
Defines functions market.rate cashflow cashflow.default cashflow.bond cashflow.portfolio.bond cashflow.cash cashflow.account current.portfolio.bond pv pv.default pv.bond pv.portfolio.bond pv.cash pv.account pv.history.account fv fv.default fv.cash fv.bond duration duration.default duration.bond duration.cash duration.portfolio.bond duration.account duration.history.account duration.sum.account as.data.frame.bond as.data.frame.portfolio.bond as.data.frame.history.account aa aa.default aa.account issueTime issueTime.default issueTime.bond issueTime.portfolio.bond matTime matTime.default matTime.bond matTime.portfolio.bond mktTime mktTime.default mktTime.market mktTime.account mktTime.history.account count count.history.account current.market connectTheDots read.yield.curve

Documented in aa aa.account aa.default as.data.frame.bond as.data.frame.history.account as.data.frame.portfolio.bond cashflow cashflow.account cashflow.bond cashflow.cash cashflow.default cashflow.portfolio.bond connectTheDots count count.history.account current.market current.portfolio.bond duration duration.account duration.bond duration.cash duration.default duration.history.account duration.portfolio.bond duration.sum.account fv fv.bond fv.cash fv.default issueTime issueTime.bond issueTime.default issueTime.portfolio.bond market.rate matTime matTime.bond matTime.default matTime.portfolio.bond mktTime mktTime.account mktTime.default mktTime.history.account mktTime.market pv pv.account pv.bond pv.cash pv.default pv.history.account pv.portfolio.bond read.yield.curve

# maRketSim - Object manipulation functions

# The heirarchy:
# core functions calculate values from values
# market objects calculates from core functions
# bond object and functions calculate from market object
# portfolio calculates from bond object and market object
# account calculates from bond object and market objects held within a portfolio

# --- Object functions --- #

# Extract market interest rate from a market object
market.rate <- function(mkt,mat=NA,dur=NA,f=.5) {
	# Error check inputs
	if(is.na(mat)&is.na(dur)) stop("Must specify either mat or dur.\n")
	if(class(mkt)!="market.bond"&class(mkt)!="market")  stop("Market must be a market object, created using market().\n")
	# Extract our bond market
	if(class(mkt)=="market.bond") {
		mkt.b <- mkt
	} else {
		mkt.b <- mkt$mkts[[sapply(mkt$mkts,class)=="market.bond"]]
	# Return appropriate rates if they're easy to calculate
	if(!is.na(mat) && mat <= 1/12) {
		market.rate <- mkt.b$MMrate
		if(market.rate>=1) stop("Your market interest rate should be expressed as a proportion (e.g. for a 5% yield, i=.05)\n")

	if(!is.na(mkt.b$i)) { 
		if(!is.na(mat) && mat <=1/12) {
			market.rate <- mkt.b$MMrate
		} else {  ### This still doesn't catch maturities of less than 1/12yr that are specified by e.g. mat=NA,dur=.05, but it's not a big problem because that situation should never arise elsewhere in code
			market.rate <- mkt.b$i
		if(market.rate>=1) stop("Your market interest rate should be expressed as a proportion (e.g. for a 5% yield, i=.05)\n")
	# Calculate intermediate values to use later
	tol <- f*1.01 # tolerance to narrow in on our answer
	# Calculate maturity from duration if no maturity is specified
	if(is.na(mat)&&is.na(mkt.b$i)) {
		### This will be difficult, since the market rate depends on the maturity, and the duration is calculated from the market rate and the maturity.
		### We will need to interate towards the answer.
		# example: dur=6.231105, mat=10,i=.1, mkt=market(yield.curve=quote(mat/100),MMrate=.02)
		# example: dur=4.832336,mat=5,i=.0125,mkt=market(yield.curve=quote(mat^2/10000+.01),MMrate=.02)
		# example for iyc: mat=12,i=.18, dur=4.853306, mkt=market(yield.curve=quote(.3-mat/100),MMrate=.02)
		# Determine if the yield curve is inverted
		mat <- 2 # Short-term
		st <- eval(mkt.b$yield.curve)
		mat <- 20 # Long-term
		lt <- eval(mkt.b$yield.curve)
		if(st>lt)  iyc <- -1 ###Do we not need a IYC converter at all?
		if(lt>st)  iyc <- 1
		if(st==lt) stop("If you want a flat yield curve, specify i instead of yield.curve when you make your market.\n")
		# Initialize
		is <- c(mkt.b$MMrate*4)
		err <- c(f)
		mats <- c(findMat(dur=dur,i=last(is),f=f))
		n <- length(mats)
		# Loop
		while (TRUE) {
			mat <- last(mats)
			is <- c(is,eval(mkt.b$yield.curve))
			err <- c(err,(findDur(mat=mat,i=last(is)) - dur) * iyc) # the error of our guess; multiply by the inverted yield curve 1/-1 variable to invert if inverted    # *iyc
			if(sign(last(err))==sign(err[length(err)-1])) { # keep heading in the same direction
				mat <- mat - f*sign(last(err))
			mats <- c(mats,mat)
			N <- length(mats)
			if(N>6) {
				if(diff(range(mats[(length(mats)-6):length(mats)]))<tol)   break
				if(N>150) {
					cat("Loop appears to have run away on us.\n")
          cat("Likely cause is that you have selected a duration above the maximum duration.\n")
          cat("Either select a lower duration or a higher interest rate.\n")
		mat <- mats[which.min(abs(err))-1] # the -1 is to shift it, since the structure is a bit messed up ;-)
	# Return the yield curve rate for the given maturity
	if(!is.na(eval(mkt.b$yield.curve)) & is.na(mkt.b$i)) {
		market.rate <- eval(mkt.b$yield.curve)
		if(market.rate>=1) stop("Your market interest rate should be expressed as a proportion (e.g. for a 5% yield, i=.05)")
	} else {
		stop("Something went wrong.\n")

# Functions to return cash-flows from bonds and portfolio objects
cashflow <- function(x,mkt,...) {
cashflow.default <- function(x,mkt,...) {
	stop("There is no default cash flow function.\n")
cashflow.bond <- function(x,mkt,future=TRUE,f=x$f,...) { ### Add in future=FALSE (past cash flows) for use with fv()
	if(future) {
		t.elapsed <- mkt$t - x$t.issue
		if(t.elapsed<0) { stop("Bond was issued after current market time!\n") }
		effective.mat <- x$mat - t.elapsed
		if(effective.mat<0) { stop("Bond expired.  Specify future=FALSE if you want to examine past cashflows.\n") }
		start.t <- ifelse(t.elapsed==0, x$t.issue+.5, ceiling(mkt$t/f)*f) # return either the first coupon if we are at issue or the next coupon date
		end.t <- ifelse(t.elapsed==0, x$mat, start.t+effective.mat)
	else { # past
		start.t <- x$t.issue
		end.t <- ifelse(mkt$t < (x$mat+x$t.issue), mkt$t, (x$mat+x$t.issue))
	ts <- seq(start.t,end.t,x$f)
	cashflows <- rep(x$cpn,length(ts))
	cashflows[length(cashflows)] <- x$cpn + x$par
	res <- data.frame(t=ts,cashflow=cashflows)
cashflow.portfolio.bond <- function(x,mkt=x$orig.mkt,sort=FALSE,condense=TRUE,future=TRUE,...) {
	if(future) {
		x <- current.portfolio.bond(object=x,mkt=mkt,...)
	else { # past
		x <- current.portfolio.bond(object=x,mkt=mkt,drop.future=TRUE,drop.expired=FALSE,...)

		l.cf <- lapply(x$bonds,cashflow,mkt=mkt,future=future,...)
		u.cf <- unlist(l.cf)
		cf.df <- data.frame(
		if(sort) {
			cf.df <- sort.data.frame(~t+cashflow,cf.df)
		res <- cf.df
		if(condense) {
			condensed <- tapply(cf.df$cashflow,cf.df$t,sum)
			res <- data.frame(t=as.numeric(names(condensed)), cashflow=condensed)
			rownames(res) <- seq(nrow(res))
cashflow.cash <- function(x,mkt,future=TRUE,...) {
	res <- data.frame(t=0,cashflow=0)
	res <- res[0,]
	stop("make cashflow.cash return actual values, using history.market as well as mkt$MM.frequency)")
cashflow.account <- function(x,mkt,...) {
	cf.df <- data.frame(t=NA,cashflow=NA)
	cf.df <- cf.df[0,]
	for(n in seq(length(x$prts))) {
		cf.df <- rbind(cf.df,cashflow(x$prts[[n]],mkt=mkt,future=FALSE))
	cf.df <- subset(cf.df, t >= x$t.issue & t <= mkt$t )

# Exclude bonds which have start t after current market time (e.g. which have not yet been purchased), and which have already matured
current.portfolio.bond <- function(object,mkt,drop.expired=TRUE,drop.future=TRUE,...) {
	t.issues <- sapply(object$bonds,function(x) {invisible(x$t.issue)} )
	mats <- sapply(object$bonds,function(x) {invisible(x$mat)} )
	expirations <- t.issues + mats
	drop.bnds <- rep(FALSE,length(t.issues))
	if(drop.expired) { drop.bnds <- (drop.bnds | (expirations<mkt$t)) }
	if(drop.future) { drop.bnds <- (drop.bnds | (t.issues>mkt$t)) }
	select.bnds <- !drop.bnds
	if(sum(select.bnds)!=length(select.bnds)) {
	cat("Keeping ",sum(select.bnds)," of ",length(select.bnds)," bonds. Excluded bonds have",
		ifelse(drop.expired,"expired ","")," ",ifelse(drop.expired&drop.future,"or ",""),ifelse(drop.future,"not yet been purchased",""),".\n",sep="")
	object$bonds <- object$bonds[select.bnds]

# Functions to return the PV of different kinds of objects
pv <- function(x,...) {
pv.default <- function(x,...) {
	stop("Only bond, portfolio, cash, and account objects currently supported by pv().\n")
pv.bond <- function(x,mkt,...) {
	mat <- x$mat - (mkt$t - x$t.issue)
pv.portfolio.bond <- function(x,mkt=x$orig.mkt,...) {
	pv <- sum(sapply(x$bonds,pv,mkt=mkt))
pv.cash <- function(x,...) {
pv.account <- function(x,mkt=x$orig.mkt,...) {
	pv <- sum(sapply(x$prts,pv))
pv.history.account <- function(x,type="history.account",...) { # returns a vector unlike most pv() functions
	if(type=="history.account") { 
		f <- function(y) pv(y,mkt=y$mkt.orig)
	} else if(type=="bond"|type=="portfolio.bond") {
		f <- function(y) {
			prts.bond <- y$prts[sapply(y$prts,function(z) class(z)[1])=="portfolio.bond"]
	} else if(type=="cash") {
		f <- function(y) {
			prts.cash <- y$prts[sapply(y$prts,function(z) class(z)[1])=="cash"]
	pvs <- sapply(x,f)

# Functions to return the future value of various objects
fv <- function(x, mkt, ...) {
fv.default <- function(x, mkt, ...) {
	stop("Object type not yet supported.")
fv.cash <- function(x,mkt,...) {   ### update to use a market.history object instead
	if(class(mkt)=="market") {
		t.elapsed <- mkt$t - x$t.issue
		fv <- findFV(P=x$value,i=mkt$MMrate,t.elapsed=t.elapsed,compound=x$compound)
fv.bond <- function(x,mkt,compound="continuous",...) {
	pv <- pv(x,mkt)
	cflow <- cashflow(x,mkt)
	t.elapseds <- mkt$t - cflow$t
	cpn <- cflow$cashflow 
	fv.cpn <- mapply(findFV,P=cflow$cashflow,t.elapsed=t.elapseds,MoreArgs=list(i=mkt$MMrate,compound=compound))
	res <- list(price=pv,cash=fv.cpn)

# Functions to return the duration of a bond or portfolio object
duration <- function(x,type="modified",...) {
duration.default <- function(x,type="modified",mkt,...) {
	stop("There is no default duration function.\n")
duration.bond <- function(x,type="modified",mkt,...) {  ### should this call summary.bond() instead so that it properly handles dates in between coupon payments?
	t.elapsed <- mkt$t - x$t.issue
	effective.mat <- x$mat - t.elapsed
	market.rate <- market.rate(mkt=mkt,mat=effective.mat,f=x$f)
duration.cash <- function(x,type="modified",mkt,...) {
	return(0) # This is a strong assumption (that cash is treated as 0 duration
duration.portfolio.bond <- function(x,type="modified",mkt,...) {
	# Error check inputs
	if(type!="modified"&type!="Macaulay") stop("Must specify modified or Macaulay for record type.\n")
	# Duration as weighted average of bond durations
	pvs <- sapply(x$bonds,pv,mkt=mkt)
	pv.total <- pv(x,mkt=mkt)
	durs <- sapply(x$bonds,duration,mkt=mkt,type=type)
duration.account <- function(x,type="modified",mkt,...) { # This will be mainly called by duration.summary.account, since usually we don't think of accounts as needing market arguments
	# Error check inputs
	if(type!="modified"&type!="Macaulay") stop("Must specify modified or Macaulay for record type.\n")
	# Duration as weighted average of bond durations
	pvs <- sapply(x$prts,pv,mkt=mkt)
	pv.total <- pv(x,mkt=mkt)
	durs <- sapply(x$prts,duration,mkt=mkt,type=type)
duration.history.account <- function(x,type="modified",...) { # returns a vector, unlike most duration() functions
	durs <- sapply(x,function(y) duration(y,mkt=y$mkt.orig,type=type))
duration.sum.account <- function(x,type="modified",...) {
	if(!("history.account" %in% names(x))) {
		stop("Must set return.history.account=TRUE when running summary.account if you want a duration history\n")

# Functions to restructure objects into data.frames
as.data.frame.bond <- function(x,...) {
	res <- data.frame(i=x$i,mat=x$mat,par=x$par,f=x$f,cpn=x$cpn,t.issue=x$t.issue)
as.data.frame.portfolio.bond <- function(x,...) {
	res <- data.frame(i=NA,mat=NA,par=NA,f=NA,cpn=NA,t.issue=NA)
	ll <- lapply(x$bonds,as.data.frame)
	for(z in seq(length(ll))) {
		res <- rbind(res,ll[[z]])
	res <- res[-1,] # drop off our NAs
as.data.frame.history.account <- function(x,...) {
	# t, pv, n.bonds, pv.bonds, pv.cash, dur
	t <- mktTime(x)
	pv <- pv(x)
	pv.bonds <- pv(x,type="bond")
	pv.cash <- pv(x,type="cash")
	dur <- duration(x)
	n.prt.bond <- count(x,type="portfolio.bond")
	n.bonds <- count(x,type="bond")

# Function to return the proportion of the portfolio in each asset class
aa <- function(x,...) {
aa.default <- function(x,...) {
	stop("No default method for asset allocation function yet.\n")
aa.account <- function(x,sort=TRUE,force.cash=TRUE,...) {
	aa.vec <- unlist(lapply(x$prts,pv)) / pv(x)
	names(aa.vec) <- unlist(lapply(lapply(x$prts,class),last))
	# If force.cash, then we must have a cash category, even if it's 0%
	if(force.cash) {
		if(all(names(aa.vec)!="cash")) {
			aa.vec <- c(aa.vec,0)
			names(rt)[length(rt)] <- "cash"
	# Sort if specified
	if(sort) { aa.vec <- aa.vec[order(names(aa.vec))] }

# Function to return the issue time of bonds
issueTime <- function(x,...) {
issueTime.default <- function(x,...) {
	stop("No default method for issueTime function.\n")
issueTime.bond <- function(x,...) {
issueTime.portfolio.bond <- function(x,...) {

# Function to return the maturity time of bonds
matTime <- function(x,...) {
matTime.default <- function(x,...) {
	stop("No default method for matTime function yet.\n")
matTime.bond <- function(x,...) {
	return( x$mat + issueTime(x) )
matTime.portfolio.bond <- function(x,...) {
# Function to return the current time of objects.  Use carefully!
mktTime <- function(x,...) {
mktTime.default <- function(x,...) {
	stop("No default method for market time function\n")
mktTime.market <- function(x,...) {
mktTime.account <- function(x,...) {
mktTime.history.account <- function(x,...) {

# Functions to return the number of objects of different types in a history.account object
count <- function(x,...) { # this is equivalent to length() but length is a primitive and cannot be extended
count.history.account <- function(x,type="history.account",...) {
	if(type=="history.account" | type=="account") { # default behavior for length() 
		res <- length(structure(x,class="list"))
	} else { # Return vector counts (each element is a particular time period) of the requested object type
		if(type=="portfolio") {
			f <- function(y) {length(y$prts)}
		} else if(type=="portfolio.bond") {
			f <- function(y) {
				sum(sapply(y$prts,function(z) class(z)[1])=="portfolio.bond")
		} else if(type=="cash") {
			f <- function(y) {
				sum(sapply(y$prts,function(z) class(z)[1])=="cash")
		} else if(type=="bond") {
			f <- function(y) {
				bond.prts <- sapply(y$prts,function(z) class(z)[1])=="portfolio.bond"
				sum(sapply(y$prts[bond.prts],function(z) length(z$bonds)))
		res <- sapply(x,f)

# - History.market handy functions - #

# Function to return the market object at a given time from a history.market object
	# If no time point exists, interpolate by grabbing the previous market and returning a market object with those characteristics but the current time
current.market <- function(hist.mkt,t,...) {
	ts <- unlist(lapply(hist.mkt,function(x) x$t))
	sel.mkt <- seq(length(hist.mkt))[t==ts]
	if(length(sel.mkt)!=1) { # If there's no exact match, interpolate
		sel.mkt <- last(seq(length(hist.mkt))[ts<t])
		mkt <- hist.mkt[[sel.mkt]]
		mkt$t <- t
	} else {
		mkt <- hist.mkt[[sel.mkt]]

# Interpolate between points on a yield curve and return a maturity.  Used for the quoted yield.curve statements
	# constant.max.mat=TRUE if you want it to return interest rates equal to the maximum maturity available if a mat is requested which exceeds the max maturity
connectTheDots <- function(mat,df,constant.max.mat=TRUE,...) {
	if(class(df$mat)!="numeric" | class(df$i)!="numeric") { stop("Data.frame not formatted properly in call to connectTheDots\n") }
	df <- subset(df,!is.na(df$i))
	df <- sort.data.frame(~mat,df)
	if(mat %in% df$mat) {
		i.ret <- df$i[mat==df$mat]
	} else {
		l.mat <- last(df$mat[df$mat < mat])
		if(is.na(l.mat)) { stop("Requested maturity ",mat," is lower than lowest value in data.frame ",first(df$mat),"\n") }
		l.i <- df$i[df$mat==l.mat]
		u.mat <- first(df$mat[df$mat > mat])
		if(is.na(u.mat) & constant.max.mat==FALSE ) { 
			stop("Requested maturity ",mat," is higher than highest value in data.frame ",last(df$mat),"\n") 
		} else if(is.na(u.mat) & constant.max.mat==TRUE) {
			i.ret <- last(df$i)+.000000001*(mat-last(df$mat)) # Add in a tiny tiny fraction to help optimization functions find the right direction
		} else {
			u.i <- df$i[df$mat==u.mat]
			# Interpolate
			m <- (u.i-l.i)/(u.mat-l.mat)
			i.ret <- m*(mat - u.mat) + u.i # point-slope form: y – y1 = m(x – x1)
	if(is.na(i.ret)) { stop("NA's produced by connectTheDots\n") }

# Function to take a data.frame of columns (i,mat,t) and turn it into a market.history with yield curves
read.yield.curve <- function(df,drop.if.no.MMrate=FALSE,MM.mat=1/12,...) {
	mkts <- list()
	ts <- as.numeric(names(table(df$t)))
	for(tm in ts) {
		df.t <- subset(df,t==tm)
		if( any(df.t$mat<=MM.mat) | drop.if.no.MMrate==FALSE ) { # exclude those without a money market rate (1 month maturity)
			mat.vars <- c('m1','m2','m3','m4','m5','m6','m7','m8','m9','m10','m11','m12','m13','m14','m15')
			i.vars <- c('i1','i2','i3','i4','i5','i6','i7','i8','i9','i10','i11','i12','i13','i14','i15')
			# Construct the list of interest rates and maturities to substitute in
			yc.list <- list()
			for(n in seq(length(i.vars))) {
				yc.list[[length(yc.list)+1]] <- df.t$i[n]
				names(yc.list)[length(yc.list)] <- i.vars[n]
			for(n in seq(length(mat.vars))) {
				yc.list[[length(yc.list)+1]] <- df.t$mat[n]
				names(yc.list)[length(yc.list)] <- mat.vars[n]
			# Construct our market
			mkts[[length(mkts)+1]] <- market(market.bond(
	hm <- history.market(mkts)

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