#' @title Indirect Effect (No
#' Bootstrapping)
#' @description It computes an indirect
#' effect, optionally conditional on the
#' value(s) of moderator(s) if present.
#' @details This function is a low-level
#' function called by
#' [indirect_effect()],
#' [cond_indirect_effects()], and
#' [cond_indirect()], which call this
#' function multiple times if bootstrap
#' confidence interval is requested.
#' This function usually should not be
#' used directly. It is exported for
#' advanced users and developers
#' @return It returns an
#' `indirect`-class object. This class
#' has the following methods:
#' [coef.indirect()],
#' [print.indirect()]. The
#' [confint.indirect()] method is used
#' only when called by [cond_indirect()]
#' or [cond_indirect_effects()].
#' @param x Character. The name of the
#' predictor at the start of the path.
#' @param y Character. The name of the
#' outcome variable at the end of the
#' path.
#' @param m A vector of the variable
#' names of the mediator(s). The path
#' goes from the first mediator
#' successively to the last mediator. If
#' `NULL`, the default, the path goes
#' from `x` to `y`.
#' @param fit The fit object. Currently
#' only supports [lavaan::lavaan-class]
#' objects. Support for lists of [lm()]
#' output is implemented by high level
#' functions such as [indirect_effect()]
#' and [cond_indirect_effects()].
#' It can also be
#' a `lavaan.mi` object
#' returned by
#' [semTools::runMI()] or
#' its wrapper, such as [semTools::sem.mi()].
#' @param est The output of
#' [lavaan::parameterEstimates()]. If
#' `NULL`, the default, it will be
#' generated from `fit`. If supplied,
#' `fit` will be ignored.
#' @param implied_stats Implied means,
#' variances, and covariances of
#' observed variables and latent
#' variables (if any), of the form of
#' the output of [lavaan::lavInspect()]
#' with `what` set to `"implied"`, but
#' with means extracted with `what` set
#' to `"mean.ov"` and `""`. The
#' standard deviations are extracted
#' from this object for standardization.
#' Default is `NULL`, and implied
#' statistics will be computed from
#' `fit` if required.
#' @param wvalues A numeric vector of
#' named elements. The names are the
#' variable names of the moderators, and
#' the values are the values to which
#' the moderators will be set to.
#' Default is `NULL`.
#' @param standardized_x Logical.
#' Whether `x` will be standardized.
#' Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param standardized_y Logical.
#' Whether `y` will be standardized.
#' Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param computation_digits The number
#' of digits in storing the computation
#' in text. Default is 3.
#' @param prods The product terms found.
#' For internal use.
#' @param get_prods_only IF `TRUE`, will
#' quit early and return the product
#' terms found. The results can be
#' passed to the `prod` argument when
#' calling this function. Default is
#' `FALSE`. For internal use.
#' @param data Data frame (optional). If
#' supplied, it will be used to identify
#' the product terms. For internal use.
#' @param expand Whether products of
#' more than two terms will be searched.
#' `TRUE` by default. For internal use.
#' @param warn If `TRUE`, the default,
#' the function will warn against
#' possible misspecification, such as
#' not setting the value of a moderator
#' which moderate one of the component
#' path. Set this to `FALSE` will
#' suppress these warnings. Suppress
#' them only when the moderators are
#' omitted intentionally.
#' @param allow_mixing_lav_and_obs If
#' `TRUE`, it accepts a path with both
#' latent variables and observed
#' variables. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param group Either the group number
#' as appeared in the [summary()]
#' or [lavaan::parameterEstimates()]
#' output of an `lavaan`-class object,
#' or the group label as used in
#' the `lavaan`-class object.
#' Used only when the number of
#' groups is greater than one. Default
#' is NULL.
#' @seealso [indirect_effect()],
#' [cond_indirect_effects()], and
#' [cond_indirect()], the high level
#' functions that should usually be
#' used.
#' @examples
#' library(lavaan)
#' dat <- modmed_x1m3w4y1
#' mod <-
#' "
#' m1 ~ a1 * x + b1 * w1 + d1 * x:w1
#' m2 ~ a2 * m1 + b2 * w2 + d2 * m1:w2
#' m3 ~ a3 * m2 + b3 * w3 + d3 * m2:w3
#' y ~ a4 * m3 + b4 * w4 + d4 * m3:w4
#' "
#' fit <- sem(mod, dat, meanstructure = TRUE,
#' fixed.x = FALSE, se = "none", baseline = FALSE)
#' est <- parameterEstimates(fit)
#' wvalues <- c(w1 = 5, w2 = 4, w3 = 2, w4 = 3)
#' # Compute the conditional indirect effect by indirect_i()
#' indirect_1 <- indirect_i(x = "x", y = "y", m = c("m1", "m2", "m3"), fit = fit,
#' wvalues = wvalues)
#' # Manually compute the conditional indirect effect
#' indirect_2 <- (est[est$label == "a1", "est"] +
#' wvalues["w1"] * est[est$label == "d1", "est"]) *
#' (est[est$label == "a2", "est"] +
#' wvalues["w2"] * est[est$label == "d2", "est"]) *
#' (est[est$label == "a3", "est"] +
#' wvalues["w3"] * est[est$label == "d3", "est"]) *
#' (est[est$label == "a4", "est"] +
#' wvalues["w4"] * est[est$label == "d4", "est"])
#' # They should be the same
#' coef(indirect_1)
#' indirect_2
#' @export
indirect_i <- function(x,
m = NULL,
fit = NULL,
est = NULL,
implied_stats = NULL,
wvalues = NULL,
standardized_x = FALSE,
standardized_y = FALSE,
computation_digits = 5,
prods = NULL,
get_prods_only = FALSE,
data = NULL,
expand = TRUE,
warn = TRUE,
allow_mixing_lav_and_obs = TRUE,
group = NULL) {
if (is.null(est)) {
est <- lav_est(fit)
ngroups <- 1
if (!is.null(est$group)) {
if (max(est$group) > 1) {
ngroups <- max(est$group)
if ((ngroups > 1) &&
!is.numeric(group) &&
!is.character(group)) {
stop("The model has more than one group but group is not set.")
if (ngroups > 1) {
group_labels_all <- lavaan::lavTech(fit,
if (is.numeric(group)) {
group_label <- group_labels_all[group]
group_number <- group
} else {
group_number <- match(group, group_labels_all)
group_label <- group
} else {
group_labels_all <- NULL
group_number <- NULL
group_label <- NULL
chkpath <- check_path(x = x, y = y, m = m, fit = fit, est = est)
if (!chkpath) {
msg <- paste0("No path from ", sQuote(x), " to ", sQuote(y),
ifelse(is.null(m), "",
paste0(" through ",
paste0(sQuote(m), collapse = ", "))),
". ",
"Please check the arguments x, y, and m.")
y0 <- y
p <- length(m) + 1
bs <- rep(NA, p)
xs <- c(x, m)
ys <- c(m, y)
bs_names <- paste0(ys, "~", xs)
bs <- mapply(get_b,
x = xs,
y = ys,
MoreArgs = list(est = est,
group_number = group_number))
bs_org <- bs
names(bs_org) <- bs_names
chk_lv <- unique(c(xs, ys)) %in% check_lv_in_est(est)
if (!allow_mixing_lav_and_obs) {
if (isTRUE(any(chk_lv)) && !isTRUE(all(chk_lv))) {
stop("Does not support paths with both latent and observed variables")
lv_obs <- "lv_obs"
if (isTRUE(all(chk_lv))) {
lv_obs <- "all_lv"
if (isTRUE(all(!chk_lv))) {
lv_obs <- "all_obs"
if (is.null(prods)) {
if (isTRUE(any(chk_lv))) {
prods_lv <- mapply(get_prod,
x = xs,
y = ys,
operator = "_x_",
MoreArgs = list(est = est),
if (isFALSE(all(chk_lv))) {
if (is.null(data)) {
# Try to get the data from fit
if (!is.null(fit)) {
fit_type <- cond_indirect_check_fit(fit)
data <- switch(fit_type,
lavaan = lav_data_used(fit, drop_colon = FALSE),
lavaan.mi = lav_data_used(fit, drop_colon = FALSE),
lm = lm2ptable(fit)$data)
if (!is.null(fit)) {
prods_obs <- mapply(get_prod,
x = xs,
y = ys,
MoreArgs = list(fit = fit,
data = data,
expand = expand),
} else {
prods_obs <- mapply(get_prod,
x = xs,
y = ys,
MoreArgs = list(est = est,
data = data,
expand = expand),
if (lv_obs == "lv_obs") {
# Combine prods
tmp1 <- length(prods_lv)
prods <- prods_lv
for (tmp2 in seq_len(tmp1)) {
if (!identical(prods_obs[[tmp2]], NA)) {
prods[tmp2] <- prods_obs[tmp2]
} else {
prods <- switch(lv_obs,
all_lv = prods_lv,
all_obs = prods_obs)
# # Old version
# # Delete if the version above works
# if (isTRUE(all(chk_lv))) {
# prods <- mapply(get_prod,
# x = xs,
# y = ys,
# operator = "_x_",
# MoreArgs = list(est = est),
# } else {
# if (is.null(data)) {
# # Try to get the data from fit
# if (!is.null(fit)) {
# fit_type <- cond_indirect_check_fit(fit)
# data <- switch(fit_type,
# lavaan = lav_data_used(fit, drop_colon = FALSE),
# lavaan.mi = lav_data_used(fit, drop_colon = FALSE),
# lm = lm2ptable(fit)$data)
# }
# }
# if (!is.null(fit)) {
# prods <- mapply(get_prod,
# x = xs,
# y = ys,
# MoreArgs = list(fit = fit,
# data = data,
# expand = expand),
# } else {
# prods <- mapply(get_prod,
# x = xs,
# y = ys,
# MoreArgs = list(est = est,
# data = data,
# expand = expand),
# }
# }
} else {
# prods is supplied.
# Need to update the estimates
prods <- update_prods(prods, est)
if (get_prods_only) return(prods)
names(prods) <- ys
if (!is.null(wvalues)) {
tmpfct <- function(xi) {
if (all( return(0)
if (is.null(xi$prod)) return(0)
b_i <- xi$b
w_i <- xi$w
if (is.list(w_i)) {
w_i0 <- sapply(w_i, paste0, collapse = ":")
} else {
w_i0 <- w_i
wvalues_i <- mapply(function(b1, w1, wvalues) {
b1 = b_i,
w1 = w_i,
MoreArgs = list(wvalues = wvalues))
wv_na <-
if (isTRUE(any(wv_na))) {
wvalues_i[wv_na] <- 0
names(wvalues_i) <- w_i0
sum(b_i * wvalues_i)
prods_tmp <- prods_group_i(prods,
group_number = group_number)
b_cond <- sapply(prods_tmp, tmpfct)
bs <- bs + b_cond
} else {
b_cond <- rep(NA, length(bs))
b_cond_str <- mapply(gen_computation, xi = prods, yi = bs_org,
yiname = names(bs_org),
MoreArgs = list(digits = computation_digits,
y = y,
wvalues = wvalues,
warn = warn,
group_number = group_number),
b_all_str0 <- paste0("(", b_cond_str, ")", collapse = "*")
b_all_str1 <- paste0("(", sapply(b_cond_str, names), ")", collapse = "*")
names(bs) <- bs_names
b_all <- prod(bs)
scale_x <- 1
scale_y <- 1
if (standardized_x || standardized_y) {
if (is.null(implied_stats)) {
implied_stats <- lav_implied_all(fit)
if (!is.null(group_number)) {
implied_stats <- implied_stats_group_i(implied_stats,
group_number = group_number)
if (standardized_x) {
scale_x <- sqrt(diag(implied_stats$cov)[x])
b_all_str0 <- paste0(b_all_str0, "*(",
formatC(scale_x, digits = computation_digits,
format = "f"), ")")
b_all_str1 <- paste0(b_all_str1, "*",
"sd_", names(scale_x))
if (standardized_y) {
scale_y <- sqrt(diag(implied_stats$cov)[y])
b_all_str0 <- paste0(b_all_str0, "/(",
formatC(scale_y, digits = computation_digits,
format = "f"), ")")
b_all_str1 <- paste0(b_all_str1, "/",
"sd_", names(scale_y))
b_all_final <- b_all * scale_x / scale_y
out <- list(indirect = unname(b_all_final),
indirect_raw = unname(b_all),
components = bs_org,
components_conditional = bs,
call =,
scale_x = scale_x,
scale_y = scale_y,
standardized_x = standardized_x,
standardized_y = standardized_y,
wvalues = wvalues,
x = x,
y = y,
m = m,
computation_values = b_all_str0,
computation_symbols = b_all_str1,
group_number = group_number,
group_label = group_label)
class(out) <- "indirect"
#' @noRd
gen_computation <- function(xi, yi, yiname, digits = 3, y, wvalues = NULL,
warn = TRUE,
group_number = NULL) {
yiname_old <- yiname
yiname <- paste0("b.", yiname)
if (all( || is.null(xi$prod)) {
out <- formatC(yi, digits = digits, format = "f")
names(out) <- yiname
if (is.numeric(group_number)) {
tmp <- sapply(xi$b, function(xx) xx[group_number])
names(tmp) <- names(xi$b)
xi$b <- tmp
b_i <- xi$b
b_i0 <- paste0("b.", names(b_i))
w_i <- xi$w
if (is.list(w_i)) {
w_i0 <- sapply(w_i, paste0, collapse = ":")
w_i1 <- unique(unlist(w_i))
w_i2 <- sapply(w_i, paste0, collapse = "*")
} else {
w_i0 <- w_i
w_i1 <- w_i
w_i2 <- w_i
wvalues_i0 <- mapply(function(w1, wvalues) {
paste0(formatC(wvalues[w1], digits = digits, format = "f"),
collapse = "*")
w1 = w_i,
MoreArgs = list(wvalues = wvalues))
if (is.null(wvalues)) {
wvalues_i <- rep(0, length(w_i))
wvalues_i0 <- "(0)"
tmp <- paste0(paste0(w_i1, collapse = ", "),
" modelled as moderator(s) for the path ",
"from ", yiname_old, " to ", y,
" but not included in ", sQuote("wvalues"), ". ",
"This is equivalent to setting wvalues to zero ",
"in computing the effect, ",
"which may not be meaningful. Please check.")
if (warn) warning(tmp)
} else {
wvalues_i <- mapply(function(b1, w1, wvalues) {
b1 * prod(wvalues[w1])
b1 = b_i,
w1 = w_i,
MoreArgs = list(wvalues = wvalues))
wv_na <-
if (isTRUE(any(wv_na))) {
wvalues_i[wv_na] <- 0
wvalues_i0[wv_na] <- "0"
names(wvalues_i) <- w_i0
tmp0 <- unique(unlist(w_i[wv_na]))
tmp0 <- tmp0[!(tmp0 %in% names(wvalues))]
tmp <- paste0(paste0(tmp0, collapse = ", "),
" modelled as moderator(s) for the path ",
"from ", yiname_old, " to ", y,
" but not included in ", sQuote("wvalues"), ". ",
"They will be set to zero ",
"in computing the conditional effect, ",
"which may not be meaningful. Please check.")
if (warn) warning(tmp)
y0 <- yiname
out1 <- paste0(y0, " + ",
paste0("(", b_i0, ")*(", w_i2, ")",
collapse = " + "))
out2 <- tryCatch(paste0("(", formatC(yi, digits = digits, format = "f"),
") + ",
formatC(b_i, digits = digits, format = "f"),
collapse = " + ")), error = function(e) e)
names(out2) <- out1
#' @noRd
check_lv_in_est <- function(est) {
unique(est$lhs[est$op == "=~"] )
#' @noRd
update_prods <- function(prods, est) {
pout <- prods
tmpfct <- function(prods_i) {
pout_i <- prods_i
if (all( {
} else {
if (is.list(pout_i$b)) {
for (pp in pout_i$prod) {
est_i <- est[(est$lhs == prods_i$y) &
(est$op == "~") &
(est$rhs %in% pp), "est"]
pout_i$b[[pp]][] <- est_i
} else {
est_i <- est[(est$lhs == prods_i$y) &
(est$op == "~") &
(est$rhs %in% prods_i$prod), "est"]
pout_i$b <- est_i
names(pout_i$b) <- prods_i$prod
pout <- sapply(prods, tmpfct, simplify = FALSE)
#' @noRd
prods_group_i <- function(prods,
group_number = NULL) {
if (!is.numeric(group_number)) {
pout <- prods
for (i in seq_along(pout)) {
if (!identical(pout[[i]], NA)) {
tmp <- sapply(pout[[i]]$b, function(xx) xx[group_number])
names(tmp) <- names(pout[[i]]$b)
pout[[i]]$b <- tmp
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