
#' Selection of process-specific regulators from high-throughput data using multinomial regression models.
#' @param dframe Data frame of predictors. Row and column names are required for identifying samples (genes) and predictors (gene regulators), respectively.
#' @param response Vector of factors. Names of vector need to correspond to rownames in dframe.
#' @param interactions If enabled, pairs of predictors as interactions will be evaluated (much slower).
#' @param significance Significance cutoff for p-values from log likelihood ratio tests.
#' @param n_cores Number of processor cores to engage in computation. Use all available cores by default (n_cores=0).
#' @param multitest Method to perform multiple testing correction for p-values from predictor evaluation. See p.adjust() for details.

#' @return Vector of scores, with names corresponding to predictors.
#' @references m:Explorer - multinomial regression models reveal positive and negative regulators of longevity in yeast quiescence (2012, Genome Biology) by Juri Reimand, Anu Aun, Jaak Vilo, Juan M. Vaquerizas, Juhan Sedman, and Nicholas M. Luscombe
#' @author Juri Reimand <juri.reimand@utoronto.ca>
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(yeastCCgenes)
#' data(yeastTFdata)
#' mExplorer(yeastTFdata, yeastCCgenes)
#' }
#' data(mExplorer_small_test_data)
#' small_test_results = mExplorer(small_test_dframe, small_test_response_vec)
#' @export

mExplorer = function(
			interactions = F, 
			significance = 0.05,
			n_cores = 1, # 0 use all available cores, int-- use requested cores
			multitest = "BY"
		) {
	if(n_cores==0) {
		n_cores = NULL
	# response vector prepared
	response = prepare_response(response, rownames(dframe))
	all_resp_levels = setdiff(levels(response), ".")

	# dframe of predictors prepared
	dframe = prepare_dframe(dframe)
	all_pred_levels = setdiff(unique(c(as.matrix(dframe))), ".")
	# collection of submodels prepared
	submodels = colnames(dframe)
	if (interactions) {
		submodels = c(submodels, utils::combn(submodels, 2, paste, collapse=":"))
	# fit null model
	fit0 = nnet::multinom(response~1, data=dframe, maxit=5000, trace=0)
	ll_fit0 = stats::logLik(fit0)
	df_fit0 = fit0$edf
	# fit alternative models and test against null model
	regressed = parallel::mclapply(1:length(submodels), 
			submodels, dframe, response, ll_fit0, df_fit0, all_pred_levels, all_resp_levels,
	pval_list = sapply(regressed, '[[', 'chi_p')
	resp_coef_list = do.call("rbind", lapply(regressed, '[[', 'resp_coefs'))
	pred_coef_list = do.call("rbind", lapply(regressed, '[[', 'pred_coefs'))
	names(pval_list) = rownames(resp_coef_list) = rownames(pred_coef_list) = submodels
	# collect pvalues from regression into scores
	scores = stats::p.adjust(unlist(pval_list), method=multitest)
	scores = sort(scores[scores<=significance])
	resp_coef_list = resp_coef_list[names(scores),,drop=F]
	pred_coef_list = pred_coef_list[names(scores),,drop=F]
	colnames(resp_coef_list) = all_resp_levels
	colnames(pred_coef_list) = all_pred_levels
	return(list(scores=scores, resp_coefs=resp_coef_list, pred_coefs=pred_coef_list))

# pkey=229 
# pkey = 81 # one level in predictor
run_regression = function(pkey, submodels, dframe, response, ll_fit0, df_fit0, all_pred_levels, all_resp_levels) {
	my_formula = stats::as.formula(paste("response ~", submodels[pkey]))
	fit1 = nnet::multinom(my_formula, data=dframe, maxit=5000, trace=0)
	ci = tryCatch(stats::confint(fit1), error=function(x) NULL)
	co = stats::coef(fit1)
	ci_sign = resp_specificity = pred_specificity = NULL
	if (length(all_resp_levels)==1) {
		resp_specificity = structure(1, names=all_resp_levels)
		pred_specificity = rep(0, length(co))
		if (!is.null(ci)) {
			ci_sign = sign(ci[,1])==sign(ci[,2])
			co[is.na(ci_sign) | !ci_sign | co<0] = 0
			co["(Intercept)"] = 0
			pred_specificity = co/sum(co)
	} else if (length(levels(dframe[,submodels[pkey]]))<=2) {
		resp_specificity = rep(0, nrow(co))
		if (!is.null(ci)) {
			ci_sign = t(apply(ci, 3, function(x) sign(x[,1])==sign(x[,2])))
			co[is.na(ci_sign) | !ci_sign | co<0] = 0
			co[,"(Intercept)"] = 0
			resp_specificity = (x<-apply(co, 1, sum))/sum(x)
		pred_specificity = structure(1, names=setdiff(levels(dframe[,submodels[pkey]]), "."))
	} else {
		resp_specificity = rep(0, nrow(co))
		pred_specificity = rep(0, ncol(co))
		if (!is.null(ci)) {
			ci_sign = t(apply(ci, 3, function(x) sign(x[,1])==sign(x[,2])))
			co[is.na(ci_sign) | !ci_sign | co<0] = 0
			co[,"(Intercept)"] = 0
			resp_specificity = (x<-apply(co, 1, sum))/sum(x) # wow functional kung-fu 
			pred_specificity = ((x<-apply(co, 2, sum))/sum(x))[-1] # wow functional kung-fu 
	names(pred_specificity) = gsub(submodels[pkey], "", names(pred_specificity))
	pred_specificity = pred_specificity[all_pred_levels]
	# NB! 2x log likelihood equivalent to anova
	# NB! log.p=T option returns natural logarithm of P, converting to log10
	pp = (stats::pchisq(2*(stats::logLik(fit1)-ll_fit0), fit1$edf-df_fit0, lower.tail=F))[1]
	pp = ifelse(any(sign(co)>0), pp, 1)
	cat(pkey, " ")
	return(list(chi_p=pp, resp_coefs=resp_specificity, pred_coefs=pred_specificity))

prepare_response = function(gene_levels, dframe_genes) {

	if (!any(names(gene_levels) %in% dframe_genes)) {
		stop("MEXPLORER_ERR: No response names recognized in predictors matrix")

	names_matched = length(which(names(gene_levels) %in% dframe_genes))
	cat(paste("MEXPLORER_MSG: Response names recognized: ", names_matched, "/", length(gene_levels), sep=""), fill=T)

	if (length(grep("\\.", gene_levels))) {
		cat("MEXPLORER_MSG: Background level `.' defined in response", fill=T)

	gene_levels = gene_levels[names(gene_levels) %in% dframe_genes]
	response = structure(rep(".", length(dframe_genes)), names=dframe_genes)
	response[names(gene_levels)] = gene_levels
	response = factor(response, levels=c(".", setdiff(unique(response), ".")), ordered=T)

	if (length(levels(response))<2) {
		stop("MEXPLORER_ERR: Uninformative response with <2 levels")


prepare_dframe = function(dframe) {
	# remove predictors with one distinct level
	suitable_predictors = apply(dframe, 2, function(x) length(unique(x))> 1)
	dframe = dframe[,suitable_predictors, drop=F]
	if (length(which(!suitable_predictors))>0) {
		cat(paste("MEXPLORER_MSG: Ignoring single-level predictors:", names(which(!suitable_predictors))), fill=T)
	if (ncol(dframe)<1) {
		stop("MEXPLORER_ERR: Too few suitable predictors")

#' Creation of m:Explorer input data frame from GMT files
#' @param gmt_filename Path to GMT file to convert.
#' @param min_genes Numeric indicating to discard pathways with less than min_genes genes. If NA, there is no lower bound on the number of genes. Default is NA.
#' @param max_genes Numeric indicating to discard pathways with more than max_genes genes. If NA, there is no upper bound on the number of genes. Default is NA.
#' @return Data frame with pathways as columns, genes as rows. Gene/pathway combinations are marked with "pw" if that gene is in the pathway, or "." if not.
#' @examples
#' # Create m:Explorer input data frame from GMT "small_gmt.gmt," discarding
#' # pathways with less than 5 genes and more than 1000 genes
#' gmt_file = system.file("extdata", "small_gmt.gmt", package = "mExplorer")
#' gmt = prepare_gmt_input(gmt_file, 5, 1000)
#' @export
prepare_gmt_input = function(gmt_filename, min_genes = NA, max_genes = NA) {
	gmt = qusage::read.gmt(gmt_filename)
	if (length(gmt) == 0) {
		stop("Error: GMT file contains no pathways")
	lengths = sapply(gmt, length)
	if (is.na(min_genes)) min_genes = min(lengths)
	if (is.na(max_genes)) max_genes = max(lengths)
	gmt = gmt[lengths >= min_genes & lengths <= max_genes]
	if (length(gmt) == 0) {
		stop("Error: No pathways with the specified numbers of genes")

	unique_genes = unique(unlist(gmt))
	names(gmt) = gsub(":", ".", names(gmt))

	table = do.call(cbind, lapply(names(gmt), function(pw) {
		vec = rep(".", length(unique_genes))
		names(vec) = unique_genes
		vec[gmt[[pw]]] = "pw"
		df = data.frame(I(factor(vec)))
		colnames(df) = pw

#' Example vector of yeast transcription factors for m:Explorer
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @name yeastCCgenes
#' @usage data(yeastCCgenes)
#' @format A named character vector with 186 elements

#' Example predictor data for m:Explorer
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @name yeastTFdata
#' @usage data(yeastTFdata)
#' @format A data frame with 6253 observations of 18 variables

#' Small vector of yeast transcription factors for testing m:Explorer
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @name small_test_response_vec
#' @usage data(mExplorer_small_test_data)
#' @format A named character vector with 4 elements

#' Small sample of predictor data for testing m:Explorer
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @name small_test_dframe
#' @usage data(mExplorer_small_test_data)
#' @format A data frame with 10 observations of 18 variables

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mExplorer documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:54 p.m.