
Defines functions get_contrast_data_character

get_contrast_data_character <- function(model,
                                        ...) {

    # factors store all levels, but characters do not, so we need to extract the
    # original data from the model.
    tmp <- modeldata

    # unsupported by insight (e.g., numpyro)
    if (is.null(tmp)) {
        tmp <- newdata

    levs <- sort(unique(tmp[[variable$name]]))

    # string shortcuts
    flag <- checkmate::check_choice(variable$value, c("reference", "revreference", "pairwise", "revpairwise", "sequential", "revsequential", "all", "minmax"))
    if (isTRUE(flag)) {
        levs_idx <- contrast_categories_shortcuts(levs, variable, interaction)

    # custom data frame or function
    } else if (isTRUE(checkmate::check_function(variable$value)) || isTRUE(checkmate::check_data_frame(variable$value))) {
        out <- contrast_categories_custom(variable, newdata)

    # vector of two values
    } else if (isTRUE(checkmate::check_atomic_vector(variable$value, len = 2))) {
        if (is.character(variable$value)) {
            tmp <- modeldata[[variable$name]]
            if (any(!variable$value %in% as.character(tmp))) {
                msg <- "Some of the values supplied to the `variables` argument were not found in the dataset."
            idx <- match(variable$value, as.character(tmp))
            levs_idx <- data.table::data.table(lo = tmp[idx[1]], hi = tmp[idx[[2]]])
        } else if (is.numeric(variable$value)) {
            tmp <- newdata[[variable$name]]
            levs_idx <- data.table::data.table(
                lo = as.character(variable$value[1]),
                hi = as.character(variable$value[2]))
        } else {
            levs_idx <- data.table::data.table(lo = variable$value[1], hi = variable$value[2])

    tmp <- contrast_categories_processing(first_cross, levs_idx, levs, variable, newdata)
    lo <- tmp[[1]]
    hi <- tmp[[2]]
    original <- tmp[[3]]

    lo[[variable$name]] <- lo[["marginaleffects_contrast_lo"]]
    hi[[variable$name]] <- hi[["marginaleffects_contrast_hi"]]
    contrast_label <- hi$marginaleffects_contrast_label
    contrast_null <- hi$marginaleffects_contrast_hi == hi$marginaleffects_contrast_lo

    tmp <- !grepl("^marginaleffects_contrast", colnames(lo))
    lo <- lo[, tmp, with = FALSE]
    hi <- hi[, tmp, with = FALSE]

    out <- list(rowid = original$rowid,
                lo = lo,
                hi = hi,
                original = original,
                ter = rep(variable$name, nrow(lo)), # lo can be different dimension than newdata
                lab = contrast_label,
                contrast_null = contrast_null)

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marginaleffects documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:03 a.m.