Defines functions WR checkNamesWR loadCoordWR

Documented in checkNamesWR loadCoordWR WR

loadCoordWR <- function(unit = c("country", "nato", "ocde", "continent", "region", "subregion", "region_wb", "type_income", "type_economy"),
                        res = c("low", "hi"),
                        unit_subset = NULL, matchWith = NULL, dir = NULL,
                        use_cache = TRUE, use_internet = TRUE, crs = NULL)

  res <- match.arg(res, choices = eval(formals(loadCoordWR)$res))
  unit <- match.arg(unit, choices = eval(formals(loadCoordWR)$unit))

    crs <- mapping.options()$crs

  file <- paste("world_",unit,"_",res,".geojson", sep = "")
  nn <- paste("world_",unit,"_", res,sep = "")

  download <- TRUE
    fl <- list.files(tempdir())
    ck <- startsWith(file, fl)
    download <- !any(ck)




    if(substr(dir, str_length(dir),str_length(dir)) == "/")
      coord <- get(load(paste(dir, "world_",unit,"_",res,".RData", sep = "")))

      coord <- get(load(paste(dir, "/world_",unit,"_",res,".RData", sep = "")))

    internet <- has_internet()

    if(internet | use_internet)
      url <- paste("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mappinguniverse/geospatial/master/world/GeoJSON/", file, sep = "")
      response <- FALSE


        temp <- tempfile(pattern = nn, fileext = ".geojson")
        download.file(url, paste(tempdir(),file,sep = "/"))
        coord <- read_sf(dsn = paste(tempdir(),file,sep = "/"), as_tibble = FALSE)

        coord <-  get("world_low", pos = "package:mapping")
    coord <- read_sf(dsn = paste(tempdir(),file,sep = "/"), as_tibble = FALSE)


  coord <- st_transform(coord, crs = crs)
  coord <- st_make_valid(coord)
  class(coord) <- c(class(coord),"WR")
  attributes(coord)$unit <- unit
  attributes(coord)$colID <- unit


    if(unit != "country" | unit != "nato" | unit != "ocde")
      matchWith <- unit
      matchWith <- unit

    unit_subset <- tolower(unit_subset)
    unt <- tolower(coord[,matchWith, drop = TRUE])
    coord <- coord[ unt %in% unit_subset, ]


checkNamesWR <- function(id,
                        unit = c("country", "nato", "ocde", "continent", "region", "subregion", "region_wb", "type_income", "type_economy"),
                        matchWith = c("country", "iso2", "iso3", "iso3_eh", "iso3_numeric", "iso3_un", "iso2_wb", "iso3_wb", "name_formal", "name_wb"),
                        res = c("low", "hi"), return_logical = FALSE, print = TRUE, use_internet = TRUE)

  matchWith <- match.arg(matchWith, choices = eval(formals(checkNamesWR)$matchWith))
  res <- match.arg(res, choices = eval(formals(checkNamesWR)$res))
  unit <- match.arg(unit, choices = eval(formals(checkNamesWR)$unit))

  coord <- loadCoordWR(unit = unit, res = res, use_internet = use_internet)

  if(unit != "country" | unit != "nato" | unit != "ocde")
    matchWith <- unit

  Wr <- coord[[matchWith]]

    warning("id must be vector. The first column is considered")
    id <- id[,1]

  id <- tolower(id)
  Wr <- tolower(id)

  nomatch <- setdiff(x = id, y = Wr)

  ## NON FUNZIONA SISTEMARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  # if(any(nomatch))
  # {
  #   warning(paste(x[nomatch], ", ") , call. = FALSE)
  # }

  if(!length(nomatch) == 0 & isTRUE(print))
    warning(paste("No match found for variables: ", paste(nomatch, sep = ", ")) , call. = FALSE)

    nomatch <- id %in% Wr



WR <- function(data, colID = NULL,
               unit = c("country", "nato", "ocde", "continent", "region", "subregion", "region_wb", "type_income", "type_economy"),
               matchWith = c("country", "iso2", "iso3", "iso3_eh", "iso3_numeric", "iso3_un", "iso2_wb", "iso3_wb", "name_formal", "name_wb"),
               res = c("low", "hi"), show_wr = TRUE, subset = NULL, add = NULL, new_var_names = NULL,
               aggregation_fun = sum, aggregation_unit = NULL, aggregation_var = NULL,
               facets = NULL, check.unit.names = TRUE, dir = NULL, use_cache = TRUE, print = FALSE, use_internet = TRUE, crs = NULL)

  res <- match.arg(res, choices = eval(formals(WR)$res))
  matchWith <- match.arg(matchWith, choices = eval(formals(WR)$matchWith))

  if(inherits(data, "WR"))

    colID <- attributes(data)$colID
    year <- attributes(data)$year
    unit <- attributes(data)$unit
    colName <- colnames(data)[colID]
    coord <- loadCoordWR(unit = unit, res = res, use_cache = use_cache, use_internet = use_internet, crs = crs)
    out <- data

    unit <- match.arg(unit, choices = eval(formals(WR)$unit))

    data <- data.frame(data, check.names = FALSE)

      crs <- mapping.options()$crs

      colID <- 1



        colID <- which(names(data) == colID)


    coord <- loadCoordWR(unit = unit, res = res, use_cache = use_cache, use_internet = use_internet, crs = crs, dir = dir)
    coord[[matchWith]] <- tolower(coord[[matchWith]])
    data[,colID] <- tolower(data[,colID])

      wr <- coord[[matchWith]]
      dd <- setdiff(x = data[,colID, drop = TRUE], y = wr)
      if(!length(dd) == 0 & isTRUE(print))
        warning(paste("No match found for variables: ", paste(dd, sep = ", ")) , call. = FALSE)

      if(!inherits(add, "formula"))
        stop("add must be a formula.")

      data <- add.formula(data = data, formula = add, names = new_var_names)

    colName <- colnames(data)[colID]
    wh_colName <- colnames(coord) == matchWith

    wh_ck <- colnames(coord) %in% colnames(data)

    if( sum(wh_ck) >= 1)
      colnames(coord)[wh_ck] <- paste(colnames(coord)[wh_ck], "_load", sep = "")

    colnames(coord)[wh_colName] <- colName

    out <- suppressMessages(left_join(coord, data, by = (colName)))


      if(!inherits(subset, "formula"))
        stop("subset must be a formula.")

      out <- subset_formula(data = out, formula = subset)

        stop("aggregation_fun must be provided to aggregate data")

        stop("aggregation_var must be provided to aggregate data")

          aggregation_var <- colnames(data)[aggregation_var]
          if(!any(sapply(aggregation_var, function(x) x == colnames(out))))
            stop("Column names aggregation_var does not exist.", call. = FALSE)

      #year <- attributes(data)$year
      if(any(aggregation_unit %in% c("country", "nato", "ocde", "continent",
                                     "region", "subregion", "region_wb", "type_income",
        nm <- getNamesWR()
        if(unit == aggregation_unit)
          colnames(nm)[which(colnames(nm) == aggregation_unit)] <- colName
          aggregation_unit <- colName
          unit <- aggregation_unit

        if(is.null(facets)| isTRUE(facets == aggregation_var))

        out <- aggregate(x = out[,aggregation_var],
                         by = list(var = out[, aggregation_unit, drop = TRUE]), FUN = aggregation_fun)
        colnames(out)[1] <- aggregation_unit
        facets_join <- NULL


          if(!any(facets %in% colnames(out)))
            stop("facets name does not exit")

          dt <- lapply(levels(factor(out[,facets, drop = TRUE])), function(x) aggregate(x = out[out[,facets, drop = TRUE]==x, aggregation_var],
                                                                                        by = list(var = out[out[,facets, drop = TRUE]==x,aggregation_unit, drop = TRUE],
                                                                                                  var2 = out[out[,facets, drop = TRUE]==x,facets, drop = TRUE]),
                                                                                        FUN = aggregation_fun))

          out <- do.call("rbind", dt)
          class(out) <- c(class(out),"WR")

          colnames(out)[1] <- aggregation_unit

          if(any(facets %in% colnames(nm)))
            facets <- paste(facets,"_facets", sep = "")

          colnames(out)[2] <- facets
          facets_join <- facets


        out[,aggregation_unit] <- tolower(out[,aggregation_unit, drop = TRUE])
        nm[,aggregation_unit] <- as.character(tolower(nm[,aggregation_unit, drop = TRUE]))
        out[,aggregation_unit] = as.character(out[,aggregation_unit, drop = TRUE])
        out <- suppressWarnings(left_join(out, nm,c(aggregation_unit, facets_join)))


          if(is.null(facets)| isTRUE(facets == aggregation_var))

        out <- aggregate(x = out[,aggregation_var],
                         by = list(var = out[, aggregation_unit, drop = TRUE]), FUN = aggregation_fun)
        colnames(out)[1] <- aggregation_unit

            out <- lapply(levels(factor(out[,facets, drop = TRUE])), function(x) aggregate(x = out[out[,facets, drop = TRUE]==x, aggregation_var],
                                                                                           by = list(var = out[out[,facets, drop = TRUE]==x,aggregation_unit, drop = TRUE],
                                                                                                     var2 = out[out[,facets, drop = TRUE]==x,facets, drop = TRUE]),
                                                                                           FUN = aggregation_fun))

            out <- do.call("rbind", dt)

            colnames(out)[1] <- aggregation_unit
            colnames(out)[2] <- facets


      colID <- aggregation_unit
      colName <- aggregation_unit


        out <- out[out[,colName, drop = TRUE] %in% data[,colName],]


        out <- suppressMessages(left_join(coord, out[,-ncol(out), drop = TRUE]))

  class(out) <- c(class(out),"WR")
  attributes(out)$unit <- unit
  attributes(out)$colID <- colName


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mapping documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:10 a.m.