
Defines functions lp_lin_panel

Documented in lp_lin_panel

#' @name lp_lin_panel
#' @title Compute linear impulse responses with local projections for panel data
#' @description This function estimates impulse responses with local projections for panel data, either with an
#'              identified shock or by an instrument variable approach.
#' @param data_set A \link{data.frame}, containing the panel data set. The first column has to be the
#'                 variable denoting the cross section. The second column has to be the
#'                 variable denoting the time section.
#' @param data_sample  Character or numeric. To use the full sample set value to "Full" (default). To estimate a subset, you have to provide
#'                 a sequence of dates. This sequence has to be in the same format as the second column (time-section).
#' @param endog_data Character. The column name of the endogenous variable. You can only provide one endogenous variable at a time.
#' @param cumul_mult Boolean. Estimate cumulative multipliers? TRUE (default) or FALSE. If TRUE, cumulative responses
#'                   are estimated via: \deqn{y_{(t+h)} - y_{(t-1)},} where h = 0,..., H-1.
#' @param shock      Character. The column name of the variable to shock with.
#' @param diff_shock Boolean. Take first differences of the shock variable? TRUE (default) or FALSE.
#' @param iv_reg     Boolean. Use instrument variable approach? TRUE or FALSE.
#' @param instrum    NULL or Character. The name(s) of the instrument variable(s) if iv_reg = TRUE.
#' @param panel_model Character. Type of panel model. The default is "within" (fixed effects). Other options are "random", "ht",
#'                    "between", "pooling" or "fd". See vignette of the plm package for details.
#' @param panel_effect Character. The effects introduced in the model. Options are "individual" (default), "time", "twoways",
#' or "nested". See the vignette of the plm-package for details.
#' @param robust_cov NULL or Character. The character specifies the method how to estimate robust standard errors: Options are "vcovBK", "vcovDC",
#' "vcovG", "vcovHC", "vcovNW", "vcovSCC". For these options see vignette of plm package. Another option is "Vcxt". For details see Miller (2017)
#'                    If "use_gmm = TRUE", this option has to be NULL.
#' @param robust_method  NULL (default) or Character. The character is an option when robust_cov = "vcovHC". See vignette of the plm package for details.
#' @param robust_type    NULL (default) or Character. The character is an option when robust_cov  = "vcovBK", "vcovDC", "vcovHC", "vcovNW" or "vcovSCC". See vignette of the plm package for details.
#' @param robust_cluster NULL (default) or Character. The character is an option when robust_cov = "vcovBK", "vcovG" or "vcovHC". See vignette of the plm package for details.
#' @param robust_maxlag  NULL (default) or Character. The character is an option when robust_cov  = "vcovNW" or "vcovSCC". See vignette of the plm package for details.
#' @param use_gmm  Boolean. Use GMM for estimation? TRUE or FALSE (default). See vignette of plm package for details.
#'                 If TRUE, the option "robust_cov" has to be set to NULL.
#' @param gmm_effect Character. The effects introduced in the model: "twoways" (default) or "individual". See vignette of the plm-package for details.
#' @param gmm_model Character. Either "onestep" (default) or "twosteps". See vignette of the plm package for details.
#' @param gmm_transformation Character. Either "d" (default) for the "difference GMM" model or "ld" for the "system GMM".
#' See vignette of the plm package for details.
#' @param c_exog_data NULL or Character. Name(s) of the exogenous variable(s) with contemporaneous impact.
#' @param l_exog_data NULL or Character. Name(s) of the exogenous variable(s) with lagged impact.
#' @param lags_exog_data Integer. Lag length for the exogenous variable(s) with lagged impact.
#' @param c_fd_exog_data NULL or Character. Name(s) of the exogenous variable(s) with contemporaneous impact of first differences.
#' @param l_fd_exog_data NULL or Character. Name(s) of exogenous variable(s) with lagged impact of first differences.
#' @param lags_fd_exog_data NaN or Integer. Number of lags for variable(s) with impact of first differences.
#' @param confint Double. Width of confidence bands. 68\% = 1; 90\% = 1.65; 95\% = 1.96.
#' @param hor Integer. Number of horizons for impulse responses.
#' @author Philipp Adämmer
#' @return A list containing:
#'\item{irf_lin_mean}{A \link{matrix}, containing the impulse responses.
#'                   The columns are the horizons.}
#'\item{irf_lin_low}{A \link{matrix}, containing all lower confidence bands.
#'                   The columns are the horizons.}
#'\item{irf_lin_up}{A \link{matrix}, containing all upper confidence bands.
#'                                   The columns are the horizons.}
#'\item{reg_outputs}{Full regression output (plm object) for each horizon.}
#'\item{reg_summaries}{Summary of regression output for each horizon. In case of robust covariance estimators,
#'this only includes the t-tests.}
#'\item{xy_data_sets}{Data sets with endogenous and exogenous variables for each horizon.}
#'\item{specs}{A list with data properties for e.g. the plot function.}
#' @importFrom dplyr lead lag filter arrange
#' @importFrom plm plm
#' @importFrom lmtest coeftest
#' @importFrom foreach foreach
#' @importFrom sandwich vcovHC
#' @importFrom stats variable.names
#' @export
#' @references
#' Croissant, Y., Millo, G. (2008). "Panel Data Econometrics in R: The plm Package." \emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, 27(2), 1-43. doi:
#' 10.18637/jss.v027.i02.
#' Jordà, Ò. (2005). "Estimation and Inference of Impulse Responses by Local Projections."
#' \emph{American Economic Review}, 95 (1): 161-182.
#' Jordà, Ò., Schualrick, M., Taylor, A.M. (2018). "Large and State-Dependent Effects of Quasi-Random Monetary Experiments",
#' \emph{NBER} working paper 23074, \emph{FRBSF} working paper 2017-02.
#' Millo G (2017). “Robust Standard Error Estimators for Panel Models: A Unifying Approach.” \emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, 82(3), 1-27. doi:
#' 10.18637/jss.v082.i03.
#' @examples
#'#--- Info
#' # This example is based on a STATA code that has been provided on
#' # Òscar Jordà's website (https://sites.google.com/site/oscarjorda/home/local-projections)
#' # It estimates impulse reponses of the ratio of (mortgage lending/GDP) to a
#' # +1% change in the short term interest rate
#'#--- Get data
#' # Go to the website of the 'The MacroFinance and MacroHistory Lab'
#' # Download the Excel-Sheet of the 'Jordà-Schularick-Taylor Macrohistory Database':
#' # URL: https://www.macrohistory.net/database/
#' # Then uncomment and run the code below...
#'#--- Code
#'## Load libraries to download and read excel file from the website
#'#  library(lpirfs)
#'#  library(readxl)
#'#  library(dplyr)
#'# Load JST Macrohistory Database
#'#  jst_data <- read_excel("JSTdatasetR5.xlsx", sheet = "Data")
#'## Choose years <= 2013. Swap the first two columns so that 'country' is the
#'## first (cross section) and 'year' the second (time section) column
#'#   jst_data <- jst_data                     %>%
#'#               dplyr::filter(year <= 2013)  %>%
#'#               dplyr::select(country, year, everything())
#'## Prepare variables
#'#  data_set <- jst_data %>%
#'#                 mutate(stir     = stir)                         %>%
#'#                 mutate(mortgdp  = 100*(tmort/gdp))              %>%
#'#                 mutate(hpreal   = hpnom/cpi)                    %>%
#'#                 group_by(country)                               %>%
#'#                 mutate(hpreal   = hpreal/hpreal[year==1990][1]) %>%
#'#                 mutate(lhpreal  = log(hpreal))                  %>%
#'#                 mutate(lhpy     = lhpreal - log(rgdppc))        %>%
#'#                 mutate(lhpy     = lhpy - lhpy[year == 1990][1]) %>%
#'#                 mutate(lhpreal  = 100*lhpreal)                  %>%
#'#                 mutate(lhpy     = 100*lhpy)                     %>%
#'#                 ungroup()                                       %>%
#'#                 mutate(lrgdp    = 100*log(rgdppc))              %>%
#'#                 mutate(lcpi     = 100*log(cpi)) 		            %>%
#'#                 mutate(lriy     = 100*log(iy*rgdppc))           %>%
#'#                 mutate(cay      = 100*(ca/gdp))                 %>%
#'#                 mutate(tnmort   = tloans - tmort)               %>%
#'#                 mutate(nmortgdp = 100*(tnmort/gdp))             %>%
#'#                 dplyr::select(country, year, mortgdp, stir, ltrate,
#'#                               lhpy, lrgdp, lcpi, lriy, cay, nmortgdp)
#'## Use data from 1870 to 2013 and exclude observations during WWI and WWII
#'#   data_sample <-   seq(1870, 2013)[!(seq(1870, 2016) %in%
#'#                                   c(seq(1914, 1918), seq(1939, 1947)))]
#'## Estimate panel model
#'# results_panel <-  lp_lin_panel(data_set          = data_set,
#'#                                 data_sample       = data_sample,
#'#                                 endog_data        = "mortgdp",
#'#                                 cumul_mult        = TRUE,
#'#                                 shock             = "stir",
#'#                                 diff_shock        = TRUE,
#'#                                 panel_model       = "within",
#'#                                 panel_effect      = "individual",
#'#                                 robust_cov        = "vcovSCC",
#'#                                 c_exog_data       = "cay",
#'#                                 l_exog_data       = "cay",
#'#                                 lags_exog_data    = 2,
#'#                                 c_fd_exog_data    = colnames(data_set)[c(seq(4,9),11)],
#'#                                 l_fd_exog_data    = colnames(data_set)[c(seq(3,9),11)],
#'#                                 lags_fd_exog_data = 2,
#'#                                 confint           = 1.67,
#'#                                 hor               = 5)
#'## Plot irfs
#'#   plot(results_panel)
#'## Simulate and add instrument to data_set
#'#   set.seed(123)
#'#   data_set   <- data_set %>%
#'#                 group_by(country) %>%
#'#                 mutate(instrument = 0.8*stir + rnorm(length(stir), 0, sd(na.omit(stir))/10)) %>%
#'#                 ungroup()
#'## Estimate panel model with iv approach
#'#  results_panel <-  lp_lin_panel(data_set          = data_set,
#'#                                 data_sample       = data_sample,
#'#                                 endog_data        = "mortgdp",
#'#                                 cumul_mult        = TRUE,
#'#                                 shock             = "stir",
#'#                                 diff_shock        = TRUE,
#'#                                 iv_reg            = TRUE,
#'#                                 instrum           = "instrument",
#'#                                 panel_model       = "within",
#'#                                 panel_effect      = "individual",
#'#                                 robust_cov        = "vcovSCC",
#'#                                 c_exog_data       = "cay",
#'#                                 l_exog_data       = "cay",
#'#                                 lags_exog_data    = 2,
#'#                                 c_fd_exog_data    = colnames(data_set)[c(seq(4,9),11)],
#'#                                 l_fd_exog_data    = colnames(data_set)[c(seq(3,9),11)],
#'#                                 lags_fd_exog_data = 2,
#'#                                 confint           = 1.67,
#'#                                 hor               = 5)
#'## Create and plot irfs
#'#   plot(results_panel)
#'###                           Use GMM                                      ###
#'## Use a much smaller sample to have fewer T than N
#' # data_sample <-   seq(2000, 2012)
#'## Estimate panel model with gmm
#' ## This example (please uncomment) gives a warning at each iteration.
#' ## The data set is not well suited for GMM as GMM is based on N-asymptotics
#' ## and the data set only contains 27 countries
#' #
#' # results_panel <-  lp_lin_panel(data_set          = data_set,
#' #                              data_sample        = data_sample,
#' #                              endog_data         = "mortgdp",
#' #                              cumul_mult         = TRUE,
#' #
#' #                              shock              = "stir",
#' #                              diff_shock         = TRUE,
#' #
#' #                              use_gmm            = TRUE,
#' #                              gmm_model          = "onestep",
#' #                              gmm_effect         = "twoways",
#' #                              gmm_transformation = "ld",
#' #
#' #                              l_exog_data        = "mortgdp",
#' #                              lags_exog_data     = 2,
#' #                              l_fd_exog_data     = colnames(data_set)[c(4, 6)],
#' #                              lags_fd_exog_data  = 1,
#' #
#' #                              confint            = 1.67,
#' #                              hor                = 5)
#' #
#' # Create and plot irfs
#' # plot(results_panel)
lp_lin_panel <- function(
                    data_set          = NULL,
                    data_sample       = "Full",
                    endog_data        = NULL,
                    cumul_mult        = TRUE,

                    shock             = NULL,
                    diff_shock        = TRUE,
                    iv_reg            = FALSE,
                    instrum           = NULL,
                    panel_model       = "within",
                    panel_effect      = "individual",
                    robust_cov        = NULL,

                    robust_method     = NULL,
                    robust_type       = NULL,
                    robust_cluster    = NULL,
                    robust_maxlag     = NULL,

                    use_gmm            = FALSE,
                    gmm_model          = "onestep",
                    gmm_effect         = "twoways",
                    gmm_transformation = "d",

                    c_exog_data       = NULL,
                    l_exog_data       = NULL,
                    lags_exog_data    = NaN,
                    c_fd_exog_data    = NULL,
                    l_fd_exog_data    = NULL,
                    lags_fd_exog_data = NaN,
                    confint           = NULL,
                    hor               = NULL){

  # Check whether data_set is given
    stop("You have to provide the panel data set.")

 # Check whether column names are named properly
  if(any(colnames(data_set)[3:dim(data_set)[2]] %in% c("cross_id", "date_id"))){
    stop("You cannot use the column names 'cross_id' or 'date_id' besides the first two columns of your data.frame.
         Please rename them." )

 # Check whether name for endogenous variable is given
    stop("You have to provide the name of the endogenous variable." )

  # Check whether shock is given
    stop("You have to provide the name of the variable to shock with." )

  # Check whether instrument is given if iv_reg = TRUE
  if(isTRUE(iv_reg) & is.null(instrum)){
    stop("You have to provide the name of the instrument." )

  # Check whether panel model type is correct
    if(!panel_model %in% c("within", "random", "ht", "between", "pooling", "fd")){
      stop("The type of the panel model has to be 'within', 'random', 'ht', 'between', 'pooling' or 'fd'. See
           the vignette of the plm package for details." )

  # Check whether the panel effect is correctly specified
    if(!panel_effect %in% c("individual", "time", "twoways", "nested")){
      stop("The effect introduced in the model has to be 'individual', 'time', 'twoways' or 'nested'.
           See the vignette of the plm package for details." )

  # Check whether robust covariance estimator is correctly specified
    if(!robust_cov %in% c("Vcxt", "vcovBK", "vcovDC", "vcovHC", "vcovNW", "vcovSCC")){
    stop("The choices for robust covariance estimation are 'vcovBK', 'vcovDC', 'vcovHC', 'vcovNW', 'vcovSCC' and 'Vcxt'.
         For details, see the vignette of the plm package and Miller (2017)." )

  # Check whether lag lengths are given if necessary
    stop("You have to provide the lag lengths for the exogenous data with lagged impact." )

  # Check whether lag lengths are given if necessary
    stop("You have to provide the lag lengths for the exogenous data with lagged impact of first differences." )

  # Check whether width for confidence intervals is given
    stop('Please specify a value for the width of the confidence bands.')

  # Check whether width of confidence bands is >=0
  if(!(confint >=0)){
    stop('The width of the confidence bands has to be >=0.')

  # Check whether values for horizons are correct
  if(!(hor > 0) | is.nan(hor) | !(hor %% 1 == 0)){
    stop('The number of horizons has to be an integer and > 0.')

  # Check whether input for gmm is correct
  if(isTRUE(use_gmm) & !gmm_model %in% c("onestep", "twosteps")){
    stop('The model type for gmm has to be "onestep" (default) or "twosteps".')

  # Check whether input for gmm is correct
  if(isTRUE(use_gmm) & !gmm_effect %in% c("twoways", "individual")){
    stop('The effect for gmm has to be "twoways" (default) or "individual".')

  # Check whether input for gmm is correct
  if(isTRUE(use_gmm) & !gmm_transformation %in% c("d", "ld")){
    stop('The transformation to apply to the model has to either be "d" (default)
         for the "difference GMM" model or "ld" for the "system GMM".')

  # Verify that if gmm is estimated robust_cov is NULL
  if(is.character(robust_cov) & isTRUE(use_gmm)){
    stop('If you want to estimate a gmm model, set "robust_cov = NULL".')

  # Verify that column names are not identical
  if(length(names(data_set)) != length(unique(names(data_set)))){
    stop('Please verify that each column name is unique.')

  # Verify that column names do not include the string pattern "lag_"
  if(length(grep("lag_", colnames(data_set))) >= 1){
    stop('Please do not use column names that include the string "lag_" in the name.
         This cause later naming problems')

  # Rename first two column of data.frame
  colnames(data_set)[1]     <- "cross_id"
  colnames(data_set)[2]     <- "date_id"

  # Sort data_set by cross_id, then by year
  data_set <- data_set %>%
              dplyr::arrange(cross_id, date_id)

  # Create list to store inputs
  specs <- list()

  # Specify inputs
  specs$data_sample         <- data_sample
  specs$endog_data          <- endog_data
  specs$cumul_mult          <- cumul_mult

  # Add new column to data.frame when shock = endog
  if(endog_data == shock){

    new_shock_name <- paste(shock,"_shock", sep ="")
    data_set       <- data_set %>%
                      mutate(!!new_shock_name :=  get(endog_data))

    specs$shock    <- new_shock_name

                      }   else   {

    specs$shock             <- shock


  specs$diff_shock          <- diff_shock

  specs$instrum             <- instrum
  specs$panel_model         <- panel_model
  specs$panel_effect        <- panel_effect
  specs$iv_reg              <- iv_reg

  specs$use_gmm             <- use_gmm
  specs$gmm_model           <- gmm_model
  specs$gmm_effect          <- gmm_effect
  specs$gmm_transformation  <- gmm_transformation

  specs$robust_cov          <- robust_cov
  specs$robust_method       <- robust_method
  specs$robust_type         <- robust_type
  specs$robust_cluster      <- robust_cluster
  specs$robust_maxlag       <- robust_maxlag

  specs$exog_data           <- colnames(data_set)[which(!colnames(data_set) %in%
                                                         c("cross_id", "date_id"))]
  specs$c_exog_data         <- c_exog_data
  specs$l_exog_data         <- l_exog_data
  specs$lags_exog_data      <- lags_exog_data

  specs$c_fd_exog_data      <- c_fd_exog_data
  specs$l_fd_exog_data      <- l_fd_exog_data
  specs$lags_fd_exog_data   <- lags_fd_exog_data

  specs$confint             <- confint
  specs$hor                 <- hor

  specs$model_type          <- 2
  specs$endog               <- 1        # Set the number of endogenous variables for plot function
  specs$column_names        <- endog_data

  specs$is_nl               <- FALSE    # Indicator to use in 'create_panel_data'

  #--- Create data
  lin_panel_data   <- create_panel_data(specs, data_set)

  # Extract endogenous and exogenous data
  specs            <- lin_panel_data$specs
  x_reg_data       <- lin_panel_data$x_reg_data
  y_data           <- lin_panel_data$y_data

  x_instrument     <- lin_panel_data$x_instrument

  # Prepare matrices to store irfs
  irf_panel_mean   <- matrix(NaN, 1, specs$hor)
  irf_panel_up     <- matrix(NaN, 1, specs$hor)
  irf_panel_low    <- matrix(NaN, 1, specs$hor)

  # List to store regression results
  reg_outputs      <- list(rep(NaN), specs$hor)
  reg_summaries    <- list(rep(NaN), specs$hor)
  xy_data_sets     <- list(rep(NaN), specs$hor)

  # Prepare formula names
  y_reg_name     <- specs$endog_data
  x_reg_names    <- names(x_reg_data)

  # Make formula for normal panel estimation (no iv)
  ols_formula    <- paste(y_reg_name, "~",
                          paste(x_reg_names[!(x_reg_names %in% c("cross_id", "date_id"))], collapse = " + "))

  # Make formula for iv_regression

    # Make formula string for iv_regression
    iv_formula     <- paste(ols_formula, paste(x_reg_names[!(x_reg_names %in% c("cross_id",
                                                                                "date_id", y_reg_name, specs$shock))],
                                               collapse = " + "), sep =  "| ")
    iv_formula     <- paste(iv_formula, "+", paste(specs$instrum, collapse =  " + "))

    # Convert string to formula
    plm_formula    <- stats::as.formula(iv_formula)

               } else {

   # Check whether to use GMM
    gmm_formula <-  stats::as.formula(paste(ols_formula, "|", "plm::lag(",y_reg_name,", 2:99)" , sep=""))

               } else {

    # Convert ols string to formula
    plm_formula    <- stats::as.formula(ols_formula)

  # Loop to estimate irfs
  for(ii in 1:specs$hor){


      yx_data        <- suppressMessages(
                        dplyr::left_join(y_data[[ii]], x_reg_data, by = c("cross_id", "date_id"))  %>%
                        dplyr::left_join(x_instrument)                                             %>%

                       }  else  {

      yx_data        <- suppressMessages(
                        dplyr::left_join(y_data[[ii]], x_reg_data, by = c("cross_id", "date_id"))  %>%   #


    # Choose data_sample if specified
    if(!(specs$data_sample[1] == 'Full')){

      yx_data      <-   yx_data %>%
                        dplyr::filter(date_id %in% specs$data_sample)


    # Do panel estimation
    # Check whether to use gmm

    panel_results  <- plm::pgmm(gmm_formula,
                                data           = yx_data,
                                index          = c("cross_id", "date_id"),
                                model          = specs$gmm_model,
                                effect         = specs$gmm_effect,
                                transformation = specs$gmm_transformation)

                         } else {

    panel_results  <- plm::plm(formula  = plm_formula,
                               data     = yx_data,
                               index    = c("cross_id", "date_id"),
                               model    = specs$panel_model,
                               effect   = specs$panel_effect)

    # Estimate confidence bands with robust standard errors?

      # Estimate robust covariance matrices
      if(specs$robust_cov %in% c("vcovBK", "vcovDC", "vcovHC", "vcovNW", "vcovSCC")){

      reg_output_tmp  <- panel_results
      reg_summary_tmp <- get_robust_cov_panel(panel_results, specs)

                                   } else {

      reg_output_tmp  <- panel_results
      reg_summary_tmp <-  lmtest::coeftest(panel_results,  vcov = get_robust_vcxt_panel(specs$robust_cov))


      # Extract the position of the parameters of the shock variable
        shock_position <- which(stats::variable.names(t(reg_summary_tmp)) == specs$shock)

      # If shock variable could not be found, stop estimation and give message
      if(is.integer(shock_position) && length(shock_position) == 0){
        stop("The shock variable has been dropped during the estimation. The
                 impulse responses can not be estimated.")

      # Estimate irfs and confidence bands
      irf_panel_mean[[1, ii]]   <- reg_summary_tmp[shock_position, 1]
      irf_panel_up[[1,   ii]]   <- reg_summary_tmp[shock_position, 1] + specs$confint*reg_summary_tmp[shock_position, 2]
      irf_panel_low[[1,  ii]]   <- reg_summary_tmp[shock_position, 1] - specs$confint*reg_summary_tmp[shock_position, 2]

                             }      else      {

      reg_output_tmp  <- panel_results
      reg_summary_tmp <- summary(panel_results)

      # Extract the position of the parameters of the shock variable
      shock_position <- which(stats::variable.names(t(reg_summary_tmp$coef)) == specs$shock)

      # If shock variable could not be found, stop estimation and give message
      if(is.integer(shock_position) && length(shock_position) == 0){
        stop("The shock variable was dropped during the estimation, perhaps because of co-linearity or identification issues.
               As a consequence, the  impulse responses can not be estimated.")

      # Estimate irfs and confidence bands
      irf_panel_mean[[1, ii]]   <- reg_summary_tmp$coefficients[shock_position, 1]
      irf_panel_up[[1,   ii]]   <- reg_summary_tmp$coefficients[shock_position, 1] + specs$confint*reg_summary_tmp$coefficients[shock_position, 2]
      irf_panel_low[[1,  ii]]   <- reg_summary_tmp$coefficients[shock_position, 1] - specs$confint*reg_summary_tmp$coefficients[shock_position, 2]


    # Save regression results and data_sets
    reg_outputs[[ii]]         <- reg_output_tmp
    reg_summaries[[ii]]       <- reg_summary_tmp
    xy_data_sets[[ii]]        <- yx_data

  result <- list(irf_panel_mean            = irf_panel_mean,
                          irf_panel_low    = irf_panel_low,
                          irf_panel_up     = irf_panel_up,
                          reg_outputs      = reg_outputs,
                          reg_summaries    = reg_summaries,
                          xy_data_sets     = xy_data_sets,
                          y_data           = y_data,
                          specs            = specs

  # Give object S3 name
  class(result) <- "lpirfs_lin_panel_obj"


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lpirfs documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:35 p.m.