
Defines functions vertices mst.computation dist.nearneighb dist.point

Documented in dist.nearneighb dist.point mst.computation vertices

#' Compute distances of all points to a given point in the functional space
#' This function computes the distances of all species to a reference species.
#' It is used in FSpe, FOri and FNND computation.
#' @param sp_faxes_coord a matrix of species coordinates in a chosen functional
#'   space. Species coordinates have been retrieved thanks to
#'   \code{\link{tr.cont.fspace}} or \code{\link{quality.fspaces}}.
#' @param ref_sp a character string referring to the name of the reference
#'   species.
#' @return A vector of species distances to the reference species.
#' @export
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @examples
#' # Load Species*Traits dataframe:
#'  data("fruits_traits", package = "mFD")
#' # Load Assemblages*Species dataframe:      
#'  data("baskets_fruits_weights", package = "mFD") 
#' # Load Traits categories dataframe:
#'  data("fruits_traits_cat", package = "mFD") 
#' # Compute functional distance 
#'  sp_dist_fruits <- mFD::funct.dist(sp_tr         = fruits_traits,
#'                                    tr_cat        = fruits_traits_cat,
#'                                    metric        = "gower",
#'                                    scale_euclid  = "scale_center",
#'                                    ordinal_var   = "classic",
#'                                    weight_type   = "equal",
#'                                    stop_if_NA    = TRUE)
#' # Compute functional spaces quality to retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#'  fspaces_quality_fruits <- mFD::quality.fspaces(
#'                                   sp_dist             = sp_dist_fruits, 
#'                                   maxdim_pcoa         = 10,
#'                                   deviation_weighting = "absolute",
#'                                   fdist_scaling       = FALSE,
#'                                   fdendro             = "average")
#' # Retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#'  sp_faxes_coord_fruits <- fspaces_quality_fruits$details_fspaces$sp_pc_coord
#' # Retrieve the distances of all species to "pear":
#'  dist_pear <- dist.point(sp_faxes_coord_fruits, ref_sp = "pear")
#'  dist_pear

dist.point <- function(sp_faxes_coord, ref_sp) {
  # build the matrix of distances between species to
  # be used to compute ...  ... distances to a given
  # species (a reference species):
  sp_faxes_coord <- as.data.frame(sp_faxes_coord)
  dist_sp <- as.matrix(stats::dist(sp_faxes_coord, method = "euclidean"))
  dist_sp[which(rownames(dist_sp) == ref_sp), ]

#' Compute distance of a given point to its nearest neighbor in the functional
#' space and the identity of the nearest neighbor
#' This function is used in functional indices computation.
#' @param sp_faxes_coord a matrix of species coordinates in a chosen
#'   functional space. Species coordinates have been retrieved thanks to
#'   \code{\link{tr.cont.fspace}} or \code{\link{quality.fspaces}}.
#' @param ref_sp a character string referring to the name of the reference
#'   species.
#' @return A list containing the nearest neighbor identity \code{nn_id} and a
#'   list of the distance of the reference point to its nearest neighbor
#'   \code{nn_ref_sp_dist}.
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load Species*Traits dataframe:
#'  data("fruits_traits", package = "mFD")
#' # Load Assemblages*Species dataframe:      
#'  data("baskets_fruits_weights", package = "mFD") 
#' # Load Traits categories dataframe:
#'  data("fruits_traits_cat", package = "mFD") 
#' # Compute functional distance 
#'  sp_dist_fruits <- mFD::funct.dist(sp_tr         = fruits_traits,
#'                                    tr_cat        = fruits_traits_cat,
#'                                    metric        = "gower",
#'                                    scale_euclid  = "scale_center",
#'                                    ordinal_var   = "classic",
#'                                    weight_type   = "equal",
#'                                    stop_if_NA    = TRUE)
#' # Compute functional spaces quality to retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#'  fspaces_quality_fruits <- mFD::quality.fspaces(
#'                                   sp_dist             = sp_dist_fruits, 
#'                                   maxdim_pcoa         = 10,
#'                                   deviation_weighting = "absolute",
#'                                   fdist_scaling       = FALSE,
#'                                   fdendro             = "average")
#' # Retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#'  sp_faxes_coord_fruits <- fspaces_quality_fruits$details_fspaces$sp_pc_coord
#' # Compute the distance of "pear" to its nearest neighbor(s):
#'  dist_nn_pear <- dist.nearneighb(sp_faxes_coord_fruits, ref_sp = "pear")
#'  dist_nn_pear

dist.nearneighb <- function(sp_faxes_coord, ref_sp) {
  dist_sp <- as.matrix(stats::dist(sp_faxes_coord, method = "euclidean"))
  dist_sp[which(dist_sp == 0)] <- NA
  # search the nearest neighbor identity of each
  # point:
  nn_id <- dist_sp - apply(dist_sp, 1, min, na.rm = TRUE)
  nn_id[which(nn_id != 0)] <- NA
  nn_id[which(nn_id == 0)] <- 1
  # keep information only for the reference species:
  nn_refsp_id <- nn_id[which(rownames(nn_id) == ref_sp), ]
  nn_refsp_id <- nn_refsp_id[which(nn_refsp_id == 1)]
  nn_refsp_id <- as.data.frame(nn_refsp_id)
  nn_id <- rownames(nn_refsp_id)
  nn_ref_sp_dist <- dist_sp[which(rownames(dist_sp) == 
                                    ref_sp), which(colnames(dist_sp) %in% 
  return_list <- list(nn_id, nn_ref_sp_dist)
  names(return_list) <- c(
    "nearest neighbour identity", 
    "distance of the reference species to its nearest neighbour")

#' Compute the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) linking species of a given 
#' assemblage
#' This function computes the MST linking species of a given assemblage and is
#' used to compute FEve index.
#' @param sp_faxes_coord_k a matrix relating species coordinates for species
#'   present in a given assemblage.
#' @return A dist object summarizing the MST for all species of a given
#'   assemblage \code{mst_asb_k}.
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load Species*Traits dataframe:
#'  data("fruits_traits", package = "mFD")
#' # Load Assemblages*Species dataframe:      
#'  data("baskets_fruits_weights", package = "mFD") 
#' # Load Traits categories dataframe:
#'  data("fruits_traits_cat", package = "mFD") 
#' # Compute functional distance 
#'  sp_dist_fruits <- mFD::funct.dist(sp_tr         = fruits_traits,
#'                                    tr_cat        = fruits_traits_cat,
#'                                    metric        = "gower",
#'                                    scale_euclid  = "scale_center",
#'                                    ordinal_var   = "classic",
#'                                    weight_type   = "equal",
#'                                    stop_if_NA    = TRUE)
#' # Compute functional spaces quality to retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#'  fspaces_quality_fruits <- mFD::quality.fspaces(
#'                                   sp_dist             = sp_dist_fruits, 
#'                                   maxdim_pcoa         = 10,
#'                                   deviation_weighting = "absolute",
#'                                   fdist_scaling       = FALSE,
#'                                   fdendro             = "average")
#' # Retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#'  sp_faxes_coord_fruits <- fspaces_quality_fruits$details_fspaces$sp_pc_coord
#' # Compute the distance of "pear" to its nearest neighbor(s):
#'  mst_fruits <- mst.computation(sp_faxes_coord_fruits)
#'  mst_fruits

mst.computation <- function(sp_faxes_coord_k) {
  sp_dist_asb_k <- stats::dist(sp_faxes_coord_k, method = "euclidian")
  mst_asb_k <- ape::mst(sp_dist_asb_k)
  mst_asb_k <- stats::as.dist(mst_asb_k)

#' Compute vertices of the Minimal Convex Hull shaping species from a single
#' assemblage in a multidimensional functional space
#' This function identifies species that are vertices of the minimal convex 
#' hull enclosing a community in a multidimensional functional space. This 
#' function is using the \code{\link[geometry]{convhulln}} function.
#' @param sp_faxes_coord a matrix of species coordinates in a chosen functional
#'   space. Species coordinates have been retrieved thanks to
#'   \code{\link{tr.cont.fspace}} or \code{\link{quality.fspaces}}.
#' @param order_2D a logical value defining whether vertices names are 
#'   reordered so that they define a convex polygon in 2D which is convenient 
#'   for plotting. Default is `FALSE`, vertices ordered as in row names of 
#'   'sp_faxes_coord'.
#' @param check_input a logical value defining whether inputs are checked 
#'   before computation: species names must be put as row.names, there must be 
#'   no NA and species number must be superior to (axes number + 1). Default:
#'   `check_input = TRUE`.
#' @return A vector containing names of species being vertices \code{vert_nm}.
#' @author Camille Magneville and Sebastien Villeger
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load Species*Traits dataframe:
#'  data("fruits_traits", package = "mFD")
#' # Load Assemblages*Species dataframe:      
#'  data("baskets_fruits_weights", package = "mFD") 
#' # Load Traits categories dataframe:
#'  data("fruits_traits_cat", package = "mFD") 
#' # Compute functional distance 
#'  sp_dist_fruits <- mFD::funct.dist(sp_tr         = fruits_traits,
#'                                    tr_cat        = fruits_traits_cat,
#'                                    metric        = "gower",
#'                                    scale_euclid  = "scale_center",
#'                                    ordinal_var   = "classic",
#'                                    weight_type   = "equal",
#'                                    stop_if_NA    = TRUE)
#' # Compute functional spaces quality to retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#'  fspaces_quality_fruits <- mFD::quality.fspaces(
#'                                   sp_dist             = sp_dist_fruits, 
#'                                   maxdim_pcoa         = 10,
#'                                   deviation_weighting = "absolute",
#'                                   fdist_scaling       = FALSE,
#'                                   fdendro             = "average")
#' # Retrieve species coordinates matrix:
#' sp_faxes_coord_fruits <- fspaces_quality_fruits$details_fspaces$sp_pc_coord
#' # Compute vertices and order them clockwise:
#'  vert_nm <- vertices(sp_faxes_coord_fruits[ , c("PC1", "PC2")], 
#'   order_2D = TRUE, check_input = TRUE)
#'  vert_nm


vertices <- function(sp_faxes_coord, order_2D = FALSE, check_input = FALSE) {
  # checking input if required:
  if (check_input) {
    if (is.null(rownames(sp_faxes_coord))) {
      stop("No row names provided in species*coordinates matrix. Please add ", 
           "species names as row names.")
    if (any(is.na(sp_faxes_coord))) {
      stop("The species x coordinates matrix must not contain NA. Please ", 
    if (nrow(sp_faxes_coord) <= ncol(sp_faxes_coord)) {
      stop("Number of species should be strictly higher than number of axes ", 
           "for computing the convex hull.")
    if (order_2D && ncol(sp_faxes_coord) != 2) {
      stop("Ordering vertices could be done only if there are 2 axes.")
  # applying convhulln function to compute
  # convexhull...  ... with options = 'Fx', to only
  # compute vertices: if vertices can be computed
  # (coplanearity), convFx == NA:
  conv_Fx <- tryCatch(
    geometry::convhulln(sp_faxes_coord, options = "Fx"), 
    error = function(err) "NA")
  # extracting unique names of vertices from the
  # matrix with identity ...  ...of species for each
  # facet:
  # if vertices have been computed (no coplanearity)
  if (!is.character(unlist(conv_Fx))) {
    vert_nm <- row.names(sp_faxes_coord)[sort(unique(as.vector((conv_Fx))))]
    # if required and only 2 dimensions, reordering
    # vertices names clockwise:
    if (order_2D && ncol(sp_faxes_coord) == 2) {
      vert_nm <- vert_nm[order(-1 * atan2(sp_faxes_coord[vert_nm, 
                                                         1] - 
                                              sp_faxes_coord[vert_nm, 2] - 
  # if vertices have not been computed (coplanearity
  # problem):
  if (is.character(unlist(conv_Fx))) vert_nm <- NA

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mFD documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:25 a.m.