#' Compute the set of indices based on number of species in Functional Entities
#' This function computes the set of indices based on number of species in
#' Functional Entities (FEs) following Mouillot _et al._ (2014).
#' @param asb_sp_occ a matrix linking occurrences (coded as 0/1) of
#' species (columns) in a set of assemblages (rows). Warning: \strong{An
#' assemblage must contain at least one species}.
#' @param sp_to_fe a list with details of species clustering into FE
#' from \code{\link{}}.
#' @param ind_nm a vector of character strings with the names of
#' functional diversity indices to compute among 'fred', 'fored' and 'fvuln'.
#' \bold{Indices names must be written in lower case letters}. Default: all
#' the indices are computed.
#' @param check_input a logical value indicating whether key features the
#' inputs are checked (e.g. class and/or mode of objects, names of rows
#' and/or columns, missing values). If an error is detected, a detailed
#' message is returned. Default: `check.input = TRUE`.
#' @param details_returned a logical value indicating whether details
#' about indices computation should be returned. These details are required
#' by \code{\link{alpha.fd.fe.plot}} to plot FEs indices.
#' @return A list with:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \emph{asb_fdfe} a matrix containing for each assemblage (rows),
#' values of functional diversity indices (same names than in 'ind_nm')
#' as well as the number of species ('nb_sp') and the number of FE
#' (nb_fe);
#' \item if \emph{details_returned} is `TRUE`,
#' \item \emph{details_fdfe} a list with \emph{asb_fe_nbsp} a matrix with
#' number of species per FE in each assemblage.
#' }
#' @references
#' Mouillot _et al._ (2014) Functional over-redundancy and high functional
#' vulnerability in global fish faunas on tropical reefs. _PNAS_, **38**,
#' 13757-13762.
#' @author Camille Magneville
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load Species*Traits dataframe:
#' data('fruits_traits', package = 'mFD')
#' # Load Traits categories dataframe:
#' data('fruits_traits_cat', package = 'mFD')
#' # Load Assemblages*Species matrix:
#' data('baskets_fruits_weights', package = 'mFD')
#' # Remove continuous trait:
#' fruits_traits <- fruits_traits[, -5]
#' fruits_traits_cat <- fruits_traits_cat[-5, ]
#' # Compute gathering species into FEs:
#' sp_to_fe_fruits <- = fruits_traits,
#' tr_cat = fruits_traits_cat,
#' fe_nm_type = 'fe_rank', check_input = TRUE)
#' # Get the occurrence dataframe:
#' asb_sp_fruits_summ <- mFD::asb.sp.summary(asb_sp_w = baskets_fruits_weights)
#' asb_sp_fruits_occ <- asb_sp_fruits_summ$'asb_sp_occ'
#' # Compute alpha fd indices:
#' alpha.fd.fe(
#' asb_sp_occ = asb_sp_fruits_occ,
#' sp_to_fe = sp_to_fe_fruits,
#' ind_nm = c('fred', 'fored', 'fvuln'),
#' check_input = TRUE,
#' details_returned = TRUE)
alpha.fd.fe <- function(asb_sp_occ, sp_to_fe, ind_nm = c("fred", "fored",
check_input = TRUE, details_returned = TRUE) {
# check_inputs if asked:
if (check_input) {
if (any(!ind_nm %in% c("fred", "fored", "fvuln"))) {
stop("Name of the functional indice to compute does not match with ",
"those allowed. Please check.")
if (!("sp_fe" %in% names(sp_to_fe))) {
stop("Input 'sp_to_fe' should contain a vector named 'sp_fe' (as ",
"returned by function ''). Please check.")
if (any(!(colnames(asb_sp_occ) %in% names(sp_to_fe$sp_fe)))) {
stop("All species in species*assemblage occurence matrix should be in ",
"the input 'sp_to_fe'. Please check that the function '' ",
"was applied on trait values of the same set of species.")
# change occ matrix as a df:
asb_sp_occ <-
# names of assemblages and of FE in the pool
nmasb <- rownames(asb_sp_occ)
nmfe_pool <- unique(sp_to_fe$sp_fe)
# matrix to store indices values for each
# assemblage:
asb_fdfe <- matrix(NA, length(nmasb), length(ind_nm) +
2, dimnames = list(nmasb, c("nb_sp", "nb_fe",
# matrix to store number of species per FE for each
# assemblage:
asb_fe_nbsp <- matrix(0, length(nmasb), length(nmfe_pool),
dimnames = list(nmasb, nmfe_pool))
# for each assemblage, compute indices:
for (k in nmasb) {
# retrieve names of species present in assemblage
# k:
asb_sp_occ_k <- asb_sp_occ[k, , drop = FALSE]
to_remove <- colnames(asb_sp_occ_k[ , asb_sp_occ_k == 0])
nmsp_k <- colnames(asb_sp_occ[which(!(colnames(asb_sp_occ) %in%
# number of species
nbsp_k <- length(nmsp_k)
asb_fdfe[k, "nb_sp"] <- nbsp_k
# FEs to which these species belong
fe_k <- sp_to_fe$sp_fe[nmsp_k]
# names of FEs present
nmfe_k <- unique(fe_k)
# number of FEs
nbfe_k <- length(nmfe_k)
asb_fdfe[k, "nb_fe"] <- nbfe_k
# ration between number of species and number of FE
# (i.e. Funct redundancy)
fred_k <- nbsp_k / nbfe_k
# number of species in each FE
fe_nbsp_k <- unlist(lapply(nmfe_k, function(x) length(which(fe_k == x))))
names(fe_nbsp_k) <- nmfe_k
asb_fe_nbsp[k, nmfe_k] <- fe_nbsp_k
# compute functional redundancy for assemblage k:
if ("fred" %in% ind_nm) asb_fdfe[k, "fred"] <- fred_k # or mean(fe_nbsp_k)
# compute functional over-redundancy for assemblage
# k:
if ("fored" %in% ind_nm) {
fored_k <- sum(sapply(fe_nbsp_k, function(x) {
max(c(x, fred_k) - fred_k)
})) / nbsp_k
asb_fdfe[k, "fored"] <- fored_k
# compute functional vulnerability for assemblage
# k:
if ("fvuln" %in% ind_nm) {
fvuln_k <- length(which(fe_nbsp_k == 1)) / nbfe_k
asb_fdfe[k, "fvuln"] <- fvuln_k
# outputs
if (details_returned) {
res <- list(asb_fdfe = asb_fdfe, details_fdfe = list(asb_fe_nbsp =
} else {
res <- asb_fdfe
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