
Defines functions beta.fd.hill

Documented in beta.fd.hill

#' Compute Functional beta-Diversity indices based on Hill Numbers 
#' Compute functional beta-diversity indices based on Hill numbers applied to
#' distance between species following the framework from Chao _et al._ (2019).
#' @param asb_sp_w a matrix with weight of species (columns) in a set
#'   of assemblages (rows). Rows and columns should have names. NA are not
#'   allowed.
#' @param sp_dist a matrix or dist object with distance between
#'   species. Species names should be provided and match those in 'asb_sp_w'. 
#'   NA are not allowed.
#' @param q a vector containing values referring to the order of
#'   diversity to use
#' @param tau a character string with name of function to apply to
#'   distance matrix (i.e. among all pairs of species) to get the threshold 
#'   used to define 'functionally indistinct set of species'. Could be qet to 
#'   'mean' (default), 'min' or 'max'.
#' @param beta_type a character string with name of framework used for
#'   computing beta-diversity, either 'Jaccard' (default) or 'Sorensen'.
#' @param check_input a logical value indicating whether key features the 
#'   inputs are checked (e.g. class and/or mode of objects, names of rows 
#'   and/or columns, missing values). If an error is detected, a detailed 
#'   message is returned. Default: `check_input = TRUE`.
#' @param details_returned a logical value indicating whether the user
#'   want to store values used for computing indices (see list below)
#' @return A list with: 
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \emph{asb_FDbeta} a list with for each value of q a \emph{dist} 
#'  object with beta functional diversity indices for all pairs of assemblages
#'  item if \strong{store.details} turned to TRUE a list \emph{details} with
#'  \itemize{
#'  \item \emph{malpha_fd_q} a list with for each value of q a \emph{dist}
#'  object with mean alpha functional diversity indices for all pairs of
#'  assemblages
#'  \item \emph{gamma_fd_q} a list with for each value of q a \emph{dist} 
#'  object with gamma functional diversity indices for all pairs of assemblages
#'  }
#'  }
#' @note When q=1 Jaccard-like and Sorensen-like beta-diversity are identical.
#' FD computed with tau='min' is equivalent to Hill number taxonomic beta
#' diversity. If tau='min' and there are species with null distance, tau is
#' set to the minimum non-null value and a warning message is displayed.
#' Indices values are stored as \emph{dist} objects to optimize memory.
#' See below example of how merging distance values in a \emph{dataframe} with
#' \code{\link{dist.to.df}}
#' @references 
#'   Chao _et al._ (2019) An attribute diversity approach to functional
#'   diversity, functional beta diversity, and related (dis)similarity 
#'   measures. _Ecological Monographs_, **89**, e01343.
#' @author Sebastien Villeger and Camille Magneville
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load Species*Traits dataframe:
#' data('fruits_traits', package = 'mFD')
#' # Load Traits types dataframe:      
#' data('fruits_traits_cat', package = 'mFD')
#' # Compute functional distance 
#' sp_dist_fruits <- mFD::funct.dist(sp_tr         = fruits_traits,
#'                                   tr_cat        = fruits_traits_cat,
#'                                   metric        = "gower",
#'                                   scale_euclid  = "scale_center",
#'                                   ordinal_var   = "classic",
#'                                   weight_type   = "equal",
#'                                   stop_if_NA    = TRUE)
#' # Compute beta functional hill indices:
#' baskets_beta <- beta.fd.hill(
#'       asb_sp_w         = baskets_fruits_weights, 
#'       sp_dist          = sp_dist_fruits, 
#'       q                = c(0,1,2), 
#'       tau              = 'mean',
#'       beta_type        = 'Jaccard', 
#'       check_input      = TRUE, 
#'       details_returned = TRUE)
#' # Then use the mFD::dist.to.df function to ease visualizing result:
#' ## for q = 0:
#' mFD::dist.to.df(list_dist = list(FDq2 = baskets_beta$beta_fd_q$q0))
#' ## for q = 1:
#' mFD::dist.to.df(list_dist = list(FDq2 = baskets_beta$beta_fd_q$q1))
#' ## for q = 2:
#' mFD::dist.to.df(list_dist = list(FDq2 = baskets_beta$beta_fd_q$q2))

beta.fd.hill <- function(asb_sp_w, sp_dist, 
                         q = c(0, 1, 2), tau = "mean", beta_type = "Jaccard", 
                         check_input = TRUE, details_returned = TRUE) {
  # distance between species stored in a
  # matrix ####
  sp_sp_dist <- sp_dist
  if (!is.matrix(sp_sp_dist)) {
    sp_sp_dist <- as.matrix(sp_sp_dist)
  ## check_inputs if required #####
  if (check_input) {
    if (any(is.na(sp_dist))) {
      stop("The species distances matrix contains NA. Please check.")
    if (is.null(rownames(sp_sp_dist))) {
      stop("No row names provided in species distance matrix. Please add ", 
           "species names as row names.")
    if (any(!(colnames(asb_sp_w) %in% rownames(sp_sp_dist)))) {
      stop("Mismatch between names in species*weight and species distances ", 
           "matrix. Please check.")
    if (any(!q %in% c(0, 1, 2))) {
      stop("q should be 0, 1 and/or 2. Please check.")
    if (any(!tau %in% c("min", "mean", "max"))) {
      stop("tau should be 'mean' or 'max'. Please check.")
    if (any(!beta_type %in% c("Jaccard", "Sorensen"))) {
      stop("beta_type should be 'Jaccard' or 'Sorensen'. Please check.")
  }  # end of checking inputs
  # preliminary operations ####
  # ensuring species are in the same order
  # in (asb_sp_w)
  # names and number of assemblages
  asb_sp_w <- as.matrix(asb_sp_w)
  asb_nm <- row.names(asb_sp_w)
  asb_nb <- length(asb_nm)
  # computing total weight per assemblage
  # ----
  asb_totw <- apply(asb_sp_w, 1, sum)
  if (any(asb_totw == 0)) {
    stop("All assemblages should contain at least one species. Please check.")
  # computing tau as mean or max on
  # distances ----
  tau_dist <- NULL
  if (tau == "min") {
    tau_dist <- min(sp_dist)
    # special case of null distance outside
    # diagonal:
    if (tau_dist == 0) {
      tau_dist <- min(sp_dist[sp_dist != 
      cat("Warning: some species has null functional distance,
          'tau' was set to the minimum non-null distance")
  if (tau == "mean") {
    tau_dist <- mean(sp_dist)
  if (tau == "max") {
    tau_dist <- max(sp_dist)
  # applying tau threshold to distance
  # matrix
  dij_tau <- sp_sp_dist
  dij_tau[which(dij_tau > tau_dist, arr.ind = TRUE)] <- tau_dist
  # dissimilarity between assemblages ####
  # list to store diversity values
  beta_fd_q <- list()
  malpha_fd_q <- list()
  gamma_fd_q <- list()
  # matrices to store diversity values of
  # order q
  mat_res <- matrix(NA, asb_nb, asb_nb, dimnames = list(asb_nm, asb_nm))
  if (0 %in% q) {
    beta_fd_q$q0 <- mat_res
    gamma_fd_q$q0 <- mat_res
    malpha_fd_q$q0 <- mat_res
  if (1 %in% q) {
    beta_fd_q$q1 <- mat_res
    gamma_fd_q$q1 <- mat_res
    malpha_fd_q$q1 <- mat_res
  if (2 %in% q) {
    beta_fd_q$q2 <- mat_res
    gamma_fd_q$q2 <- mat_res
    malpha_fd_q$q2 <- mat_res
  # combinations of assemblages
  asb_pairs <- t(utils::combn(asb_nm, 2))
  asb_pairs_nb <- nrow(asb_pairs)
  colnames(asb_pairs) <- paste0("asb.", 1:2)
  # loop on pairs of assemblages
  for (x in 1:asb_pairs_nb) {
    # names of assemblages in the pair x:
    asb_nm_x <- asb_pairs[x, ]
    # computing core variables for the pair
    # of assemblages ---- notations as in
    # Chao et al 2019, page 16, bottom right
    # (with p for +)
    # weights of species (rows) in the 2
    # assemblages (columns) (nik, bottom
    # right p16)
    x_nik <- t(asb_sp_w[asb_nm_x, ])
    # total weight of species in the 2
    # assemblages
    x_npp <- sum(x_nik)
    # total weight of each species among the
    # 2 assemblages
    x_nip <- apply(x_nik, 1, sum)
    # keeping only weight and distance of
    # species present in pair of assemblages
    x_sp <- names(which(x_nip > 0))
    x_nip <- x_nip[x_sp]
    x_nik <- x_nik[x_sp, ]
    x_sp_dist <- dij_tau[x_sp, x_sp]
    # weight of functionally distinct group
    # of species (aik, ai+ and vi+)
    x_sp_aik <- (1 - x_sp_dist / tau_dist) %*% x_nik
    x_sp_aip <- apply(x_sp_aik, 1, sum)
    x_sp_vip <- x_nip / x_sp_aip
    # species occurrences
    x_sp_01 <- x_sp_aik
    x_sp_01[which(x_sp_01 > 0)] <- 1
    # computing alpha, gamma and beta
    # diversity according to levels of q ----
    # q=0 ----
    if (0 %in% q) {
      # hence sum of species attribute
      # contribution depends on their
      # occurrence:
      x_malpha_q0 <- sum(x_sp_vip * x_sp_01) / 2
      # gamma diversity (eq 6a)
      x_gamma_q0 <- sum(x_sp_vip)
      # beta Jaccard or Sorensen
      if (beta_type == "Sorensen") {
        x_beta_q0 <- (x_gamma_q0 / x_malpha_q0) - 1
      if (beta_type == "Jaccard") {
        x_beta_q0 <- (1 - (x_malpha_q0/x_gamma_q0)) / 0.5
      # storing values
      malpha_fd_q$q0[asb_nm_x[2], asb_nm_x[1]] <- x_malpha_q0
      gamma_fd_q$q0[asb_nm_x[2], asb_nm_x[1]] <- x_gamma_q0
      beta_fd_q$q0[asb_nm_x[2], asb_nm_x[1]] <- x_beta_q0
    }  # end of q=0
    # q=1 -----
    if (1 %in% q) {
      # alpha diversity (eq 7b) with special
      # case of 0^0=0 hence sum of species
      # attribute contribution depends on their
      # occurrence
      x_malpha_q1 <- 0.5 * exp((-1) * 
                                 sum(x_sp_vip * (x_sp_aik / x_npp) * 
                                       log(x_sp_aik / x_npp), 
                                     na.rm = TRUE))
      # gamma diversity (eq 6b)
      x_gamma_q1 <- exp((-1) * 
                          sum(x_sp_vip * (x_sp_aip / x_npp) * 
                                log(x_sp_aip / x_npp)))
      # beta Jaccard or Sorensen are identical
      x_beta_q1 <- log(x_gamma_q1 / x_malpha_q1) / log(2)
      # storing values
      malpha_fd_q$q1[asb_nm_x[2], asb_nm_x[1]] <- x_malpha_q1
      gamma_fd_q$q1[asb_nm_x[2], asb_nm_x[1]] <- x_gamma_q1
      beta_fd_q$q1[asb_nm_x[2], asb_nm_x[1]] <- x_beta_q1
    }  # end of q=1
    # q=2 ----
    if (2 %in% q) {
      # alpha diversity (eq 7a) with special
      # case of 0^0=0 hence sum of species
      # attribute contribution depends on their
      # occurrence
      x_malpha_q2 <- 0.5 / (sum(x_sp_vip * ((x_sp_aik / x_npp) ^ 2)))
      # gamma diversity (eq 6a)
      x_gamma_q2 <- 1 / (sum(x_sp_vip * ((x_sp_aip / x_npp) ^ 2)))
      # beta Jaccard or Sorensen
      if (beta_type == "Sorensen") {
        x_beta_q2 <- (1 - (x_malpha_q2 / x_gamma_q2)) / 0.5
      if (beta_type == "Jaccard") {
        x_beta_q2 <- (x_gamma_q2 / x_malpha_q2) - 1
      # storing values
      malpha_fd_q$q2[asb_nm_x[2], asb_nm_x[1]] <- x_malpha_q2
      gamma_fd_q$q2[asb_nm_x[2], asb_nm_x[1]] <- x_gamma_q2
      beta_fd_q$q2[asb_nm_x[2], asb_nm_x[1]] <- x_beta_q2
    }  # end of q=2
  }  # end of loop on pairs
  # matrix with indices values as dist
  # objects
  malpha_fd_q <- lapply(malpha_fd_q, stats::as.dist)
  gamma_fd_q <- lapply(gamma_fd_q, stats::as.dist)
  beta_fd_q <- lapply(beta_fd_q, stats::as.dist)
  # returning outputs
  res <- beta_fd_q
  if (details_returned) {
    res <- list(beta_fd_q = beta_fd_q, 
                details = list(malpha_fd_q = malpha_fd_q, 
                               gamma_fd_q = gamma_fd_q))
}  # end of function

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