {
      lx <- 1/(nobj$samples+1)
      nobj$range <- qlogspline(c(lx,1-lx),nobj)
poldlogspline <- function(q, fit)
    fitx <- oldlogspline.to.logspline(fit)

qoldlogspline <- function(p, fit)
    fitx <- oldlogspline.to.logspline(fit)

roldlogspline <- function(n, fit)
    if(!inherits(fit, "oldlogspline"))
       stop("fit is not an oldlogspline object")
    pp <- runif(n)
    qoldlogspline(pp, fit)

doldlogspline <- function(q, fit)
    x <- q
    if(!inherits(fit, "oldlogspline"))
       stop("fit is not an oldlogspline object")
        q <- unstrip(q)
    y <- fit$coef[1] + x * fit$coef[2]
    for(i in 1:length(fit$knots)) {
        if(fit$coef[i+2] != 0)
            y <- y + fit$coef[i+2] * ((abs(x - fit$knots[i]) +
                                x - fit$knots[i])/2)^3
    y <- exp(y)
    if(fit$bound[1] > 0)
            y[x < fit$bound[2]] <- 0
    if(fit$bound[3] > 0)
            y[x > fit$bound[4]] <- 0

plot.oldlogspline <- function(x, n = 100, what = "d", xlim, xlab = "", ylab = "", type = "l", add = FALSE, ...)
    fit <- x
    if(!inherits(fit, "oldlogspline"))
       stop("fit is not an oldlogspline object")
        if(missing(xlim)) {
                u1 <- qoldlogspline(0.01, fit)
                u2 <- qoldlogspline(0.99, fit)
                u3 <- 1.1 * u1 - 0.1 * u2
                u4 <- 1.1 * u2 - 0.1 * u1
        else {
                u3 <- xlim[1]
                u4 <- xlim[2]
        xx <- (0:(n - 1))/(n - 1) * (u4 - u3) + u3
        if(what == "d" || what == "D")
                yy <- doldlogspline(xx, fit)
        if(what == "f" || what == "F" || what == "p" || what == "P")
                yy <- poldlogspline(xx, fit)
        if(what == "s" || what == "S")
                yy <- 1 - poldlogspline(xx, fit)
        if(what == "h" || what == "H")
                yy <- doldlogspline(xx, fit)/(1 - poldlogspline(xx, fit))
                xlab <- ""
                ylab <- ""
                type <- "l"
        if(add==FALSE)plot(xx, yy, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, type = type, ...)
        else lines(xx,yy, type = type, ...)
print.oldlogspline <- function(x,...)
summary.oldlogspline <- function(object,...)
    if(!inherits(object, "oldlogspline"))
       stop("fit is not an oldlogspline object")
    fit <- object
    if(fit$delete==FALSE)stop(paste("summary.oldlogspline can only provide",
       "information if delete in oldlogspline is TRUE"))
    ul <- fit$penalty
    um <- fit$sample
    ll <- fit$logl
    kk <- (1:length(ll))
    kk <- kk[ll != 0] + 2
    ll <- ll[ll != 0]
    rr <- ll[1:(length(ll)-1)]-ll[2:length(ll)]
    if(length(ll)>1 && max(rr)>0)error<-TRUE
    bb <- -2 * ll + ul * kk
    cc1 <- bb
    cc2 <- bb
    cc2[1] <- 5/0
    cc1[length(bb)] <- 0
    if(length(bb) > 1) {
        for(i in 1:(length(bb) - 1)) {
            cc1[i] <- max((ll[(i + 1):(length(bb))] - ll[i])/(
                    kk[(i + 1):(length(bb))] - kk[i]))
            cc2[i + 1] <- min((ll[1:i] - ll[i + 1])/(kk[1:i] - kk[i + 1]))
    c3 <- cc2 - cc1
    cc1[c3 < 0] <- NA
    cc2[c3 < 0] <- NA
    uu <- cbind(kk, ll, bb, 2 * cc1, 2 * cc2)
    ww <- rep("", length(bb))
    cat("Warning - imprecision in loglikelihood (possibly due to heavy tails)\n")
    cat("the output of summary.oldlogspline might not be correct\n")
    dimnames(uu) <- list(ww, c("knots", "loglik", "AIC", "minimum penalty",
        "maximum penalty"))
    print(round(uu, 2))
    cat(paste("the present optimal number of knots is ", kk[bb== min(bb)],"\n"))
    if(ul == log(um))
        cat(paste("penalty(AIC) was the default: BIC=log(samplesize): log(",
                um, ")=", round(ul, 2),"\n"))
        cat(paste("penalty(AIC) was ", round(ul, 2),", the default (BIC) ",
                "would have been", round(log(um), 2),"\n"))
    if(min(kk) > 3 && fit$delete==TRUE){
        cat(paste( "models with fewer than", kk[1],"knots ", 
                  "can be fitted, but they are not optimal for\n"))
        cat(paste("the present choice of penalty - choose penalty in",
                  "oldlogspline larger\nto see these fits\n"))
    if(min(kk) > 3 && fit$delete==3)
        cat(paste("models with fewer than", kk[1],"knots ",
                    "were not fitted because of convergence problems\n"))

oldlogspline <- function(uncensored, right, left, interval, lbound, ubound,
        nknots, knots, penalty, delete = TRUE)
    nsample <- rep(0, 6)
    # interval is the nterval censored data - a matrix with two columns
    if(!missing(uncensored))uncensored <- unstrip(uncensored)
    if(!missing(right))right <- unstrip(right)
    if(!missing(left))left <- unstrip(left)
    if(!missing(interval))interval <- unstrip(interval)
    if(!missing(knots))knots <- unstrip(knots)
    if(!missing(interval)) {
        if(length(interval[1,  ]) != 2)
            stop("interval must have two columns")
        if(min(abs(interval[, 1] - interval[, 2])) < 0) stop(
                   "not all lower bounds smaller than upper bounds")
        nsample[3] <- length(interval)/2
        nsample[1] <- length(interval)/2
        # grouping boundaries can not be beyond the boundaries of the density
            interval[interval[, 1] < lbound, 1] <- lbound
            interval[interval[, 2] > ubound, 2] <- ubound
        sample <- as.vector(t(interval))
        ror <- order(interval[,1],interval[,2])
      ro1 <- interval[ror[(1:(nsample[3]-1))],1]==interval[ror[2:nsample[3]],1]
      ro2 <- interval[ror[(1:(nsample[3]-1))],2]==interval[ror[2:nsample[3]],2]
            nsample[6] <- nsample[3]-sum(ro1+ro2==2)
        else nsample[6] <- 1
# uncensored is the uncensored data
    if(!missing(uncensored)) {
        uncensored2 <- uncensored[!is.na(uncensored)]
        u2 <- length(uncensored) - length(uncensored2)
        if(u2 > 0)
            print(paste("***", u2, " NAs ignored in uncensored"))
        uncensored <- uncensored2
        if(nsample[1] > 0)
            sample <- c(uncensored, sample)
        if(nsample[1] == 0)
            sample <- uncensored
        nsample[1] <- length(uncensored) + nsample[1]
        nsample[2] <- length(uncensored)
        uncensored <- sort(uncensored)
            nsample[6] <- sum(uncensored[2:nsample[2]] !=
                uncensored[1:(nsample[2]-1)]) + 1 + nsample[6]
            nsample[6] <- nsample[6]+1
# we can not run on only right or left censored data
        if(nsample[1] == 0) stop("you either need uncensored or interval censored data")
        # right is the right censored data
        if(!missing(right)) {
                if(nsample[1] > 0)
                        sample <- c(sample, right)
                if(nsample[1] == 0)
                        sample <- right
                nsample[1] <- length(right) + nsample[1]
                nsample[4] <- length(right)
                right <- sort(right)
                nsample[6] <- sum(right[2:nsample[4]]!=right[1:(nsample[4]-1)])+
                          1 + nsample[6]
                else nsample[6] <- nsample[6]+1
# left is the left censored data
        if(!missing(left)) {
                if(nsample[1] > 0)
                        sample <- c(sample, left)
                if(nsample[1] == 0)
                        sample <- left
                nsample[1] <- length(left) + nsample[1]
                nsample[5] <- length(left)
                left <- sort(left)
                nsample[6] <- sum(left[2:nsample[5]]!=left[1:(nsample[5]-1)])+
                          1 + nsample[6]
                else nsample[6] <- nsample[6]+1
# the default for penalty is bic: log(length(sample))
        if(missing(penalty)) penalty <- log(nsample[1])
        n1 <- 4 * nsample[1]^0.2 + 1
                n1 <- nknots + 1
        if(!missing(knots)) n1 <- length(knots) + 1      # user provides knots
        if(!missing(knots)) {
                nknots <- length(knots)
                knots <- sort(knots)
                iautoknot <- 0
                if(knots[1] > min(sample))
                        stop("first knot must be smaller than smallest sample")

                if(knots[nknots] < max(sample))
                        stop("last knot should be larger than largest sample")

        else {
                        nknots <- 0
                knots <- vector(mode = "double", length = max(nknots, 50))
                iautoknot <- 1
        xbound <- c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        if(!missing(lbound)) {
                xbound[2] <- 1
                xbound[3] <- lbound
                if(lbound > min(sample))
                        stop("lbound should be smaller than smallest sample")
        if(!missing(ubound)) {
                xbound[4] <- 1
                xbound[5] <- ubound
                if(ubound < max(sample))
                        stop("ubound should be larger than largest sample")
# SorC will carry the error messages - in code form
        SorC <- vector(mode = "integer", length = 35)
        SorC[1] <- 1    # the actual function call
        SorC[17] <- 0
        nsample[6] <- nsample[6]-1
        if(length(table(sample))<3)stop("Not enough unique values")
        z <- .C("logcensor",
                bd = as.double(c(xbound,0,0,0,0)),
                SorC = as.integer(c(SorC,0,0,0,0)),
                nk = as.integer(nknots),
                kt = as.double(c(knots,0,.0,0,0)),
                cf = as.double(c(knots,0,.0,0,0)),
                logl = as.double(rep(0, n1 + 1+10)),
        PACKAGE = "logspline")
        SorC <- z$SorC  # error messages
        if(SorC[1] == -1 && SorC[28] == 0 && nsample[1]!=nsample[2] && nsample[2]>15){
           SorC <- vector(mode = "integer", length = 35)
           SorC[1] <- 1    # the actual function call
           SorC[17] <- 1
        z <- .C("logcensor",
                bd = as.double(c(xbound,0,0,0,0)),
                SorC = as.integer(c(SorC,0,0,0,0)),
                nk = as.integer(nknots),
                kt = as.double(c(knots,0,.0,0,0)),
                cf = as.double(c(knots,0,.0,0,0)),
                logl = as.double(rep(0, n1 + 1+10)),
           PACKAGE = "logspline")
        bound <- c(z$bd[2], z$bd[3], z$bd[4], z$bd[5])
        SorC <- z$SorC  # error messages
        if(abs(SorC[1]) > 2) {
                for(i in 3:abs(SorC[1]))
                        cat(paste("===> warning: knot ", SorC[i - 1],
                                " removed - double knot\n"))
                if(SorC[1] < 0)
                        SorC[1] <- -1
                if(SorC[1] == 23)
                        SorC[1] <- -3
        if(abs(SorC[1]) > 3) {
                cat("* several double knots suggests that your data is *\n")
                cat("* strongly rounded, attention might be required   *\n")
                SorC[1] <- 1
        if(SorC[1] == -3)
                stop("* too many double knots")
        if(SorC[1] == -1 && SorC[28] == 0)
                stop("* no convergence")
        if(SorC[28] > 0)
                cat(paste("* convergence problems, smallest number of knots",
                        " tried is ", SorC[28] + 1," *\n"))
        if(SorC[1] == 2)
                stop("* sample is too small")
        if(SorC[1] == -2)
                stop(paste("* too many knots, at most ", SorC[2],
                        "knots possible"))
        if(SorC[22] == 1) {
                cat("possible discontinuity at lower end\n")
                cat(paste("consider rerunning with lbound=", z$kt[1],

        if(SorC[22] == 3) {
                cat("possible infinite density at lower end\n")
                cat("running program with fewer knots\n")
        if(SorC[21] == 1)
                cat("running with maximum degrees of freedom\n")
        if(SorC[25] >0)
               cat("* problems are possibly due to a very heavy right tail *\n")
        if(SorC[24] >0)
                cat("* problems are possibly due to a very heavy left tail *\n")
        if(SorC[23] == 3) {
                cat("possible infinite density at upper end\n")
                cat("running program with fewer knots\n")
        if(SorC[23] == 1) {
                cat("possible discontinuity at upper end\n")
                cat(paste("consider rerunning with ubound=", z$kt[z$nk],

        if(delete && SorC[28]>0)delete<-3
        coef <- z$cf[1:(z$nk + 2)]
        uu <- 3:z$nk
        if(delete == FALSE)uu <- 1
        fit <- list(coef = coef, knots = z$kt[1:z$nk], bound = bound, logl = z$logl[
                uu], penalty = penalty, sample = nsample[1], delete = delete)
        class(fit) <- "oldlogspline"

logspline <- function(x, lbound, ubound, maxknots=0, knots, nknots=0,
   penalty= -1, silent = TRUE,mind= -1, error.action=2)
   call <- match.call()
   if(!missing(x))x <- unstrip(x)
   data <- x
   if(length(table(data))<3)stop("Not enough unique values")
   ilx <- 0; iux <- 0
   if(!missing(lbound)){ilx <- 1;jlx <- lbound}
   if(!missing(ubound)){iux <- 1;jux <- ubound}

   u2 <- length(data)
   data <- data[!is.na(data)]
   nsample <- length(data)
   if(nsample<10)stop("not enough data")
   if(u2 !=nsample) print(paste("***", u2-nsample, " NAs ignored in data"))
   data <- sort(data)

   # data can not be beyond the boundaries of the density
   if(!missing(lbound)) if(data[1] < lbound) stop("data below lbound")
   if(!missing(ubound)) if(data[nsample] > ubound) stop("data above ubound")
   mm <- range(data)
   if(!missing(lbound)) mm <- range(c(mm, lbound))
   if(!missing(ubound)) mm <- range(c(mm, ubound))
   if(!missing(knots) && maxknots>0 && length(knots)>maxknots+1) stop("maxknots < length(knots)-1")

   # boundaries
   ilow <- (!missing(lbound)) * 1
   iupp <- (!missing(ubound)) * 1
   low <- 0
   upp <- 0
   if(ilow == 1) low <- lbound
   if(iupp == 1) upp <- ubound

   # get the maximal dimension
   intpars <- c(-100, rep(0, 9))
   z <- .C("nlogcensorx", z = as.integer(intpars),
      PACKAGE = "logspline")
   maxp <- z$z[1]

   # organize knots
   kts <- vector(mode = "double", length = max(maxp))
   if(maxknots > maxp - 5) warning(paste("maxknots reduced to", maxp))
   nknots <- -nknots
   if(!missing(knots)) {
      nknots <- length(knots)
      knots <- sort(knots)
      if(!missing(lbound)) if(min(knots) < lbound)
         stop("data (knots) below lbound")
      if(!missing(ubound)) if(max(knots) > ubound)
         stop("data (knots) above ubound")
      if(nknots < 3) stop("need at least three starting knots")
      if(nknots > maxp - 5) stop(paste("at most", maxp - 5, "knots possible"))
      kts[1:nknots] <- knots

   silent <- (silent == FALSE)

   # group parameters
   intpars <- c(nsample, maxknots, nknots, silent, 1-ilow, 1-iupp,mind)
   dpars <- c(penalty, low, upp)
   data <- c(data, rep(0, maxp))

   # do it
   z <- .C("nlogcensor",
      ip = as.integer(intpars),
      coef = as.double(data),
      dp = as.double(dpars),
      logl = as.double(rep(0, maxp)),
      ad = as.integer(rep(0, maxp)),
      kts = as.double(kts),
      PACKAGE = "logspline")

   # error messages
   if(z$ip[1] != 0 && z$ip[1]<100) {
      if(z$ip[1] == 17) warning("too many knots beyond data")
      if(z$ip[1] == 18) warning("too many knots before data")
      if(z$ip[1] == 39) warning("too much data close together")
      if(z$ip[1] == 40) warning("no model could be fitted")
      if(z$ip[1] == 2) warning("error while solving system")
      if(z$ip[1] == 8) warning("too much step-halving")
      if(z$ip[1] == 5) warning("too much step-halving")
      if(z$ip[1] == 7) 
         warning("numerical problems, likely tail related. Try lbound/ubound")
      if(z$ip[1] == 1) warning("no convergence")
      i <- 0
      if(missing(knots))i<- 1     
      if(z$ip[1] == 3 && i==1) 
        warning("right tail extremely heavy, try running with ubound")
      if(z$ip[1] == 4 && i==1) 
        warning("left tail extremely heavy, try running with lbound")
      if(z$ip[1] == 6 && i==1) 
        warning("both tails extremely heavy, try running with lbound and ubound")
      if(z$ip[1] == 3 && i==0) 
        warning("right tail too heavy or not enough knots in right tail")
      if(z$ip[1] == 4 && i==0) 
        warning("left tail too heavy or not enough knots in left tail")
      if(z$ip[1] == 6 && i==0) 
        warning("both tails too heavy or not enough knots in both tail")
      if(error.action==0) stop("fatal error")
      if(error.action==1) {
         print("no object returned")
      if(error.action==2) {
          if(ilx==0 && iux==0)z <- oldlogspline(x)
          if(ilx==0 && iux==1)z <- oldlogspline(x,ubound=jux)
          if(ilx==1 && iux==0)z <- oldlogspline(x,lbound=jlx)
          if(ilx==1 && iux==1)z <- oldlogspline(x,lbound=jlx,ubound=jux)
          z <- oldlogspline.to.logspline(z,x)
          z$call <- call
          warning("re-ran with oldlogspline")
   if(z$ip[1]>100) {
      warning(" Not all models could be fitted")
   # organize logl
   logl <- cbind(z$ad, z$logl)
   logl <- cbind(2+(1:z$ip[3]),logl[1+(1:z$ip[3]),  ])
   kk <- (1:length(logl[,1]))
   kk <- kk[logl[, 2] == 0 ]
   if(length(kk)>0)logl <- logl[-kk,]
   # bye bye
   fit <- list(call = call, nknots = z$ip[2], coef.pol = z$coef[1:2], coef.kts = 
      z$coef[2 + (1:z$ip[2])], knots = z$kts[1:z$ip[2]], maxknots = z$ip[3]+2,
      penalty = z$dp[1], bound = c(ilow, low, iupp, upp), samples = nsample,
      logl = logl, range = mm, mind = z$ip[7])
   class(fit) <- "logspline"
plogspline <- function(q, fit)
   if(!inherits(fit, "logspline"))
       stop("fit is not a logspline object")
   if(!missing(q))q <- unstrip(q)
    sq <- rank(q)
    q <- sort(q)
    z <- .C("rpqlsd",
        as.double(c(fit$coef.pol, fit$coef.kts)),
        pp = as.double(q),
        PACKAGE = "logspline")
    zz <- z$pp[sq]
    if(fit$bound[1] > 0) zz[q<fit$bound[2]] <- 0
    if(fit$bound[3] > 0) zz[q>fit$bound[4]] <- 1
qlogspline <- function(p, fit)
   if(!inherits(fit, "logspline"))
       stop("fit is not a logspline object")
   if(!missing(p))p <- unstrip(p)
    sp <- rank(p)
    p <- sort(p)
    z <- .C("rpqlsd",
        as.double(c(fit$coef.pol, fit$coef.kts)),
        qq = as.double(p),
        PACKAGE = "logspline")
    zz <- z$qq[sp]
    zz[p<0] <- NA
    zz[p>1] <- NA
rlogspline <- function(n, fit)
   if(!inherits(fit, "logspline"))
       stop("fit is not a logspline object")
    pp <- runif(n)
    qlogspline(pp, fit)
dlogspline <- function(q, fit, log = FALSE)
   if(!inherits(fit, "logspline"))
       stop("fit is not a logspline object")
   if(!missing(q))q <- unstrip(q)
    x <- q
    y <- fit$coef.pol[1] + x * fit$coef.pol[2]
    for(i in 1:length(fit$knots)) 
       y <- y + fit$coef.kts[i] * ((abs(x - fit$knots[i]) +x- fit$knots[i])/2)^3
    if(fit$bound[1] > 0) y[x < fit$bound[2]] <- -Inf
    if(fit$bound[3] > 0) y[x > fit$bound[4]] <- -Inf
    if (!log)
       y <- exp(y)
plot.logspline <-function(x, n = 100, what = "d", add = FALSE, xlim, xlab = "", ylab = "", type = "l", ...)
        fit <- x
   if(!inherits(fit, "logspline"))
       stop("fit is not a logspline object")
                plim <- (par()$usr)[1:2]
                u4 <- plim[1]
                u3 <- plim[2]
                if(!missing(xlim)) {
                        u4 <- max(xlim[1], plim[1])
                        u3 <- min(xlim[2], plim[2])
        if(missing(xlim)) {
                u1 <- qlogspline(0.01, fit)
                u2 <- qlogspline(0.99, fit)
                u3 <- 1.1 * u1 - 0.1 * u2
                u4 <- 1.1 * u2 - 0.1 * u1
        else {
                u3 <- xlim[1]
                u4 <- xlim[2]
        xx <- (0:(n - 1))/(n - 1) * (u4 - u3) + u3
        if(what == "d" || what == "D") yy <- dlogspline(xx, fit)
        if(what == "f" || what == "F" || what == "p" || what == "P")
                yy <- plogspline(xx, fit)
        if(what == "s" || what == "S") yy <- 1 - plogspline(xx, fit)
        if(what == "h" || what == "H") yy <- dlogspline(xx, fit)/(1 - plogspline(xx, fit))
        if(missing(xlab)) xlab <- ""
        if(missing(ylab)) ylab <- ""
        if(missing(type)) type <- "l"
        if(add)lines(xx,yy, ...)
        else plot(xx, yy, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, type = type, ...)
print.logspline <- function(x,...)
summary.logspline <- function(object,...)
        fit <- object
   if(!inherits(fit, "logspline"))
       stop("fit is not a logspline object")
   ul <- fit$penalty
   um <- fit$samples[1]
   um <- fit$samples[1]+ fit$samples[4]
   um <- fit$samples
   kk <- fit$logl[fit$logl[,2] != 0,1]
   ad <- fit$logl[fit$logl[,2] != 0,2]
   ll <- fit$logl[fit$logl[,2] != 0,3]
   bb <- -2 * ll + ul * (kk-1)
   cc1 <- bb
   cc2 <- bb
   cc2[1] <- Inf
   cc1[length(bb)] <- 0
   if(length(bb) > 1) {
      for(i in 1:(length(bb) - 1)) {
         cc1[i] <- max((ll[(i + 1):(length(bb))] - ll[i])/(kk[(i + 1):
                (length(bb))] - kk[i]))
         cc2[i + 1] <- min((ll[1:i] - ll[i + 1])/(kk[1:i] - kk[i + 1]))
   c3 <- cc2 - cc1
   cc1[c3 < 0] <- NA
   cc2[c3 < 0] <- NA
   uu <- cbind(kk, ad, ll, bb, 2 * cc1, 2 * cc2)
   ww <- rep("", length(bb))
   dimnames(uu) <- list(ww, c("knots", "A(1)/D(2)", "loglik", "AIC",
      "minimum penalty", "maximum penalty"))
   print(round(uu, 2))
   cat(paste("the present optimal number of knots is ",kk[bb== min(bb)],"\n"))
   if(ul == log(um))
      cat(paste("penalty(AIC) was the default: BIC=log(samplesize): log(",
         um, ")=", round(ul, 2), "\n"))
   else cat(paste("penalty(AIC) was ", round(ul, 2),
         ", the default (BIC) ", "would have been", round(log(um), 2), "\n"))

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logspline documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:36 a.m.