
#' Evaluate allocation performance with three maps
#' An implementation of the method described by Pontius et al. (2011), which
#' compares a reference map at time 1, a reference map at time 2 and a simulated
#' map at time 2 to evaluate allocation performance at multiple resolutions while
#' taking into account persistence. The method quantifies disagreement within
#' coarse squares (minor allocation disagreement), disagreement between coarse
#' squares (major allocation disagreement), disagreement about the quantity of
#' land use change and agreement.
#' @param x either a RasterLayer of observed land use at time 0 or an object
#'   inheriting from class \code{Model}
#' @param x1 a RasterLayer of observed land use at a subsequent time. Only
#'   required if \code{x} is also a RasterLayer
#' @param y1 a RasterLayer of simulated land use corresponding to \code{x1}. Only
#'   required if \code{x} is also a RasterLayer
#' @param factors numeric vector of aggregation factors (equivalent to the 'fact'
#'   argument to \cr
#'   \code{raster::\link[raster]{aggregate}} representing the resolutions at which
#'   model performance should be tested
#' @param timestep numeric value indicating the timestep of the simulated land use
#'   map. Only required if \code{x} is a \code{Model} object
#' @param categories numeric vector of land use categories in observed maps. Only
#'   required if \code{x} is a RasterLayer
#' @param labels character vector (optional) with labels corresponding to
#'   \code{categories}. Only required if \code{x} is a RasterLayer
#' @param \dots additional arguments to \code{raster::\link[raster]{aggregate}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{AgreementBudget}}, \code{\link{FigureOfMerit}},
#' \code{raster::\link[raster]{aggregate}}
#' @return A \code{ThreeMapComparison} object.
#' @export
#' @rdname ThreeMapComparison
#' @references Pontius Jr, R.G., Peethambaram, S., Castella, J.C. (2011).
#' Comparison of three maps at multiple resol utions: a case study of land change
#' simulation in Cho Don District, Vietnam. Annals of the Association of American
#' Geographers 101(1): 45-62.
#' @examples
#' ## see lulcc-package examples

setGeneric("ThreeMapComparison", function(x, x1, y1, ...)

#' @rdname ThreeMapComparison
#' @aliases ThreeMapComparison,Model,ANY,ANY-method
setMethod("ThreeMapComparison", signature(x = "Model", x1 = "ANY", y1 = "ANY"),
          function(x, x1, y1, factors, timestep, ...) {
              if (!timestep %in% x@obs@t) {
                  stop(paste0("no observed map for timestep ", timestep))

              categories <- x@categories
              labels <- x@labels
              x1 <- x@obs[[which(x@obs@t %in% timestep)]]
              y1 <- x@output[[which(x@time %in% timestep)]]
              x <- x@obs[[1]]

              out <- ThreeMapComparison(x=x, x1=x1, y1=y1, factors=factors, categories=categories, labels=labels, ...)
#' @rdname ThreeMapComparison
#' @aliases ThreeMapComparison,RasterLayer,RasterLayer,RasterLayer-method
setMethod("ThreeMapComparison", signature(x = "RasterLayer", x1 = "RasterLayer", y1 = "RasterLayer"),
          function(x, x1, y1, factors, categories, labels, ...) {

              ## NB equation numbers refer to those in Pontius et al. (2011)
              cr <- raster::compareRaster(x, x1, y1, extent=FALSE, rowcol=FALSE, res=TRUE, tolerance=0.05, stopiffalse=FALSE)
              if (!cr) { stop("resolution and/or CRS of input maps do not agree") }

              ## ensure maps cover exactly the same region by extracting cells based on coordinates of non-NA cells in x
              pts.x <- raster::rasterToPoints(x, spatial=TRUE)
              x1.vals <- raster::extract(x1, pts.x)
              y1.vals <- raster::extract(y1, pts.x)
              if (length(x1.vals) != length(pts.x)) stop("x1 contains NA values in study region")
              if (length(y1.vals) != length(pts.x)) stop("y1 contains NA values in study region")

              x1.nm <- names(x1)
              y1.nm <- names(y1)
              x1 <- x; names(x1) <- x1.nm
              y1 <- x; names(y1) <- y1.nm
              x1[!is.na(x1)] <- x1.vals 
              y1[!is.na(y1)] <- y1.vals 

              ## prepare map to calculate weights
              ones <- x
              ones[!is.na(ones)] <- 1
              ## create list to hold output
              maps <- list(stack(x,x1,y1))
              tables <- list()
              for (f in 1:length(factors)) {

                  ## get map of weights
                  if (factors[f] > 1) {
                      weight <- raster::aggregate(ones, fact=factors[f], fun=sum, na.rm=TRUE, expand=TRUE, ...)
                  } else {
                      weight <- ones

                  wt.vals <- raster::getValues(weight)
                  wt.vals <- wt.vals[!is.na(wt.vals)]

                  ## preallocate three dimensional table
                  tab <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=((length(categories) + 1) * (length(categories) + 1)), ncol=(length(categories) + 1))
                  x.list <- list()
                  x1.list <- list()
                  y1.list <- list()

                  Qng.list <- list()
                  Rng.list <- list()
                  Sng.list <- list()

                  st <- list() ####
                  for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
                      cat <- categories[j]
                      tmp.x <- (x == cat) ## maps with binary values where 1/0 indicates presence/absence of 'cat'
                      tmp.x1 <- (x1 == cat)
                      tmp.y1 <- (y1 == cat)

                      if (factors[f] > 1) {
                          tmp.x <- raster::aggregate(tmp.x, fact=factors[f], fun=sum, na.rm=TRUE, expand=TRUE, ...)
                          tmp.x1 <- raster::aggregate(tmp.x1, fact=factors[f], fun=sum, na.rm=TRUE, expand=TRUE, ...)
                          tmp.y1 <- raster::aggregate(tmp.y1, fact=factors[f], fun=sum, na.rm=TRUE, expand=TRUE, ...)

                      st[[j]] <- stack((tmp.x / weight), (tmp.x1 / weight), (tmp.y1 / weight)) ####
                      names(st[[j]]) <- paste0(labels[j],".",c("x","x1","y1"),".",factors[f])
                      tmp.x.vals <- raster::getValues(tmp.x)
                      tmp.x.vals <- tmp.x.vals[!is.na(tmp.x.vals)]           
                      tmp.x1.vals <- raster::getValues(tmp.x1)
                      tmp.x1.vals <- tmp.x1.vals[!is.na(tmp.x1.vals)]
                      tmp.y1.vals <- raster::getValues(tmp.y1)
                      tmp.y1.vals <- tmp.y1.vals[!is.na(tmp.y1.vals)]

                      x.list[[j]] <- tmp.x.vals
                      x1.list[[j]] <- tmp.x1.vals
                      y1.list[[j]] <- tmp.y1.vals

                      Qng.list[[j]] <- tmp.x.vals / wt.vals
                      Rng.list[[j]] <- tmp.x1.vals / wt.vals
                      Sng.list[[j]] <- tmp.y1.vals / wt.vals


                  maps[[(f+1)]] <- stack(st)
                  eq1.list <- list()
                  eq2.list <- list()
                  for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
                      eq1.list[[j]] <- pmin(Rng.list[[j]], Sng.list[[j]], na.rm=TRUE) ## Equation 1
                      eq2.list[[j]] <- pmin(Qng.list[[j]], Rng.list[[j]], Sng.list[[j]], na.rm=TRUE) ## Equation 2

                  eq3.list <- list()
                  for (j in 1:length(categories)) {

                      ## Equation 3
                      bsum <- list()
                      for (i in 1:length(categories)) {
                          if (i != j) {
                              ix <- length(bsum) + 1
                              bsum[[ix]] <- Qng.list[[i]] - eq2.list[[i]]
                      bsum <- Reduce("+", bsum) ## denominator of expression right of multiplication sign

                      eq3.sublist <- list()
                      for (i in 1:length(categories)) {
                          if (i != j) {
                              b <- Qng.list[[i]] - eq2.list[[i]] ## numerator of expression right of multiplication sign
                              eq3.sublist[[i]] <- (eq1.list[[j]] - eq2.list[[j]]) * b / bsum ## Equation 3
                          } else {
                              eq3.sublist[[i]] <- NA
                      eq3.list[[j]] <- eq3.sublist

                  ## Equation 4
                  Qqng.list <- list()
                  for (i in 1:length(categories)) {
                      Tng <- list()
                      for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
                          if (i != j) {
                              Tng[[j]] <- eq3.list[[j]][[i]]
                          } else {
                              Tng[[j]] <- eq2.list[[i]]
                      Tng <- rowSums(do.call(cbind, Tng), na.rm=TRUE)  
                      Qqng.list[[i]] <- Qng.list[[i]] - Tng ## Equation 4


                  ## Equation 5
                  Rrng.list <- list()
                  for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
                      Rrng.list[[j]] <- Rng.list[[j]] - eq1.list[[j]] ## Equation 5

                  ## Equation 6
                  Ssng.list <- list()
                  for (k in 1:length(categories)) {
                      Ssng.list[[k]] <- Sng.list[[k]] - eq1.list[[k]] ## Equation 6

                  ## Equation 7
                  a <- Reduce("+", eq1.list) ## expression left of multiplication sign
                  bsum <- list()
                  for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
                      for (k in 1:length(categories)) {
                          for (i in 1:length(categories)) {
                              if (j != k) {
                                  ix <- length(bsum) + 1
                                  bsum[[ix]] <- Qqng.list[[i]] * Rrng.list[[j]] * Ssng.list[[k]]
                  bsum <- Reduce("+", bsum) ## denominator of expression right of multiplication sign

                  eq7.list <- list()
                  for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
                      eq7.sublist <- list()
                      for (k in 1:length(categories)) {
                          eq7.subsublist <- list()
                          for (i in 1:length(categories)) {
                              if (j != k) {
                                  b <- Qqng.list[[i]] * Rrng.list[[j]] * Ssng.list[[k]] ## numerator of expression right of multiplication sign
                                  eq7.subsublist[[i]] <- (1 - a) * b / bsum ## Equation 7
                              } else {
                                  eq7.subsublist[[i]] <- NA
                          eq7.sublist[[k]] <- eq7.subsublist
                      eq7.list[[j]] <- eq7.sublist

                  ## Fill in three-dimensional table

                  ## Rule 1
                  for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
                      ixy <- j * (length(categories) + 1)
                      ixx <- j
                      tab[ixy,ixx] <- sum(eq1.list[[j]] * wt.vals, na.rm=TRUE) / sum(wt.vals, na.rm=TRUE)

                  ## Rule 2
                  for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
                      ixy <- j + (j-1) * (length(categories) + 1)
                      ixx <- j
                      tab[ixy,ixx] <- sum(eq2.list[[j]] * wt.vals, na.rm=TRUE) / sum(wt.vals, na.rm=TRUE)

                  ## Rule 3
                  for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
                      for (i in 1:length(categories)) {
                          if (i != j) {
                              ixy <- i + (j-1) * (length(categories) + 1)
                              ixx <- j
                              tab[ixy,ixx] <- sum(eq3.list[[j]][[i]] * wt.vals, na.rm=TRUE) / sum(wt.vals, na.rm=TRUE)

                  ## Rule 4
                  for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
                      for (k in 1:length(categories)) {
                          for (i in 1:length(categories)) {
                              if (j != k) {
                                  ixy <- i + (j-1) * (length(categories) + 1)
                                  ixx <- k
                                  tab[ixy,ixx] <- sum(eq7.list[[j]][[k]][[i]] * wt.vals, na.rm=TRUE) / sum(wt.vals, na.rm=TRUE)

                  ## Fill in total values
                  for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
                      for (k in 1:length(categories)) {
                          ixy <- j + (length(categories) + 1) * length(categories)
                          ixx <- k
                          tab[ixy,ixx] <- sum(tab[seq(j, by=(length(categories) + 1), length.out=length(categories)), k], na.rm=TRUE)

                  for (j in 1:(length(categories) + 1)) {
                      for (k in 1:length(categories)) {
                          ixy <- j * (length(categories) + 1)
                          ixx <- k
                          tab[ixy,ixx] <- sum(tab[(seq(1:length(categories)) + (j-1) * (length(categories) + 1)), k], na.rm=TRUE)

                  for (j in 1:(length(categories) + 1)) {
                      for (i in 1:(length(categories) + 1)) {
                          ixy <- i + (j-1) * (length(categories) + 1)
                          ixx <- length(categories) + 1
                          tab[ixy,ixx] <- sum(tab[ixy,1:length(categories)], na.rm=TRUE)

                  tables[[f]] <- tab


              ## agr <- .agreementBudget(tables=tables, factors=factors, categories=categories)
              ## fom <- .figureOfMerit(tables=tables, factors=factors, categories=categories)

              out <- new("ThreeMapComparison",
                         ## ref.t0=x,
                         ## ref.t1=x1,
                         ## sim.t1=y1,
                         ## agr.overall=agr@overall,
                         ## agr.category=agr@category,
                         ## agr.transition=agr@transition,
                         ## fom.overall=fom@overall,
                         ## fom.category=fom@category,
                         ## fom.transition=fom@transition,                         


## .agreementBudget <- function(tables, factors, categories) { 

##     ## overall
##     overall.agr <- .agreementBudget2(tables=tables, factors=factors, categories=categories, type="overall", from.ix=1:length(categories), to.ix=1:length(categories))

##     ## category
##     category.agr <- list()
##     for (i in 1:length(categories)) {
##         category.agr[[i]] <- .agreementBudget2(tables=tables, factors=factors, type="category", categories=categories, from.ix=i, to.ix=1:length(categories))
##     }
##     names(category.agr) <- labels

##     ## transition
##     transition.agr <- list()
##     for (i in 1:length(categories)) {
##         for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
##             ix <- (i-1) * length(categories) + j
##             transition.agr[[ix]] <- .agreementBudget2(tables=tables, factors=factors, type="transition", categories=categories, from.ix=i, to.ix=j)

##         }
##     }
##     names(transition.agr) <- paste0(rep(labels, each=length(categories)), "-", rep(labels, length(categories)))

##     list(overall=overall.agr, category=category.agr, transition=transition.agr)

## }

## .agreementBudget2 <- function(tables, factors, categories, type, from.ix=NA, to.ix=NA) {
##     ## number of sources of agreement/disagreement (correct persistence not possible with 'transition')
##     if (type == "transition") {
##         n <- 4
##     } else {
##         n <- 5
##     }
##     ## preallocate output data.frame
##     agreement <- as.data.frame(matrix(data=NA, nrow=length(factors), ncol=n))
##     names(agreement) <- c("a","b","c","d","e")[1:n]

##     for (f in 1:length(tables)) {
##         tab <- tables[[f]]

##         ## change simulated as persistence
##         a <- rep(0, length(categories))
##         for (j in to.ix) {
##             asub <- rep(0, length(categories))
##             for (i in from.ix) {
##                 if (i != j) {
##                     ixy <- i + (j-1) * (length(categories) + 1)
##                     ixx <- i
##                     asub[i] <- tab[ixy,ixx]
##                 }
##             }
##             a[j] <- sum(asub, na.rm=TRUE)
##         }
##         a <- sum(a)

##         ## correctly simulated change
##         b <- rep(0, length(categories))
##         for (j in to.ix) {
##             bsub <- rep(0, length(categories))
##             for (i in from.ix) {
##                 if (i != j) {
##                     ixy <- i + (j-1) * (length(categories) + 1)
##                     ixx <- j
##                     bsub[i] <- tab[ixy,ixx]
##                 } 
##             }
##             b[j] <- sum(bsub)
##         }
##         b <- sum(b)

##         ## incorrectly simulated change
##         c <- rep(0, length(categories)) 
##         for (j in to.ix) {
##             csub <- rep(0, length(categories))   
##             for (i in from.ix) {
##                 csubsub <- rep(0, length(categories))               
##                 for (k in 1:length(categories)) {
##                     if (i != j && i != k && j != k) {
##                         ixy <- i + (j-1) * (length(categories) + 1)
##                         ixx <- k
##                         csubsub[k] <- tab[ixy,ixx]
##                     }
##                 }
##                 csub[i] <- sum(csubsub, na.rm=TRUE)
##             }
##             c[j] <- sum(csub, na.rm=TRUE)
##         }
##         c <- sum(c)

##         ## if looking at specific transitions...
##         if (length(to.ix) == 1) {
##             csub <- rep(0, length(categories))
##             for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
##                 if (j != from.ix && j != to.ix) {
##                     ixy <- from.ix + (j-1) * (length(categories) + 1)
##                     ixx <- to.ix
##                     csub[j] <- tab[ixy,ixx]
##                 }
##             }
##             c <- c + sum(csub)
##         }

##         ## persistence simulated incorrectly
##         d <- rep(0, length(categories))
##         for (j in from.ix) {
##             dsub <- rep(0, length(categories))
##             for (k in to.ix) {
##                 if (k != j) {
##                     ixy <- j + (j-1) * (length(categories) + 1)
##                     ixx <- k 
##                     dsub[k] <- tab[ixy,ixx]
##                 }
##             }
##             d[j] <- sum(dsub)
##         }
##         d <- sum(d)

##         ## persistence simulated correctly
##         if (type == "overall" || type == "category") {
##             e <- rep(0, length(categories))
##             for (i in from.ix) {
##                 ixy <- i + (i-1) * (length(categories) + 1)
##                 ixx <- i
##                 e[i] <- tab[ixy,ixx]
##             }
##             e <- sum(e)
##             agreement[f,] <- c(a, b, c, d, e)
##         } else {
##             agreement[f,] <- c(a, b, c, d)
##         }        
##     }
##     agreement

## }

## ## NB Equation numbers refer to those in Pontius et al. (2011)
## .figureOfMerit <- function(tables, factors, categories) {

##     overall.fom <- list()
##     category.fom <- list()
##     transition.fom <- list()

##     for (f in 1:length(factors)) {

##         tab <- tables[[f]]

##         ## Equation 9 (overall figure of merit)
##         a <- 0
##         b <- 0            
##         for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
##             a.ixy <- j * (length(categories) + 1)
##             a.ixx <- j
##             a <- sum(c(a, tab[a.ixy, a.ixx]), na.rm=TRUE) ## expression left of minus sign in numerator
##             b.ixy <- j + (j-1) * (length(categories) + 1)
##             b.ixx <- j
##             b <- sum(c(b, tab[b.ixy, b.ixx]), na.rm=TRUE) ## expression right of minus sign in numerator
##         }

##         overall.fom[[f]] <- (a - b) / (1 - b) ## Equation 9

##         ## Equation 10 (figure of merit for each category)
##         eq10 <- rep(0, length(categories))
##         names(eq10) <- categories ## useful?
##         for (i in 1:length(categories)) {
##             a <- 0
##             b <- 0
##             for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
##                 a.ixy <- i + (j-1) * (length(categories) + 1)
##                 a.ixx <- j
##                 a <- sum(c(a, tab[a.ixy, a.ixx]), na.rm=TRUE) ## expression left of minus sign in numerator
##                 b.ixy <- a.ixy
##                 b.ixx <- length(categories) + 1
##                 b <- sum(c(b, tab[b.ixy, b.ixx]), na.rm=TRUE) ## expression left of minus sign in denominator 
##             }
##             c.ixy <- i + (i-1) * (length(categories) + 1)
##             c.ixx <- i
##             c <- tab[c.ixy, c.ixx] ## expression right of plus sign in numerator
##             eq10[i] <- (a - c) / (b - c) ## Equation 10
##         }
##         category.fom[[f]] <- eq10

##         ## Equation 11 (figure of merit for each transition)
##         eq11 <- matrix(data=0, nrow=length(categories), ncol=length(categories))
##         colnames(eq11) <- categories ## useful?
##         rownames(eq11) <- categories ## useful?
##         for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
##             for (i in 1:length(categories)) {
##                 a.ixy <- i + (j-1) * (length(categories) + 1)
##                 a.ixx <- j 
##                 a <- tab[a.ixy, a.ixx] ## numerator
##                 b.ixy <- i + (j-1) * (length(categories) + 1)
##                 b.ixx <- length(categories) + 1
##                 b <- tab[b.ixy, b.ixx] ## expression left of plus sign in denominator
##                 c <- 0
##                 for (k in 1:length(categories)) {
##                     c.ixy <- i + (k-1) * (length(categories) + 1)
##                     c.ixx <- j
##                     c <- sum(c(c, tab[c.ixy, c.ixx]), na.rm=TRUE) ## expression right of plus sign in denominator
##                 }
##                 eq11[i,j] <- a / (b + c - a) ## Equation 11
##             }
##         }
##         transition.fom[[f]] <- eq11
##     }

##     list(overall=overall.fom, category=category.fom, transition=transition.fom)

## }

## old:

## ThreeMapComparison <- function(rt1, rt2, st2, factors, categories, labels, ...) {
##     ## NB equation numbers refer to those in Pontius et al. (2011)
##     cr <- raster::compareRaster(rt1, rt2, st2, extent=FALSE, rowcol=FALSE, res=TRUE, tolerance=0.05, stopiffalse=FALSE)
##     if (!cr) { stop("resolution and/or CRS of input maps do not agree") }

##     ## ensure maps cover exactly the same region by extracting cells based on coordinates of non-NA cells in rt1
##     pts.rt1 <- raster::rasterToPoints(rt1, spatial=TRUE)
##     rt2.vals <- raster::extract(rt2, pts.rt1)
##     st2.vals <- raster::extract(st2, pts.rt1)
##     if (length(rt2.vals) != length(pts.rt1)) stop("rt2 contains NA values in study region")
##     if (length(st2.vals) != length(pts.rt1)) stop("st2 contains NA values in study region")
##     rt2 <- rt1
##     st2 <- rt1
##     rt2[!is.na(rt2)] <- rt2.vals 
##     st2[!is.na(st2)] <- st2.vals 

##     ## prepare map to calculate weights
##     ones <- rt1
##     ones[!is.na(ones)] <- 1

##     ## create list to hold output
##     tables <- list()
##     for (f in 1:length(factors)) {
##         ## get map of weights
##         if (factors[f] > 1) {
##             weight <- raster::aggregate(ones, fact=factors[f], fun=sum, na.rm=TRUE, expand=TRUE, ...)
##         } else {
##             weight <- ones
##         }

##         wt.vals <- raster::getValues(weight)
##         wt.vals <- wt.vals[!is.na(wt.vals)]
##         ## preallocate three dimensional table
##         tab <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=(length(categories) + 1) * (length(categories) + 1), ncol=(length(categories) + 1))
##         rt1.list <- list()
##         rt2.list <- list()
##         st2.list <- list()

##         Qng.list <- list()
##         Rng.list <- list()
##         Sng.list <- list()

##         for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
##             cat <- categories[j]
##             tmp.rt1 <- (rt1 == cat) ## maps with binary values where 1/0 indicates presence/absence of 'cat'
##             tmp.rt2 <- (rt2 == cat)
##             tmp.st2 <- (st2 == cat)

##             if (factors[f] > 1) {
##                 tmp.rt1 <- raster::aggregate(tmp.rt1, fact=factors[f], fun=sum, na.rm=TRUE, expand=TRUE, ...)
##                 tmp.rt2 <- raster::aggregate(tmp.rt2, fact=factors[f], fun=sum, na.rm=TRUE, expand=TRUE, ...)
##                 tmp.st2 <- raster::aggregate(tmp.st2, fact=factors[f], fun=sum, na.rm=TRUE, expand=TRUE, ...)
##             }
##             tmp.rt1.vals <- raster::getValues(tmp.rt1)
##             tmp.rt1.vals <- tmp.rt1.vals[!is.na(tmp.rt1.vals)]           
##             tmp.rt2.vals <- raster::getValues(tmp.rt2)
##             tmp.rt2.vals <- tmp.rt2.vals[!is.na(tmp.rt2.vals)]
##             tmp.st2.vals <- raster::getValues(tmp.st2)
##             tmp.st2.vals <- tmp.st2.vals[!is.na(tmp.st2.vals)]
##             rt1.list[[j]] <- tmp.rt1.vals
##             rt2.list[[j]] <- tmp.rt2.vals
##             st2.list[[j]] <- tmp.st2.vals

##             Qng.list[[j]] <- tmp.rt1.vals / wt.vals
##             Rng.list[[j]] <- tmp.rt2.vals / wt.vals
##             Sng.list[[j]] <- tmp.st2.vals / wt.vals
##         }

##         eq1.list <- list()
##         eq2.list <- list()
##         for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
##             eq1.list[[j]] <- pmin(Rng.list[[j]], Sng.list[[j]], na.rm=TRUE) ## Equation 1
##             eq2.list[[j]] <- pmin(Qng.list[[j]], Rng.list[[j]], Sng.list[[j]], na.rm=TRUE) ## Equation 2
##         }
##         eq3.list <- list()
##         for (j in 1:length(categories)) {

##             ## Equation 3
##             bsum <- list()
##             for (i in 1:length(categories)) {
##                 if (i != j) {
##                     ix <- length(bsum) + 1
##                     bsum[[ix]] <- Qng.list[[i]] - eq2.list[[i]]
##                 }
##             }
##             bsum <- Reduce("+", bsum) ## denominator of expression right of multiplication sign
##             eq3.sublist <- list()
##             for (i in 1:length(categories)) {
##                 if (i != j) {
##                     b <- Qng.list[[i]] - eq2.list[[i]] ## numerator of expression right of multiplication sign
##                     eq3.sublist[[i]] <- (eq1.list[[j]] - eq2.list[[j]]) * b / bsum ## Equation 3
##                 } else {
##                     eq3.sublist[[i]] <- NA
##                 }
##             }
##             eq3.list[[j]] <- eq3.sublist
##         }

##         ## Equation 4
##         Qqng.list <- list()
##         for (i in 1:length(categories)) {
##             Tng <- list()
##             for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
##                 if (i != j) {
##                     Tng[[j]] <- eq3.list[[j]][[i]]
##                 } else {
##                     Tng[[j]] <- eq2.list[[i]]
##                 }
##             }
##             Tng <- rowSums(do.call(cbind, Tng), na.rm=TRUE)  
##             Qqng.list[[i]] <- Qng.list[[i]] - Tng ## Equation 4
##         }

##         ## Equation 5
##         Rrng.list <- list()
##         for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
##             Rrng.list[[j]] <- Rng.list[[j]] - eq1.list[[j]] ## Equation 5
##         }

##         ## Equation 6
##         Ssng.list <- list()
##         for (k in 1:length(categories)) {
##             Ssng.list[[k]] <- Sng.list[[k]] - eq1.list[[k]] ## Equation 6
##         }
##         ## Equation 7
##         a <- Reduce("+", eq1.list) ## expression left of multiplication sign
##         bsum <- list()
##         for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
##             for (k in 1:length(categories)) {
##                 for (i in 1:length(categories)) {
##                     if (j != k) {
##                         ix <- length(bsum) + 1
##                         bsum[[ix]] <- Qqng.list[[i]] * Rrng.list[[j]] * Ssng.list[[k]]
##                     }
##                 }
##             }
##         }        
##         bsum <- Reduce("+", bsum) ## denominator of expression right of multiplication sign

##         eq7.list <- list()
##         for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
##             eq7.sublist <- list()
##             for (k in 1:length(categories)) {
##                 eq7.subsublist <- list()
##                 for (i in 1:length(categories)) {
##                     if (j != k) {
##                         b <- Qqng.list[[i]] * Rrng.list[[j]] * Ssng.list[[k]] ## numerator of expression right of multiplication sign
##                         eq7.subsublist[[i]] <- (1 - a) * b / bsum ## Equation 7
##                     } else {
##                         eq7.subsublist[[i]] <- NA
##                     }
##                 }
##                 eq7.sublist[[k]] <- eq7.subsublist
##             }
##             eq7.list[[j]] <- eq7.sublist
##         }

##         ## Fill in three-dimensional table
##         ## Rule 1
##         for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
##             ixy <- j * (length(categories) + 1)
##             ixx <- j
##             tab[ixy,ixx] <- sum(eq1.list[[j]] * wt.vals, na.rm=TRUE) / sum(wt.vals, na.rm=TRUE)
##         }

##         ## Rule 2
##         for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
##             ixy <- j + (j-1) * (length(categories) + 1)
##             ixx <- j
##             tab[ixy,ixx] <- sum(eq2.list[[j]] * wt.vals, na.rm=TRUE) / sum(wt.vals, na.rm=TRUE)
##         }

##         ## Rule 3
##         for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
##             for (i in 1:length(categories)) {
##                 if (i != j) {
##                     ixy <- i + (j-1) * (length(categories) + 1)
##                     ixx <- j
##                     tab[ixy,ixx] <- sum(eq3.list[[j]][[i]] * wt.vals, na.rm=TRUE) / sum(wt.vals, na.rm=TRUE)
##                 }
##             }
##         }
##         ## Rule 4
##         for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
##             for (k in 1:length(categories)) {
##                 for (i in 1:length(categories)) {
##                     if (j != k) {
##                         ixy <- i + (j-1) * (length(categories) + 1)
##                         ixx <- k
##                         tab[ixy,ixx] <- sum(eq7.list[[j]][[k]][[i]] * wt.vals, na.rm=TRUE) / sum(wt.vals, na.rm=TRUE)
##                     }
##                 }
##             }
##         }

##         ## Fill in total values
##         for (j in 1:length(categories)) {
##             for (k in 1:length(categories)) {
##                 ixy <- j + (length(categories) + 1) * length(categories)
##                 ixx <- k
##                 tab[ixy,ixx] <- sum(tab[seq(j, by=(length(categories) + 1), length.out=length(categories)), k], na.rm=TRUE)
##             }
##         }
##         for (j in 1:(length(categories) + 1)) {
##             for (k in 1:length(categories)) {
##                 ixy <- j * (length(categories) + 1)
##                 ixx <- k
##                 tab[ixy,ixx] <- sum(tab[(seq(1:length(categories)) + (j-1) * (length(categories) + 1)), k], na.rm=TRUE)
##             }
##         }

##         for (j in 1:(length(categories) + 1)) {
##             for (i in 1:(length(categories) + 1)) {
##                 ixy <- i + (j-1) * (length(categories) + 1)
##                 ixx <- length(categories) + 1
##                 tab[ixy,ixx] <- sum(tab[ixy,1:length(categories)], na.rm=TRUE)
##             }
##         }

##         tables[[f]] <- tab
##     }

##     out <- new("ThreeMapComparison",
##                tables=tables,
##                factors=factors,
##                categories=categories,
##                labels=labels)

## }

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