
Defines functions .clues .ordered .applyNeighbDecisionRules .applyDecisionRules .updatehist .maxtprob .autoConvert

#' @include class-Model.R

#' Allocate land use change spatially
#' Perform spatially explicit allocation of land use change using different
#' models. Currently the function provides an implementation of the Change in
#' Land Use and its Effects at Small regional extent (CLUE-S) model (Verburg et
#' al., 2002) and an ordered procedure based on the algorithm described by Fuchs
#' et al., (2013), modified to allow stochastic transitions.
#' @param model an object inheriting from class \code{Model}
#' @param stochastic logical indicating whether the model should be run
#'   stochastically. Only used if \code{model} is an \code{OrderedModel} object
#' @param \dots additional arguments for specific methods
#' @seealso \code{\link{CluesModel}}, \code{\link{OrderedModel}}
#' @return An updated Model object.
#' @export
#' @rdname allocate
#' @references
#' Fuchs, R., Herold, M., Verburg, P.H., and Clevers, J.G.P.W. (2013). A
#' high-resolution and harmonized model approach for reconstructing and analysing
#' historic land changes in Europe, Biogeosciences, 10:1543-1559.
#' Verburg, P.H., Soepboer, W., Veldkamp, A., Limpiada, R., Espaldon, V., Mastura,
#' S.S. (2002). Modeling the spatial dynamics of regional land use: the CLUE-S
#' model. Environmental management, 30(3):391-405.
#' @examples
#' ## see lulcc-package examples

setGeneric("allocate", function(model, ...)

#' @rdname allocate
#' @aliases allocate,CluesModel-method
setMethod("allocate", signature(model = "CluesModel"),
          function(model, ...) {
              map0 <- model@obs[[1]]
              cells <- which(!is.na(raster::getValues(map0)))
              map0.vals <- raster::extract(map0, cells)
              if (!is.null(model@hist)) hist.vals <- raster::extract(model@hist, cells) else NULL
              if (!is.null(model@mask)) mask.vals <- raster::extract(model@mask, cells) else NULL
              newdata <- as.data.frame(x=model@ef, cells=cells)
              prob <- predict(object=model@models, newdata=newdata)
              maps <- raster::stack(map0)

              for (i in 1:(nrow(model@demand) - 1)) {
                   d <- model@demand[(i+1),] 

                   ## 1. update land use suitability matrix if dynamic factors exist
                   if (model@ef@dynamic && i > 1) {
                       newdata <- .update.data.frame(x=newdata, y=model@ef, map=map0, cells=cells, timestep=(i-1))
                       prob <- predict(object=model@models, newdata=newdata)
                   tprob <- prob

                   ## 2. add elasticity 
                   for (j in 1:length(model@categories)) {
                       ix <- map0.vals %in% model@categories[j]
                       tprob[ix,j] <- tprob[ix,j] + model@elas[j]

                   ## 3. implement neighbourhood decision rules
                   tprob <- .applyNeighbDecisionRules(model=model, x=map0, tprob=tprob)

                   ## 4. implement other decision rules
                   cd <- d - model@demand[i,] ## change direction
                   tprob <- .applyDecisionRules(model=model, x=map0.vals, hist=hist.vals, cd=cd, tprob=tprob)
                   ## 5. make automatic conversions if necessary
                   auto <- .autoConvert(x=map0.vals, prob=tprob, categories=model@categories, mask=mask.vals)
                   map0.vals[auto$ix] <- auto$vals
                   tprob[auto$ix,] <- NA

                   ## 6. allocation
                   map1.vals <- do.call(.clues, c(list(tprob=tprob, map0.vals=map0.vals, demand=d, categories=model@categories), model@params))
                   map1 <- raster::raster(map0, ...) 
                   map1[cells] <- map1.vals
                   maps <- raster::stack(maps, map1)

                   ## 7. prepare model for next timestep
                   if (i < nrow(model@demand)) {
                       if (!is.null(model@hist)) hist.vals <- .updatehist(map0.vals, map1.vals, hist.vals) 
                       map0 <- map1
                       map0.vals <- map1.vals 
               model@output <- maps

#' @rdname allocate
#' @aliases allocate,OrderedModel-method
setMethod("allocate", signature(model = "OrderedModel"),
          function(model, stochastic=TRUE, ...) {
              map0 <- model@obs[[1]]
              cells <- which(!is.na(raster::getValues(map0)))
              map0.vals <- raster::extract(map0, cells)
              if (!is.null(model@hist)) hist.vals <- raster::extract(model@hist, cells) else NULL
              if (!is.null(model@mask)) mask.vals <- raster::extract(model@mask, cells) else NULL
              newdata <- as.data.frame(x=model@ef, cells=cells)
              prob <- predict(object=model@models, newdata=newdata)
              maps <- raster::stack(map0)

              for (i in 1:(nrow(model@demand) - 1)) {

                   d <- model@demand[(i+1),]

                   ## 1. update land use suitability matrix if dynamic factors exist
                   if (model@ef@dynamic && i > 1) {
                       newdata <- .update.data.frame(x=newdata, y=model@ef, map=map0, cells=cells, timestep=(i-1))
                       prob <- predict(object=model@models, newdata=newdata)
                   tprob <- prob
                   ## 2. implement neighbourhood decision rules
                   tprob <- .applyNeighbDecisionRules(model=model, x=map0, tprob=tprob)

                   ## 3. implement other decision rules
                   cd <- d - model@demand[i,] ## change direction
                   tprob <- .applyDecisionRules(model=model, x=map0.vals, hist=hist.vals, cd=cd, tprob=tprob)

                   ## 4. make automatic conversions if necessary
                   auto <- .autoConvert(x=map0.vals, prob=tprob, categories=model@categories, mask=mask.vals)
                   map0.vals[auto$ix] <- auto$vals
                   tprob[auto$ix,] <- NA

                   ## 5. allocation
                   map1.vals <- do.call(.ordered, c(list(tprob=tprob, map0.vals=map0.vals, demand=d, categories=model@categories, order=model@order, stochastic=stochastic), model@params))
                   map1 <- raster::raster(map0, ...) 
                   map1[cells] <- map1.vals
                   maps <- raster::stack(maps, map1)

                   ## 6. prepare model for next timestep
                   if (i < nrow(model@demand)) {
                       if (!is.null(model@hist)) hist.vals <- .updatehist(map0.vals, map1.vals, hist.vals) 
                       map0 <- map1
                       map0.vals <- map1.vals 
               model@output <- maps

#' @useDynLib lulcc
.clues <- function(tprob, map0.vals, demand, categories, jitter.f, scale.f, max.iter, max.diff, ave.diff) {
    map1.vals <- .Call("allocateclues", tprob, map0.vals, demand, categories, jitter.f, scale.f, max.iter, max.diff, ave.diff)

#' @useDynLib lulcc
.ordered <- function(tprob, map0.vals, demand, categories, order, stochastic) {

    map0.area <- .Call("total", map0.vals, categories)        ## initial condition
    diff <- demand - map0.area
    if (sum(abs(diff)) == 0) return(map0.vals)                
    map1.vals <- map0.vals
    for (i in 1:length(order)) {
        ix <- which(categories %in% order[i])
        cat <- categories[ix]
        n <- demand[ix] - length(which(map1.vals %in% cat))   ## number of cells to convert

        ## static demand
        if (n == 0) {
            ixx <- which(map0.vals %in% cat)                  ## index of all cells belonging to lu
            tprob[ixx,] <- NA                                 ## set suitability of these cells to NA
        ## increasing demand
        if (n > 0) {
            ixx <- which(!map1.vals %in% cat)                 ## index of all cells not currently belonging to lu
            p <- tprob[ixx,ix]                                ## suitability of all cells not currently belonging to lu (NB will include NAs)
            p.ix <- order(p, na.last=TRUE, decreasing=TRUE)   ## index of cells when arranged from high to low
            p <- p[p.ix]                                      ## suitability arranged from high to low
            p.ix <- p.ix[which(!is.na(p))]                    ## index with NAs removed
            p <- p[which(!is.na(p))]                          ## suitability with NAs removed
            ixx <- ixx[p.ix]                                  ## actual index of cells (as they appear in map1.vals)     
            #p.range <- range(p, na.rm=TRUE); print(p.range)                   
            #p <- (p - p.range[1]) / diff(p.range)             ## normalise suitability (0-1)

            ## repeat {
            ##     select.ix <- which(p >= runif(length(p)))     ## compare suitability to numbers drawn from random normal distribution
            ##     if (length(select.ix) >= abs(n)) break()      ## only exit loop if select.ix includes enough cells to meet demand
            ## }

            if (stochastic) {
                counter <- 0
                repeat {
                    counter <- counter + 1
                    select.ix <- which(p >= runif(length(p)))     ## compare suitability to numbers drawn from random normal distribution
                    if (length(select.ix) >= abs(n) | counter > 1000) break()      ## only exit loop if select.ix includes enough cells to meet demand

            } else {
                select.ix <- seq(1, length(p))
            select.ix <- select.ix[1:n]                       ## select cells with the highest suitability
            ixx <- ixx[select.ix]                             ## index
            map1.vals[ixx] <- cat                             ## allocate change
            ixx <- which(map1.vals %in% cat)                  ## index of cells belonging to lu
            tprob[ixx,] <- NA                                 ## set suitability of these cells to NA

        ## decreasing demand
        if (n < 0) {
            ixx <- which(map0.vals %in% cat)                  ## index of all cells currently belonging to lu
            p <- tprob[ixx,ix]                                ## suitability of all cells currently belonging to lu (will include NAs)
            p.ix <- order(p, na.last=TRUE, decreasing=FALSE)   ## index of cells when arranged low to high
            p <- p[p.ix]                                      ## suitability arranged from low to high
            p.ix <- p.ix[which(!is.na(p))]                    ## index with NAs removed
            p <- p[which(!is.na(p))]                          ## suitability with NAs removed
            ixx <- ixx[p.ix]                                  ## actual index of cells (as they appear in map1.vals)  
            ## p.range <- range(p, na.rm=TRUE)                   
            ## p <- (p - p.range[1]) / diff(p.range)             ## normalise suitability
            if (stochastic) {
                counter <- 0
                repeat {
                    counter <- counter + 1
                    select.ix <- which(p < runif(length(p)))      ## compare suitability to numbers drawn from random normal distribution 
                    if (length(select.ix) >= abs(n) | counter > 1000) break()      ## only exit loop if select.ix includes enough cells to meet demand
            } else {
                select.ix <- seq(1, length(p))

            select.ix <- select.ix[1:abs(n)]                       ## select cells with lowest suitability
            ixx <- ixx[select.ix]                             ## index 
            map1.vals[ixx] <- -1                              ## unclassified
            ixx <- which(map1.vals %in% cat)                  ## index of cells belonging to lu
            tprob[ixx,] <- NA                                 ## set suitability of these cells to NA


## helper functions

.applyNeighbDecisionRules <- function(model, x, tprob) {
    if (!is.null(model@neighb) && !is.null(model@nb.rules)) {
        nb.allow <- allowNeighb(neighb=model@neighb, x=x, categories=model@categories, rules=model@nb.rules)
        tprob <- tprob * nb.allow

.applyDecisionRules <- function(model, x, hist, cd, tprob) {
    if (!is.null(model@rules)) {
        allow <- allow(x=x, hist=hist, categories=model@categories, cd=cd, rules=model@rules)
        tprob <- tprob * allow

#' @useDynLib lulcc
.updatehist <- function(lu0, lu1, hist) {
    hist <- .Call("updatehist", lu0, lu1, hist)

.maxtprob <- function(x) {    
    if (length(which(!is.na(x)) > 0)) {
        out <- max(x, na.rm=TRUE)
    } else {
        out <- NA

#' @useDynLib lulcc
.autoConvert <- function(x, prob, categories, mask=NULL, ...) {
    if (!is.null(mask) && length(x) != length(mask)) stop("mask must have same length as x")
    if (is.null(mask)) mask <- rep(1, length(x))
    ## TODO: change autoconvert function so mask is optional
    vals <- .Call("autoconvert", x, mask, prob, categories)
    ix <- which(!is.na(vals))
    vals <- vals[ix]
    out <- list(ix=ix, vals=vals)

## .allocate <- function(model, fun, ...) {              

##     map0 <- model@obs[[1]]
##     cells <- which(!is.na(raster::getValues(map0)))
##     map0.vals <- raster::extract(map0, cells)
##     hist.vals <- raster::extract(model@hist, cells)
##     mask.vals <- raster::extract(model@mask, cells)
##     newdata <- as.data.frame(x=model@pred, cells=cells)
##     prob <- predict(object=model@models, newdata=newdata)
##     maps <- raster::stack(map0)
##     for (i in 1:(nrow(model@demand) - 1)) {
##          print(i)                                    
##          d <- model@demand[(i+1),] ## demand for current timestep
##          if (model@pred@dynamic && i > 1) {
##              newdata <- .update.data.frame(x=newdata, y=model@pred, map=map0, cells=cells, timestep=(i-1))
##              prob <- predict(object=model@models, newdata=newdata)
##          }
##          tprob <- prob

##          ## elas only included in some models, so check whether model model has slot
##          if (.hasSlot(model, "elas")) { 
##              for (j in 1:length(model@categories)) {
##                  ix <- map0.vals %in% model@categories[j]
##                  tprob[ix,j] <- tprob[ix,j] + model@elas[j] ## add elasticity
##              }
##          }
##          if (!is.null(model@neighb)) {
##              nb.allow <- allowNeighb(x=model@neighb, cells=cells, categories=model@categories, rules=model@nb.rules)
##              tprob <- tprob * nb.allow ## neighbourhood decision rules
##          }
##          ## implement other decision rules
##          if (!is.null(model@rules)) {
##              cd <- d - model@demand[i,] ## change direction
##              allow <- allow(x=map0.vals, hist=hist.vals, categories=model@categories, cd=cd,rules=model@rules)
##              tprob <- tprob * allow
##          }

##          ## make automatic conversions if necessary
##          auto <- .autoConvert(x=map0.vals, mask=mask.vals, prob=tprob, categories=model@categories)
##          map0.vals[auto$ix] <- auto$vals
##          tprob[auto$ix,] <- NA
##          ## allocation
##          args <- c(list(tprob=tprob, map0.vals=map0.vals, demand=d, categories=model@categories), model@params)
##          map1.vals <- do.call(fun, args)
##          map1 <- raster::raster(map0, ...) 
##          map1[cells] <- map1.vals
##          maps <- raster::stack(maps, map1)
##          ## prepare model for next timestep
##          if (i < nrow(model@demand)) {
##              hist.vals <- .updatehist(map0.vals, map1.vals, hist.vals) ## update
##              map0.vals <- map1.vals 
##              if (!is.null(model@neighb)) model@neighb <- NeighbRasterStack(x=map1, neighb=model@neighb)
##          }
##      }    
##      out <- maps              
## }

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