
Defines functions sw_dens rhoH2O_Chen

Documented in rhoH2O_Chen sw_dens

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## (Sea)water Density
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rhoH2O_Chen <- function(S = 0, t = 25, p) {
  if (any (S < 0))
    stop ("Salinity should be >= 0")

  # Chen, Ch.-T. and F.J. Millero (1986) - Precise thermodynamic
  # properties of natural waters covering only the limnological range.
  # Limnol. Oceanogr. 31 No. 3, 657 - 662
  # rho in g/cm^3
  # P in bar - surface = 0 bar.
  # t in deg C
  P <- p
  rho0 <- 0.9998395 + 0.000067914 * t -
          0.0000090894 * t * t + 0.00000010171 * t * t * t -
          0.0000000012846 * t ^ 4 + 0.000000000011592 * t ^ 5 -
          5.0125E-14 * t ^ 6 + (0.0008181 - 0.00000385 * t + 0.0000000496 * t * t) * S
  K    <- 19652.17 + 148.113 * t * -2.293 * t * t + 0.01256 * t ^ 3 - 0.0000418 * t ^ 4 +
       (3.2726 - 0.0002147 * t + 0.0001128 * t ^ 2) * P + (53.238 - 0.313 * t + 0.005728 * P) * S
  rho0 * (1 - P / K) ^ -1

sw_dens <- function(S=35, t=25, p=max(0, P-1.013253), P=1.013253,
                   method=c("Gibbs", "UNESCO", "Chen")) {
  if (any (S < 0))
    stop ("Salinity should be >= 0")
  method <- match.arg(method)

  dens <- switch(method,
    UNESCO  = rho(S = S, T = t, P = p),                # use seacarb function
    Chen    = 1000 * rhoH2O_Chen(S = S, t = t, p = p), # limnological range
    Gibbs   =  1 / sw_gibbs(S, t, p, dS = 0, dt = 0, dp = 1)
  attributes(dens) <-NULL    # remove "unit" attribute

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