#' Scale continuous traits
#' This function standardizes continuous traits. It can be useful before
#' computing functional space. You will have to choose which standardized
#' method to use based on your data. For this function to work, there must be
#' no NA in your `sp_tr` data frame.
#' @param sp_tr a data frame of traits values (columns) for each species
#' (rows). Note that species names **must be** specified in the row names and
#' traits must be **continuous**.
#' @param std_method a character string referring to the standardization
#' method. Possible values:
#' `range` (standardize by the range),
#' `center` (use the center transformation: \eqn{x' = x - mean(x)}),
#' `scale` (use the scale transformation: \eqn{x' = \frac{x}{sd(x)}}), or
#' `scale_center` (use the scale-center transformation:
#' \eqn{x' = \frac{x - mean(x)}{sd(x)}}).
#' Default is `scale_center`.
#' @return A data frame of standardized trait values (columns) for each species
#' (rows).
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @export
#' @examples
#' load(system.file('extdata', 'sp_tr_cestes_df', package = 'mFD'))
#' mFD::tr.cont.scale(sp_tr = sp_tr, std_method = 'scale_center')
tr.cont.scale <- function(sp_tr, std_method = "scale_center") {
## Check Inputs ----
if (any(!apply(sp_tr, 2, is.numeric))) {
stop("Species x traits data frame must contain only numerical variables.")
std_method <- match.arg(std_method, c("range", "center", "scale",
## Standardization ----
if (std_method == "range") {
sp_tr <- apply(sp_tr, 2, function(x) (x - min(x)) / (max(x) - min(x)))
if (std_method == "center") {
sp_tr <- apply(sp_tr, 2, function(x) x - mean(x))
if (std_method == "scale") {
sp_tr <- apply(sp_tr, 2, function(x) x / stats::sd(x))
if (std_method == "scale_center") {
sp_tr <- apply(sp_tr, 2, function(x) ((x - mean(x)) / stats::sd(x)))
#' Build a functional space based on continuous traits only
#' This function computes a functional space based on continuous standardized
#' traits or continuous raw traits matrix. User can either choose to compute
#' functional space based on PCA analysis or using one trait for one functional
#' axis. For PCA analysis, center and scale arguments are considered `FALSE`:
#' if you want to center, scale or standardize by any mean your data, please
#' use \code{\link{tr.cont.scale}} function. Option makes it possible to
#' compute correlation between traits.
#' @param sp_tr a data frame of traits values (columns) for each species
#' (rows). Note that species names **must be** specified in the row names and
#' traits must be **continuous** (raw or standardized).
#' @param pca a logical value. If `TRUE` a PCA analysis is computed, elsewhere
#' the functional space is computed with one trait for each dimension.
#' Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param nb_dim an integer referring to the maximum number of dimensions for
#' multidimensional functional spaces. Final number of dimensions depends
#' on the number of positive eigenvalues obtained with the PCA. High value
#' for `nb_dim` can increase computation time. Default is `nb_dim = 7`.
#' @param scaling a string value to compute (or not) scaling of traits using
#' the \code{\link{tr.cont.scale}} function. Possible options are:
#' `range` (standardize by the range),
#' `center` (use the center transformation: \eqn{x' = x - mean(x)}),
#' `scale` (use the scale transformation: \eqn{x' = \frac{x}{sd(x)}}),
#' `scale_center` (use the scale-center transformation:
#' \eqn{x' = \frac{x - mean(x)}{sd(x)}}), or
#' `no_scale`
#' Default is `scale_center`.
#' @param compute_corr a string value to compute Pearson correlation
#' coefficients between traits (`compute_corr = 'pearson'`). You can choose
#' not to compute correlation coefficient by setting `compute_corr` to
#' `none`.
#' @return A list containing a matrix with `mAD` and `mSD` values for each
#' functional space to assess the quality of functional spaces), a matrix
#' containing eigenvalues for each axis, the percentage of variance explained
#' by each axis and the cumulative percentage of variance, a data frame
#' containing species coordinates on each functional axis, list of distance
#' matrices in the functional space (Euclidean distances based on trait values
#' and coordinates in the functional spaces), a dist object containing initial
#' euclidean distances based on traits and a matrix of correlation coefficients
#' between traits (if required).
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @export
#' @examples
#' load(system.file('extdata', 'sp_tr_cestes_df', package = 'mFD'))
#' mFD::tr.cont.fspace(
#' sp_tr = sp_tr,
#' pca = TRUE,
#' nb_dim = 7,
#' scaling = 'scale_center',
#' compute_corr = 'pearson')
tr.cont.fspace <- function(sp_tr, pca = TRUE, nb_dim = 7,
scaling = "scale_center",
compute_corr = "pearson") {
## Check Inputs ----
if (any(!apply(sp_tr, 2, is.numeric))) {
stop("Species x traits data frame must contain only numerical variables.")
scaling <- match.arg(scaling, c("range", "center",
"scale", "scale_center", "no_scale"))
compute_corr <- match.arg(compute_corr, c("pearson",
if (pca) {
if (ncol(sp_tr) < 3) {
stop("There must be at least 3 traits in 'sp_tr'.")
if (nrow(sp_tr) < 3) {
stop("There must be at least 3 species in 'sp_tr'.")
if (nb_dim < 2) {
stop("Number of dimensions must be higher than 1.")
if (nb_dim > ncol(sp_tr)) {
stop("Number of dimensions must be lower than the number of traits.")
## Functions Definition ----
compute.corr.coef <- function(sp_tr) {
# Compute Correlation Matrix
if (nrow(sp_tr) <= 4) {
stop("If you want to compute correlation matrix you must have more ",
"than 4 observations.")
Hmisc::rcorr(as.matrix(sp_tr), type = "pearson")
deviation.dist <- function(sp_dist_init, sp_dist_multidim) {
# mSD and mAD
deviation_dist <- sp_dist_multidim - sp_dist_init
c(mAD = mean(abs(deviation_dist), 6), mSD = mean(((deviation_dist) ^ 2),
## Standardize Traits ----
if (scaling != "no_scale") {
sp_tr <- tr.cont.scale(sp_tr, std_method = scaling)
if (pca) {
# compute functional dissimilarity matrix used for
# computing quality of... ... functional spaces:
sp_dist_init <- cluster::daisy(sp_tr, metric = "euclidean")
# compute PCA analysis:
pca_analysis <- FactoMineR::PCA(sp_tr, ncp = nb_dim,
graph = FALSE, scale.unit = FALSE)
sp_faxes_coord <-$ind$coord)
# restrict the number of column to nb_dim:
if (ncol(sp_faxes_coord) > nb_dim) {
sp_faxes_coord <- sp_faxes_coord[, 1:nb_dim]
# correct the name of columns: Dim -> PC so congruent with mFD package:
nb <- 1
for(i in (1:ncol(sp_faxes_coord))) {
colnames(sp_faxes_coord)[i] <- paste0("PC", nb)
nb <- nb + 1
# matrix to store quality results:
quality_nbdim <- matrix(NA, nb_dim - 1, 2,
dimnames = list(paste0(2:nb_dim, "D"),
c("mAD", "mSD")))
sp_dist_multidim <- list()
for (i in 2:nb_dim) {
sp_dist_multidim2 <- stats::dist(sp_faxes_coord[,
method = "euclidean")
quality_nbdim[paste0(i, "D"), c("mAD",
"mSD")] <- deviation.dist(
sp_dist_init, sp_dist_multidim2)
sp_dist_multidim[[i - 1]] <- sp_dist_multidim2
names(sp_dist_multidim)[i - 1] <- paste0(i, "D")
## add eigenvalues and percentage of variance for interesting axes:
# first get eigenv and percent and cut to only have interesting axis:
eigenv_varpercent <- pca_analysis$eig[c(1:nb_dim), ]
# then rename rownames:
nb <- 1
for (e in (1:nrow(eigenv_varpercent))){
rownames(eigenv_varpercent)[e] <- paste0("PC", nb)
nb <- nb + 1
if (compute_corr == "pearson") {
corr_tr_coeff <- compute.corr.coef(sp_tr)
return_list1 <- list(quality_nbdim, eigenv_varpercent,
sp_dist_multidim, sp_dist_init, corr_tr_coeff)
names(return_list1) <- c("quality_metrics",
} else {
# no Pearson correlation
return_list1 <- list(quality_nbdim, eigenv_varpercent,
sp_dist_multidim, sp_dist_init)
names(return_list1) <- c("quality_metrics",
} else {
# no PCA
# compute distance matrix between species for
# computing ... ... multidimensional space:
sp_dist_init <- cluster::daisy(sp_tr, metric = "euclidean")
sp_faxes_coord <- sp_tr
if (compute_corr == "pearson") {
corr_tr_coeff <- compute.corr.coef(sp_tr)
return_list2 <- list(sp_faxes_coord, sp_dist_init,
names(return_list2) <- c("sp_faxes_coord",
} else {
# no Pearson correlation
return_list2 <- list(as.matrix(sp_faxes_coord),
names(return_list2) <- c("sp_faxes_coord",
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