unmap: Indicator Variables given Classification

View source: R/util.R

unmapR Documentation

Indicator Variables given Classification


Converts a classification into a matrix of indicator variables.


  unmap(classification, groups=NULL, noise=NULL, ...)



A numeric or character vector. Typically the distinct entries of this vector would represent a classification of observations in a data set.


A numeric or character vector indicating the groups from which classification is drawn. If not supplied, the default is to assumed to be the unique entries of classification.


A single numeric or character value used to indicate the value of groups corresponding to noise.


Catches unused arguments in indirect or list calls via do.call.


An n by m matrix of (0,1) indicator variables, where n is the length of classification and m is the number of unique values or symbols in classification. Columns are labeled by the unique values in classification, and the [i,j]th entry is 1 if classification[i] is the jth unique value or symbol in sorted order classification. If a noise value of symbol is designated, the corresponding indicator variables are relocated to the last column of the matrix.

See Also

map, estep, me


z <- unmap(iris[,5])
z[1:5, ]
emEst <- me(modelName = "VVV", data = iris[,-5], z = z)

mclust documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:06 a.m.