
lte2<-function (formula, k, d, press = FALSE, data = NULL, na.action, 
    k <- as.matrix(k)
    d <- as.matrix(d)
    k1 <- k[1L]
    d1 <- d[1L]
    ltes2 <- function(formula, k1, d1, data = NULL, na.action, 
        ...) {
        cal <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
        mat <- match(c("formula", "data", "na.action"), names(cal))
        cal <- cal[c(1L, mat)]
        cal[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
        cal <- eval(cal)
        y <- model.response(cal)
        md <- attr(cal, "terms")
        x <- model.matrix(md, cal, contrasts)
        s <- t(x) %*% x
        I <- diag(NCOL(x))
        bb <- solve(s) %*% t(x) %*% y
        bk <- solve(s + k1 * I) %*% (I - d1 * solve(s + k1 * 
            I)) %*% t(x) %*% y
        colnames(bk) <- c("Estimate")
        ev <- (t(y) %*% y - t(bb) %*% t(x) %*% y)/(NROW(x) - 
        ev <- diag(ev)
        dbd <- ev * (solve(s + k1 * I) - d1 * solve(s + k1 * 
            I) %*% solve(s + k1 * I)) %*% s %*% (solve(s + k1 * 
            I) - d1 * solve(s + k1 * I) %*% solve(s + k1 * I))
        Standard_error <- sqrt(diag(abs(dbd)))
        dbt <- t(bk)
        dbd <- ev * (solve(s + k1 * I) - d1 * solve(s + k1 * 
            I) %*% solve(s + k1 * I)) %*% s %*% (solve(s + k1 * 
            I) - d1 * solve(s + k1 * I) %*% solve(s + k1 * I))
        sdbd_inv <- (sqrt(diag(abs(dbd))))^-1
        sdbd_inv_mat <- diag(sdbd_inv)
        if (NCOL(dbt) == 1L) 
            tbd <- dbt * sdbd_inv
        else tbd <- dbt %*% sdbd_inv_mat
        hggh <- t(tbd)
        tst <- t(2L * pt(-abs(tbd), df <- (NROW(x) - NCOL(x))))
        colnames(tst) <- c("p_value")
        colnames(hggh) <- c("t_statistic")
        bibet <- ((solve(s + k1 * I) - d1 * solve(s + k1 * I) %*% 
            solve(s + k1 * I)) %*% s - I) %*% bb
        bibets <- bibet %*% t(bibet)
        mse <- dbd + bibets
        mse1 <- sum(diag(mse))
        mse1 <- round(mse1, digits <- 4L)
        names(mse1) <- c("MSE")
        pr <- 0
        i <- 1
        m <- 1
        for (i in 1:nrow(x)) {
            subsum <- 0
            bb <- c(x[i, ] %*% t(x[i, ]))
            z <- (solve(s + k1 * I - bb) - d1 * solve(s + k1 * 
                I - bb) %*% solve(s + k1 * I - bb)) %*% (t(x) %*% 
                y - x[i, ] * y[i])
            for (m in 1:ncol(x)) subsum <- subsum + (x[i, m] %*% 
            pr <- pr + (y[i] - subsum)^2
        pre <- t(pr)
        u1 <- c(pre, rep(NA, NCOL(x) - 1))
        pres <- matrix(u1, NCOL(x))
        colnames(pre) <- c("PRESS")
        ans1 <- cbind(bk, Standard_error, hggh, tst)
        ans <- round(ans1, digits = 4L)
        pre <- round(pre, digits = 4L)
        anw <- list(`*****Type (2) Liu Estimator*****` = ans, 
            `*****Mean Square Error value*****` = mse1, `*****Prediction Sum of Squares value*****` = pre)
    npt <- ltes2(formula, k1, d1, data, na.action)
    plotlt2 <- function(formula, k, d, data = NULL, na.action, 
        ...) {
        j <- 0
        i <- 0
        arr <- 0
        for (j in 1:nrow(k)) {
            for (i in 1:nrow(d)) {
                ltem2 <- function(formula, k, d, data, na.action, 
                  ...) {
                  cal <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
                  mat <- match(c("formula", "data", "na.action"), 
                  cal <- cal[c(1L, mat)]
                  cal[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
                  cal <- eval(cal)
                  y <- model.response(cal)
                  md <- attr(cal, "terms")
                  x <- model.matrix(md, cal, contrasts)
                  s <- t(x) %*% x
                  I <- diag(NCOL(x))
                  bb <- solve(s) %*% t(x) %*% y
                  ev <- (t(y) %*% y - t(bb) %*% t(x) %*% y)/(NROW(x) - 
                  ev <- diag(ev)
                  dbd <- ev * (solve(s + k * I) - d * solve(s + 
                    k * I) %*% solve(s + k * I)) %*% s %*% (solve(s + 
                    k * I) - d * solve(s + k * I) %*% solve(s + 
                    k * I))
                  bibet <- ((solve(s + k * I) - d * solve(s + 
                    k * I) %*% solve(s + k * I)) %*% s - I) %*% 
                  bibets <- bibet %*% t(bibet)
                  mse <- dbd + bibets
                  mse1 <- sum(diag(mse))
                arr[j * i] <- ltem2(formula, k[j], d[i], data, 
                flte2 <- file("lte2v.data", "a+")
                cat(k[j], d[i], arr[j * i], "\n", file = flte2, 
                  append = TRUE)
        mat <- read.table("lte2v.data")
        rmat <- matrix(mat[, 3L], nrow = NROW(d), dimnames = list(c(paste0("d=", 
            d)), c(paste0("k=", k))))
    plte2 <- plotlt2(formula, k, d, data, na.action)
    plotprlt2 <- function(formula, k, d, data = NULL, na.action, 
        ...) {
        j <- 0
        i <- 0
        arr <- 0
        for (j in 1:nrow(k)) {
            for (i in 1:nrow(d)) {
                pre1 <- function(formula, k, d, data, na.action, 
                  ...) {
                  cal <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
                  mat <- match(c("formula", "data", "na.action"), 
                  cal <- cal[c(1L, mat)]
                  cal[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
                  cal <- eval(cal)
                  y <- model.response(cal)
                  md <- attr(cal, "terms")
                  x <- model.matrix(md, cal, contrasts)
                  s <- t(x) %*% x
                  I <- diag(NCOL(x))
                  pr <- 0
                  i <- 1
                  m <- 1
                  for (i in 1:nrow(x)) {
                    subsum <- 0
                    bb <- c(x[i, ] %*% t(x[i, ]))
                    z <- (solve(s + k * I - bb) - d * solve(s + 
                      k * I - bb) %*% solve(s + k * I - bb)) %*% 
                      (t(x) %*% y - x[i, ] * y[i])
                    for (m in 1:ncol(x)) subsum <- subsum + (x[i, 
                      m] %*% z[m])
                    pr <- pr + (y[i] - subsum)^2
                  pre <- t(pr)
                arr[j * i] <- pre1(formula, k[j], d[i], data, 
                fprlt2 <- file("prltv2.data", "a+")
                cat(k[j], d[i], arr[j * i], "\n", file = fprlt2, 
                  append = TRUE)
        pmat <- read.table("prltv2.data")
        rprmat <- matrix(pmat[, 3L], nrow = NROW(d), dimnames = list(c(paste0("d=", 
            d)), c(paste0("k=", k))))
    prlt2 <- plotprlt2(formula, k, d, data, na.action)
    if (!press) 
        prmse <- plte2
    else prmse <- prlt2
    if (nrow(k) > 1L | nrow(k) > 1L) 
        val <- prmse
    else val <- npt

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