
Defines functions dataset_evaluate

Documented in dataset_evaluate

#' @title
#' Generate an assessment report for a dataset
#' @description
#' Assesses the content and structure of a dataset object and generates reports 
#' of the results. This function can be used to evaluate data structure, 
#' presence of specific fields, coherence across elements, and data dictionary 
#' formats.
#' @details
#' A data dictionary contains the list of variables in a dataset and metadata 
#' about the variables and can be associated with a dataset. A data dictionary 
#' object is a list of data frame(s) named 'Variables' (required) and 
#' 'Categories' (if any). To be usable in any function, the data frame 
#' 'Variables' must contain at least the `name` column, with all unique and 
#' non-missing entries, and the data frame 'Categories' must contain at least 
#' the `variable` and `name` columns, with unique combination of 
#' `variable` and `name`. The function truncates each cell to a maximum of 
#' 10000 characters, to be readable and compatible with Excel.
#' A dataset is a data table containing variables. A dataset object is a 
#' data frame and can be associated with a data dictionary. If no 
#' data dictionary is provided with a dataset, a minimum workable 
#' data dictionary will be generated as needed within relevant functions.
#' Identifier variable(s) for indexing can be specified by the user. 
#' The id values must be non-missing and will be used in functions that 
#' require it. If no identifier variable is specified, indexing is 
#' handled automatically by the function.
#' A taxonomy is a classification schema that can be defined for variable 
#' attributes. A taxonomy is usually extracted from an 
#' [Opal environment](https://www.obiba.org/pages/products/opal/), and a 
#' taxonomy object is a data frame that must contain at least the columns 
#' `taxonomy`, `vocabulary`, and `terms`. Additional details about Opal 
#' taxonomies are 
#' [available online](https://opaldoc.obiba.org/en/latest/web-user-guide/administration/taxonomies.html).
#' The object may be specifically formatted to be compatible with additional 
#' [Maelstrom Research software](https://maelstrom-research.org/page/software), 
#' in particular [Opal environments](https://www.obiba.org/pages/products/opal/).
#' @param dataset A dataset object.
#' @param data_dict A list of data frame(s) representing metadata of the input 
#' dataset. Automatically generated if not provided.
#' @param valueType_guess Whether the output should include a more accurate 
#' valueType that could be applied to the dataset. FALSE by default.
#' @param as_data_dict_mlstr Whether the input data dictionary should be coerced 
#' with specific format restrictions for compatibility with other 
#' Maelstrom Research software. TRUE by default.
#' @param taxonomy An optional data frame identifying a variable classification 
#' schema.
#' @param dataset_name A character string specifying the name of the dataset 
#' (used internally in the function [dossier_evaluate()]).
#' @param .dataset_name `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' @seealso
#' [dossier_evaluate()]
#' @returns
#' A list of data frames containing assessment reports.
#' @examples
#' {
#' # use madshapR_DEMO provided by the package
#' library(dplyr)
#' ###### Example : Any data frame can be summarized
#' dataset <- as_dataset(
#'   madshapR_DEMO$`dataset_TOKYO - errors with data`,
#'   col_id = 'part_id') %>% slice(0)
#' glimpse(dataset_evaluate(dataset,as_data_dict_mlstr = FALSE))
#' }
#' @import dplyr tidyr stringr fabR
#' @importFrom crayon bold
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
dataset_evaluate <- function(
    data_dict = NULL,
    valueType_guess = FALSE,
    as_data_dict_mlstr = TRUE,
    taxonomy = NULL,
    dataset_name = .dataset_name,
    .dataset_name = NULL){
  # future dev
  # add emptiness of the dataset in the Dataset assessment

  # fargs <- list()
  fargs <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))

  # check on arguments : dataset
  as_dataset(dataset) # no col_id
    stop(call. = FALSE,
         '`as_data_dict_mlstr` must be TRUE or FALSE (TRUE by default)')

    stop(call. = FALSE,
         '`valueType_guess` must be TRUE or FALSE (FALSE by default)')
  # check on arguments : data_dict
    data_dict <-
        dataset = dataset,
        as_data_dict_mlstr = as_data_dict_mlstr)})

    if(class(data_dict)[1] == "try-error"){
      data_dict <- 
          dataset = dataset,
          as_data_dict_mlstr = FALSE)})}

  data_dict[['Variables']] <-
    data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
    add_index(.force = TRUE)

  data_dict <- data_dict[c('Variables','Categories')]
  data_dict <-
    data_dict[!is.na(names(data_dict))] %>%
    lapply(function(x) x %>% mutate(across(everything(),as.character)))

  # add valueType and missing if don't exist
  if(as_data_dict_mlstr == TRUE){

    data_dict[['Variables']] <-
      data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
      bind_rows(tibble(valueType = as.character()))

    if(sum(nrow(data_dict[['Categories']])) > 0){
      data_dict[['Categories']] <-
        data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
        bind_rows(tibble(missing = as.character()))}}

  preserve_attributes <- 
    col_id <- attributes(dataset)$`madshapR::col_id`
  if(is.null(col_id) | ncol(dataset) == 1){
    dataset <- dataset %>% add_index("___mlstr_index___")
    dataset <- as_dataset(dataset, names(dataset)[1])}
  col_id <- attributes(dataset)$`madshapR::col_id`
  # if(!is.null(preserve_attributes)) col_id <- preserve_attributes
  zap_dataset <- 
    dataset_zap_data_dict(dataset) %>% 
    select(-all_of(col_id)) %>%
  dataset_name <- 
             as.character(fargs[['dataset']]),list_elem = list(NULL)))

  # check on argument : taxonomy
  if(!is.null(taxonomy)) as_taxonomy(taxonomy)

  # creation of the structure of the report
  report <- 
      as_data_dict_mlstr = as_data_dict_mlstr)
    bold(dataset_name), if(nrow(dataset) == 0) " (empty dataset)",
    " --------------------------")

  test_name_standards <-
    test_matching_variable <-
    test_duplicated_columns <-
    test_duplicated_rows <-
    test_empty_row <-
    test_empty_col <-
    test_unique_value <-
    test_existing_variable_category <-
    test_valueType <-
    tibble(name_var = as.character())

  if(as_data_dict_mlstr == TRUE){
      "    Assess the standard adequacy of naming")
    test_name_standards  <- 
"    Assess the presence of variable names both in dataset and data dictionary")
  test_matching_variable <-
    check_dataset_variables(dataset, data_dict) %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$`name_var` != '___mlstr_index___') %>% 
        .data$`condition`,"Variable only present") & !is.na(.data$`name_var`)) 
    "    Assess the presence of possible duplicated variable in the dataset")
  if(nrow(dataset) > 0 & ncol(dataset %>% select(-matches('___mlstr_index___'))) > 1) {
    test_duplicated_columns <-
        dataset %>% select(-matches('___mlstr_index___'))) %>%
      rename(name_var = "col_name") %>%
        value = str_squish(
          str_remove(.data$`condition`,'Possible duplicated columns:')),
        condition = "[INFO] - Possible duplicated columns") %>%
    "    Assess the presence of duplicated participants in the dataset")
  if(nrow(dataset) > 0){                                                        #icitte
    test_duplicated_rows <-
      get_duplicated_rows(zap_dataset) %>%
      rename(value = "row_number") %>%
      # mutate(
      #   condition = "[INFO] - Duplicated observations") %>%
      # mutate(
      #   value = str_remove(
      #     .data$`condition`,
      #     "\\[INFO\\] - Duplicated observations : ")) %>%
      add_index('madshapR::index') %>%
      separate_rows("value",sep = " ; ") %>%
      group_by(.data$`madshapR::index`) %>%
      add_index('madshapR::index2') %>%
    if(col_id != "___mlstr_index___"){
      test_duplicated_rows <- 
        test_duplicated_rows %>%
        rename('madshapR::value' = 'value') %>%
        left_join(by = 'madshapR::value',
                  dataset %>% select(all_of(col_id)) %>%
                    add_index('madshapR::value') %>%
                    mutate(across(everything(), as.character))) %>%
        rename('value' = any_of(!!as.symbol('col_id'))) %>%
    test_duplicated_rows <- 
      test_duplicated_rows %>%
      slice(1:6) %>%
        value = 
          ifelse(.data$`madshapR::index2` == 6 , "[...]",.data$`value`)) %>%
      summarise(`value` = paste0(.data$`value`, collapse = " ; ")) %>%
      mutate(condition = "[INFO] - possible duplicated row values") %>%
        `name_var` = 
          ifelse(col_id == "___mlstr_index___",NA_character_, !! col_id)) %>%
  if(nrow(dataset) > 0){
    message("    Assess the presence of unique value columns in dataset")
    test_unique_value <-
      get_unique_value_cols(zap_dataset) %>%
      mutate(condition = "[INFO] - unique value in the column") %>%
      rename(`name_var` = "col_name") %>%
    "    Assess the presence of empty rows in the data dictionary")
  test_empty_row <-
    get_all_na_rows(zap_dataset) %>%
    rename('value' = "row_number") %>%
      condition =
        "[INFO] - Empty participant(s) (Except participant identifier column)")
  if(col_id != "___mlstr_index___"){
    test_empty_row <- 
      test_empty_row %>%
      rename('madshapR::value' = 'value') %>%
      left_join(by = 'madshapR::value',
                dataset %>% select(all_of(col_id)) %>% 
                  add_index('madshapR::value') %>%
                  mutate(across(everything(), as.character))) %>%
      rename('value' = !!as.symbol(col_id)) %>%
    "    Assess the presence all NA(s) of columns in the data dictionary")
  test_empty_col <-
    get_all_na_cols(dataset) %>%
    mutate(condition = "[INFO] - empty column") %>%
    rename(`name_var` = "col_name")
    "    Assess the presence of categories not in the data dictionary")
  test_existing_variable_category <-
      check_dataset_categories(dataset,data_dict) %>%
        distinct() %>% group_by(.data$`name_var`,.data$`condition`) %>%
          `value` = paste0(.data$`value`, collapse = " ; "))
      }) %>%
  if(valueType_guess == TRUE){
      "    Assess the `valueType` comparison in dataset and data dictionary")
    test_valueType <-
       dataset = zap_dataset, 
       data_dict = data_dict['Variables'],valueType_guess = TRUE)}
  # test_name_standards
  # test_matching_variable
  # test_duplicated_columns
  # test_duplicated_rows
  # test_empty_row
  # test_empty_col
  # test_unique_value
  # test_existing_variable_category
  # test_valueType
  report$`Dataset assessment` <-
    test_name_standards %>%
    bind_rows(test_matching_variable) %>%
    bind_rows(test_duplicated_columns) %>%
    bind_rows(test_duplicated_rows) %>%
    bind_rows(test_empty_row) %>%
    bind_rows(test_empty_col) %>%
    bind_rows(test_unique_value) %>%
    bind_rows(test_existing_variable_category) %>%
    bind_rows(test_valueType) %>%
      name = "name_var",
      `Quality assessment comment` = "condition", everything()) %>%
    mutate(across(everything(), ~ as.character(.))) %>%
    distinct() %>% tibble %>%
      report$`Data dictionary summary` %>%
        select("index", "name"),
      by = 'name') %>% 
    select('index in data dict.' = "index", "name", everything()) %>%
    arrange(.data$`index in data dict.`)
  message("    Generate report")
  if(nrow(report$`Dataset assessment`) == 0){
    message("\n    The dataset contains no error/warning.")
    report$`Dataset assessment` <- NULL
  - WARNING MESSAGES (if any): -------------------------------------------------
  report <-   
    report %>%
      y %>%
        lapply(function(x) str_trunc(x, 10000)) %>%

#' @title
#' Generate an assessment report of a dossier
#' @description
#' Assesses the content and structure of a dossier object (list of datasets) 
#' and generates reports of the results. This function can be used to evaluate 
#' data structure, presence of specific fields, coherence across elements, and 
#' data dictionary formats.
#' @details
#' A dossier is a named list containing at least one data frame or more, 
#' each of them being datasets. The name of each data frame will be use as the 
#' reference name of the dataset.
#' A taxonomy is a classification schema that can be defined for variable 
#' attributes. A taxonomy is usually extracted from an 
#' [Opal environment](https://www.obiba.org/pages/products/opal/), and a 
#' taxonomy object is a data frame that must contain at least the columns 
#' `taxonomy`, `vocabulary`, and `terms`. Additional details about Opal 
#' taxonomies are 
#' [available online](https://opaldoc.obiba.org/en/latest/web-user-guide/administration/taxonomies.html).
#' The object may be specifically formatted to be compatible with additional 
#' [Maelstrom Research software](https://maelstrom-research.org/page/software), 
#' in particular [Opal environments](https://www.obiba.org/pages/products/opal/).
#' @param dossier List of data frame, each of them being datasets.
#' @param taxonomy An optional data frame identifying a variable classification 
#' schema.
#' @param as_data_dict_mlstr Whether the input data dictionary should be coerced 
#' with specific format restrictions for compatibility with other 
#' Maelstrom Research software. TRUE by default.
#' @returns
#' A list of data frames containing assessment reports.
#' @examples
#' {
#' # use madshapR_DEMO provided by the package
#' library(dplyr)
#' ###### Example : a dataset list is a dossier by definition.
#' dataset <- as_dataset(
#'    madshapR_DEMO$`dataset_TOKYO - errors with data`,
#'    col_id = 'part_id') %>% slice(0)
#' dossier <- as_dossier(list(dataset = dataset))
#' glimpse(dossier_evaluate(dossier,as_data_dict_mlstr = FALSE))
#' }
#' @import dplyr stringr tidyr
#' @importFrom crayon bold
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
dossier_evaluate <- function(
    dossier, taxonomy = NULL, as_data_dict_mlstr = TRUE){
  # amelioration :rajouter taxonomy
  # check on arguments
  if(!is.null(taxonomy)) as_taxonomy(taxonomy)
    stop(call. = FALSE,
         '`as_data_dict_mlstr` must be TRUE or FALSE (TRUE by default)')
  report_list <-
    vector(mode = "list", length = length(names(dossier)))
  names(report_list) <- names(dossier)
    "- DOSSIER ASSESSMENT: ----------------------------------------------------"
  for(i in seq_len(length(dossier))){
    # stop()}
    report_list[[i]] <-
        dataset = dossier[[i]],
        taxonomy = taxonomy,
        dataset_name = names(dossier[i]),
        as_data_dict_mlstr = as_data_dict_mlstr)

#' @title
#' Generate an assessment report for a data dictionary
#' @description
#' Assesses the content and structure of a data dictionary and generates reports 
#' of the results. The report can be used to help assess data dictionary 
#' structure, presence of fields, coherence across elements, and taxonomy 
#' or data dictionary formats.
#' @details
#' A data dictionary contains the list of variables in a dataset and metadata 
#' about the variables and can be associated with a dataset. A data dictionary 
#' object is a list of data frame(s) named 'Variables' (required) and 
#' 'Categories' (if any). To be usable in any function, the data frame 
#' 'Variables' must contain at least the `name` column, with all unique and 
#' non-missing entries, and the data frame 'Categories' must contain at least 
#' the `variable` and `name` columns, with unique combination of 
#' `variable` and `name`. The function truncates each cell to a maximum of 
#' 10000 characters, to be readable and compatible with Excel.
#' A taxonomy is a classification schema that can be defined for variable 
#' attributes. A taxonomy is usually extracted from an 
#' [Opal environment](https://www.obiba.org/pages/products/opal/), and a 
#' taxonomy object is a data frame that must contain at least the columns 
#' `taxonomy`, `vocabulary`, and `terms`. Additional details about Opal 
#' taxonomies are 
#' [available online](https://opaldoc.obiba.org/en/latest/web-user-guide/administration/taxonomies.html).
#' The object may be specifically formatted to be compatible with additional 
#' [Maelstrom Research software](https://maelstrom-research.org/page/software), 
#' in particular [Opal environments](https://www.obiba.org/pages/products/opal/).
#' @param data_dict A list of data frame(s) representing metadata to be evaluated.
#' @param taxonomy An optional data frame identifying a variable classification 
#' schema.
#' @param as_data_dict_mlstr Whether the input data dictionary should be coerced 
#' with specific format restrictions for compatibility with other 
#' Maelstrom Research software. TRUE by default.
#' @returns
#' A list of data frames containing assessment reports.
#' @examples
#' {
#' # use madshapR_DEMO provided by the package
#' library(dplyr)
#' data_dict <- madshapR_DEMO$`data_dict_TOKYO - errors`
#' glimpse(data_dict_evaluate(data_dict))
#' }
#' @import dplyr tidyr stringr fabR
#' @importFrom crayon bold
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
data_dict_evaluate <- function(
    taxonomy = NULL,
    as_data_dict_mlstr = TRUE){
  fargs <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))
  data_dict_name <-
    silently_run(make_name_list(args_list = fargs['data_dict'], list(NULL)))
  # check args
    stop(call. = FALSE,
         '`as_data_dict_mlstr` must be TRUE or FALSE (TRUE by default)')
  # check on arguments : data_dict
  data_dict[['Variables']] <-
    data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
    add_index(.force = TRUE)
  data_dict <- data_dict[c('Variables','Categories')]
  data_dict <-
    data_dict[!is.na(names(data_dict))] %>%
    lapply(function(x) x %>% mutate(across(everything(),as.character)))
  # add label, valueType and missing if don't exist
  if(as_data_dict_mlstr == TRUE){
    data_dict[['Variables']] <-
      data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
      bind_rows(tibble(valueType = as.character()))
      data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
      select(matches(c("^label$","^label:[[:alnum:]]"))))) == 0){
      data_dict[['Variables']] <-
        data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
        bind_rows(tibble(label = as.character()))
    if(sum(nrow(data_dict[['Categories']])) > 0){
      data_dict[['Categories']] <-
        data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
        bind_rows(tibble(missing = as.character()))
        data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
        select(matches(c("^label$","^label:[[:alnum:]]"))))) == 0){
        data_dict[['Categories']] <-
          data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
          bind_rows(tibble(label = as.character()))
  # check on arguments : taxonomy
  if(!is.null(taxonomy)) taxonomy <- as_taxonomy(taxonomy)
"- DATA DICTIONARY ASSESSMENT: ",bold(data_dict_name)," --------------")
  # creation of the structure of the report
  report <- list()
  report$`Data dictionary summary` <-
  report$`Data dictionary summary` <-
    tibble(report$`Data dictionary summary`[['Variables']] %>%
               everything())) %>%
    mutate(index = as.integer(.data$`index`))
  test_name_standards <-
    test_unique_variable <-
    test_duplicated_columns <-
    # test_duplicated_rows <-
    test_empty_row <-
    test_empty_col <-
    test_existing_variable_category <-
    test_var_label <-
    test_valueType <-
    test_cat_label <-
    test_missing_category <-
    tibble(name_var = as.character())
  if(as_data_dict_mlstr == TRUE){
    message("    Assess the standard adequacy of naming")
    test_name_standards  <-
      check_name_standards(data_dict[['Variables']][['name']]) %>%
        col_name = "name",
        sheet    = "Variables") %>%
        if(sum(nrow(data_dict[['Categories']])) > 0 ){
          check_name_standards(data_dict[['Categories']][['variable']]) %>%
              col_name = "name",
              sheet    = "Categories")
        }else{tibble(name_var = as.character())})
  message("    Assess the uniqueness of variable names")
  test_unique_variable <-
    check_data_dict_variables(data_dict) %>%
      col_name = "name",
      sheet    = "Variables")
  message("    Assess the presence of possible duplicated columns")
  test_duplicated_columns <-
    suppressWarnings(get_duplicated_cols(data_dict[['Variables']])) %>%
    mutate(condition = as.character(ifelse(.data$`condition` == 
      "Possible duplicated columns: name ; label",NA_character_,.data$`condition`))) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$`condition`)) %>%
    mutate(sheet     = "Variables") %>%
    mutate(across(everything())) %>%
      if(sum(nrow(data_dict[['Categories']])) > 0 ){
        suppressWarnings(get_duplicated_cols(data_dict[['Categories']])) %>%
          mutate(condition = as.character(ifelse(.data$`condition` == 
            "Possible duplicated columns: name ; label",NA_character_,.data$`condition`))) %>%
          dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$`condition`)) %>%
          mutate(sheet    = "Categories")
      }else{tibble()}) %>%
    mutate(value     = str_squish(
             str_remove(.data$`condition`,"Possible duplicated columns:")),
           condition = "[INFO] - Possible duplicated columns") 
  # message("    Assess the presence of duplicated variable in the dataset")
  # test_duplicated_rows <-
  #   get_duplicated_rows(
  #     data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
  #       bind_rows(data_dict[['Variables']] %>% slice(1:3)) %>%
  #       select(-"name")) %>%
  #   add_index("condition_index") %>%
  #   separate_rows("row_number",sep = " ; ") %>%
  #   mutate(index = as.integer(.data$`row_number`)) %>%
  #   full_join(data_dict[['Variables']] %>% add_index(.force = TRUE),
  #                                                            by = "index") %>%
  #   dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$`condition`)) %>%
  #   select(col_name = "name") %>%
  #   summarise(col_name = paste0(.data$`col_name`, collapse = " ; ")) %>%
  #   dplyr::filter(col_name != "''") %>%
  #   mutate(
  #     condition = "[INFO] - possible duplicated rows (variables)",
  #     sheet    = "Variables")
  message("    Assess the presence of empty rows in the data dictionary")
  test_empty_row <-
    data_dict[['Variables']] %>% select(-"name", everything()) %>%
    get_all_na_rows() %>%
      value = paste0("row number: ", .data$`row_number`), 
      sheet    = "Variables",
      condition = "[INFO] - Empty line(s)",
      sheet    = "Variables") %>% 
  if(sum(nrow(data_dict[['Categories']])) > 0){
    test_empty_row <-
      test_empty_row %>%
        data_dict[['Categories']] %>% select(-"variable", everything()) %>%
          get_all_na_rows() %>%
            value = paste0("row number: ", .data$`row_number`), 
            sheet    = "Variables",
            condition = "[INFO] - Empty line(s)",
            sheet    = "Categories") %>% 
  message("    Assess the presence of empty columns in the data dictionary")
  test_empty_col <-
      data_dict[['Variables']] %>% select(-"name")) %>%
    mutate(sheet    = "Variables",
           condition = "[INFO] - Empty column") %>%
      if(sum(nrow(data_dict[['Categories']])) > 0 ){
          data_dict[['Categories']] %>% select(-"variable")) %>%
          mutate(sheet    = "Categories",
                 condition = "[INFO] - Empty column")
  if(sum(nrow(data_dict[['Categories']])) > 0){
    message("    Assess the presence of categories not in the data dictionary")
    test_existing_variable_category <-
      suppressWarnings(check_data_dict_categories(data_dict)) %>%
        col_name = "variable",
        sheet    = "Categories")
  if(as_data_dict_mlstr == TRUE){
      "    Assess the completion of `label(:xx)` column in 'Variables'")
    test_var_label <-
      data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
        label = matches(c("^label$","^label:[[:alnum:]]"))[1]) %>%
      # dplyr::filter(if_any(-.data$`label`, ~ is.na(.))) %>%
        cols = !.data$`name`,
        names_to = "col_name",
        values_to = "value") %>%
      dplyr::filter(is.na(.data$`value`)) %>%
      select(name_var = "name", "col_name") %>%
        col_name = names(
          data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
        condition =
"[ERR] - The column `label(:xx)` must exist contain no 'NA' values")) %>%
      mutate(sheet    = "Variables")
    message("    Assess the `valueType` column in 'Variables'")
    test_valueType <-
      check_data_dict_valueType(data_dict) %>%
        col_name = "valueType",
        sheet    = "Variables")
    if(sum(nrow(data_dict[['Categories']])) > 0){
"    Assess presence and completion of `label(:xx)` column in 'Categories'")
      test_cat_label <-
        data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
          label = matches(c("^label$","^label:[[:alnum:]]"))[1]) %>%
        # dplyr::filter(if_any(-.data$`label`, ~ is.na(.))) %>%
          cols = !.data$`name`,
          names_to = "col_name",
          values_to = "value") %>%
        dplyr::filter(is.na(.data$`value`)) %>%
        select(name_var = "name", "col_name") %>%
          col_name =
            names(data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
          condition =
"[ERR] - The column `label(:xx)` must exist contain no 'NA' values")) %>%
        mutate(sheet    = "Categories")
      test_missing_category <- tibble()
      if(sum(nrow(data_dict[['Categories']])) > 0){
        message("    Assess the logical values of missing column in Categories")
        test_missing_category <- 
          check_data_dict_missing_categories(data_dict) %>%
            col_name = "missing",
            sheet    = "Categories")}
  # test_var_label
  # test_valueType
  # test_name_standards
  # test_unique_variable
  # test_existing_variable_category
  # test_cat_label
  # test_missing_category
  # test_duplicated_columns
  # # test_duplicated_rows
  # test_empty_row
  # test_empty_col
  report$`Data dictionary assessment` <-
    test_name_standards %>%
    bind_rows(test_unique_variable) %>%
    bind_rows(test_duplicated_columns) %>%
    # bind_rows(test_duplicated_rows) %>%
    bind_rows(test_empty_row) %>%
    bind_rows(test_empty_col) %>%
    bind_rows(test_existing_variable_category) %>%
    bind_rows(test_var_label) %>%
    bind_rows(test_valueType) %>%
    bind_rows(test_cat_label) %>%
    bind_rows(test_missing_category) %>%
      "Quality assessment comment" = "condition",
      matches("value"), matches("suggestion")) %>%
    arrange(desc(.data$`sheet`),.data$`col_name`,.data$`name_var`) %>%
    mutate(across(everything(), ~ as.character(.))) %>%
    distinct() %>% tibble
  message("    Generate report")
  if(nrow(report$`Data dictionary assessment`) == 0){
    message("\n    The data dictionary contains no error/warning.")
    report$`Data dictionary assessment` <- NULL
  - WARNING MESSAGES (if any): --------------------------------------------\n"))
  report <-   
    report %>%
      y %>%
        lapply(function(x) str_trunc(x, 10000)) %>%


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madshapR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:43 a.m.